Nine idlers

Chapter 716

When he learned that the Bodhisattva was about to return to the Buddha Realm from the Demon Realm by taking the lead of the Bodhisattva Huijue, Xu Changqing's clone of the Demon Emperor of Myriad Tribulations was at the edge of a spiritual vein in the Southern Demon Realm, mixed with the group of demons, watching the one who occupied the spiritual vein here. A demon king crosses the demon calamity and becomes a demon venerable. -Different from the other two worlds, people in the demon world do not need to find a hidden place to retreat, or find a fellow to guard the gate like people in the Buddha world and fairy world, because absolutely no one in the demon world will Crazy enough to join in when others are crossing the devil's calamity, and ask for a dead end.

For those who live in the devil world, the devil is like a plague. If they get too close, they can infect each other, and after this infection, the devil will be reduced according to the cultivation level of the infected person. catastrophe.So in the Demon Realm, if someone crosses the catastrophe nearby, everyone else will avoid it far away, and hide out of the range of the catastrophe.And this feature is often used by people in the devil's way, especially when they die together with the enemy, they will deliberately arouse the devil energy in the body to trigger the devil.

Although people in the devil way are afraid of avoiding other people's catastrophe, but for those who have reached the edge of the realm breakthrough, they will try their best to find other people to cross the catastrophe and feel the catastrophe in advance when they are on the edge of the catastrophe. power, so as to increase the success rate of one's own surviving the tribulation.Most of the people in the demon world that Xu Changqing mixed with now gathered here for this purpose.As for the remaining people, they want to wait for the person who crosses the tribulation to fail to cross the tribulation successfully, and snatch this spiritual vein and the treasure left by that person.

The magic catastrophe in the demon world is different from the heavenly catastrophe in the other two worlds. There is no thunder here, but only the endless magic wind gathered from the void. The endless Dazizai Heavenly Demon, people in the magic wind have to endure the torture of their own demon nature anytime and anywhere. If they can't control it for a while, their demon nature will fall, and they will assimilate with the Dazizai Heavenly Demon in the magic wind, completely losing their own consciousness.

For others.The fundamental magic in the magic wind and the Great Freedom Heavenly Demon are deadly poisons, although there are also some people who try to ingest it and refine magic weapons.But there are not many people who are really capable of doing this, at least not here.However, in front of Xu Changqing, this gust of magic wind, which was enough to frighten even the Demon Venerable, was not in any danger.Whether it is the indestructible demon body of the avatar of the Demon Emperor of Myriad Tribulations itself, or Xu Changqing's already deep and long-standing Vientiane Senluo Demon Transformation Skill, there are a lot of ways to restrain the fundamental demons of the Demon Tribulation and the Great Freedom Demon.

While the group of demons around were waiting for the outcome of the calamity demonic wind, Xu Changqing had already used the Myriad Phrases Senluo Demon Transformation Art to transform his divine thoughts into a large and free demon.Entered into the magic wind to check the situation.Soon he came to the Devil Tribulation Center and saw the Demon Lord who was crossing the catastrophe, but unfortunately, now this Demon Lord is as doomed as the other Demon Lords he saw before, and his body is being tortured by Da Zi The heavenly demon nibbled at it, while the soul began to transform under the guidance of the demonic nature, and this transformation was irreversible.

The changes in the world caused by the release of the ancient will have also brought some impact on the demon world, but these impacts are difficult for the underlying innate demons, acquired demons, or demons to feel.It also has no effect on the existence of the demon king, the top level of the demon world.What really makes a difference is the special existence of the Demon Lord in the middle.Under the influence of the sudden increase in aura caused by the changes in the world, many demon monarchs involuntarily broke through their own barriers and passively crossed the tribulation. In the end, without exception, they all failed to restrain their demon nature because of their state of mind. However, he failed to cross the tribulation and was assimilated by the demon world.

If Xu Changqing can know in advance who will survive the catastrophe.Perhaps through some arrangements, it can help the demon monarch successfully resist the erosion of demonic nature.Unfortunately.The aura turbulence caused by the change of heaven and earth has no rules at all, when Xu Changqing received the news and rushed over.Everything has become a foregone conclusion.

The reason why Xu Changqing is interested in these demon lords who cross the catastrophe is not only to feel the power of the catastrophe, but also to see if there is a chance to plant his own heart in the way of the demon king in the process of crossing the catastrophe. The brand of Jiuliu Avenue and the seal of prohibition and punishment were used to control it.

I don’t know if it’s because the Great Dao of the Demon Realm itself protects the people in the Demon Realm. The Dao’s original heart is protected by the demonic nature of the Demon Realm’s heaven and earth. The principles of the Dao such as the Dao can only be applied to the demon body of people in the demon world, not the demon heart.However, when Xu Changqing was observing a demon king from the demon world, he discovered that a crack had been opened in the demon king's protected Dao heart. In the midst of it, it will affect it, and Xu Changqing can also pass through this crack to plant a ban on this demon lord, so that he can control him after he reaches the realm of demon lord.It's a pity that his idea is very good, and the effect of implementation is not bad, but the target is a bit poor, and so far no one has been able to successfully overcome the tribulation.

After sensing that the Transcending Tribulation Demon Lord had no value in planting a ban, Xu Changqing didn't intend to stay here any longer, and turned around and left after removing the illusionary Dazizai Heavenly Demon.

Xu Changqing is now in the Southern Demon Realm, while the two worlds leading to the Buddhist Realm are in the Northern Demon Realm. Judging from the special magic energy around the entrance of the Demon Realm that appeared in the Holy Ruins, the entrance leads to the Northern Demon Realm.If he wanted to stop Huijue Bodhisattva in the Demon Realm before he reached the entrance of the Buddha Realm, he had to use the Demon Realm Corridor connecting all the demon realms.According to him, the closest to him, the Demon Realm Corridor leading to the Northern Demon Realm, is located in Black Rock City, which takes about a day's journey to fly to.

Although Xu Changqing can also use the space teleportation method to shorten the distance, but it is undoubtedly a way of asking for trouble in a place full of all kinds of chaos in the devil world.Xu Changqing had also experimented with teleportation before, but it was a pity that after using it, under the influence of the chaos in the demon world, he was sent directly from the Eastern Demon Territory to the void outside the Southern Demon Territory, which was different from where he was going More than one hundred and eight thousand miles.

The road to Black Rock City was very peaceful, and no blind guy came out to rob Xu Changqing. After all, in the Demon Realm, anyone who dares to go in and out of the void like Xu Changqing alone is a powerful person.Even though Xu Changqing restrained the Demon Emperor's demon energy on purpose, the emperor's power contained in the Demon Emperor of Myriad Tribulations could still bring strong pressure to others, making the people in the Demon World around him feel involuntarily afraid.

Black Rock City is the largest city in the Southern Demon Territory close to the Central Demon Territory. Its area is much larger than the Outer Nine Layers, 72 Ring City, and Inner Nine Vehicles on the periphery of Xumi Ling Mountain in the Buddhist world.It's just that the land here is extremely barren, and in such a large area, there is only one spiritual vein entrenched here, and the rest of the place is a dangerous place, full of volcanic lava that is constantly blooming everywhere, and there is a mixture of demons everywhere. The characteristic toxic fumes of the gas.The toxicity of this kind of poisonous smoke can easily ignite the magic fire of a demon head, and then let him die in a coma.Even if one's cultivation has reached the realm of a demon king, it is still difficult to resist the erosion of this poisonous smoke. His natal demon fire will be eroded, and eventually he cannot control it and dies.So unless it is necessary, very few people in the Demon Realm are willing to come here to suffer and take risks.

The people in the demon world who live here all the year round have only one kind of innate demon conceived from the volcanic lava here, and only they can not be afraid of this poisonous smoke and the harsh environment around them, and the person in charge of this city is called Hunger Yan, He is also the strongest among this kind of innate demon, he has already reached the half-step Demon Venerable realm, relying on the innate advantages of this place, even the real Demon Venerable can hardly pose a threat to him.Because this is the entrance of the Central Demon Territory to the Southern Demon Territory, when the Central Demon Territory tried to invade the Southern Demon Territory several times, it wanted to subdue this place and use it as a springboard.It's a pity that except for the time when the demon lord of destruction personally took action, the other times all failed, which also made the city's reputation in the entire demon world extremely loud.

Although the land in Black Rock City is barren and there are no products, it does not mean that it has no value. On the contrary, the disgusting poisonous smoke and innate demons living here are the best products of Black Rock City.The poisonous smoke extracted by a special method can become a treasure that can ignite the magic fire and condense the demon body. In addition, using the innate demons, poisonous smoke and volcanic lava here can also refine a magic treasure similar to the fire crow gourd , As for other functions, there are also many, so there will be some people in the devil world who are not afraid of poisonous smoke all year round to catch demon heads and collect poisonous smoke.

The entire Black Rock City, except for the urban area in the middle, and the surrounding volcanic area of ​​the outer city is divided into 36 resource areas of different sizes, and each resource area is in charge of a person from the demon world whose strength has reached the level of a demon king.Their status is not eternal, someone will be replaced by subordinates or outsiders all the year round, but no matter who takes this position, he must pay [-]% of the income like the city lord Hungry Yan.

When Xu Changqing arrived at Black Rock City, more than 36 demon lords who controlled [-] resource areas around him crossed the robbery at the same time. Except for a few gaps, the entire surrounding area of ​​Black Rock City was shrouded in robbery and demon wind, and no one could near.Although the group of demons had not finished their tribulation yet, Xu Changqing no longer needed to use spells to go deep into the demon tribulation to check. He already knew that the twenty or so demon lords were all gone just by the mixed energy and demonic wind around them.With so many demon kings dying, it will inevitably cause large-scale chaos. Countless people who want to become the new controllers of the resource area will participate. Even the black rock city lord, Hungry Flame, cannot prevent this chaos.

Apparently, the Lord of Black Rock City also foresaw this situation. He had already ordered the closure of all roads leading to Black Rock City at the moment when the demon kings crossed the catastrophe, mobilizing the magic formations around Black Rock City and making Black Rock City a solid city. fortress.At the same time that Black Rock City was banned, a large number of people in the demon world who were considered by Hunger Yan to be uneasy factors were all driven out of Black Rock City. And the demons gathered together, each looking for the target, only waiting for the time to come before making a move.To be continued. .

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