Nine idlers

Chapter 724 Disturbing the Corridor

The entrances of several demon corridors in Qianjun City are distributed in various places in Qianjun City. Except for the entrance of the demon corridor that is not erupting the power of the void storm and is not guarded by anyone, the entrances of the other demon corridors are all controlled by one or several thousands of people. The powerful forces in Juncheng control 1,.These forces are basically demon forces, and only a few are congenital and acquired demon forces. They can always occupy the entrance of the corridor of the demon realm in a chaotic place like Qianjun City, and take money from the pockets of those unruly and violent people in the demon realm. Tolls have always been able to stand upright, which shows that they all hide some unknown powerful forces and backup 1,.

Although there are magic corridors directly connecting each demon realm, you can directly enter the other demon realm from the demon realm corridor, but because the distance is too long Chapter 720 Disrupting the corridor, except for a few powerful demon realms, the rest of the people can't To withstand the space pressure brought by such a long-distance movement, most of them will choose a middle ground as a temporary place to stay.There are also many such temporary residences between the various demon realms, but when it comes to the geographical location and the number of entrances to the demon realm corridors, it is obviously not as good as the four thousand king cities.So in a sense, the four cities of Thousand Lords are also the transfer points for the people in the Demon Realm to travel between the various Demon Realms. Almost [-]% of the people in the Demon Realm who are going to other Demon Realms will stay here for a while before continuing on their way.

Although the tolls collected by the various major forces in Qianjun City at the entrance of the Demon Realm Corridor are not very high, even for the lowest-level demon bosses, they can easily handle it, but this benefit cannot be accumulated, and countless people in the entire Demon Realm have passed by since then. .It is enough to turn this meager benefit into a huge wealth that can make anyone crazy about it.

in the past.Naturally, some people in the Demon Realm have also seen this account clearly. Driven by huge interests, the undefended Qianjun City and other reasons make these self-righteous people think that there is an opportunity to take advantage of this, and they can take this benefit into their pockets. The city sparked riots again and again.However, after each riot, the forces that control the entrance to the corridors of the Demon Realm are still those forces, while the greedy people who caused the riots have completely disappeared, including some of the most powerful figures in the Demon Realm who are in the realm of Demon Lords. People, it can be seen that the background and background of these forces are not trivial.

What kind of powerful force is behind the powerful forces created by these demons has always been a mystery in Qianjun City. Most people in Qianjun City who don't know the truth are guessing, and there are many final answers.This also adds some mystery to these demon forces for no reason.It's just that this layer of mystery has no effect in front of Xu Changqing. After walking through the entrances of various demon corridors in Qianjun City, he has already found the answer from the executive-level figures who are arranged by the forces here, and the answer is really a bit strange. It was beyond Xu Changqing's expectation.

Because Xu Changqing discovered that none of the supervisors of these demon forces were born and bred in the demon world.Moreover, in addition to the natal demonic way that these demons have cultivated, there is another power in their bodies that is almost equal to the natal demonic way. Power that shouldn't exist.

These powers are wrapped and hidden by the demonic nature of these demons. If Xu Changqing's demon emperor avatar was transformed by the seal of the demon emperor of ten thousand calamities, he has an almost instinctive perception of the fundamental demonic nature of the demon world, and can easily see through every demon world. The basic demonic nature of heaven and earth in the human body, otherwise even the Golden Immortal Divine Sense would bless these demonic beings.I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to see the real power hidden in the demon nature of these demons.

Although no further evidence has been found, the non-magic power that penetrates into the heart of the Dao alone is enough to prove that these demon forces based in the demon world all come from the other two realms of Kunlun.There are Xuanmen masters from the inner sect Lingshan, great demons and saints from the fairy palace demon clan, and even the heavens of the Buddhist world who feed demons with their bodies. Originally, only demons should exist in the demon world, but so many outsiders have mixed in. Power, and these forces have also built powerful forces of various sizes, not to mention that Xu Changqing did not think of it, I am afraid that even the vast majority of powerhouses in the demon world did not think of it.

Although the methods of these demons to hide their true power are different, they all have the same fundamentals. They use a method similar to the second soul to re-practice a type of magic skills.Hide the fundamental power under this magic power, and use the magic power of magic power to form a false fundamental magic nature, resisting the suppression and rejection of the demon world and heaven.The method is very ingenious, but there are also great hidden dangers in it, for example, if the demonic nature of the second soul is stronger than the way of life.Maybe there will be a danger of turning back into a demon, and the only way to stop this danger is to always let the power of the avenue of life overwhelm the demonic nature of the second soul.

Although the power of the other two realms of Kunlun has already established itself in the Demon Realm.But in Xu Changqing's view, their penetration into the demon world should just stop there.In addition to their own demonic worries, there are more environmental reasons.Because the spiritual veins in Qianjun City are messy, many of them are similar to the spiritual veins of the other two realms of Kunlun, and the power of these spiritual veins mixed together is somewhat similar to that of a small cave, forming a realm within the demon world.The power here can weaken the power of the law of heaven in the demon world, thus helping the other two pretending demons to gain a foothold here.But in other demon realms, there is no such power to help them. If those disguised demons stay in other demon realms for a long time, they will easily be corrupted by the demon nature of the demon world, and eventually abandon their ways and become demons.

What makes Xu Changqing feel strange is that after the change of heaven and earth, the main passages between the three realms of Kunlun have been cut off.In this case, the Buddhist world is considered lucky or unfortunate. The connection between them and the demon world can still open a temporary passage between the two worlds through other methods, so as to support the people in the demon world, but they also have to work alone. Withstand the invasion from the devil world.

But the Kunlun Wonderland is different. The channel between the fairy and demon realms is not as stable as the one between the Buddha and the Demon Realm. After the change of heaven and earth, not only the connection with the demon world, but also the connection with the Buddha world has almost been completely severed.Unless each sect has a powerful immortal like Xu Changqing who has mastered the way of moving between the two realms, and there must be many such powerful immortals in order to send a large number of people to the other two realms, otherwise, the inner sect Lingshan It is impossible for our sect to send manpower to support the pretended sect of the Demon Realm.However, what is strange is that these fake demon forces from the inner school of Lingshan Xuanmen are still able to control the entrance of the corridor of the Demon Realm safely. It can be seen that the power of the Kunlun Fairyland in the Demon Realm is far from what it seems on the surface as simple as that.

After visiting the entrances of the corridors of the Demon Realm, Xu Changqing's attention was not only observing the demon forces controlling the entrances of the corridors, but also the situation at the entrances of the corridors of the Demon Realm.Although these entrances have been blocked by various magic formations, Xu Changqing was able to easily penetrate these magic formations with his divine sense and detect the entrance of the magic realm corridor.

Previously, Xu Changqing knew from Luo Gan that the forces controlling the entrance of the Demon Realm Corridor were all using the excuse that the aura was not enough to stabilize the Demon Realm Corridor, and closed the entrance with a magic array.But now, from what he has found out, it is easy to find that the conditions in the entrances of these sealed demonic corridors are very stable, and the surrounding spiritual energy is also extremely sufficient, and there is nothing wrong with it.The entrances of these Demon Realm corridors happen to lead to the Eastern Demon Realm, Western Demon Realm, Northern Demon Realm, and the Buddha Demon Battlefield that leads directly to the Northern Demon Realm. Now, the only entrance to the Demon Realm corridor in Qianjun City is the one leading to the Southern Demon Realm. The entrance to the Demon Realm corridor is in the hands of the Innate Demon and the Acquired Demon.It is not difficult to see from this that these demon forces are really helping the Buddhist world to delay the time, so that the Buddhist world can have time to prepare manpower to deal with the invasion of the demon world.

Compared with the magic formations around the entrance of the magic corridor in the valley before, it is obvious that the magic formations around the entrance that Xu Changqing saw later are much more regular.Each magic formation has clear layers and obvious effects, and each magic formation complements each other. Although the matching with each other is not perfect, it is not far behind.It can be seen that no matter the person who set up the formation at the beginning or the person who added it later, they have spent a lot of thought on it, trying to make the entire magic formation group form a formation as much as possible.Among these magic circles, the core part is neither for defense nor for offense, but for guiding and guiding various coordinate forces in the corridors of the magic realm.It is precisely because of these guiding magic formations that Xu Changqing saw the difference between the entrance of the magic corridor in Qianjun City and the entrance of other magic corridors.

To put it simply, the magic corridors corresponding to other entrances are like a straight road, with some small forked paths leading to different places in the middle, but the main road has only one destination. To enter these entrances, you only need to enter You can reach different locations sequentially.

The entrance of Qianjun City is different. It corresponds to not one Demon Realm Corridor, but dozens or even hundreds of them. Like road junctions.If you want to use such a magic corridor entrance, you must first find out the magic corridor that your destination is aimed at, and then draw a trace of power imprint from it, leaving a mark on your body. Only in this way can people who enter the entrance find the magic corridor they need , without losing direction.

The reason for the formation of such a special entrance to the Demon Realm Corridor, since it is related to the special environment here, is also related to the fact that a large number of people in the Demon Realm use Qianjun City as a transit point.Just like the road in the secular world, the more people walk, the road will be formed. The Demon Realm Corridor that originally pointed to Qianjun City may be just a branch of the main trunk, but when more people use it, there are also a lot of people here. power, so that the fork becomes the trunk.

"It turns out that this is the case. These guys are so courageous. Aren't they afraid of self-defeating?" After seeing the real situation of all the corridors of the Demon Realm in Qianjun City, Xu Changqing suddenly understood the hidden secrets hidden in the magic circle around the abandoned entrance. What exactly is the effect of hand abandonment, and it is also clear what method Dao Wuqing and others will use to defend the Qianjun City.

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