Nine idlers

Chapter 719 Demon Realm Corridor

With the unintentional help of Xu Changqing, many demon kings who should have fallen in the catastrophe had a chance to survive the catastrophe. Some of them might still die under the catastrophe, but more people would survive the catastrophe Jie, and finally stepped into the realm of the demon king they dreamed of.Although this kind of Demon Lord's realm, which was born in the changes of the world and entered with the help of others, cannot be compared with the Demon Lord's realm that is finally achieved through normal accumulation and self-resisting demon robbery, this is the Demon Lord's realm after all, even if it is a fake demon. The realm of respect is far more powerful than the realm of the devil.

In such a small place as Black Rock City, so many Demon Lords suddenly appear at once, it is conceivable that it will inevitably bring huge turmoil to Black Rock City, and even the entire surrounding area of ​​Black Rock City.Although this would not cause such a powerful existence as the Lord of Black Rock to be wiped out in the turmoil immediately, it would at least make him burnt out, hurt his muscles and bones, and the surrounding other strong demons who were eyeing Black Rock City would also take the opportunity to snatch food.

At that time, this place will become a place surrounded by demons. Whether the city master Heiyan can survive in the end can only be left to fate, but one thing is certain, that is, the city master Heiyan will never put his mind on Huang Mingxuan and his wife.Xu Changqing also thought of this, so he didn't stop the seal of Wanjie Demon Emperor from absorbing and devouring the surrounding Jieqi Demon Wind and Dazizai Tianmo.Although he didn't want to directly help the disciples and grandparents, it was still possible to help indirectly.

Xu Changqing didn't use any flying or escape methods, because using such spells in the midst of the catastrophe would undoubtedly cause more unnecessary troubles.He still performs the ghostly and magical body method according to the way of secular martial arts.Moving forward at an extremely fast speed.Although its traveling speed was not much slower than that of ordinary flying spells, the undulating terrain caused certain obstacles, which made him take a long detour.It took about half an hour before he passed through the resource area surrounded by volcanoes on the outskirts of Black Rock City, and came to the center of Black Rock City.

Few people in the demon world who advocate offense will build a city wall on the territory they control, but Black Rock City is an exception. A circle of high walls built with the unique local black rock surrounds Black Rock City. Countless magic formations are engraved on the On the city wall, and connected with the spiritual vein of Black Rock City.Although it seems that the city wall is perfectly built, if you are careful.It can still be seen that the entire city wall is built on another circle of older city foundations.

Xu Changqing was not at all interested in the patchwork and messy magic formations on the city wall. The person who arranged the magic formations on the city wall obviously only had a half-knowledge of the opponents. Arrange above.I don't know what is the way of life and restraint.The accumulation of a large number of mutually restraining magic formations will not only weaken the effectiveness of the formations, but also cause some extremely unstable destructive forces. Fortunately, this kind of black rock in Black Rock City has the characteristics of absorbing and accommodating various forces, making these destructive forces Before the power could be exerted, it was absorbed into the black rock.It's just that no matter how strong the Heiyan character is, there is a limit, and this limit is not too far in Xu Changqing's view, so the magic formation on the entire city wall is like a bomb that will explode at any time in Xu Changqing's eyes. Sooner or later it will perish because of this circle of walls.

What interested Xu Changqing was the section of the ancient city foundation, although this section of the city foundation was also cast from black rock.But it is obviously much older than the city wall, and it may even be built during the prehistoric period. The black rocks in many places on it have begun to transform into another kind of stone. This situation can only be experienced after years of continuous erosion by the same force. It will appear only after it is touched, just like a piece of beautiful jade will change after being touched by people's hands all year round.This kind of erosion is not a good thing for the black rock that builds the city wall, because the two most important characteristics of the black rock, firmness and absorption, disappear with the change of the stone, and it becomes another kind of stone.This kind of stone is far less hard than Heiyan. Under the pressure of the heavy city wall, it is being crushed into lumpy powder little by little. Xu Changqing even guessed that this section of the city foundation was probably also a section of city wall at the beginning.It's just been rammed and crushed.

Originally, although the city foundation was ancient, it did not attract Xu Changqing's attention. It was entirely because Xu Changqing approached the city wall and was about to break through the mobilized magic circle of the city wall. Started to vibrate.Pointing directly at the Chengcheng base.

Xu Changqing stood on the edge of the black rock city's formation, and found a trajectory of the formation directly.Walking into the formation, although the magic formation in Black Rock City is not very strong in terms of formation strength alone, due to the disorderly arrangement of the magic formation, the trajectory of the formation power is also like a mess. I want to find myself The forward route of the trajectory of the formation force is still a troublesome thing.

It took about a quarter of an hour before Xu Changqing walked to the edge of the city wall, which is the center of the entire city wall defense circle.Only when you walk to the center of the city wall, you can feel how strong the destructive aura produced by the mixture of various magic formation forces condensed in the city wall is. When the formation is not in operation, this destructive aura will only be hidden in the black rock , but when the formation is in operation, it will be emitted, which will have a great impact on anyone who breaks into the defensive formation.The strength of any intruder will be weakened by at least one level under its influence, and it is even possible to directly attack the intruder's soul.

Although this destructive aura is very strong, if it is absorbed by Xu Changqing's real martial arts sword Yuanshen, its Great Destruction sword power will definitely be improved a lot, but the power of the magic array that makes up this destructive aura is too much, so much that it is already It is impossible to separate it, but with the kung fu to purify this destructive aura, it would be easier to use this kung fu to increase the power of the great destruction sword with its own strength.

With regret and reluctance, Xu Changqing felt the power in the city wall again, then ignored it, squatted down, picked a little solidified powder-like black rock from the non-dangerous city base, and slightly displayed it. A trace of mana penetrated into it.

"Huh? Strange!" Soon, Xu Changqing frowned, and looked at the black rock in his hand that would disperse at any time.The reason why he did this was because his mana couldn't detect anything inside the black rock. It seemed that there was an extremely powerful devouring power in the black rock. No matter how much mana he sent into it, it was like There are generally no waves when nothing comes to mind.

Although this is not the first time that Xu Changqing's avatar cannot detect objects, but the previous objects were all heaven and earth spirits, and the city foundation in front of him obviously cannot be equated with heaven and earth spirits.Xu Changqing can only think that this black rock, which is the foundation of the city, has become something similar to the spirit of heaven and earth after countless years of refining with various forces.However, there is no aura of aura or other power on it, so it is impossible to confirm its true power or effectiveness.

After hesitating for a moment, Xu Changqing suddenly thought of the asparagus he had taken in the secular world. Although its effectiveness cannot be compared with the heaven and earth spirits in the three realms of Kunlun, it is also a kind of heaven and earth spirit formed after the accumulation of spiritual energy purification , it is somewhat similar to the black rock at the base of the city.

Thinking of this, Xu Changqing couldn't help picking up a fragment of the city foundation with his nails and put it in his mouth.After this fragment entered his mouth, it was immediately melted away, forming a stream of fresh air that rushed straight to Shenhun, and blended into it without hindrance.At this moment, Xu Changqing immediately felt that his body and soul had become particularly sensitive. Any magic power from the magic circle would make him feel like being cut by a knife, and all the scenes in front of him disappeared. , only some irregular rays of light remained, the most intense of which contained a destructive aura that could make everything disappear.

All the visions came and disappeared quickly, but in an instant, all abnormalities disappeared, replaced by a tingling pain all over the body, like countless people stabbing with steel needles as thin as hair. generally.Even Xu Changqing Myriad Tribulations Demon Emperor's avatar can't get rid of this kind of pain, even Shenhun is the same.

"What a powerful medicine stone!" After everything returned to normal, Xu Changqing let out a long sigh of relief and sighed secretly.

He also didn't expect that the black rock at the base of the city would have such a powerful effect, not only acting on the avatar, but even Jinxian's body could feel it. Although the process was extremely short, the effect was extraordinary.For this reason, he once again provoked a little bit of Heiyan, the base of the city, as if in his mouth, and was ready to bear the extreme sensitivity to everything in the outside world.But what was unexpected was that the base of the city, Heiyan, still turned into a stream of fresh air and merged into the soul of the Sea Consciousness God, but it no longer had the effect just now, more precisely, it had no effect at all.

"Weird!" Xu Changqing frowned, thought for a while, seemed to think of something, then directly divided the city foundation black rock in his hand into three, and then sent them to the other three clones for them to swallow respectively.The result was exactly as he expected, the first time the three clones swallowed the black rock of the city foundation was effective, but the second time it was completely ineffective.Now the unique effect of the black rock of the city base can only be used once.

"That's how it is! It's no wonder that a half-step demon master can grasp a trace of the power of turning nothingness, and can use it so proficiently. It turns out that all his secrets are here." After Xu Changqing understood the effects and shortcomings of the black rock at the base of the city, his eyes couldn't help but Looking at the city wall with a destructive aura in front of him, he quickly thought of the demon king who had the power to turn nothingness that died in Qin Qin's hands.

The demon lord's power to transform into nothingness comes from the destructive aura contained in the city wall. This demon must constantly control a puppet clone to swallow the black rock of the city foundation, and then use the effect brought by this treasure to pass through the puppet clone. Feeling, touching the most fundamental trace of nothingness power in that destructive aura.Although the method is a little tricky, it has to be said that the tenacity of this demon's will is rare in the world. If you want to capture the power of nothingness contained in the destructive breath by just relying on this momentary aura, there are no tens of thousands of attempts. Impossible.Similarly, this beast is really cruel, to refine so many puppet clones to do this, I am afraid that in order to hide the secret, none of those puppet clones can survive.Now that he died in Qin Qin's hands, it can be regarded as a cycle of karma, and the retribution is not good.

t! .

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