Nine idlers

Chapter 715

After finding a few places where Zhang Guo was suspected to have died, Xu Changqing's Zhu Yan avatar set off to check these places alone, and the person who was traveling with him was Savina, the Lord of the Forbidden Forest.

Although Savina, who has practiced Xu Changqing's method, can't completely eliminate the suppression of the Kunlun Heavenly Dao at this moment, she has no problem leaving the Forbidden Forest, and the changes in the world caused by the mustard spirit mountain this time make the Kunlun Heavenly Dao's attack on the Kunlun immortals, Buddhas and demons While the realm restriction is weakened, it also weakens the suppression of the gods from other worlds. 【y Savina, who felt her own burden was lightened, wanted to leave the Forbidden Forest and the nearby Demon Temple, take a walk in War Demon Cliff, and meet old friends who lived in seclusion in other forbidden areas of War Demon Cliff for a while, So I simply made a partner with Xu Changqing who was also going to the other forbidden area of ​​Zhanmoya.

Xu Changqing has no objection to Savina's colleagues. He can just test it on Savina, and the divine script and divine array of the ancient alien world mastered by the generalization avatar from the Holy Ruins.

With the help of the Eye of True Knowledge, Xu Changqing's generalized avatar absorbs all kinds of knowledge from the ancient alien gods at an extremely fast speed, but most of these knowledge must cooperate with the special laws of heaven, so they can no longer It can only be used as a reference.As for the rest, there are only a few that can be directly applied to forging artifacts, and this part can be combined with each other, adding or subtracting various divine formations, to form the current divine formation system of the Holy Ruins.

The remaining parts are also the content that Xu Changqing attaches the most importance to. According to Xu Changqing's estimation, they should be specially used to act on the gods of other worlds, giving the gods special powers beyond the scope of their own gods' original power.In Xu Changqing's deduction, the Divine Mana Array may be tattooed on the body in a special way.Or use your own divine power to integrate into these divine scriptures to form a core of divine power similar to the seed words of the mantra.You can get an extra supernatural power.It is precisely because of the special nature of these divine cultural formations that Xu Changqing has reason to believe that this is the fundamental source of various divine arts in the Holy Market.

It's a pity that these are just speculations, because Xu Changqing has not yet had an example to prove that these speculations are true.Xu Changqing once directly robbed some sacred statues from the Holy Ruins, or controlled them to use a certain divine script as the prototype to condense the core of divine power, or directly used his guessed method to tattoo some divine scripts and arrays on them.But I don't know that the method is wrong.Or their own problems, these gods, without exception, either could not bear these powerful external divine powers, or these divine powers were incompatible with their own divine powers, and eventually they were all killed by the original divine fire

Compared with the conflict between the divine power generated by the divine scripture array and the divine power of the subject itself, Xu Changqing prefers that the spiritual source of the divine script subject is incomplete, and the divine power and body are not strong enough.Can't bear this sudden foreign divine power.Because before the operation.Xu Changqing has already matched the corresponding divine script or divine formation according to the source of the original power of the gods of those gods. The divine powers of the two are of the same type, so there should be no signs of conflict.

Before looking for Savina to look at these gods and gods, Xu Changqing also tried to catch one or two otherworldly gods whose strength was at least equivalent to that of the Hedao Earth Immortal.However, his previous actions of arresting those gods attracted the attention of people who paid close attention to Smelting City. All the star gates were monitored, and those members of the upper star ring family who had the status of real gods were even more closely guarded.Therefore, unless he was willing to expose his true location, it would be difficult to have a chance to grab one or two experimental alien gods from the city of smelting.

The change of heaven and earth caused by Jiezi Lingshan also affected the holy ruins attached to the two worlds of immortals and Buddhas, but after all, the two are not under the same avenue of heaven and earth, so the impact is not great, and even most of the saints None of the gods of the ruins felt anything unusual.However, the impact of the weakening of the Kunlun Heavenly Dao restriction is of extraordinary significance to the Holy Ruins, which speeds up the process of the Holy Ruins' integration into the Kunlun Three Realms. The number of cliffs is also becoming more and more frequent.The traces are also becoming more and more obvious.

Zhu Yan's avatar in Zhanmoya didn't even need to concentrate on his perception, he could clearly feel several Zhanmoya forbidden areas including the beast's lair acue.The power of the two worlds is constantly being transmitted, and it seems that Shengxu is preparing to take advantage of this opportunity.Do something in Battle Cliff.However, the generalized avatar in the Holy Ruins did not find that the upper star ring had hoarded all kinds of spiritual materials excavated from the mining area, nor did it increase the number of forging various consumable artifacts, nor did it mobilize the gods that generally existed as cannon fodder, so Even if there is an action, it should not be a big action.

In the Holy Ruins, apart from the alien gods and gods standing at the top who are very concerned about the changes in the world of the Kunlun Three Realms, the Bodhisattva who entered the Holy Ruins to avoid disasters, the Lord Huijue Bodhisattva, also pays special attention to the news of the Buddhist world.When the Mount Sumeru was banned, and the news that the spiritual masters and powerful powers of various sects were trapped in the Mount Sumeru, he was sent to the Holy Market by his cronies in the Bodhisattva Vehicle, and he felt that this was an objection. his vital opportunity.Although the fortune suppressor of the Jinxiu Mountains and Rivers Map in the Buddhist world has not been found yet, if he returns to the Buddhist world this time, if he manipulates it properly, the benefits he will get will be incalculable, and after the ancient will is released, he feels pressured. The aura of calamity on his body is fading rapidly, and there is no danger in returning to the Buddha Realm at this time.

One is the huge benefits that are visible to the naked eye, and the other is the treasure of luck whose whereabouts are unknown. Bodhisattva Huijue knows very well how to choose between the two, and he has decided to lead these elite disciples who are now in the holy market back to the Buddhist world.It's just that other people can also guess what he paid attention to, and when he took people out of the Buddhist world and went to the holy market, he had already predicted that there might be abnormal situations in the Buddhist world.Therefore, when all the sect masters of the Buddhist world and the masters of Lingshan were trapped in Xumi Lingshan, except for the two-world passage on Xumi Lingshan between the Buddhist world and the holy market, all the other two-world passages connecting the two worlds were all blocked by a powerful force. The power of the body is cut off, and the one who can do this is obviously Zen Master Fahai, who has the highest level of cultivation in the entire Buddhist world.

Bodhisattva Huijue was also very aware of this, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried. This is because Zen Master Fahai wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to go out of the mountain to help the rise of Arhat Cheng. If this was the case, he might not be of any use even if he returned to the Buddhist realm.However, the news that came from the Buddhist world in the next few days dispelled his worries. Most of the sects in the Buddhist world are just civil strife, and conflicts between each other's sects rarely occur. The true Zen Buddhism only stayed in their respective religions to accept those comrades who took refuge in the same way, and did not take advantage of this opportunity to expand their sphere of influence outward.

Although Huijue Bodhisattva can still use special methods to deliver the Dharma to his cronies in the Bodhisattva Vehicle, so as to quell civil strife.However, since Huijue Bodhisattva has been sitting on Sumeru Lingshan for many years, and has never been to the Bodhisattva to preach on other spiritual mountains, this makes him not have much prestige in the eyes of other gods and Buddhas in other Lingshan mountains. He just regards him as a Bodhisattva. just a symbol.It is really impossible to quell the civil strife in the various spiritual mountains of the Bodhisattva with just one so-called decree without any proof. What's more, many of Huijue Bodhisattva's confidantes have suffered a great loss in their cultivation during this change of heaven and earth. Because it's too late, why are you willing to take the risk of falling to participate in the open and secret struggle inside the Lingshan Mountain?

Just as Huijue Bodhisattva was thinking about how to return to the Buddhist world as soon as possible, an event that caused the upper-level gods of the holy market to shake also caught his attention.This incident is that on the Zhuo Beast Star in the second star ring of the Holy Ruins, which is dominated by the Zhuo Beastman who ignited the divine fire, a fellow of the two worlds leading to the demon world appeared, and the demonic energy emitted from the fellow of the two worlds has been polluted The magic fire of some turbid beast gods and spirits was fired, making them quickly demonized, causing some chaos to the turbid beast stars in a short time.

Although Shengxu hopes to merge with Kunlun Heaven and Earth to complement its own heaven and earth avenue, the Kunlun Heaven and Earth in it are only the two worlds of immortals and Buddhas, and definitely do not include the demon world.From the Supreme God of the Holy Ruins to the Star Lord of the Third Star Ring, almost all the gods in the Holy Ruins who hold power are well aware of how terrifying the aggression of the Demon Realm is. From the Second Realm, they are far from having so many means to suppress the Demon Realm.The most important thing is that the demon energy of the demon world can easily infect their natal divine fire and make other world gods be enchanted, and there is still no safe way to clear this enchanted state. The only thing that can be done is to pollute others in it. Shenhuo killed it before, so Shengxu has always been talking about the devil world.

Because of this, after the formation of the Holy Ruins, the four supreme gods joined forces to use the divine artifacts derived from the Holy Ruins themselves to arrange a series of anti-demon formations around the Holy Ruins, thereby completely isolating the demon world from the Holy Ruins. .These divine formations are very effective. They have brought stability to the Holy Ruins for thousands of years. Except for a few foreign gods who went to War Demon Cliff, they were inadvertently contaminated with the demonic energy there and polluted the divine fire. None of the gods of the Holy Ruins had any worries about being possessed by demons.

It's a pity that these god formations have lost their effect now. Perhaps due to the impact of the changes in the three realms of Kunlun, the various god formations arranged by the four supreme gods on the periphery of the holy market inevitably have cracks and flaws.The aggression of the Heavenly Dao of the Demon Realm was also manifested at this time. In just a few days, it infiltrated along these cracks and flaws, not only came into contact with the Holy Ruins, but also opened up the same way of the two worlds, instilling demonic energy into the Holy Ruins.Fortunately, it was discovered in time, and before the demonic energy spread, all the hidden dangers were eliminated by the gods of the Holy Ruins, and the passage between the two worlds was sealed off.

It's just that this approach is only a temporary solution, not a root cause, because as long as the protective arrays around the holy ruins are not repaired, the contact between the demon world and the holy ruins will not stop, and there will inevitably be a second demon world passageway.It's a pity that this is critical, and all the gods in the holy market are helpless, because repairing the magic weapon of the anti-demon formation requires the cooperation of four supreme gods, and the four supreme gods are currently in seclusion, and they can't do anything at all.For this reason, the gods of the holy ruins headed by the altar of the gods, the Senate, and the Wangzhengyuan can only formulate some passive defense methods to resist the invasion of the demon world.To be continued. .

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