Nine idlers

Chapter 722

After Xu Changqing found out the details of the devil's cultivation base in front of him with his spiritual thoughts, he opened his mouth to probe again: "No wonder you need to risk your life to go to the battlefield of the bloody battle between the Buddha and the devil. Wanling Essence and Blood, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to improve your cultivation, let alone become a blood god."

Although the blood god method practiced by this devil is different from the blood god method created by himself, the foundation is still the same as the blood god method created by himself, so the defects and advantages of this method also exist.For the other two worlds, it is not difficult to collect the blood of all spirits, but it is extremely difficult for the people in the demon world.

The so-called blood essence of all spirits is just a general term, and it is not really necessary to collect the blood essence of 720 kinds of spiritual things, as long as the collected blood essence of living beings reaches the level of congealing the blood god of the bitter medicine demon sect , there is no need to continue collecting.In the demon world, not only those who practice special magical methods need the essence of life, but almost all innate demon heads who have just condensed their demon bodies need the essence of life to complete the last step of condensing their demon body, from scratch , give birth to the flesh.The wanton hunting and killing of innate demons, coupled with such a harsh environment in the demon world, made it even more difficult to find the already rare monsters and other living creatures in the demon world.The demon in front of him practiced the blood magic method, and the blood essence needed was thousands of times more than the blood essence consumed by the congenital demon to condense his body. Naturally, it is impossible to help him practice in the devil world. The only way is to join the bloody battle between Buddha and demon. Risking his life to collect the blood essence of the gods and Buddhas in the Buddhist world.

The devil was not terrified because Xu Changqing saw through his details.Instead, he showed a wry smile that he knew so well.Then he said with a sassy expression: "Since the adults have seen the plight of the villain, the villain will not hide it. The blood god and demon way of the villain has stayed in this realm for more than ten years. If you can't collect enough blood essence, the blood will be coagulated. God's words will eventually be backlashed by the blood god's devilish energy. Anyway, it is death, it is better to go to the battlefield of the bloody battle between Buddha and demons, desperately seeking a chance of life, even if you fail, you will die in the bloody battle Chapter 720 Chapter [-] of the bitter medicine demon sect field. It’s not worth living in this world.”

Hearing what the devil said, Xu Changqing admired the devil's state of mind very much. At least he could see that the devil was not pretending, but had really looked away.

At this time.Xu Changqing's eyes fell on the indistinct tattoo-like pattern on the devil's face again. This kind of pattern can only be found on the devil who was born and bred in the devil world. In terms of the cultivation base of this devil, he There is absolutely no possibility of leaving the Demon Realm to go to Lingshan, the outer gate of Kunlun Immortal.So Xu Changqing had doubts in his heart again, and asked in a deep voice: "It is not difficult for me to take you along the way, but I am very curious about where the blood god method you practiced came from. Obviously this method is not the best in my demon world. Blood Demon Sutra, but similar to it."

After hearing that Xu Changqing agreed to take him for a ride, the devil showed joy on his face, but what he said afterwards surprised him.The reason why he is so.Not only because Xu Changqing seems to know the most mysterious Blood Demon Sutra very well from the meaning of the words, but also because Xu Changqing didn't know where the blood god magic way he practiced came from. The Demon Realm was a sensation, and it didn't calm down until a few years ago. As long as anyone has ears, it is impossible not to have heard of it.

"Unless that incident caused a sensation back then, this Lord Mozun was in seclusion." The demon quickly guessed a seemingly reasonable answer in his heart, and then replied calmly and honestly: "Report to my lord, villain All the blood gods and demons cultivated come from the demonic steles in the Bitter Medicine Demon Sect in Qianjun City."

"Bitter Medicine Devil Sect?" Xu Changqing was stunned for a moment, then quickly withdrew his surprised expression and pondered for a moment.Then he asked the nervous devil, "What's your name?"

The devil couldn't hide his joy when he heard this. He knew that Xu Changqing had agreed to his return condition when he asked his name, so he hurriedly replied, "The villain's name is Luo Gan."

"Lead the way ahead. Go to the Bitter Medicine Demon Sect." Xu Changqing ordered in a deep voice: "Also tell me about the origin of the Bitter Medicine Demon Sect."

"My lord, please." Luo Gan hurriedly followed the instructions and led the way ahead.It's just that he didn't take the busy avenue, but found a relatively quiet alley and got in. While leading Xu Changqing quickly through the alley very skillfully, he explained the origin of the Bitter Medicine Demon Sect to Xu Changqing.

It can be counted that this bitter medicine demon sect has no direct relationship with Li Yongfeng's bitter medicine fairy sect. It is said that the person who founded the bitter medicine demon sect is a member of the magic way in the outer sect Lingshan, because he came from the front of the bitter medicine hall when he was in the outer gate Lingshan. I learned a lot of secret methods from the stone tablet, so I secretly wrote down all the methods.Afterwards, he accidentally entered the Demon Realm, and gained some prestige.In order to gain a foothold in the demon world, he established the Kuyao Demon Sect in the four Qianjun cities more than ten years ago, and completely followed the design of the Kuyao Hall, engraved thousands of methods on stone tablets and stood on them. In front of the mountain gate, even the Sutra of Bitter Medicine is among them.

In the demon world, this practice of disclosing all kinds of secret methods and methods is simply an unbelievable and deviant behavior, which is completely inconsistent with the selfishness of the demon nature, which is selfish at the expense of others.It is conceivable that the appearance of the Bitter Medicine Demon Sect caused such a big commotion in the devil world, and some people were suspicious, and secretly found someone to try to practice the methods above, and found that all the methods were true. For a while, its sensational effect was naturally even greater.It's just that with the sudden disappearance of the person who founded the Bitter Medicine Demon Sect, and the fact that those stone tablet methods were copied to all the demon realms, people can practice even if they don't go to Qianjun City, so the influence of the Bitter Medicine Demon Sect has also declined rapidly.Most of the people who originally gathered in the Bitter Medicine Demon Sect left the Bitter Medicine Demon Sect to join other forces, and only a small number of people still stayed in the Bitter Medicine Demon Sect.

Although the methods announced by the Bitter Medicine Demon Sect are top-grade magical methods, they also have many flaws. Most of the methods are not suitable for people in the demon world to practice directly, so many people who practice them will follow their own conditions. Modify these methods.Or maybe they wanted to find experimental products, or maybe they wanted to show off their own materials. Those people in the demon world who modified the method actually engraved their modified method on a stone tablet and erected it in front of the Bitter Medicine Demon Sect. In just a few years There are already thousands of stone tablets more than before, and the methods are all-encompassing.Some methods have been modified seamlessly, and many people have produced miraculous effects after practicing them, while some methods have been modified so viciously that they don't know the dangers of this method before they start practicing, but when they know it, they have already gone mad.

The method Luo Gan practiced was one of the modified blood god methods. It was indeed miraculous when he started practicing, but he didn't know the flaws of this method until later, but he could no longer change the method he practiced, and finally had to risk his life Go to the battlefield of the bloody battle and seek that chance of survival.

Outsiders all think that the Bitter Medicine Demon Sect was created by people in the evil way who stole the law, and has no direct relationship with the Bitter Medicine Immortal Sect, but Xu Changqing can see from the blood god method that there must be Li Yongfeng's influence behind the emergence of the Bitter Medicine Demon Sect .After all, the blood god method is a secret that cannot be passed on. If it is made public now, it is impossible for it not to be taught by Li Yongfeng himself.

It's just that Xu Changqing doesn't quite understand what Li Yongfeng's intention is. Since his people have established a firm foothold in the devil world and have a certain influence, they should continue to operate, but why did they leave suddenly?If it was said that someone killed him, it is absolutely impossible that there was no movement at all. After all, according to Luo Gan's description, the cultivator of the Demon Dao who established the Bitter Medicine Demon Sect has also reached the realm of Demon Venerable, and is also good at the blood god method , unless the Demon Lord of Great Destroyer personally takes action and kills all his blood god clones at once with the power of the Great Destroyer sword, there is absolutely no possibility of posing a threat to his life.All these questions may not be answered until the Bitter Medicine Demon Sect.

Luo Gan was indeed very familiar with Qianjun City. After walking through the maze-like alleys, he came to an open area on the edge of Qianjun City.This open land is an enclave protruding outward from the land of Qianjun City, and there is only a narrow road with about four people running side by side, which is hundreds of feet long, connected to it.The surrounding edges of the open land are connected to the void of the demon realm, where the demonic winds are constantly incessant. The surrounding spiritual energy is also much more chaotic than other places. From time to time, the aftermath of the impact of a magical wind and spiritual energy suddenly appears and then disappears, making this place extremely barren.Although the harshness of the environment here is not as bad as that of Black Rock City, because the aura here is always unpredictable, it is not suitable for any practitioners to settle here. A place to come.

"Everything in the world is suffering, sex is suffering and God is sad..." After walking on the narrow path, I heard the sound of chanting scriptures from the opposite side.

"Hmm! This is..." Xu Changqing was stunned when he heard this scripture, and stopped in his tracks.

"This is the people who stayed in the Devil Sect of Bitter Medicine who are reading the Sutra of Bitter Medicine. It is said that the Sutra of Bitter Medicine contains the most important principles, and frequent reading can enlighten the soul." Luo Gan immediately stepped forward to explain, and then briefly He said with disdain: "It's just that there are many people who recite the Sutra of Bitter Medicine, but none of them can get any benefit from it. However, there are still some people who firmly believe in it. We call these people "Bitter Medicine" when they are obsessed with the scriptures. Crazy."

"Idiot?" Xu Changqing smiled lightly, as if thinking of something, and said to himself: "It is indeed an idiot." As he said, he raised his hand to stop Luo Gan from going forward, and said, "Wait a minute, wait until they finish their homework." After that, it’s not too late to go.”

Although Luo Gan didn't understand what Xu Changqing meant, he didn't ask any further questions. He took a step back and stood obediently behind Xu Changqing.I don't know if it was because I stood beside a strong man in the demon world, or because I was expected to enter the battlefield of bloody battles, which untied my heart knot. different.He felt that the sluggish magic element in his body seemed to become agile under the influence of the ups and downs of the voice, and the speed of operation was also accelerated a lot. Some blood god magic elements that he couldn't figure out before seemed to be figured out at this moment. Quite a lot.It's a pity that this state was very short-lived. Before he could fully recover from the surprise, this state had disappeared, and the sound of scriptures ended.

"Let's go! This Bitter Medicine Demon Sect is not easy!" Xu Changqing didn't look back, and after giving an order, he continued to move forward with interest, and Luo Gan, who had regained his senses, hurriedly followed. (to be continued...).t! ! !

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