Nine idlers

Chapter 723 Disciple of Vientiane

From some clues, Xu Changqing gradually guessed the real intention of Li Yongfeng sending Qiu Wu to the Demon Realm to establish the Demon Sect of Bitter Medicine.Looking at those fanatic believers in the forest of steles who are constantly using their imprints of the Dao to comprehend the Taoism of the forest of steles, he can't help but feel a little sad for these people in the devil world, guessing in his heart that if they know that the appearance of himself and others is just an accidental product , what a mood it would be.

Xu Changqing shifted his attention to the other blood god magic way steles around the blood god method stele. Although there are a large number of these steles, the methods on them are not complicated, and there are many repetitions. After a while, Xu Changqing has already Read it completely.I have to say that there are indeed capable people in the demon world, and many of them are good at killing. After the blood god method was integrated into their own magic way, it evolved into a very lethal blood god method. In terms of its casting method and effect alone, it is more like a genuine blood god child, which is very different from the previous blood magic method that has supernatural powers that are more powerful than killing power.It's a pity that these changes are all based on the modified Blood God Law. No matter how unrecognizable the changes are, or even form another kind of killing magic, they cannot get rid of the hidden traps and defects.

"Hmm!" Just when Xu Changqing was not interested in looking at these stone tablets engraved with the blood god's way of magic, his sight accidentally caught a very inconspicuous but extremely prominent stone tablet.

This stone tablet is on the side of a huge stone tablet, and it looks like a dwarf next to a giant. All the people who come here will involuntarily focus on the big stone tablet and ignore it.But those who really notice it can feel its extraordinary.There is not a single word on the surface of the entire stele.All the content is compared with the formation strength represented by various magic formations, and these magic formations interlock and overlap to form a very beautiful blood map.

What really attracted Xu Changqing was not the ingenuity of the tablet maker's conception and the exquisite pattern, but the blood god magic path represented by the pattern, which is a magic path without flaws and traps, and can truly cultivate the blood god son method.

Although there are many magic formations on the stele, covering almost all types of magic formations in the demon world, most of them are the most common basic magic formations in the demon world, which are very easy to understand in the eyes of a master of formations like Xu Changqing, and from the combination of these formations In the law of the blood god, the way of the blood god created by the maker of the monument was restored.On the surface, this blood god magic way is no different from other blood god magic ways, but there are some minor changes.For example, the method of condensing the blood god, etc., but it was these subtle changes that made the fatal flaws of this blood god method repaired, making it a blood god method without defects.Even the power of this practice has not changed.However, the condensed incarnation of the blood god is the real son of the blood god, and is no longer subject to anyone who practices the **** of the blood sea in hell, and there is no risk of the blood god son being taken away. Its magical effect is better than other blood gods The blood god incarnation trained in the way of gods and demons is even slightly better.

"This stone tablet was carved by Liu Shuo, an idiot. There are very few people who can understand the content of this stone tablet." Luo Gan, who has stabilized his emotions from the incident just now, knows that his previous actions must have left a mark in Xu Changqing's heart. I had a bad impression, so I wanted to find an opportunity to make up for it. Seeing that Xu Changqing was interested in this stele, he took the initiative to explain it, saying: "But even if you recognize it, it's useless. According to those who recognized it. The above content is completely mysterious , can’t practice at all.”

"Is it impossible to practice at all?" Xu Changqing frowned, and rearranged the method on the stone tablet again, and soon found some subtle mistakes and omissions in the method. These errors and omissions were not obvious, and they were not accidental The reason is that the maker of the stele deliberately made it flawed.Therefore, he couldn't help being curious about this devil named Liu Shuo, so he directly asked, "Then where did Liu Shuo come from?"

"This person's whereabouts are extremely mysterious, and the specifics are not very clear. I just heard some rumors about him." Luo Gan first found a way out, so that Xu Changqing would not be dissatisfied and blame him. The topic said: "It is said that before this person entered the demon world, he was the chief craftsman of the mountain gate outside the Yuxu Palace. He was specially responsible for repairing the mountain guard formation outside the Yuxu Palace. Gong regarded it as a rebellion. He chased and killed all the way, and finally fled into the demon world with nowhere to go. Since he is not an enchanted demon, if he walks in the Sifang Demon Realm, he will inevitably have troubles, so he will stay in the Four Thousand Kings most of the time. Dao is superb, so most of the guardian formations set up by the forces in Qianjun City will ask him for advice."

Xu Changqing looked pensive, and murmured: "It seems that Liu Shuo is quite an influential and strong man in Qianjun City."

"That's true. This Liu Shuo has a great reputation in the four Qianjun cities, and even some big figures in the Sifang Demon Realm pay respect to him." Luo Gan responded: "If my lord wants to see this Liu Shuo, The young one can help the adults find out his current whereabouts, but whether he will see the adults is not up to the young ones to decide."

"Meet Liu Shuo?" Xu Changqing hesitated for a moment, then shook his head slightly, expressing that there is no need to do so.If there is no such thing as Huijue Bodhisattva, he might be willing to meet with the former chief craftsman of the outer mountain gate of Yuxu Palace, to discuss the way of formation, and to understand the details of the large formation protecting the mountain in Yuxu Palace, but it seems that he doesn't have much time now. Stay here, so there is no need to worry about it.

The reason why Xu Changqing wanted to meet Liu Shuo was because he could see from Liu Shuo's revised Blood God Demon Way that he knew the hidden disadvantages of the Blood God Law very well. From this, he guessed that Liu Shuo probably knew how to create a bloody sea of ​​blood from Hell. One of the three blood god methods derived from the Supreme Blood Demon Sutra, the Blood Nerve Sutra, and the Blood Sea Shura Sutra derived from the Huashen Dao.

"Hey! My lord, your luck is really good. You mentioned Liu Shuo just now, and this Liu Shuo showed up on his own." At this time, Luo Gan, who was waiting for Xu Changqing's further instructions, suddenly looked at the way he came from into the forest of steles. Seeing a parade of dozens of people appear there, followed by a person flying out from the golden sedan chair in the middle of the parade, Luo Gan couldn't help showing surprise when he saw this person, and said.

Hearing this, Xu Changqing looked at the man, and saw that the man was dressed in a very vulgar way, with a gold crown, gold clothes and gold boots, silver thread and beads inlaid decorations, and all kinds of jewelry made of precious stones in his hands. The appearance of silver makes people feel that he can't wait to make himself a golden man.In addition to the power contained in the various arrays on his clothes and jewelry, some extravagant illusion arrays were added.In the demon world dominated by dark colors, his whole outfit made him look like a headlight, attracting the attention of others all the time.

Although this person looks like a sensational clown, no one in the Demon Realm will underestimate his strength. As a person who has not been enchanted and can still survive in the Demon Realm, his strength is far from being like that. It's as simple as it looks on the surface.At least in Xu Changqing's eyes, even if this person's cultivation is only at the peak of the Hedao Earth Immortal, his degree of danger and trouble is definitely stronger than that of the Xeon Immortal.

On the surface, the gold and silver ornaments and clothes on Liu Shuo's body were all separate, but Xu Changqing could see from the power movement between these items that they were actually a whole, and it was a fairy treasure.Xu Changqing had seen an introduction about this spiritual treasure in the first building of the Ming City in Lingshan, the outer gate, and its refining method is not a secret in the Kunlun Three Realms, but he did not expect that someone would go to refine such a troublesome thing It's a treasure, and I didn't expect that someone would actually make it.

This treasure is called Wealth Qi, and it is a spiritual treasure created by secular practitioners in ancient times. Later, along with the sects of the secular world, it moved to the Kunlun Three Realms, and the refining method of this treasure was also brought to the Kunlun Three Realms.Just listening to the current name of this treasure, it is hard to think about the power of this treasure, but if it comes to the other treasure falling into the treasure, anyone who has read the secular novel Fengshen Yanyi should be deeply impressed , and this Luobao money is a false treasure created based on the power of the Wealth Qi Lingbao.

Refining wealth spirit treasures does not require any spiritual objects, only gold, silver and various jewels are needed, and the more vulgar things are, the better.For the fairies, demons, Buddhas and demons of the Kunlun Three Realms, gold, silver, and jewels are of no value, not even a low-grade elixir. These things are as worthless as the stones on the side of the road. As far as the materials required for making treasures are concerned, this fortune spirit treasure is actually the cheapest among all the immortal spirit treasures known in the Kunlun Three Realms.

Even so, it doesn't mean that wealth spirit treasures are easy to refine. Before these yellow and white vulgar objects can be used as treasure-making materials, one more process needs to be done. Only when it becomes a treasure can it be used as a treasure-making material.The so-called aura of wealth is a kind of lustful aura that is produced when money is passed by. This kind of aura of lust merges into the world and becomes the wealth of heaven and earth. The more wealth a person has in his body, the easier it is for this person to attract all kinds of wealth, just like Magnets attract each other.

However, in the Kunlun Three Realms, gold, silver, and even some jewels without aura are no longer the currency in circulation, and the Kunlun Three Realms will not produce heaven and earth wealth based on yellow and white vulgar objects. Naturally, this wealth spirit treasure cannot be refined. made.Over time, this immortal magic weapon that should have been brilliant was shelved by various sects, and its power to contain all the treasures in the world naturally became a legend. Almost everyone who saw its refining method believed that it was created. People who do this are fooling everyone.

"Since Liu Shuo was able to refine this fortune spirit treasure, it means that he can collect a large amount of heaven and earth fortune, and the Kunlun Three Realms do not have such heaven and earth fortune, but there are many in the world, then..." Xu Changqing looked at the already flying Liu Shuo, who entered the stone hall, couldn't help thinking of a possibility that made his heart move.

Ever since, he let go of his spiritual thoughts and explored the stone palace, touched the aura of wealth emanating from Liu Shuo's body, felt the aura of mana in it, and gradually showed a smile on his face, but soon this trace The smile was replaced by surprise again, and he couldn't help but whispered in surprise: "Everything has changed?"

.t! ! !

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