Nine idlers

Chapter 714

Chapter 710: Everything Begins Again

The same person who felt that the two groups of ancient will breaths were ingested by Xu Changqing in the middle was Xuan Qingsu who was far away in the Lingshan Mountain of the outer gate. Condition. ╭(╯3╰)╮Although this map of the Dao is not comparable to the treasure of heaven and earth that has been taken by the Sanqing Supreme, the true meaning of the Dao contained in it has not weakened much, and it is more compatible with the hun and mana of Xuanqingsu.

Compared with Xingchen Hanhai who was furious and hated like a sea, Xuan Qingsu seemed much calmer, but when Xu Changqing collected the two groups of ancient will breath, he was slightly stunned, so he stopped thinking about it and continued to give Disciples preaching.Only a few disciples felt a little abnormal, but they didn't ask any questions until after the sermon was over, when they were about to get up and leave, they were stopped by Xuan Qingsu.

"Master, what's your order?" Xuandao, who was Xuan Qingsu's second eldest disciple, asked respectfully.

Although Xuan Dao is Xuan Qingsu's disciple, he is also his adopted son. On the surface, among the disciples of Tianji Sect, his cultivation is not the highest, but he is definitely the strongest. Whenever outsiders think that his cultivation is in the realm When he reaches his limit, he always reappears to surprise everyone.When the restriction of the Kunlun Heavenly Dao was loosened, he was the first person in the Tianji Sect to break through the limit and step into the strongest realm, and his improvement did not stop because of this, but continued to improve in the following days, until now His cultivation realm has reached the mid-level to the strongest realm, far surpassing the others in Tianjimen.

The more he cultivated, the more Xuandao felt that his master was unpredictable. No matter how he chased after him, Xuan Qingsu was always a cloud of mist in his eyes, which made him unable to see clearly. But it feels so far away.It is precisely because of this that his respect for Xuan Qingsu is increasing day by day, and he even regards it as the sky, and does not allow anyone to disobey him. The popularity of the door is not very good.

"How did you handle the matter that Li Yongfeng sent people to form an alliance with us?" asked an old voice from the formation map.

"Returning to Master, we have not agreed for the time being. After all, Li Yongfeng is too strong now, and he has recently formed an alliance with Hu Yueniang, Guan Zheng and others. If we agree now, I am afraid that we may be annexed." Headmaster, his junior disciple, Tian Lingzi, replied.

Regarding Xuan Dao's approach, Tian Lingzi showed displeasure on his face, and was about to say something, but was held back by the chief disciple Wangqing Daoist, the chief disciple of Tianji Valley.Tianjimen is in charge of foreign affairs, and Tianjigu is in charge of internal affairs. Although the two forces belong to Xuan Qingsu's sect, they are not connected to each other. It's just that the leaders of the two forces are very good brothers, and they often have difficulties with each other. time to help each other.Taoist Wangqing has fought against Xuandao, he knows how strong Xuandao is now, and Xuandao is now in charge of the punishment hall, which has a restraining effect on Tianjimen and Tianji Valley. He is in a strong state and it is not suitable to fight against it, so he stopped Tian Lingzi, so as not to conflict with Xuan Dao, especially in front of Xuan Qingsu.

Regarding the conflicts between the disciples, Xuan Qingsu knew very well, and she never thought about mediating. This kind of matter cannot be resolved by force, but they can only solve it by themselves. As long as it does not affect her plan, she will not intervene These trivial things.

"Tomorrow you will send people to discuss the alliance with Li Yongfeng and Xiong Zhenyu respectively. You don't need to talk about success, but you have to delay it for a while." Xuan Qingsu was silent for a moment, and ordered: "In addition, Wangqing, you go to the inner city from the Liantian Passage in person. Menling Mountain, find the suzerains of Xiaoqing Weitian Scarlet Blood Hall, Jiuyan Mountain, and Luo Tiandao, and give this to them." As he spoke, he spit out three pieces of jade pendants from the formation map, and fell into the hands of Taoist Wangqing, saying : "Tell them it's time to start."

Hearing Xuan Qingsu's words, everyone present couldn't help being shocked.The three sects mentioned by Xuan Qingsu are all very special sects in Xiaoqingweitian, although the three sects are very inconspicuous in Xiaoqingweitian, and they are not even compared to the top fifty forces. However, they have deep relationships with at least 40 sects.This kind of relationship has been established through life and death tests, and the relationship is so deep that it can even affect some major decisions of each other's sects.However, listening to what Xuan Qingsu said now, it seems that these three sects are all under Xuan Qingsu's orders. This secret, not to mention other sect forces outside, even their disciples have never been aware of it.

"Disciple obeys." Wangqing took the jade pendant, put it away carefully, and waited for Xuan Qingsu's next order.

"Master, please give me instructions." Xuandao at the side saw that the two senior brothers had something to do, but he didn't, so he couldn't help asking anxiously.

"You stay in Tianji Valley for me, study this scripture carefully, and don't leave Tianji Valley until you reach the peak of power." Xuan Qingsu took out a scripture and threw it to Xuandao, and ordered sternly.

Xuandao took the book and looked at it, and found that it turned out to be the Sutra of Bitter Medicine, but the Sutra of Bitter Medicine handed down by the Kuyao Xianzong is very different, and there is also a part of the content of the Dao Jing, but the two are perfectly integrated, It makes it another scripture, a scripture that points directly to the Dao.

"Disciple obeys." A bitter look appeared on Xuandao's face. He had just left the closed door not long ago, and he wanted to let the sects of the outer sect Lingshan remember his prestige during this period, but now let him retreat again. It really made him feel a little uncomfortable, but he had to obey.

"Wenjun stay, the others leave." Xuan Qingsu ordered again.

Hearing Xuan Qingsu's order, the other three immediately bowed and exited the cave, leaving only their junior sister Lin Wenjun in place.

Just like the parents of most families dote on their younger sons, Lin Wenjun, the youngest of Xuan Qingsu's disciples, is also doted on.Xuan Qingsu not only taught her the way of life, but also specially found a spiritual root of heaven and earth for her, let it be included in the soul of life, and even refined a pair of road maps that were almost exactly the same for her, as if treating it as a Another one to cultivate by oneself.

However, it is precisely because of her special status that her practice has always been smooth and smooth without any setbacks, so her state of mind is not stable, and she cannot go further when her cultivation reaches the limit.It wasn't until she was instructed by Xuan Qingsu to pretend to be her teacher and go to Mount Chaoyun, and after she was frustrated in front of Xu Changqing, that she realized something, her mood soared, and she became the fourth among Xuan Qingsu's disciples to step into the strongest state In recent years, the cultivation base has even approached the Xuan Dao, reaching the middle-grade to the strongest state.

After leaving only his most beloved disciple behind, Xuan Qingsu no longer concealed his face, took back the formation map, and revealed his original appearance.I saw that this existence, who is regarded as a strange person in both the secular Kunlun world, does not have the beauty that ordinary people imagine, but looks very ordinary, with red phoenix eyes, willow eyebrows, and cherry mouth, which are somewhat similar to common classical beauties, but her whole body is mixed. The two diametrically opposite temperaments of being dusty and heroic gave her a strange and intoxicating charm.

Although it was not the first time to see Xuan Qingsu's real appearance, Lin Wenjun still couldn't help but feel an inexplicable feeling that shouldn't be there.Perhaps feeling the change in his heart, Lin Wenjun blushed slightly, lowered his head, and saluted Xuan Qingsu: "Master, is there anything you want Wenjun to do?"

"Mr. Wen, how is your cultivation of the Master of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires passed on to you by the master?" Xuan Qingsu raised his hand and beckoned to the disciple, beckoning her to come forward, and then asked.

Hearing the question, Lin Wenjun was ashamed, and said bluntly: "The disciple has never been able to find the trick of this method. Although he can forcibly gather the Seven Emotions Underworld Lord and the Six Yu Underworld Lord with mana, it is difficult to combine them into one. "

"Well! It's very good that you can do this step." Xuan Qingsu nodded appreciatively, and said: "The reason why you can't cultivate it is mainly because you have never experienced love and hatred, life and death, feeling It's not as strong as the changes of ordinary people's emotions and desires."

After Lin Wenjun heard this, doubts appeared on his face, and he asked in a deep voice: "Then what should the disciple do?"

"You need to go through the catastrophe of love, so that you can understand the Tao through love." Xuan Qingsu pointed Lin Wenjun, then changed his voice, and said something that surprised Lin Wenjun, saying: "Wen Jun, as a teacher, I need you to betray the teacher. Switch to the Hanhai of Stars in Lingshan of the Inner Gate."

"What?" After hearing this, Lin Wenjun's face immediately became extremely pale, and he quickly knelt down under Xuan Qingsu's seat, and said anxiously: "Did the disciple do something wrong to annoy the master, and I hope the master will forgive me, don't Drive the disciples out of the teacher's door!"

"Nonsense! You are the teacher's favorite disciple. No matter how serious the mistake is, the teacher can forgive you, so why would he drive you out of the school?" Xuan Qingsu raised his hand to help Lin Wenjun whose face had changed drastically, very He kindly patted the non-existent dust on her knees, then hugged her in her arms like a child, and caressed the disciple's body with a kind of intimacy that was beyond normal, making her confused quickly. It was replaced by an abnormal emotion, and then he leaned into the disciple's ear and said softly: "This is all for your own good, if you don't break through the emotional barrier, your cultivation will stagnate forever. After the heavenly restriction is lifted, you will never be able to keep up with the pace of being a teacher."

Lin Wenjun, who was hugged by Xuan Qingsu, blushed blushing all the way to the base of his ears. When he heard the reason Xuan Qingsu said, his face became more panicked, and he asked quickly: " What should a disciple do to break through the emotional barrier?"

"If you want to pass the love test, you must first experience the love calamity, and your love calamity happens to be on the Dragon King of the Eastern Crystal Palace in the Star Hanhai. It is because of this that the teacher will let you transfer to the Star Hanhai." Xuan Qingsu Explaining the reason directly, he said, "It's just that the aquariums in the vast sea of ​​stars are extremely xenophobic. If you let them go there like this, it will be difficult to gain the trust of the other party, so when you go, you should bring a gift with you." Seeing Xuan Qingsu's body trembling slightly, her face became a little pale, followed by a map of the road flying out of her head and landed in her hand, "This map of the road for the teacher is the one you turned to the stars, the vast sea, and the east. The meeting ceremony at the Crystal Palace... q!.

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