Nine idlers

Chapter 710

Chapter 710

With the help of Xu Changqing, the Yuansheng tree was successfully transplanted and took root in the Qiankun world. The spiritual consciousness of the tree spirit Mantuo was not injured in the thunder calamity, and everything seemed to be going well. ┏_ ┓ It's just that Xu Changqing didn't show any happy expression, instead he frowned, as if he was not very satisfied with Yuan Shengshu's situation.

Originally, according to Xu Changqing's prediction, after the birth of the Dao of Life and Death, even if the Yuansheng Tree could not have all kinds of supernatural powers as before, it should still wake up the tree spirit Mantuo, because only the tree has spiritual wisdom. Only then can I understand the Dao and know how to practice.But now the tree spirit Mantuo in the Yuansheng tree is not affected by the Yuansheng tree that has been spawned at all, and still can't sleep, and the Yuansheng tree is also born too quickly because of the lack of spiritual consciousness to actively contact the laws of heaven and earth. , making the Yuansheng tree still not fully integrated into the Qiankun world.Judging by the current situation, it may take a long time for the Yuansheng tree to be fully useful.

The reason why Xu Changqing wanted to transplant it to the world of Qiankun on a sudden whim was not entirely for the purpose of fulfilling the lifelong memory of Mantuo, the tree spirit, but also because he wanted to use this method to balance the power of the gods of the three realms of the world of Qiankun.

With the gradual improvement of the laws of heaven in the universe world, the innate gods in the universe world have also been born one after another.When the original Canglong was first born, if the time in the Qiankun world was compared with the time in the Kunlun Three Realms, 100 years in the Qiankun World was almost equivalent to one day in the Kunlun Three Realms, or even less than one day.Therefore, Xu Changqing, who is in the three worlds of Kunlun, has only passed dozens of days. The Qiankun world has evolved for thousands of years, and the system between the innate gods has gradually improved. The difference also narrowed accordingly, and now the time comparison between the two is somewhat similar to the Shengxu and Kunlun Three Realms.

Xu Changqing did not directly intervene in the evolution of the Qiankun world, he just continued to supplement the laws of the Dao, so that the laws of the Dao of the Qiankun world were perfected step by step.However, when he checked the situation in the Qiankun world not long ago, he found that the growth and decline of the innate gods in the three worlds in the Qiankun world were not maintained in a balanced state as he expected.

The underworld among the three realms of the universe is nothing more than that, because of the restrictions of the heavens, the power of the underworld cannot have any influence on the upper two realms.In addition, the resentment generated by a large number of earth creatures who died in the thunder disaster accumulated in the underworld, and gradually formed negative existences such as blood sea ghosts and Shura. , so I don't have the mind to care about other things.

As for the upper two worlds, according to Xu Changqing's expectation, the two were equal in power, creating a god dynasty on the earth and a heavenly court in the sky, but now it has become a situation where the gods of the heavenly clan dominate.In addition to the fact that the gods of the heavenly clan are extremely powerful, there is also a big reason for the inaction of the god of the earth.

I don’t know if it’s because the God of the Earth had absorbed too much of Xu Changqing’s character when he was sleeping under the towering tree transformed by the eight-treasure glazed ginseng fruit tree, so that after he was born, he was not in a hurry to enlighten the creatures, but instead wandered around. Let these creatures of the land evolve on their own, and then he will show up and teach the Dao method.On the other hand, the original Canglong took the initiative to build the main framework of the entire heaven, and then appointed six managers to gradually improve the details, and constantly absorb the gods conceived by the acquired aura, so that the priesthood of the heaven continued to expand, even Mastered some priesthoods that should have belonged to the earth gods.

One is to actively improve the system, the other is to passively teach disciples and preach, one is to be born with supernatural powers and possess supernatural powers, and the other is to grow up and make every step of the way. The gap between the two will naturally become wider and wider.Up to now, the system in the Qiankun Heavenly Court has the appearance of the ancient Heavenly Court, and it is even more complete than the Holy Ruins, but what about the Earth God Dynasty?Now it is still only two or three kittens, which cannot be compared at all.

For this reason, Xu Changqing thought of transplanting the Yuansheng tree into the world of Qiankun. He wanted to let the tree of Yuansheng grow up and become the supreme existence in the world of Qiankun, such as the primitive blue dragon and the god of the earth by virtue of its aptitude of heaven and earth spiritual roots. Assist the god of the earth and build the dynasty of the gods.It's a pity that the Yuansheng tree quickly grew to the limit it can reach now through the method of spawning, but the tree spirit is still sleeping. Although he has a way to wake up the tree spirit Mantuo, he will lose his innate opportunity in this way. I am afraid that Lingmantuo will also become the same as the ordinary creatures of the land.

"Forget it! It seems that I can only wait for her to evolve on her own." Xu Changqing carefully inspected the situation of the Yuansheng tree, and felt that if he interfered with its growth too much, it would only destroy this spiritual root of heaven and earth, so he used God Nian ordered the God of the Earth to take care of it, and stopped paying too much attention to its growth.

However, after Xu Changqing gave up interfering with the growth of the Yuansheng tree, an extremely pure spirit of heaven and earth was transmitted from the Yuansheng tree. It was passed into Xu Changqing's body, and injected into the bodhi wood spirit in the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil to help it grow.This is not the result of the tree spirit Mantuo's control, but Yuanshengshu instinctively helped the bodhi wood spirit before and protected the tree spirit with the bodhi wood's breath.And after passing out this vital energy, the Yuansheng tree also became a lot darker, and some of the terminal branches even withered and fell off, leaving only the main trunk there. Abandoned the redundant part, and became a lot more solid.

After feeling the benefits of the fundamental life energy of the round tree spirit to the bodhi wood spirit, Xu Changqing turned his attention back to the Duobao avatar. The sky map of the Shanfa Hall in the area.It's just that compared to the silent action before, now because of the great wish karma behind his head, the traces of the formations he passed through have become extremely obvious. Find a safe route to avoid the array map and enter the Shandharma Heaven on the Internet.

In this regard, Xu Changqing has no way to completely eliminate these traces, he can only let it go, anyway, other people have entered the heavenly map of Shanfa Hall, and it has no effect on his plan.

When walking forward, Xu Changqing also divided his mind and poured it into the golden body of the great wish, reading the memory of Mantuo, the tree spirit of Yuansheng tree stored in the golden body.Although these memories have been completely separated, Xu Changqing did not integrate them into his soul like the remaining memories of Zhen Yuanzi, but made them like an encyclopedia stored in the Great Wishing Gold In the body, it is convenient to look through and find the knowledge inside.

It's not that Xu Changqing deliberately made such trouble, it's just that Shuling Mantuo's complete emotional memory is preserved in these memories, which is different from Zhen Yuanzi's remaining memory.If Xu Changqing has absorbed these memories, then he will definitely be affected by these emotional memories. Originally, he finally used the method of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires to transfer the redundant emotions that became his own burden to the avatar. Now if these emotional memories make the redundant emotions Going back to the body again, the gain outweighs the loss.

Although Xu Changqing just glanced at the memory of Shuling Mantuo now, he can already feel how many people and things the Shuling Mantuo has experienced in his life.In her memory, the most are naturally a large number of unique music from various other world gods in ancient times. The number is huge enough to make any tone-deaf person a god of music that can fascinate the world.

In addition, there are also a lot of memories related to the ancient Buddhist world. Some secrets about the Buddhist world or the prehistoric world that even Zhen Yuanzi doesn't know, the tree spirit Mantuo knows.As for Xu Changqing's most concerned memories about the gods of the gods, there are almost as many memories as the ancient Buddhist world. Among them, the innate supernatural powers possessed by the gods of the gods are the most remembered. Also let her consciously collect this kind of information.

These three main types of memories are woven together by Shuling Mantuo's life experiences and emotions as threads, forming a long and long history of the ancient Buddhist world.

Although this historical brocade is gorgeous and colorful, it is hard to put it down, but it is not conducive to Xu Changqing's search for the knowledge he wants, because all things are arranged in chronological order, not classified by type like in the library.For this reason, Xu Changqing can only take a rough look to get a general understanding of the content of these memories. After returning to the Buddhist world, he will start to break up these memories and reorganize them. As for those that seem redundant and useless The emotional memory is temporarily preserved for other purposes.

"Hmm!" Just as Xu Changqing was sorting out the memories of the tree spirit Mantuo, and approaching the entire Renli Tiangong formation diagram, the core of the Shanfa Hall, a huge array suddenly blocked Xu Changqing like an indestructible wall. the way forward.This force did not exist at the beginning, but appeared suddenly, and it appeared very strangely. Xu Changqing was absolutely sure that he did not touch any restrictions.

"You came earlier than I expected. It seems that you should have mastered the complete Renli Tiangong array." Just when Xu Changqing was about to cast a spell to disperse this force, it suddenly appeared like a wave of water Toggle it, and then a wave of spirituality came out from the center of the toggle, directly contacting Xu Changqing's soul.

"What a pure Zen spirit!" Xu Changqing quickly sensed the source of this breath of spirit, and also felt the realm of cultivation it represented, and couldn't help but whispered in surprise, saying: "Xuantian A realm of immortality?"

As Xu Changqing's voice fell, the other party seemed surprised that Xu Changqing was able to see through his cultivation level at a glance, and said in a deep voice: "You can see my cultivation level at a glance. Human incarnation?”

At the same time, the power in front of Xu Changqing gradually gathered, and soon turned into a white-browed monk with plain clothes and simple appearance. The trajectory of the surrounding forces also changed accordingly, and the two entered into a A world full of exotic fragrances and thousands of flowers blooming.

"Zhongxiang City!" Xu Changqing looked at the white-browed monk in front of him with some deep meaning.Although he still doesn't know the specific strength of the other party, judging from the fact that he was able to bring himself into the Renli Tiangong formation without a sound, it can be seen that this person's grasp of the Renli Tiangong formation is definitely not his under.

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