Nine idlers

Chapter 707 Accidental Entry

Chapter [-] Accidental Entry

"I didn't expect to be tricked by you in the end!" After thanking Xu Changqing, Guanyin Bodhisattva couldn't help but smiled bitterly and said. ∑ fly ㊣ ≥

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva knows very well that with his current situation, before the restriction of the heaven is lifted, his future identity will only be a powerful symbol of the Bodhisattva Vehicle in the Buddhist world, just like the one standing behind the Arhat Vehicle.His real power in the bodhisattva vehicle will be lost as he retreats in Xiaodongtian, and the power built around him will soon disintegrate, and some people who have been coveting for a long time will be annexed, unless he finds a powerful A capable and prestigious heir.

In fact, Xu Changqing traded to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva the method of exploring the secrets of the evolution of heaven and earth through the residual breath of ancient will.However, what Xu Changqing didn't expect was that after taking away the merit gold, he untied the shackles of fate on his body, allowing him to enter that realm naturally without any push, which was another mistake.

"Actually, the master didn't know that the outcome of the matter would be like this. Otherwise, he would have rejected it at the beginning, and he would not let me talk so much and offer you a deal that you can't refuse." Xu Changqing naturally didn't want it. Becoming the object of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's annoyance, even if Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva will lose the real power in his hands in the near future, he still has great influence. Effectiveness, and in the case of not tearing the face, this will not be conducive to Duobao's avatar to act in the Buddha world.

"You're right! I have indeed regarded this golden body of merit as a burden, and I'm tired of fighting in the Bodhisattva Vehicle, so I want to take this opportunity to get rid of it." Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva did not argue, and nodded straightforwardly. The realm has improved, and the state of mind has become different from before.Then he was silent for a while, and suddenly showed a strange smile, looked at Xu Changqing and said, "I wonder if Your Majesty is willing to take refuge in my Bodhisattva vehicle and accept my disciples in the Bodhisattva vehicle?"

Xu Changqing couldn't help being moved by the words of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's influence in the Bodhisattva Vehicle is extremely huge. From those who formally surrender to him to those who secretly fall to him, they occupy almost half of the Bodhisattva Vehicle. a lot of.

It's just that it's just the most ideal state. Although Xu Changqing has already established a great reputation in the Buddhist world, if he joins the Bodhisattva Vehicle, he must still be a newcomer. Even with the support of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva behind him, it is impossible for him to take over all the forces under his command .At that time, there will inevitably be a large number of people who will not accept his control and establish themselves. In this way, the power he controls is just an empty shell, and because he has lost a transcendent identity, he will be involved in the Bodhisattva Vehicle or the entire Buddha. The internal disputes in the world are not conducive to his planning.

"I'm just a man separated from heaven and earth, so I can't be regarded as so important by a great master." In an instant, Xu Changqing thought about the pros and cons of it. As soon as the words fell, he rejected the proposal of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva without hesitation, and then suggested: " In fact, why would you need me, an outsider, to intervene in the affairs of the Bodhisattva Vehicle? If you want to keep your own disciples, you can definitely find people in the Bodhisattva Vehicle, such as the two Bodhisattvas who do whatever you want. With these two current strengths and The prestige of the past should be enough to convince the master's disciples and disciples."

Xu Changqing knew very well that with the ability and foresight of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, after returning to the Buddhist world, he would surely find that the Do-While Bodhisattva, who had recovered most of his previous strength and Su Hui, was his best successor.However, the reason why he took the initiative to propose to Guanyin Bodhisattva the most suitable candidate to inherit his power was mainly because he wanted to sell him a cheap favor, and at the same time, it was also to show from the side that he was not interested in his power, so don't pull him Entering the Bodhisattva Vehicle internal disputes.

After hearing this, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva nodded and admitted, "That's right! Two Bodhisattvas are indeed the most suitable candidates."

It's just that he doesn't seem to be planning to let such a dangerous person like Xu Changqing continue to roam freely in the Buddhist world, and is about to continue to speak to persuade him.

At this time, Xu Changqing suddenly raised his hand and made a silent gesture, then closed his eyes slightly as if he was feeling something.After a while, without waiting for Guanyin Bodhisattva to react or leave any words, the whole person instantly merged into the magic circle of Xilinyuan, and quickly disappeared in front of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Guanshiyin Bodhisattva was also confused by Xu Changqing's actions. If Xu Changqing's expression did not show that the matter was urgent, and Xu Changqing's strength and status did not need to be faked, he might think that Xu Changqing deliberately avoided talking with him, which was almost rude leave directly.Thinking of this, he couldn't help but take out the formation disk that controls Xilinyuan, check the changes in formation power in Xilinyuan, and try to find out the reason for Xu Changqing's sudden departure, but unfortunately he found nothing in the end.

Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, who did not find out the reason, stopped thinking about Xu Changqing's actions, and turned his attention back to the residual breath of the ancient will in the wishful pool.He wanted to absorb as much residual breath of ancient will as possible before Monk Jiurou completely restored the array.Although the method Xu Changqing gave him was far better than the improved method he saw from ancient books, the probability of failure was still very high. In order to avoid accidents, it was necessary to make more preparations.

Just when Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva absorbed the residual breath of the ancient will with all his strength, Xu Changqing was already rushing towards his next goal along the trajectory of the formation.The place he is going this time is not for himself, but for the bodhi wood spirit, because the place he is going to is the only one in the entire Renli Tiangong array that is not an array, but a sealed circle with spiritual objects as its core. tree.

In Buddhist classics such as the Changza Agama Sutra and the Lotus Sutra, the details of the Yuansheng tree in the Renli Tiangong were recorded, and it was also said that "Among all trees, Politara is the first." praise.Although this is a bit exaggerated, it also shows from one aspect that the Buddhist world attaches great importance to and respects him.The status of this tree in the Buddhist world is almost comparable to that of the Bodhi tree, and its magic should not be weaker than that of the Bodhi tree. Even if it is not a branch of the Bodhi tree, it may be a tree species such as Jianmu, which is the spiritual root of heaven and earth.It's just that with the disappearance of Mustard Seed Lingshan, news of this sacred tree has gradually disappeared in the Buddhist world. Now this tree is only seen in books and legends.

Before entering Jiezi Lingshan, Xu Changqing had guessed that this tree might be in the Renli Tiangong array of Jiezi Lingshan, but after entering this place, he sensed it through his own Renli Tiangong array, but did not find its existence.Until just now, he suddenly felt an extremely weak aura mixed in a formation trajectory, and this aura was very similar to the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, and it also aroused Xu Changqing's eight-treasure glazed ginseng fruit tree primordial spirit and nine-day breath soil The bodhi wood spirit in it resonates.Inevitably, this trajectory of formation power lost its trace due to the change of formation diagram, so Xu Changqing did not say hello to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and went directly into the formation diagram, following this formation trajectory to the source.

The trajectory Xu Changqing discovered was very weak, and it was inconspicuous like a drop of water in the sea amidst the messy trajectory of the Renli Tiangong formation, and the trajectory of the formation was still intermittent, if there was any If not.If it wasn't for the bodhi wood spirit and the eight-treasure glazed ginseng fruit tree primordial spirit who were particularly sensitive to the aura of the spiritual root of heaven and earth, Xu Changqing might have lost sight of him on the way.

After spending about a quarter of an hour, Xu Changqing had already found the source of the trajectory of the formation force, and penetrated into the seal that was forcibly opened with the spiritual roots of heaven and earth.Although he didn't look for Yuanshengshu with great expectations before, when he did see the current situation of Yuanshengshu, he still couldn't help feeling extremely disappointed.

According to records, the leaves of the round tree are in the shape of feathers, with dark red long spikes, shaped like coral, seven yojanas in circumference, one hundred yojanas in height, and four to fifty yojanas in branches and leaves. Litian Palace, so it is called Xiangbianshu.Although exaggerated words are squeezed into the text, several characteristics of the Yuansheng tree can still be seen from this. Firstly, it is huge in size, secondly, the tree has a strange fragrance, and lastly, it is shaped like coral.

However, the Yuansheng tree displayed in front of Xu Changqing now is a completely different form. Its body shape is far from being as huge as imagined, but it is slightly larger than ordinary banyan trees. There is no strange fragrance on the tree, but there is a faint smell The stench, only the shape is a bit like coral, but unfortunately the whole body is pitch black, making it look extraordinarily weird.If it wasn't for being in this strange tree, Xu Changqing could still feel the very strong aura of the spiritual root of heaven and earth, and perhaps he would have mistaken it for a dead tree.

"Hey! Hey! I didn't expect to see a living person from outside here after ten thousand years. It seems that the Renli Tiangong array has started to work again." When Xu Changqing was observing the strange tree in front of him, a A crisp and graceful sound came from the tree, followed by the movement of those strangely shaped branches, entangled together, intertwined and piled up to form a graceful and graceful female figure.

"Shuling Mantuo?" Seeing this situation, Xu Changqing immediately thought of what this sudden existence was.

Just like the bodhi wood will give birth to the bodhi wood spirit, most of the spiritual roots of the world will give birth to the original spirit.Some of these spirit gods are derived as the main body of spiritual objects, and after they are derived, they have the power of the spiritual objects themselves, which are extremely powerful, such as the bodhi wood spirit that is currently evolving in the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil.Some are just derived as spiritual objects attached to spiritual consciousness. Most of these spirit gods are very weak, such as Mantuo, the spirit god of the Yuansheng tree.

It is recorded in ancient Buddhist scriptures that Mantuo, the tree god of Yuansheng tree, is famous in the Three Realms for his music, and has no incomparably powerful supernatural powers, but Xu Changqing will not underestimate this seemingly harmless spiritual wood tree in front of him at all. god.Although trick music is nothing more than a way of entertaining people, there is also a great power in the ancient Buddhist world that makes this way unimaginable. Nava.In Zhen Yuanzi's memory, he once suffered a big loss because he underestimated this power too much.

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