Nine idlers

Chapter 717

At the same time, on the mountainside of the volcano, Qin Qin's resistance to the attack of the Lord of Black Rock has become unsustainable, and her magic power is also rapidly consumed under the attack like a shower. Showing any flaws, the figure is always hidden in the golden light, only using this special magic fire golden light and the chains transformed by the eight arms to attack, not giving Qin Qin any chance to make a move. &&Faced with this situation, Qin Qin knew very well that if he continued to procrastinate, it would only become more and more unfavorable to him, so he had to fight desperately to survive.

But just when Qin Qin was about to unleash the long-stored Ten Devils Swallowing the Moon Knife with all its strength, a tyrannical divine sense rushed into her body without any hindrance, instantly imprisoning her magic essence.This divine sense contained a mysterious power that had a strong suppressive effect not only on the magic element, but also on the fundamental demon nature of the demonic way. Qin Qin was controlled by this divine mind without even a chance to resist.

"Don't be nervous, I have no malicious intentions." Just as Qin Qin was terrified and was searching for a countermeasure, a man's voice suddenly sounded in her ear, and at the same time, that divine sense was using unrivaled control Controlling her body forcefully, she waved the Ten Demons Swallowing the Moon Knife in her hand, making a blocking movement, and swung away all the attacks of the surrounding Heiyan City Lords.

Whether the mysterious person controlling her body is good or evil is not certain, but Qin Qin can be sure that the strength of the other party is absolutely extraordinary, because the power used by the other party to block the attack of the Lord of Black Rock does not have her magic essence at all, only her physical body strength.Physical strength alone can resist the opponent's mana attack.This is not to say that it is in the devil world.Even in the other two worlds, it is almost impossible to do, and there is still a big gap in the realm, which makes it even more difficult.

"The great way goes down to the smallest level?" Seeing this situation, Qin Qin, who had been taking martial arts as his way all his life, quickly remembered the realm of martial arts that he had seen in an ancient book on martial arts handed down from the Kunlun Wonderland.

This kind of realm of greatness into the micro is one of the few realms that touches the law of the greatness among the many realms of martial arts. If you want to reach this kind of realm, you must have a near-extreme control over power.After entering this realm, the size of strength is no longer a problem that troubles martial arts. Lifting weights with ease is just a handy skill. What's more, entering this realm can make it easier for people to find out the opponent's spells. , supernatural powers, and other loopholes in the method.

like now.This mysterious person easily blocked the attack of the Black Rock City Lord through her physical strength. Although she couldn't see more mysteries from it, she knew that the person who controlled her physical body was useless at all. Much power did just that.

"It turns out that you only practice the Golden Spirit Battle Jue. You have cultivated it to such a high level, it seems that this method really suits you." At this time, another sentence came from the mysterious man's divine sense into Qin Qin's mind , said regretfully: "Although your talent in martial arts is extraordinary, it's a pity that you have gone in the wrong direction. If you can practice the complete five-element battle formula, you should have reached the realm of the demon king by now. Forget it! You can The Golden Spirit War in the Five Elements Battle Jue has been cultivated to such a degree, it can be seen that this method is destined for you, I will let you see the complete Five Elements Battle Jue, and what you can learn from it. It depends on yourself."

Just after this passage was finished, Qin Qin felt that her body had turned into a bottomless pit, and the thick fire spirit entangled in the surrounding volcanic areas was poured into her body under the traction of an invisible force. Within the body, within a short period of time, there was an extra stream of fire spirit energy in her body that was not much weaker than her magic essence.Following this sudden intrusion of mana, it flowed through the internal organs of the body according to a mysterious trajectory, and evolved into the other four five-element auras accordingly.After all the five-element auras were evolved, the five-element auras began to run in the opposite direction from before. This time, the various auras restrained and conflicted with each other, producing unimaginable destructive power. She even felt any kind of five-element aura The power generated by the mutual restraint of aura can completely destroy the demon body that he is proud of.

The mysterious man uses Qin Qin's physical body to evolve the five elements' mutual generation and mutual restraint.His attack also changed with the change of each five-element aura, sometimes it was as fierce as a raging fire, and sometimes it was as long as flowing water. All in all, every attack perfectly matched with the five-element aura in his body.

At the moment when Qinqin's magic yuan was banned, and the mountain of swords and seas transformed by the magic yuan around him disappeared.The Lord of Heiyan felt that something was wrong with Qin Qin, but he didn't think about it.It was even more impossible to guess that his opponent had changed, but thought that Qin Qin was powerless to fight back.It's just because of Qin Qin's prestige, even though it seems that he has gained the upper hand now, he still dare not take it lightly. Before he is sure that Qin Qin has been imprisoned by him, he will never take the golden armored demon from the blinding golden light. drive out.

However, the city lord of Heiyan did not expect the changes in Qin Qin's body. It didn't make him weaker, but it didn't make him stronger either. As far as the demonic aura in his body is concerned, Qin Qin is now weaker than before.But the strange thing is that it is obviously weakened, and even unable to display mana, and can only rely on the power of the demon itself to fight against the enemy, but Qin Qin is even more difficult to deal with, even being suppressed by her.Every time she swung the Ten Demons Swallowing the Moon Knife in her hand, it was like waving a straw casually, without exerting any force at all, but just such a swing easily smashed his magic light and swung the eight-armed magic lock. , It made him feel more and more powerless, and he didn't know how to do it.

This kind of confrontation is not the worst. The worst thing is that the almost endless fire spirit around is absorbed into Qin Qin's body at this time, turning into another kind of power full of killing breath, and Before this power was displayed, the light breath made him feel the fear he hadn't felt for a long time.

It is not useless to use the thick fire spirit condensed by the volcanoes around Black Rock City, but these fire spirits contain a kind of fire poison. It is difficult to directly absorb the fire spirit here, and only after finding a way to remove the fire poison can it be absorbed and refined safely.However, Qin Qin directly absorbed it like this, and even directly refined it into another kind of power. It is a kind of innate supernatural power of acquired demons.

At this time, the Lord of Black Rock City no longer wanted to avenge his subordinates or profit for himself. He just wanted to get away before he got into irresistible trouble.It's a pity that he felt that it was too late, and before he could escape with the spell, the power of his fear had already been displayed, and the natural saber gesture like an antelope's horns became traceable, but the degree of danger But also unabated.A series of saber gestures containing the power of the five elements were displayed at will by her. The five different forces seemed to turn into five grinding discs full of destructive aura, squeezing him into the small space in the middle, and anyone who tried to break away The mana or supernatural powers of these five forces were crushed without exception and turned into nothingness.Even though he could clearly connect to the spiritual veins of Black Rock City with his divine sense, he was unable to penetrate this layer of saber-like cage and mobilize a trace of spiritual vein power, which directly made it impossible for him to use his strongest means at all.

Although the city lord of Heiyan had fallen into a predicament from which he was completely uncertain of escape, he did not show much fear or panic.In fact, as long as he is willing to give up this golden armor clone directly, let the soul escape from the spiritual veins of Black Rock City, or simply don't even want the clone and this part of the clone soul, and cut off the connection directly, then no matter how powerful Xu Changqing is. It is possible to hurt its body through this clone.However, this golden armor avatar has been with him for many years, and he found it from a ruin of an ancient demon sect after a narrow escape. He has always used the avatar as his main body, and it is this avatar that has made him so many years old. It has always been smooth and smooth, and its meaning is far from being measurable by a clone treasure.Before encountering an irreversible situation, it was impossible for him to be ruthless and abandon this clone.

In addition to the reasons of the Lord of Black Rock, Qin Qin's strange behavior also made him have a glimmer of hope.Because Qin Qin's saber was clearly able to kill the golden armor clone here in the first strike, but Qin Qin didn't do that, as if deliberately showing power, using complicated and complicated methods that no one in the magic way would bother to use method to trap it.This made him think that it was impossible for Qin Qin to turn against him completely, and there was still a glimmer of hope for reconciliation. Although he might have to pay a considerable price, as long as he could keep this golden armor avatar, no matter how much he paid, it would be worth it.

Qin Qin was completely unaware of the small thoughts of the Lord of Black Rock, and she was completely obsessed with the Five Elements Battle Art displayed by the mysterious man.Although she knew from her husband that the Golden Spirit Battle Art is just a part of another martial arts art, and that only by practicing other tactics together can the full power of this set of tactics be brought into play, but before that, she had never taken it seriously. Think it's the husband exaggerating.The Golden Spirit Battle Jue is compatible with her natal demon way, and with her own talent, she has cultivated the Golden Spirit Battle Jue alone without the need to harmonize the five elements, and she has already cultivated it to the extreme. Even her husband is amazed at this .

Unfortunately, after practicing this method, the five elements in Qin Qin's body were no longer balanced, which caused her to have some physical problems. She and her husband have not had half an heir for more than a hundred years.Originally, she thought it was a natural problem with her acquired demon, but she didn't know what was going on until recently.Although her husband did not express any displeasure, but tried his best to comfort her, but she always had a heart disease in her heart, so that she reached the peak of the Demon King more than ten years ago, and also touched the law of the Dao, and was in harmony with the demon nature of her life, The fusion of the mark of the magic way and the magic way of the original life is only a step away from the door, but it has never been able to go any further.

This time, Qin Qin and his wife ventured here to reduce karma by borrowing other people's evil calamity. They wanted to let one of the couple break through to the realm of the demon king, find a chance to return to the Kunlun fairyland, and find the complete five-element battle formula to get rid of this disadvantage.But she didn't expect that someone would put the answer in front of her to this difficult problem that had troubled the couple for many years, so she naturally couldn't calm down.To be continued. .

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