Nine idlers

Chapter 713 Restoration of Array

∑ Fei ㊣ ≥ "Three people actually accepted the transformation of the ancient will?" Xu Changqing hesitated for a moment, then asked: "Who are the other two?"

"I don't know either." Monk Jiurou shook his head and said, "When I was repairing the array, I discovered that the array had successfully transformed and released three ancient wills at the same time, but the whereabouts of the other two were unclear. In the legends of the Three Realms for more than ten thousand years, there is no trace, but I know one thing very well, that is, those two ancient wills have been obtained by people."

"Why are you so sure?" Xu Changqing asked suspiciously, "Didn't you say you didn't know where those two ancient wills went?"

The wine and meat monk said calmly: "It's very simple because if those two ancient wills are still unowned, then Emperor Haotian's great plan for the gods will not fall by the wayside, and I will not appear here."

In this sentence, Xu Changqing heard some clues, looked at the wine and meat monk with a strange expression, and said, "Could it be that the appearance of the wine and meat monk here is related to Emperor Haotian?"

The wine and meat monk smiled bitterly, took the gourd from his back, unplugged it, and drank the fine wine until he was satisfied, then wiped his mouth and re-stuffed the gourd. What a strange emotion, but judging from his behavior, Emperor Haotian seems to have a great influence on him, and can even control his unmoving Buddha heart

Monk Jiurou breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Xu Changqing, and asked in a deep voice: "I don't know if Fellow Daoist Baoguang knows the immortal flesh and jade bones of the ancient times?"

"Immortal flesh and jade bones? I've heard about this." Xu Changqing frowned, and asked back, "Fellow Daoist, why do you ask this question?"

In the current Kunlun Three Realms, the fairy muscle and jade bone describe a person's innate aptitude far beyond ordinary people. This kind of magic weapon is also called meat puppet, or reincarnated fairy

This fairy muscle and jade bone is a very special living magic weapon created by a great power in the magic way to deal with some hostile fairy caves. No one knows the refining method of this living magic weapon, but what can be known is that every time A living magic weapon has a first-class training qualification. These living magic weapons are like a living person, who can practice like ordinary people. The realm of life cultivation can reach a very high level, and they also have complete soul consciousness, even Because of his comprehension, he can also marry a wife and have children. Because of his excellent aptitude, every immortal muscle and jade bone can easily obtain the status of a true disciple after entering each immortal family's cave. Even Dajue Jinxian can't see the essence of it

For this magician, every fairy muscle and jade bone is his avatar. He can control these avatars anytime and anywhere. Even the avatar himself will not know his true identity. Da Neng stole a large number of immortal arts from various cave heavens of the Honghuang immortal family, and even controlled many cave heavens through this fairy muscle and jade bone, but no one found out. Under his control, he could be said to be the dominant party in the prehistoric world at that time

This situation has been maintained until this diabolical power did a disaster against the sky, and was punished by the sky before he had time to arrange the next thing, and died under the catastrophe. However, all the immortal muscles and bones under his control were all destroyed. He died at the same time, and the people of the prehistoric world realized that something was wrong. After repeated investigations, they realized that these cave masters or cave elders were all meat puppets of that powerful demon.

Because this demon power died extremely cleanly without leaving anything behind, and his meat puppets were also reduced to ashes with him, so his unique puppet clone became a swan song. For a long time during the prehistoric period, immortal muscles and jade bones have become synonymous with this demonic and powerful meat puppet

Just when Xu Changqing was still wondering why Monk Jiurou would ask such a question, Monk Jiurou had already given the answer: "If you say that I am a celestial body, would you believe it?"

"It's impossible for the immortal muscle and jade bone refining method of the ancient prehistoric demon way to be lost. Even the great powers of the time could not recover it. It's impossible..." Just when Xu Changqing denied the words of the wine and meat monk, he suddenly stopped, The next words were also swallowed, and then he seemed to think of something, looked at the wine and meat monk with a strange face, and said, "You are the meat puppet of Emperor Haotian?"

As Xu Changqing said, according to Zhen Yuanzi’s memories, although many people in the prehistoric period wanted to obtain the method of refining immortal muscles and jade bones, but they found nothing in the end, even Zhen Yuanzi himself It's the same, but, this method disappeared with the death of the powerful demon, but it doesn't mean that the method has been lost, at least every detail of this method must be preserved in the ancient will that faithfully recorded all the mysteries of the world. The Emperor Tiandi obtained many mysteries of the ancient will. In just a hundred years, he found a large number of ancient ancient relics and restored many ancient ancient methods. Among them, there must be the ancient method of refining immortal muscles and jade bones.

Facing Xu Changqing's inquiry, the wine and meat monk nodded and admitted: "Yes, I am the meat puppet refined by Emperor Haotian."

"Besides you, how many puppet clones did Emperor Haotian refine?" Xu Changqing didn't wait to be surprised, and immediately asked a question that he cared about the most.

Monk Jiurou shook his head and said, "I don't know about this either, but according to my guess, I'm not the only puppet clone of him."

Hearing this, Xu Changqing couldn't help but gasped, and couldn't help but be shocked by Emperor Haotian's scheming layout. If it is true what the wine monk said, Emperor Haotian has more than one meat puppet, and every one of them If the aptitude and savvy are similar to his, then it is very likely that these people have infiltrated the sects of the immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons in the three realms of Kunlun, and even occupy high positions. Even Xu Changqing couldn't find them out

Thinking of this, Xu Changqing's divine sense directly let go, enveloped the wine and meat monk, and penetrated into his body, and the wine and meat monk seemed to have guessed what Xu Changqing wanted to do, completely released the magic power restriction on himself, and even let go of the soul Let him explore at will, but even so, Xu Changqing couldn't find anything abnormal from the wine and meat monk, he was just like a complete living person

"Why are you so sure that you are the puppet clone of Emperor Haotian?" Xu Changqing withdrew his divine thoughts, his face was a little gloomy, and asked again

"If you were me, you would know that it is an inexplicable and unclear connection." Monk Jiurou sighed, and said, "Originally I had great ambitions, but I know that I am just a puppet to be robbed by others." At that time, all grand plans and ambitions have disappeared”

Xu Changqing felt that the so-called calamity was related to him, and asked anxiously, "Ying Jie? What calamity does Emperor Haotian want to use you for?"

"Aren't you already in calamity? Why bother to ask me?" Monk Jiurou looked at Xu Changqing with pity, and said, "As I said before, you and I are just puppets, but I am a puppet of man, and you are a puppet of heaven, doing anything seems to be autonomous, but in fact it is just being manipulated by others."

Although Xu Changqing was surprised by what Monk Jiurou said, but he didn't shake his heart, so he snorted coldly and said: "If you want to use these words to mess with my Dao heart, you will despise me too much."

The wine and meat monk laughed at himself and said, "Disturb your Dao heart? Is it necessary for me, a dying person?"

Xu Changqing fought back with a sneer, and said: "Of course it is necessary. After all, the death of your wine and meat monk does not mean that the Emperor Haotian who manipulated you is also dead. With your current wisdom, it should be very clear that I will have a battle with him. As his Even if you are not under his control now as a puppet clone, you will instinctively think for him and eliminate powerful enemies for him."

After listening to the wine and meat monk, he was stunned, finally nodded, and said: "Perhaps you are right, I am really doing these things that are beneficial to him instinctively. Arrangements seem to be able to be used by him." He said, he quickly woke up again, looked at Xu Changqing, and said: "It's just that what I said before is not wrong, I think you should also feel that some of your actions are out of intention. From the moment you entered Xumi Lingshan, you have already met the fate of the sky, and when you instructed me to restore the formation diagram of the Renli Tiangong, and then handed over the fragments of the formation to me, it means that you are here this time. The role played in the calamity has completed its due mission, and whether the final result is good or bad for you, you can only resign yourself to fate."

Xu Changqing has stabilized the abnormal emotions brought about by the blessing of wisdom from the wine and meat monk before, and returned to his normal state of mind. He said calmly and confidently: "So what? No matter the result is good or bad, I have the ability to bear it." , but you didn't"

"That's right, I really don't have the ability to bear it." Monk Jiurou reached out and tapped his forehead, mobilized his mana to draw out a trace of divine thought from his soul, condensed it into a bead, flicked it with his finger, and flicked it to Xu Changqing, saying: "My blessing Wisdom can last for about half an hour. After Su Hui disappears, the knowledge and secrets I have obtained through Su Hui will also disappear. , I believe you can completely remember these secrets."

Xu Changqing took the bead condensed from spiritual thoughts and memories, looked at it, and did not absorb it immediately. Instead, he looked at Monk Jiurou suspiciously, and said, "Why? Why did you give this to me?"

"I just want to leave a little mark of myself, and I don't want to simply disappear as a puppet who should be robbed." Monk Jiurou sighed, with a slightly pleading tone, and said, "In this memory, there is my whole life." I hope that after my death, Taoist friends can help me find a suitable successor and pass it on."

Xu Changqing thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, I agree."

Seeing that Xu Changqing agreed, the expression on Monk Jiurou's face relaxed a bit, and then he threw the last fragment of the array in his hand into the nebula vortex below him, and at the same time, his mana erupted like ignited fire oil, forming a torrent Injected into the nebula vortex (to be continued)

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