Nine idlers

Chapter 721

Xu Changqing did not immediately enter Qianjun City, but walked among the statues of demon kings on the side of Qianjun City, feeling the fundamental demonic nature of these statues. 1 (1) There are many unenchanted demons walking back and forth in these statues of demons every day. Their behavior is called seeking magic fate. If it is not good, you may go for nothing for the rest of your life.But there is another kind of people who walk back and forth among these demon statues every day. Most of them are purebred demons born and raised in the demon world. Because of their parents, they have already realized their fundamental demon nature. Walking among these statues of demon kings is to use the invisible coercion of demonic nature here to temper one's own demonic nature.

Although to Xu Changqing, the invisible coercion of the statues in the Hall of Demons in Chapter 720 is nothing, but for the vast majority of people in the demon world, this kind of demonic coercion is difficult to resist. Only those who have reached the half-step demon king state equivalent to the peak of returning to the void can resist this pressure, so there is not a demon leader with a low cultivation base in the entire demon king statue group.

Xu Changqing can also see how powerful the demons are in the demon world from the group of demon statues. Not to mention anything else, there are nearly ten thousand demons here who have reached the half-step demon realm. Around a statue of a demon king, there are four or five half-step demon masters practicing here.There are already so many powerful demons in the group of demon king statues in Qianjun City alone, and the other Qianjun cities are similar.Although most of these half-step demon kings were promoted to this level only because of the demon energy of the demon world, if they entered the other two realms, their real strength might suddenly drop to a great level.Become the peak of Jindan.But as long as they are in the Demon Realm, they can fully display the strength of the half-step Demon Lord Realm, and these strong demons are also the backbone of the Demon People who can suppress the innate demons who are more suitable for practicing in the Demon Realm to the bottom position.

When walking among the statues of the demon king, Xu Changqing could clearly feel that the seal of the demon emperor of ten thousand calamities extracted a trace of the fundamental magic of the ancient magic way from these statues of the demon king.And after every trace of the fundamental demonic nature of the ancient magic way was integrated into the seal of the Demon Emperor of Myriad Tribulations, he could feel that the repulsion and suppression of his Demon Emperor avatar by the demon world was gradually weakening.Although this kind of weakening is very small and does not fundamentally change his display of strength, this is the first time since he entered the demon world that the suppression of the demon world has changed his demon emperor avatar, which at least allowed him to find a clear direction.

Although the group of demon king statues is widely distributed, with Xu Changqing's footsteps, he quickly walked in front of each demon king statue. Many demon figures in the group of demon king statues had the same behavior as him. *1*1* So he doesn't look outstanding either.

After leaving the demon king statues, Xu Changqing returned to the main entrance of Qianjun City. Unlike Heiyan City, there is no city wall here, only a huge stone gate with a height of tens of feet standing here.There are countless statues of demon gods and ghosts carved on the stone gate, and each statue of demon gods and ghosts is covered with true words of demonic ways.

In the eyes of the vast majority of people in the demon world, this is just a useless thing made by the predecessors of this Qianjun City to show off their own power, but those who really understand the meaning of the stone gate are very clear that this is actually the town of Qianjun City. It is a heavy treasure in the city, but this heavy treasure cannot be moved.If a careful person counts patiently.You will find that the number of demon gods and ghosts carved on the stone gate is the same as the number of demon kings outside the city, and the demonic aura on each demon god and ghost statue is exactly the same as the corresponding demon king.

This stone gate was not built during the period of the Demon Emperor of Myriad Tribulations, but was inspired by an unknown Demon Lord after seeing these thousands of Demon Lord statues, and then refined it into a treasure.It's just that this treasure died in an accident because of that Demon Lord.But it was not completed, and later masters completed it one after another.Finally, such a stone gate was formed.

Xu Changqing didn't know what kind of power this stone gate would have if it was displayed.But judging from its aura, its true power is at least not weaker than that of ordinary fairy treasures.Even because this treasure has been connected to the spiritual veins of the entire land where Qianjun City is located, its power after it is displayed is more likely to be comparable to the Heaven and Earth Lingbao.With such a treasure-like protection, as long as there are no internal problems, or the actions of a strong man whose cultivation base has surpassed the realm of the strongest, such as the Great Destroyer Demon Lord, there is almost no possibility of this Qianjun City being breached.

However, it is a pity that the people who refined this Shimen treasure could never have imagined that this city of thousands of kings is the one that has been breached the most times among the four cities of thousands of kings. It was breached repeatedly during the turmoil, and it is ridiculous that every breach is due to internal reasons.

The most important of these internal reasons is naturally that the people in Qianjun City were bought and rebelled. This kind of thing is not to mention the devil world where people are born with evil nature, even things like immortal Buddha world are often seen.If only the internal people were bribed, it might cause some troubles for the people in the Qianjun City, but as long as the stone gate treasures were used to block it, the outsiders would not be able to enter, and the traitors inside should be easily wiped out.The real reason why this Qianjun City will repeatedly fall every time the demon world is in turmoil is actually the entrances to the demon realm corridors all over Qianjun City.

The reason why this Qianjun City is special and attracts more attention than other Qianjun Cities is that there are six entrances to the Demon Realm Corridors, and these entrances to the Demon Realm Corridors are distributed in various places inside and outside the Qianjun City. A sealing magic circle was set up at the entrance, but it was actually useless. More precisely, after the Shimen treasure and the aura of the earth's veins were integrated, it was no longer useful.

The Shimen Chongbao itself requires a lot of spiritual energy to be cultivated. Although this treasure can also gather free spiritual energy from the void of the demon world, more of the spiritual energy required for its own accumulation is still in the spiritual veins of Qianjun City. This stone gate treasure consumes even more aura.The entire Qianjun City's spiritual veins are originally composed of a large number of incomplete spiritual veins. The spiritual energy is mixed and impure, and there are not many that can be used. After a part is occupied by Shimen Chongbao, the rest is not enough to run all the demon corridors. The forbidden magic circle at the entrance.

Some people also proposed to dismantle the Shimen treasure, and the spirit veins released from the Shimen treasure are enough to run all the magic circles that block the entrances of the corridors of the Demon Realm.But in this way, Qianjun City, which itself has no defense, becomes an undefended city, and anyone can directly invade Qianjun City from the void of the demon world.If a city wall is built around Qianjun City again, and then the magic formations are added, then it is not certain whether the spiritual energy consumed by these magic formations will exceed that of Shimen Chongbao, but the power that these magic formations can exert is not as good as Shimen Chongbao That's for sure.

Under such self-contradictory circumstances, the Qianjun City simply became an undefended city, and even the spell that activated the Shimen treasure was quickly lost, and the Shimen treasure became a decoration.Although it is a decoration, there are quite a few people who covet her, they just covet her, but until now no one has been able to personally take this treasure into their own hands.Since this treasure is connected to the spiritual veins of the entire land where Qianjun City is located, and it has a demonic compatibility with thousands of demon statues, so if you want to subdue it, you must not only take away the stone gate, but also The entire Qianjun City land was taken away, and in the process, it had to bear the backlash of thousands of ancient demon kings.With such difficulty, not to mention people from the three realms of Kunlun whose cultivation base is only at the strongest level, even people like Xu Changqing, the Demon Lord of Destroyer, and Zen Master Fahai who have stepped out of the three realms of Kunlun in terms of cultivation level want to subdue them. Not a simple matter.

However, there are always some stubborn demons in the demon world. They all belong to the kind of temperament that does not turn back when they hit Nanshan. In the process, I realized a strange method that can be practiced by borrowing the power of this heavy treasure.I don't know for what purpose, the person who created this method actually made it public and handed it over to all the people in the devil world to practice. It's a pity that this method is only useful for people in the realm of the devil. Using this method to practice, the counterattack force on the Shimen Chongbao will be strengthened a hundred times, and the person who practices this method will be killed instantly.

It is precisely because of the miraculous effect of this heavy treasure of the stone gate that a large number of demon heads from all sides of the demon world can be seen almost every moment, arousing the counterattack force of this treasure near the stone gate, and using it to practice.These demons either sat under the stone gate, or cast spells and flew towards the stone gate in the air. All in all, the closer to the stone gate to trigger the backlash, the better the effect of the magic spell.Therefore, there are not a few monsters fighting for a good position here. In the short time Xu Changqing walked through the stone gate alone, at least 30 monsters whose cultivation base was close to the mid-level Void Returning Realm died in the siege or sneak attack under.

The devil who succeeded in taking the position didn't say much. After occupying the position, he immediately triggered a backlash force from Shimen Chongbao to bless himself, and then fled far away before the backlash force caused damage to himself. Backlash power.There are also some bold people with high skills who directly sacrifice their own magic treasures to show their possession of this position, and station here without paying attention to the hostile and jealous eyes around them.It's just that such people are extremely rare in the end, and these people who survived either have powerful means, or have a force behind them to support them.

Because of this reason, the atmosphere around the Shimen is particularly tense. In order to avoid trouble, some demons mostly choose to bypass the hill where the Shimen is erected, and pass through some nearby canyons.But Xu Changqing walked directly under the stone gate. During this short journey of less than 10 minutes, he was attacked no less than ten times.The demons from Qianjun City attacked him at the entrance of the Demon Realm Corridor before, mainly because he did not use the defensive magic weapon, and according to their experience, people who have just left the Demon Realm Corridor will have a weak period of nearly a cup of tea, and he Let these demons feel that there is an opportunity to take advantage of them, so they will suddenly attack.But now, in order to avoid trouble, Xu Changqing deliberately let go of the aura of the demon king on his body, and walked under the stone gate, but those demon bosses still attacked under the suppression of his aura. Obviously, these demons have been fascinated by the demon nature at this moment. Even if Xu Changqing didn't take action to kill him, he might not be able to escape the bad luck of becoming obsessed.

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