Nine idlers

Chapter 711 The Source of Chaos

| Even the great powers of heaven and earth in the ancient prehistoric period did not dare to boast so much. To describe it in one sentence, the people who did this did not know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth.

However, Xu Changqing felt that these ancestors in the world of secular practice should not be so worthless, let alone Zen Master Hai, the great sage of Buddhist Zen who has survived since the Tang Dynasty, even if he was the descendant of the dragon in the ancient Buddhist world. The reincarnation of the Han Dynasty, Jidian, and Zhang Guo, one of the White Bat Eight Immortals left over from the ancient flood, should know that the so-called escape from the catastrophe of heaven and earth is completely impossible, and the rest Zhang Sanfeng, Bai Yuchan and others are not ignorant generation

"You must think we are arrogant and ignorant?" Although Xu Changqing neither spoke nor showed any expression, Zen Master Fahai still knew Xu Changqing's thoughts very well, smiled and said: "Back then, Liu Bowen, Zhang Sanfeng, Wang Chongyang and When Bai Yuchan found me and said these words to me, I also thought they were arrogant and ignorant."

"Then why do you still do this with them?" Xu Changqing felt a little strange and asked in a deep voice

"Because they gave very good reasons." Zen Master Fahai said with a wry smile, "If we don't do this, then the whole secular world will be destroyed at the moment of the Yuan Dynasty's fall."

"What?" Hearing this sentence, Xu Changqing really didn't know what expression to make. He could only look at Zen Master Fahai in a daze and said, "Chan Master, are you joking? Such an absurd thing..."

"Absurd? It's indeed absurd, but it's a pity that it's also the truth." Chan Master Fahai sighed slightly, and suddenly said as if he changed the topic: "Basiba, the founding master of Yuanmeng, is a rare genius in the world of monasticism. , who is also the leader of various sects such as Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, righteousness, miscellaneous and heretics, his cultivation base is earth-shattering, and he has great luck, and has the great merit of establishing a religion and creating literature. If he is not going against the grain and trying to make Yuanmeng a Wannian dynasty, I am afraid that in a hundred years the world of secular monasticism will be dominated by him."

Xu Changqing frowned and said, "Is this Basiba related to the demise of the secular world?"

Zen Master Fahai nodded and continued: "Although Basiba is extremely talented and has advanced cultivation, he has a shortcoming that he is too arrogant. He always likes to compare himself with the ancients, and he can't do it even if he wants to be like the ancients." It's a pity that he was born a little late, and he didn't have a part in the Yuanmeng Western Expedition. He just created a language and established a school of Buddhism, and this language and sect are just sidelines. Wen Xiaodao, although he has merit, is far from being a great achievement. Later, when Yuanmeng destroyed the Song family, he found a treasure from the Song family's treasure house. The treasure of heaven and earth used as the foundation of the dynasty during the dynasty. This treasure of heaven and earth did not have any news after the failure of the first emperor to go against the sky. Until the Five Dynasties period, this treasure was obtained by Zhao Guangyi, the younger brother of Song Taizu. The elder brother's luck in founding the country became the king of the Song dynasty, and with the help of the Sleeping Immortal Chen Tuan, he established the national fortune of the Song Dynasty for more than 300 years based on this treasure."

"It's no wonder that the Song Dynasty has been able to survive under the watchful eye of wolves. Although there were twists and turns in the middle, the blood and luck of the dynasty have not been cut off. Breaking the 300-year limit of the Chinese Dynasty's national destiny, it turns out that there is a treasure from heaven and earth to help" Listen Seeing such secrets, Xu Changqing couldn't help but feel a little curious, and then asked: "I don't know what this kind of heaven and earth treasure is?"

Zen Master Fahai looked at Xu Changqing with deep meaning in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Actually, fellow Taoists should have seen this treasure of heaven and earth, and if the old monk's prediction is not bad, this treasure should still be in the possession of fellow Taoist."

"I have seen this treasure of heaven and earth?" Xu Changqing was slightly taken aback, and soon realized what Zen Master Fahai was talking about, and said in a deep voice, "You mean my Dao map with nine streams and one vein?"

"This is the most precious treasure of heaven and earth." Zen Master Fahai looked at Xu Changqing with great envy, and said, "Countless people died fighting for this treasure. Fellow Daoist Tianji once held this treasure in his hand, but finally gave up. In the hands of a fellow daoist, it seems that this treasure is definitely in the hands of a fellow daoist."

"Unfortunately, this treasure is not mine in the end." Xu Changqing couldn't help but smile wryly when he thought of the Dao Tu that had been confiscated by the Sanqing Supreme, and then he didn't want to think about it, and asked directly: "Or should we go back to Basiba? Judging by Yuan Meng's short-lived national fortune, it must be that Bhaspa's act of the Wanshi Dynasty did not succeed."

"That's true." Zen Master Fahai nodded, and said with disgust on his face: "It's just that this person is too crazy. After the thing failed, he did another crazy thing. "As he said, he paused for a moment, and then slowly said: "He actually connected the fate of the Yuanmeng country with the general fortune of the secular world. As long as Yuanmeng perishes, the secular world will also perish with it."

"How is this possible? How could he do such a thing?" Xu Changqing couldn't help showing surprise. Although Ba Siba is a genius in heaven, he didn't think that Yuanmeng Guoshi back then could have a cultivation level comparable to him , he is not able to do such a thing with a half-step Daluo's Golden Immortal cultivation base, he doesn't think Basiba back then can do this

"Back then, I didn't think so. I just thought that after the failure of the Wanshi Dynasty, Basiba was insane and said some crazy words. Unfortunately, I didn't understand until the fate of Yuanmeng was about to perish. Basiba did it indeed." Zen Master Fahai smiled bitterly, was silent for a moment, and continued: "Fellow Daoists should also know that since the ancient Great Desolation was broken, the chaotic void is filled with countless fragments of the Great Desolation. These fragments of the Desolation are floating. Sometimes they will meet together, attract each other, and form a collision. Even the Da Luo Jinxian may not be able to resist the power generated by the collision. If you get close, you will be led to other directions by the power of luck. But Basiba used the power of the Daotu to lock up more than a dozen fragments of the prehistoric world that passed by the secular world, and implicated them with the fate of Yuanmeng. At the same time, he also connected the fate of the Yuanmeng country with the great luck of the secular world. When the luck of the Yuanmeng country is shattered, the luck of the great way of the secular world will decline for a period of time, and then these fragments of the prehistoric world will be attracted by the secular world. It hits the mortal world, and eventually destroys all living creatures in the mortal world."

"Corn..." Xu Changqing couldn't help taking a breath after listening to Zen Master Fahai's words, and he was also shocked by Basiba's madness in his heart

"When I heard the news back then, I also had the same expression." Seeing Xu Changqing's astonishment, Zen Master Fahai smiled, laughed at himself, and said, "Fortunately, this disaster was discovered in time, so we still have a chance to recover." Opportunity to pacify this catastrophe. Originally, the Yuanmeng National Games disappeared within a year after the uprisings in various places. In order to prevent the Yuanmeng National Games from dying out too quickly, we found Zhu Chongba, whose luck was extremely low and his fate was extremely low. Changed his fate against the sky, divided the luck of the rebels, and temporarily continued Yuanmeng's national fortune. Then, we found the tribulation formation left by Basiba back then, destroyed it, and took away the avenue that was the foundation of the formation. It's just that the catastrophe was over at that time, the luck of the secular world was exhausted, and the dozens of prehistoric fragments were still approaching the secular world, so at that time, Liu Bowen took out a set of heaven-defying formations from their master, and concentrated all the aura of the secular world into the world. One place, and then borrowed the space avenue in the avenue map to transfer all the nearby prehistoric debris to other places”

"Transfer more than a dozen fragments of the Great Desolation at the same time?" Xu Changqing also mastered the law of the avenue of space. If he uses his ability to do his best, he can also transfer more than a dozen fragments of the Great Desolation. It's just a small cave like the treasure house, and he can't do it like that kind of huge fragments of the wild with complete laws of heaven and earth.

"Presumably, there must be a lot of price paid for doing this?" So Xu Changqing asked again in a deep voice

"The biggest price is naturally the exhaustion of spiritual energy in the secular world, all kinds of chaotic and decadent energy occupying the world, the road to heaven is broken, and the legal system of the practice world is also in decline." Zen Master Fahai sighed and said: "The people who participated in this matter back then There are nearly three hundred people, all of whom are elites, elders, and even teachers from various sects in the world of secular practice. In the end, less than five people survived this matter. That’s why it was lost, otherwise, even if the aura of the secular world is exhausted, the practice world will not decline so quickly.”

Xu Changqing also sighed in his heart, but soon thought of a key question, and asked: "Since the road to the sky was cut off, the passage to immortality in the Kunlun Mountains connected to the Kunlun Immortal Land should also be invalid. Yes, how did you leave the secular world and come to the Kunlun Three Realms?"

Xu Changqing seemed to be asking Zen Master Fahai's vital point with this question. His expression froze for a moment, and after a while, he said: "At that time, no matter the dead or the living, they all followed the heaven-defying formation and a dozen or so pieces. The fragments of the Great Desolation were transferred to other places together, and this place is in the Three Realms of Kunlun."

After hearing what Zen Master Fahai said, Xu Changqing suddenly thought of something, fell silent for a moment, narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked Zen Master Fahai with a slightly deep tone: "Could the place you're talking about be the Mustard Seed Spirit Mountain?"

"Sure enough, you guessed it. When you asked about Liu Bowen's change of fate, I knew that the matter could not be hidden from you." Zen Master Fahai nodded with a wry smile, and said, "Yes, as you said. As guessed, the dozen or so fragments of the wilderness were transferred to the Mustard Spirit Mountain, and the appearance of the foreign holy ruins, the fairy palace and the magic cliff after that was related to us, and the appearance of the Taishang Qingjingtian Dynasty was also related to us , and even now this Buddha kalpa is still related to us” (to be continued)

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