Nine idlers

Chapter 712 Shocking Wisdom

Chapter 710 Shocking Wisdom

Xu Changqing suddenly asked about the origin of the Venerable Misery, it was just a temporary idea, because just now he felt that the mana imprint he had secretly placed on the Venerable Misery had left the world of Jiezi Lingshan, but did not return to the Buddhist world, but It was transferred to the Demon Realm. ┏ _┓ Then it occurred to him that even though the power of the Kongji Buddha Realm was extremely special, the power generated by the impact of the stars was so earth-shattering that it was impossible for the Heart Demon Realm, which was within the range of the power, to have no reaction, so he couldn't help asking casually.

Originally, Xu Changqing didn't expect to get any answers, but what surprised him was that he got answers far beyond expectations from Zen Master Fahai's expression.Judging from Zen Master Fahai's last expression, Venerable Misery is not only a product of that incident back then, but also very likely to be one of them, and what's more, it is the mysterious Huolong Taoist.If this is really the case, then Zen Master Fahai deliberately led Xu Changqing's guess about Huolong Taoist to other places, and the purpose of doing this is that even if Xu Changqing has no clue now, he can still feel that it is not good, at least for him. Word.

"It seems that this Zen Master Fahai's words are not true, let him settle the cause and effect, it is cheaper for him!" Xu Changqing snorted coldly, frowned slightly, and said to himself: "Since you have committed oral karma, naturally you will You have to bear the consequences."

As he was talking, he saw Xu Changqing displaying the great law of karma, taking the karmic aura left by Zen Master Fahai in the air in front of him into his fingers, and rubbing it back and forth like a rope. An extremely fine line of cause and effect is formed, and after the line of cause and effect is fully formed, he puts it into his own cause and effect and blends into it.

Although Zen Master Fahai gave Xu Changqing's answer with a lot of water, there is still real grievance in it after all, and the current situation of the people who participated in that incident is not included in Xu Changqing's two questions, so when Xu Changqing agreed to the cause and effect After that, the karma of cause and effect will dissipate.Most of them were transferred to Xu Changqing and he would bear them.Originally, both sides of the cause and effect voluntarily settled the cause and effect, and with the effect of the great law of cause and effect, he had no way to let the cause and effect return to Zen Master Fahai, but it was a pity that Zen Master Fahai's answer was incomplete and untrue, which committed a lie in the Buddhist world. Mouth karma, and heaven and earth formed a causal karma.

This bit of oral karma is unlikely to cause any trouble to Zen Master Fahai, but it is enough for Xu Changqing to do a little trick, use the law of causality to condense this little bit of karma into a causal line, and integrate it into his own karmic retribution, so as to act as mana. The imprint knows its current location and general situation.

"Before, he had voluntarily mentioned that Xuan Qingsu was not the Huolong Taoist back then, but he did not say that Xuan Qingsu was one of the people back then. Zhang Guo, one of the Eight Immortals, was a white bat of the prehistoric alien species. Fierce, even if everyone is dead, this piece of fruit is unlikely to die, maybe he will be reincarnated and returned to the world through the secret method." Xu Changqing frowned and murmured guessing, but soon He overturned his guess again, and said: "It's just that if this is the case, the time of the two is a bit inconsistent. Xuan Qingsu's previous life was Emperor Jianwen in the early Ming Dynasty. If Zhang Guo had an accident in the battle between immortals and demons, the time between the two The time difference may be dozens or even hundreds of years. It seems that we still have to search in Zhanmoya to find Zhang Guo's bones and find out if he is Xuan Qingsu."

Just as Xu Changqing was absorbing and digesting all the information he had just obtained, the entire Zhongxiang City suddenly vibrated, and with the violent vibration, a force that did not belong to the formation map of Zhongxiang City rushed in from the gap.The thunder, fire, and hail contained in these formations are like sharp knives, tearing the surrounding world into pieces, causing the formation forces in Zhongxiang City to quickly dissipate, and return to the appearance of the formation map , was soon overwhelmed by countless chaotic forces and disappeared.

"Array reorganization?" Xu Changqing didn't show any panic when he saw this sudden abnormal situation. While displaying his Renli Tiangong array to blend into the surrounding array, he checked the surrounding arrays, er, And slightly puzzled: "Could it be that the wine and meat monk assembled the array so quickly?"

The current change of the Renli Tiangong array is a reorganization of the array before the array is about to be repaired, that is, to form a matching array according to the current array host's understanding of the array.This reorganization of the formation diagram may either make the Renli Tiangong formation stronger or weaken it. The final result mainly depends on how much the wine and meat monk has understood the Renli Tiangong formation.

However, what makes Xu Changqing feel strange is that according to his estimation, even if Monk Jiurou has shown the details in the formation, it will take at least a few days to repair these details by himself. In about a day or so, Monk Jiurou has almost finished repairing the array, which is really a bit abnormal.

Thinking of this, Xu Changqing extended his spiritual thoughts to the formation diagram of the Shanfa Hall along the trajectory of the formation diagram of Renli Tiangong.Perhaps it is because the repair of the entire formation is drawing to a close, some slight changes have taken place in the formation of Shanfatangtian. If Xu Changqing hadn't discovered it in time and immediately changed the trajectory of the formation, perhaps his divine sense had been shattered by the formation, and It will also be backlashed by the array.

When Xu Changqing's divine sense entered the sky map of Shanfa Hall, he found that the surrounding scene was completely different from before. The original palace-style buildings had all disappeared, but a dark void was replaced by a dark void. , a huge swirl-shaped nebula is constantly rotating in a clockwise direction. Above the whirlpool of the nebula, the monk of wine and meat sits cross-legged, and the central array of the Renli Tiangong array is suspended in front of him, with golden silk arrays The force is like a spider, covering the nebula vortex.

What really attracted Xu Changqing's attention was not the changes in the scenes of the Shanfa Hall's heavenly array map. After all, these scenes are just illusions of array forces, and they can change into anything. Nearly [-] Buddha incarnations with intact true spirits were seen in the Buddhist kingdom.These [-] incarnations of Buddha are not transformed by relics one by one like the incarnations of true spirits in other Buddhist kingdoms. They all have a complete set of relics.

As long as the general practitioners of Buddhism prove the Taoism of Buddhism, they will form different relics. When their lifespan is approaching, they can use the relics to induce the rainbow of the body. Under the guidance of the rainbow light of Buddhism, they will enter the six reincarnations and keep Self-cultivation in the realm of Buddhism, reincarnation, and recultivation in previous lives.The higher the realm of the relic, the more complete the Su Hui retained by the reincarnated person. Among all the relics, the perfect relic of the Vajra is the best, but the most rare is the complete relic of the Buddha.Because if you want to cultivate a complete Shariputra bone, you not only need to prove the Buddha's Taoism, but also need at least ten reincarnations, and you can re-prove the Taoism in ten lifetimes before you can cultivate a complete Shariputra bone. Not only does it contain the realization of the realm, the mana of a lifetime, but also contains a kind of Suhui of the Buddha that can bless others.

Think about it, how inconceivable it is that the past wisdom of the ten lives contained in the three hundred relics of the Buddha are all blessed on one person.Even if it is impossible to pass on all the past wisdom of the ten generations due to the blessing process and the influence of the blessing person's temperament conflicts, etc., the remaining parts are all concentrated in one person, which is enough to make a born stupid person become a person. The smartest and wisest person in the three realms of heaven and earth.

It is precisely because of the special function of this kind of Suhui relic bone, and its use is only once, so any person in the sect has cultivated this kind of relic bone. Make offerings and take them out for use when necessary.It is not difficult to see from the mana breath emanating from the relic bones on the head of the wine and meat monk that these relic bones all come from different sects in the Buddhist world.

However, what surprised Xu Changqing was that there was no news that the Zongcheng relic Buddha bone was stolen in the Buddhist world.This kind of Shariputra bone is extremely precious, each one will be recorded by each sect, and will be checked once a year. It is absolutely impossible for the Shariputra bone to be lost, but no one knows about it.Besides, excluding the Xiaoling Mountain and Leiyin Temple in Lingshan, the number of relic bones in the entire Buddhist world is less than 100. If you add those that have been used, there are only more than 200, less than [-]. Tool.With such a rare quantity, how could it be possible for the wine and meat monk to gather three hundred relic bones and refine them into his own Buddhist kingdom to bless Su Hui?

"Could it be that he has found a method to quickly make a relic Buddha bone?" Xu Changqing couldn't help but guess in his heart, if there is such a method, it will definitely bring a world-shaking change to the Buddhist world.

Under this kind of suspicion, Xu Changqing didn't let Duobao avatar come forward immediately, nor did he let the divine sense approach, but just used the surrounding forces to observe and test the situation of Shariputra's bone.Soon he discovered something unusual, that is, the bones of these Shariputras did not have the kind of peaceful and vast Buddhist true meaning of recultivating the Buddha's realm in the tenth world, but were full of almost solid air of conquering and killing, and in this killing There is also a demonic energy that should not exist in the air.

Seeing this, an almost crazy legend suddenly appeared in Xu Changqing's mind, and he muttered to himself: "Could it be that the legend is true?"

Because of the particularity of Shariputra's bones, all sects in the Buddhist world are trying their best to find a method that can be done quickly, but they all fail.I don't know when it started, there is a rumor in the Buddhist world. It is rumored that as long as a Buddhist practitioner with the Buddha's Tao fruit kills millions of demon heads at once, he can achieve the relic Buddha bone.

Although this rumor is widely circulated, no one will believe it.Leaving aside how hard it is to find someone who has truly attained the Buddhahood, it is completely impossible to kill a million demons at once.The reason why people in the Demon Realm are difficult to deal with is because every time you kill a person in the Demon Realm, there will be a trace of demonic energy on you.This trace of demonic energy is not difficult to deal with, as long as you calm down and cast a spell to remove it.But if this trace of devilish energy is allowed to accumulate, there is no need for millions of devils, just a few thousand devils are enough to turn a good man of ten generations into a cruel and evil devil.

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