Nine idlers

Chapter 718 Son of Huangshan

Being able to suppress the bodies of Qin Qin and his wife with such strength, seize control of their bodies and magic weapons in an instant, and also know the five elements of battle tactics and the Dao array diagram, this mysterious person who made Qin Qin and his wife suspicious, besides always being in another Xu Changqing, who was watching the battle from a hilltop, didn't think about it. &&

After guessing that this couple, or that the devil had a lot of relationship with the Huang family brothers and sisters, Xu Changqing naturally wouldn't stand aside and watch them have an accident.It's just that he didn't want to show up in front of everyone at this time, so he used this method to help them secretly.

Xu Changqing himself was not sure at that time. After all, the three-point soul of Jinxian's main body is trying his best to digest the huge mysteries of heaven and earth brought about by the ancient will. With the clone of the emperor, it may be difficult to suppress the Qin Qin and his wife, who are both superhuman in the state of mind and cultivation.But when he took the shot, he found that things were far easier than he imagined. He controlled the resistance of the two demonic elements almost effortlessly, and imprisoned the way of the two with an absolutely powerful posture. Demon nature, natal soul.If it weren't for the pure Taiqing Xianyuan in the two of them who could still make some resistance, perhaps now the couple has been completely controlled by Xu Changqing from the inside out.

"I didn't expect the seal of the Demon Emperor of Myriad Tribulations to be able to exert such an effect!" Xu Changqing couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart after controlling the two of them.

Before that, the devils and princes that Xu Changqing encountered were either shunned because of his aura and did not dare to fight with him, or they were directly beheaded by Xu Changqing at the moment of fighting. Controlling others like this also made him fail to realize that the Devil Emperor Seal of Myriad Tribulations, which is the root of the Devil Emperor's clone, would have such a great power after sending the Devil Emperor's clone to the Demon Realm for such a long time.

Whether it is innate demons, acquired demons, or demons, as long as their natal demonic path contains the fundamental demonic nature of the demon world, their cultivation bases will be suppressed by the seal of the demon emperor without exception, and the higher the cultivation base, the more suppressed they will be. The stronger the power.Like Qin Qin and his wife, who have almost merged the demonic nature of the demonic world with the demonic nature of life.There is no resistance to the suppression of the Demon Emperor's Seal, and Xu Changqing faintly feels that even the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm may not be able to resist the suppression of this kind of Daoist heart.

Thinking about it carefully, it is not difficult for Xu Changqing to see why the Demon Emperor Seal of Myriad Tribulations has an innate suppressive effect on thousands of demons in the demon world.It is entirely because this Demon Emperor Seal is the avenue suppressor of the first dynasty in the Demon Realm, representing the orthodoxy of the Demon Realm.It is said that although the dynasty created by the Demon Emperor of Myriad Tribulations was an act against the heavens, it was soon destroyed by the Heavenly Dao of the Demon Realm, and it was only a flash in the pan in the long years of the Demon Realm.However, the successful refining of the Seal of the Demon Emperor of Ten Thousand Tribulations means that the Heavenly Dao of the Demon Realm has recognized its existence, and incorporated it into the Dao of Heaven, and has been nourished by the luck of the Demon Realm for years.

It's a pity that this treasure has been wandering outside the demon world since it was refined. Not only has it been suppressed and eroded by other worlds of heaven like the painting of the beautiful mountains and rivers in the Buddhist world in the holy market for so many years, it has not yet extracted a trace of heaven and earth luck from the demon world. .Therefore, the true power of this treasure has not been revealed.If it has always been nourished by the luck of heaven and earth in the demon world, it may have grown into a remarkable heaven and earth spirit treasure by now, and it may even have bred its own spirit treasure true spirit.

Although the Devil Emperor Seal of Myriad Tribulations has a great suppressing effect on all the people in the Devil Realm, it does not mean that Xu Changqing can run amok in the Devil Realm and dominate the Devil Realm with this Devil Emperor Seal.On the contrary, because this treasure has not been nourished by the luck of the heavens all year round, there are inevitably some defects in it, such as this treasure can only be used on one or two people at a time, and so on.In addition, although this treasure is recognized by the Heavenly Dao of the Demon Realm, it is not yet time for an accident.This is also the reason why Xu Changqing intentionally suppressed the cultivation realm of the Demon Emperor's avatar to the middle-rank to the strongest realm.He just wanted to avoid disturbing the heavenly way of the demon world and falling into a catastrophe.But just now, at the moment when he used the Demon Emperor's Seal, he could clearly feel the suppression of it by the entire Demon World, so he had to be careful not to use the Demon Emperor's Seal beyond the limit allowed by the Dao of Heaven.

In addition, the Demon Emperor Seal is still an invisible big trouble.Because if other people in the demon world know that there is a treasure that can restrain all the demons in the demon world, I am afraid they will also feel uncomfortable.No matter their purpose is to get this treasure.If you still want to destroy this treasure, you will all unite.Put all your attention on Xu Changqing, and even alarm the Great Destroyer Demon Lord.Therefore, for Xu Changqing, this treasure is definitely a tasteless but inescapable big trouble.

It was precisely because of various concerns that Xu Changqing did not use the power of the Demon Emperor's Seal when dealing with the golden-armored avatar of the Lord of Black Rock, and while performing the Five Elements Battle Art, he also used the power of the Demon Emperor's Seal that was acting on Qin Qin's body. Take it back, and loosen Qin Qin's restraint.It's just because Qin Qin's mind was completely immersed in the Five Elements Battle Art, and he didn't realize that he could easily regain control of the demonic energy in his body.

Through Qin Qin's body, Xu Changqing performed all the methods of mutual generation and mutual restraint in the Five Elements Battle Jue, the method of using the Five Elements, etc. three times, so that Qin Qin could most intuitively feel the whole picture of the Five Elements Battle Jue.With this foundation, I believe that with her talent, she can completely digest and integrate the Five Elements Battle Art into her own magic way in a short period of time.

After using the last method of using the Five Elements Battle Jue, Xu Changqing withdrew his saber gesture and controlled Qin Qin to withdraw. More than ten feet away, he was about to cast a spell to take away the golden armored demon clone of the Black Rock City Lord in front of him.

However, the Lord of Heiyan City didn't realize that his golden armor avatar was about to be lost. He thought that Qin Qin was going to reconcile with him, because he felt that the power of the five elements around him did not disappear after Qin Qin stopped. The squeezed wall usually confines him, making him unable to move for a short period of time.

"Qin Qin, you..." Just as the city lord of Heiyan was about to ask Qin Qin about the conditions for reconciliation, he suddenly felt an extremely overbearing divine sense pouring out from Qin Qin's body. He rushed into the body of the golden armor avatar, and before he understood what was going on, he instantly dispersed the demon spirit avatar that was almost integrated with the golden armor avatar, causing him to completely lose his connection with the golden armor avatar. A clone's connection.

"Qin Qin! You bitch! I can't spare you!" Leaving aside the pain caused by the splitting of the avatar soul to the natal soul of Black Rock City Lord, the inexplicable sense of loss alone is enough to drive him crazy, and his voice is full of hatred The roar of anger and anger came from Black Rock City, and accompanied by a demonic aura covering the whole city, the demons in the city were frightened, and they dared not breathe a little bit.

It's a pity that even if the Lord of Black Rock City wants to rush to the outskirts of the resource area of ​​Black Rock City immediately, he may not be able to do so. Without his golden armor avatar, he can't resist the erosion of the evil wind, and he doesn't even dare to stay on its edge .The devilish aura that surrounded him reminded him all the time that he would only seek his own death if he fired in vain.

Although the Lord of Black Rock was furious, he couldn't move due to the situation, and the roars gradually weakened as he gradually calmed down. Everyone has an unprecedented sense of suffocation.After a long time, the coercion that made the demons in the city tremble suddenly disappeared, and then a ray of light flew out from the top of the highest city lord's mansion in the center of the city. In the ray of light, there was a hidden sound stone that the demon world often used to deliver letters. .Immediately afterwards, a wave of earth vein spiritual energy came out from the city lord's mansion, and moved along the spiritual veins to the transformation of Black Rock City in an instant, arousing the magic circle of the magic corridor in Black Rock City that had been banned before, forming a road leading to other magic domains. After the crack in the space, the hidden sound stone that flew out from the top of the city lord's mansion immediately got into the crack and disappeared.

"I can't deal with you now. Naturally, someone will deal with you. Black Rock City is not the only one who owns the corridors of the Demon Realm in the entire Southern Demon Territory. When you fight and lose both sides, I will come out to clean up the mess, but the golden armor avatar will still belong to you." My lord, the bounties on your bodies will also belong to this lord." Seeing that the letter was sent out smoothly, the Lord of Black Rock also calmed down, but the ruthlessness in his eyes did not diminish at all, and he took out a bottle of pill and swallowed it, then The whole person enters the spiritual energy of the spirit veins behind him to form a Lingquan, and quietly repairs the natal soul that was damaged by the avatar just now.

On the outskirts of Black Rock City, Qin Qin, who had woken up from the Five Elements Battle Art, felt that he had regained control of his body, and immediately instinctively sacrificed a natal magic treasure that he rarely used to protect his body.This magic treasure is similar to that of the devil's magic treasure. Its core part is part of the avenue map, but it is different from the treasure that is used as the array map array eye suppressor. One is mostly defensive and A support artifact, while another is an entirely offensive artifact, completely turning itself into a huddled hedgehog.

It's a pity that when Qin Qin was ready to deal with everything, he found that his opponent had disappeared without a trace, and the surrounding area was empty. Countless demon heads and demon kings in the distance looked here and dared not approach.If it wasn't for the aura of the Five Elements Battle Jue remaining around, and if she didn't still remember every detail of the Five Elements Battle Jue deeply in her mind, maybe she would think that everything just now was just an illusion.

Qin Qin vigilantly grasped the surroundings, let go of his spiritual thoughts through his own secret magic method, and searched for all the existences that might be that mysterious person, but unfortunately found nothing.Just when she was still wondering about what happened just now, and she was a little undecided what to do, the magic wind at the crater on the top of the mountain suddenly dissipated, and the ceremony that should have been completed for a long time was also brought forward. it's over.An astonishing aura emanated from the crater, shattering the last hope of the demon kings who were still lucky, making them completely lose all thoughts they shouldn't have, and retreat in a hurry.

At this moment, a blue-black light flew out from the crater, and soon landed beside Qin Qin. The expression on the devil's face in the light was extremely complicated. After a moment of silence, he said: "It seems that my father came here just now. gone?"

"Your father?" Qin Qin was stunned for a moment, then revealed a look of surprise, and said, "It's no wonder that mysterious man has such a high level of cultivation and knows the complete Five Elements Battle Art. So it's your father!" To be continued. .

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