Nine idlers

Chapter 706

Chapter Seven Hundred and Six

After Xu Changqing entered the Renli Tiangong formation in Jiezi Lingshan, the first feeling he felt here was that it was heavy. 【&】This kind of heaviness is not only physical, but also psychological, as if a hill is pressing on him, making him feel tired like never before, even psychologically. Overwhelmed by this feeling, he wanted to lie down and rest.

"What a powerful ancient will! Just a little residual breath is already so powerful. If you really sit down, I'm afraid you won't have a chance to get up." Xu Changqing breathed a sigh of relief, calmed down the abnormality in his heart, and looked around. .

At this moment, he was on an endless plain, the ground was as smooth and clean as a mirror, reflecting the surrounding scenes on the ground, extending to the distance and joining the sky and the earth, forming an endless void.Nothing can be seen here, everything is empty, and people feel unprecedented loneliness. This kind of loneliness may be nothing at first, but after a long time, it will affect people's sanity and gradually magnify, eventually making people feel lonely. People caught in this place either drive themselves insane or kill themselves.

Except for the dozens of human-shaped stone statues around Xu Changqing, there is no object around that can be used as a reference, and these dozen stone statues are all transformed from living people. They are people from the Buddhist world who broke into this place before. However, they failed to get out of this world, and finally died here. On the faces of the stone statues, they could still see the look of despair and loneliness before they died.

After Xu Changqing had a general understanding of the surrounding environment, suddenly a dazzling golden light condensed on his right hand, and then he saw his fist hit the ground hard.Although this punch is not as powerful as breaking the void, it also condenses the domineering power of the Five Elements Battle Art. A punch in other places is enough to crack the earth and shatter all the veins in the ground.However, after such a powerful fist fell on the ground here, there was no reaction, not even a small pothole appeared, as if his fist was weak like a ball of cotton.

"It's not blocking, it's absorbing. It actually absorbed all my power in an instant. This Renli Tiangong array is really extraordinary." Xu Changqing reached out and touched the ground, and said to himself: "The same spell , the consumption of mana is more than ten times that of the outside world, and the surrounding forces consume mana all the time. Unless there is a special way to block this effect, or like me, it can continuously absorb spiritual energy from the outside world to replenish mana, otherwise it is difficult for anyone Being able to survive in this environment for a long time, even the most powerful immortals may soon become mortals."

Xu Changqing turned around and checked the petrified cassocks and armors on the surface of the stone statues. Although these cassocks and armors had been petrified, the lines on the surface could still be clearly displayed.Even if these lines show only a part, it is enough for Xu Changqing to deduce its original appearance.

Soon Xu Changqing discovered that all the cassocks and armors had the same formation pattern on the pattern, but this formation pattern was not the formation pattern of the Buddhist realm, but the formation pattern of the Brahman God Realm.It's just that he has never seen this kind of divine formation, and can only tell from the above divine text and its structure that it should be a basic divine formation, and the specific effect is not yet clear.

Xu Changqing imitated this magical formation with mana and made it work. When the power of the formation was released, the pressure on him from the surroundings immediately weakened a lot, and he did not consume a lot of mana as before when casting spells.

"The effect is good, but not enough!" Xu Changqing broke up the magic formation. Although the effect of the magic formation was aimed at this kind of environment, the effect did not satisfy him. At this time, Xu Changqing deduced himself from the realm of Dao Heart The diagram of Renli Tiangong is displayed in the form of mana and wraps itself up.

When Xu Changqing completed the formation diagram of Renli Tiangong, all the scenes he saw before his eyes disappeared, including the endless mirror-shaped plain, and all he saw were countless lines and patterns composed of formation trajectory. Densely spread all around him.The trajectories of these formations are like vines wrapped around the surface of Xu Changqing's Renli Tiangong formation, and merged with the formations on the formation. Everything that happens in the picture is very clear.

Xu Changqing can feel that his Renli Tiangong array is closer to the Dao of Heaven and Earth, while the Renli Tiangong array of Jiezi Lingshan is closer to practicality.When the two Renli Tiangong formations were connected together, he seemed to feel that he could control all the changes of the two formations, but soon he discovered that this was just an illusion.Because Xu Changqing's Renli Tiangong array is only formed by the condensed magic power, it is barely feasible to use the resonance between the arrays to decipher the Renli Tiangong array of Jiezi Lingshan, but it is very difficult to control it.What's more, the map of Renli Tiangong in Jiezi Lingshan is not just a map, but also a treasure of the Great Dao. damaged.

"It turned out to be in the map of Yingzhao Tiangong! There is Zalin Garden." Xu Changqing quickly found his location through mastering the map of Renli Tiangong, and he also found the nearest safe place. The map is not very far away.Just when he was about to leave for the formation map of Zalin Garden, he stopped suddenly, looked at the center of the formation map with his eyes, and said in surprise: "Why does this treasure still exist? Wasn't it captured by Zhenwu back then?" Did the emperor break into pieces?"

I saw that in the core area of ​​the Yingzhao Tianzheng map, all the trajectory of the formation is connected with a dark glass mirror, and around this mirror, there is a sense of despair and pain. breath of will.

Xu Changqing is very familiar with this glazed mirror, because this glazed mirror belonged to Zhen Yuanzi back then, and from a certain point of view, it also has a certain relationship with this Jiezi Lingshan space.

The name of the mirror is the Mirror of Despair and Nothingness. It is formed by the fusion of various desperate and painful wills in the world and a strange stone in the world. Its function is to absorb various negative wills and release various negative wills.This strange stone was obtained by a Honghuang casual cultivator, and was refined into a mirror-shaped treasure. This treasure can kill people invisible.In the end, Zhen Yuanzi made a move, trapped it in the underground book, beheaded it, and took away the treasure, and this treasure became a treasure that Zhen Yuanzi often used against the enemy.In Zhen Yuanzi's memory, when he and Emperor Zhenwu taught this treasure for the first time, it was smashed into pieces by the sword of Great Destruction, and the power of turning nothingness contained in it completely destroyed it. should survive again.As for the fact that this treasure is also related to the space of the Mustard Seed Spirit Mountain, it is because this treasure comes from the Heart Demon Realm that constitutes the Kongji Buddha Realm.

"It's no wonder that the power here can affect people's hearts. It turns out that there is such a thing." Xu Changqing felt through the power trajectory that the role of the mirror of despair and nothingness in the entire Yingzhaotian is not indispensable, it just plays an auxiliary role. Taking it out will not affect Yingzhaotian or Renli Tiangong formation.

After discovering this, Xu Changqing was not polite, and through the connection of his Renli Tiangong array map, he was pulled by the power of the entire Yingzhaotian array map, moving towards the core area of ​​Yingzhaotian.He was like a drop of water melting into a stream, without disturbing the restriction in the array, he moved to the core area of ​​the Yingzhao Tian array with ease.

"So it's not the mirror of despair and nothingness!" Xu Changqing muttered in disappointment before approaching the core area.

Within this distance range, Xu Changqing has been able to clearly grasp the details of the mirror of despair in front of him, but this treasure is far from what he expected and hoped for.Although it is also the same as the treasure owned by Zhen Yuanzi in the prehistoric period, it is formed by the condensation of various negative wills from the heart demon world, but it has a fatal flaw, that is, the spiritual object as the mirror body is not from the prehistoric world. Treasures like strange stones are just ordinary sky-yin crystals.

Although the Tianyin spar was considered a good spiritual object in the ancient prehistoric period, it is obviously inferior to the unnamed heaven and earth strange stone by more than one grade, and the negative will to condense the mirror of despair and nothingness is also far away. It is far inferior to that of the past, which makes this treasure can only be regarded as a semi-finished product at best.According to Xu Changqing's estimate, it is not bad for this treasure to influence people who have not yet attained the Dao Fruit of the Celestial Immortal, but it is impossible for them to achieve the Dao Fruit of the Celestial Immortal even if it is the lowest little Celestial Celestial or the highest Happy Celestial Immortal. This treasure affects Dao Heart, not to mention the Golden Immortal Realm.

For Xu Changqing's Duobao avatar, this treasure is a bit tasteless, but he can give it to the avatar of the Devil Emperor of Myriad Tribulations in the Demon Realm. There is no lack of negative will in the Demon Realm, and the demon hearts of people in the Demon Realm are even stronger. It is easy to be influenced by this treasure, and I believe that this treasure can shine in the hands of the avatar of the Devil Emperor of Myriad Tribulations.

Thinking of this, Xu Changqing no longer hesitated, and quickly found the core of the formation map, and then overlapped his Renli Tiangong Yingzhao sky formation map, gradually penetrated into the formation core, and soon he was able to control the core around the core. Force.Then he stripped the formation power away from this treasure little by little, and re-formed a new formation trajectory that would not affect the Yingzhao Tian formation map.

"I want to run!" After the last trajectory of the force was drawn away, the despairing mirror of despair, which had been quiet all along, suddenly seemed to be pulled by some force, trying to take advantage of this gap to get out of control.

However, Xu Changqing, who had noticed the situation a long time ago, directly used his innate grapple, and a big hand rushed out from behind his head to hold it.Although it was still struggling violently, it still couldn't break free from Xu Changqing's grasp in the end. If it wasn't for Xu Changqing's fear that it would cause Yingzhaotian's abnormality and touch the prohibition of the array, maybe he would have directly evolved this desperate nothingness just now And the demonic energy that was born was dissipated, and it was completely returned to its original source.

"Huh? You've already given birth to spiritual wisdom!" Xu Changqing showed a little surprise when he retracted his innate grasp and held the mirror of despair and nothingness in his hand.Because he felt a faint breath of fear and begging for mercy from this treasure, which is different from the mania of negative will, but more like the agile nature of a young creature.


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