Nine idlers

Chapter 708

Chapter [-]: Yuansheng Tree Spirit

"It's really surprising that there are still people who can recognize me!" After Xu Changqing told the origin of the tree man, he saw that the human figure made of entangled branches gradually became the size of a normal person, and its shape became no different from that of a real person. , a beautiful face, fiery red hair, a pair of eyes like the starry sky at night, coupled with a bumpy figure, endowed her with a strange charm. │| │If it weren't for some ugly branches connected behind it, I am afraid that anyone who sees it will sincerely admire its beauty.

"Even the gods and Buddhas of the heavens will be fascinated by the sound of her piano." Xu Changqing suddenly said something out of the question, and then said: "If I remember correctly, this seems to be a compliment from ancient walkers to you."

"Wanderer in the ancient times?" The tree spirit showed a look of deep nostalgia on his beautiful face, and said to himself quietly: "I haven't heard from them for a long time, and I still remember those happy times back then. All places in the prehistoric region bring the most original sounds between heaven and earth, and I will compose these sounds into qin music and play them for them. Visit. Think how comfortable, happy and peaceful it was at that time!"

Under Xu Changqing's probing, he at least figured out one thing, that is, this Yuansheng tree is the one from the ancient prehistoric period, and it was not re-cultivated and conceived after the prehistoric period was broken.Because of this, Xu Changqing also had to revise his original plan. After all, the spiritual god of this buddhist spirit tree has a lot of knowledge about the otherworldly gods from the prehistoric period.

Although Zhen Yuanzi is known as the ancestor of the Earth Immortals, he knows everything about the ancient prehistoric world, but Xu Changqing's memory has very little content about the ancient gods of other worlds.I don't know whether Zhen Yuanzi is extremely disdainful of the ancient alien gods, or this memory related to it is just the missing part. All in all, Xu Changqing can only speculate about the gods of the ancient alien gods through some clues and secular people According to legends, the legends in the secular world are often very different from the real Gods of the Otherworld, which will make him guess wrong about certain things.Some small things are fine, but if there is a big thing, a mistake in speculation may make his plan fail.

According to Zhen Yuanzi's memory, the ancient Buddhist world often held various grand gatherings, inviting people from the three worlds and the heavens, and the gods of the other worlds were naturally among them, and most of the venues for their grand gatherings were chosen under the Yuansheng tree.So if the Yuansheng tree in front of her was the same one back then, then this tree spirit must also be the tree spirit of that year, and she must also know everything about the ancient alien gods.

"Do you want to kill me?" Maybe it was because he was extremely sensitive to murderous aura. At the moment Xu Changqing changed his mind, Yuan Shengshu also felt a faint trace of murderous aura emanating from him.It's just that she didn't show any panic, on the contrary, she was extremely calm and relaxed, with a hint of joy on her face, and she said with relief: "That's good! That's good! I've been here alone for countless years, except Every day, besides recalling the happiness of the past, there is no other pleasure, and I have to endure the erosion and torture of those forces every day, it doesn't matter if I die! It doesn't matter if I die!"

As he spoke, he saw a gap in the root of the Yuansheng tree behind the tree spirit, and it continued to extend upwards until it reached the place where the branches and leaves of the crown branched, and then was pushed to both sides by an invisible force. Pull it open, revealing the heart of the tree inside.I saw that the heart of the tree was a dark green columnar crystal condensed from the essence of a huge wood spirit, and in the center was a young round tree, from which a strong breath of heaven and earth spirit wood emanated, making people feel Seeing Xu Changqing's eight-treasure glazed ginseng fruit tree Yuanshen and Bodhi wood spirit kept shaking.

Xu Changqing had a feeling that if the bodhi wood spirit absorbed all the power of this perfect tree, then the bodhi wood spirit would definitely be able to conceive a human right away.It's a pity that Xu Changqing, who has changed his mind, can't let this spirit tree be destroyed again. Perhaps because he sensed Xu Changqing's intentions, the bodhi wood spirit in the Nine Heavens' Breathing Soil sent him a sense of regret, and stopped treating him. Heaven and earth spirit wood produces any reaction.

Xu Changqing returned his attention to the tree spirit of the Yuansheng tree in front of him, smiled lightly, and said, "You don't have to be like this, fellow daoist, I'm not here to kill you, but to rescue you from this place."

"Save me?" A look of doubt and surprise appeared on the face of the tree spirit Mantuo, but it quickly subsided, followed by a wry smile and turned to look at his tree heart body, saying: "It's too late, it's too late I have already merged with the ancient will, unless you destroy me, even if you can take out my tree heart body, it is impossible to stop the erosion." Then, she turned her head and looked at it again Xu Changqing said: "What's more, with your current strength, it is impossible to take my tree heart out of there."

"You don't have to worry about whether you can take out the heart of the tree and completely wipe out the power of the ancient will." Facing doubts, Xu Changqing said confidently: "You just need to consider whether you are willing to be taken out."

Xu Changqing's confident expression made Shuling Mantuo involuntarily full of confidence in him. After hearing the question, he nodded immediately and said eagerly: "Yes, of course! Are you willing to leave?"

Hearing Shuling Mantuo's answer, Xu Changqing nodded, not thinking about how to take it out, but how to place it.Although the ancient will has severely eroded it, and even the crystalline wood-spirit energy used as the last layer of protection by the tree spirit Mantuo is full of the residual breath of the ancient will, but its tree heart body has not suffered any damage, so It is not difficult for Xu Changqing's Golden Immortal cultivation base to strip it out intact.

The question now is where to place the tree heart after taking it out.Obviously, the Three Realms of Kunlun is not suitable. This Yuansheng tree is the spiritual wood of heaven and earth. If it appears in the Three Realms, it will inevitably cause abnormalities in the heavens. It will be difficult to avoid people's attention, so the only place that can accommodate her is Xu Changqing himself world of heaven and earth.It's just that the connection between the Yuansheng tree and the heavenly way in the Buddhist world is too deep, and she herself is a part of the law of the heavenly way in the Buddhist world. If she is sent into the world of Qiankun rashly like this, it will inevitably cause the backlash of the heavenly way, and the situation will be the same as that of Xu Changqing. It is the same as taking out the picture of the splendid mountains and rivers in the Buddhist world in the holy market.Therefore, only by completely severing its connection with the Buddhist world and heaven, and returning it to its original source, can it be sent to the world of heaven and earth.

When Xu Changqing was thinking about how to place the Yuansheng tree, the tree spirit Mantuo suddenly asked: "What price do I have to pay? Your Excellency took such a risk to break into the formation map of Renli Tiangong and rescue me, I'm afraid... "

"Fellow Daoist, you take yourself too seriously! I came here just to drop by, not just for you." Xu Changqing half-truthfully hit Shuling Mantuo's self-righteous thoughts, and then Said: "You have been imprisoned here for many years. You probably don't know that the prehistoric world has been broken. Now the three realms of heaven and earth have completely changed into another appearance. The world has changed. Although I have a way to get you out of this sea of ​​suffering, you want to go back to the present It is also very difficult to be in the Three Realms. You have too much ancient prehistoric aura on you, as long as you return to the Three Realms, you will definitely be attacked and killed by the Great Dao of the Three Realms."

Although the tens of thousands of years of confinement made Shuling Mantuo's mind lose its agility, she could still easily judge that what Xu Changqing said was not false.She was banned here, and before she became part of the Renli Heavenly Palace array, she had been in various rumors until the news of the imminent catastrophe, but she never imagined that the result of the catastrophe would be that the flood would be broken and the Three Realms would change. For a moment, she was completely stunned, her face full of bewilderment.

Xu Changqing didn't bother Shuling Mantuo, but stood quietly aside, waiting for the other party to recover.It didn't take long before the tree spirit Mantuo broke away from the extreme loss and bewilderment, and seemed to regard Xu Changqing as a close person who could be relied on. He flew forward, reached out and grabbed Xu Changqing's hand, and hurriedly "What should I do? What should I do?"

"I know that a place is a new world that came into being. The way of heaven is incomplete there, and it has the capacity to accommodate all things. You can live there, but..." Xu Changqing said his thoughts, as if he was completely thinking about the other party Ordinary, but in the middle of the narration, he deliberately pulled out a long voice to make the tree spirit Mantuo look nervous, and then continued: "It's just that the ancient prehistoric aura in your body is too strong, and the ancient prehistoric atmosphere is caused by the heaven and the earth. If you don't allow it to be broken, if you don't clear up all the things left over from the ancient prehistoric times, and let yourself return to the original source. Even if you can take root in that new world, I am afraid that catastrophe will happen sooner or later."

The tree spirit Mantuo showed extreme disappointment on his face, and said: "I was born in the prehistoric, and everything in the prehistoric has already merged with me, and it is impossible to get rid of it..."

Xu Changqing interrupted the other party, saying: "I have a way to help you wash away the past and return to the original source, but you need to let go of all the restrictions on your body, including the restrictions on spiritual consciousness."

The tree spirit Mantuo was stunned for a moment, then immediately turned around and retreated to his body, looked at Xu Changqing vigilantly, and said in a deep voice: "It seems that your honor is not here to save me, but to attack me. Power comes, you want to refine me into a magic weapon."

"Haha! It's so funny! From the very beginning, I never said that I came to save you, and I even pointed out that it was just on the way." Xu Changqing smiled with great disdain, and said: "Besides, you think there are other people besides you, the tree spirit. Apart from some uses, what kind of magic weapon can other things make? Can it compare to it?"

As he spoke, Xu Changqing released the breath of time, space, and the law of karma that he had mastered, forming a powerful coercion that enveloped the tree spirit Mantuo in front of him.

"There are actually three laws of the Dao?" Although the tree spirit Mantuo could not comprehend other Dao laws of heaven and earth by herself, as one of the spirit trees of heaven and earth, she was born with an innate talent close to the laws of the Dao, so she was very interested in the aura of the Dao laws. She is also very familiar with it, and can easily distinguish the three Dao laws, but she doesn't know what these three Dao laws are.

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