Nine idlers

Chapter 725

Although Xu Changqing saw through what Dao Wuqing and others were planning, and could feel that this plan was not a matter of a day or two, so this plan was probably secretly arranged by Long Jinbao, and Dao Wuqing's War Demon Hall and Li Yongfeng's Bitter Medicine Demon Sect probably just got involved by chance.Even Xu Changqing can only see the beginning stage of the whole plan for the time being. As for how Long Jinbao can get his manpower in the Western Demon Realm to support his plan in the Northern Demon Realm after all the corridors in the Demon Realm are no longer practical, how to occupy the four cities of Thousand Kings so that They became the real transit points of the Demon Realm Corridor, how to prevent the Great Destroyer from making a comeback, and so on. Before he got further relevant information, he could not make a final judgment and speculation.

"Seeing that Jinbao has changed a lot. Chapter 720 The fifth chapter is good at planning and planning." Thinking of this big plan involving the entire demon world, Xu Changqing couldn't help showing a gratified smile on his face, and nodded appreciatively.Compared with Long Jinbao, who was only good at defeating the enemy with strength and doing things with big fists in the secular world, he admires Long Jinbao even more now.However, the blow of his family being destroyed and his wife being separated, coupled with working alone in this extremely dangerous devil world, was enough to make his way of doing things and his temperament and mood undergo earth-shaking changes.This is also the main reason why Xu Changqing did not contact Long Jinbao immediately after arriving in the Demon Realm, but let Dao Wuqing contact Long Jinbao first.

"Since you have already laid out the plan, let me, the master, help you to perfect the plan!" Xu Changqing looked at the group of magic formations hidden in the ground, and then hundreds of magic formations burst out of him instantly. Exactly the same magic element mana.Injected into the magic array, like vines, along the trajectory of the magic array, extending in all directions.Soon this magic power connected the scattered magic formations outside the heaven and earth formation into a whole, increasing their endurance by more than ten times.It completely solved the danger of the magic formation group collapsing in advance because of absorbing too much power from the magic domain corridor, before the heaven and earth formation was in trouble.

Although the process is very complicated, the time for Xu Changqing to transfer mana is only a moment. After this moment, a ray of light suddenly flashed on a protruding boulder not far from Xu Changqing, followed by a long A devil with upturned nostrils and a hideous face.On the forehead of this demon is branded a mark unique to fanatics of the bitter medicine demon sect.I saw that after he appeared, he looked suspicious, as if he had noticed something.He looked around vigilantly, and raised his upturned nose from time to time, sniffing the surrounding smell like a dog.

Immediately afterwards, more than ten rays of light shone around the demon, all of them were fanatics of the Bitter Medicine Demon Sect.Their cultivation bases were almost the same as that of the person at the beginning, and they had all reached the realm of a half-step demon king.At this time, the man who was obviously the leader of the group of people stood up and looked at the demon who appeared at the beginning with a rather serious expression.Asked: "Jie Bao, what's going on? Why did you suddenly show up?"

"A lot of different mana breaths suddenly appeared here just now. Every mana breath has surpassed the realm of the devil king." Ten Demon Lords suddenly descended and then disappeared."

"A dozen Demon Lords descended suddenly?" After hearing this, most of the people were taken aback and burst out laughing, as if they had all heard the funniest digestion in the world.

Only the demon named leader seemed to be very aware of his companion's abilities, with a serious expression on his face, he asked in a deep voice, "Are you sure?"

The demon hesitated for a moment, shook his head, and said: "Not sure, it's too fast, the residual mana aura is very weak, plus the environment here, it's hard to tell whether it's the mana aura or the magic circle here. "As he spoke, his tone became uncertain, and he said, "Maybe I smelled it wrong."

"No matter what, let's report to the suzerain first." The leader of the demon did not regard it as an inconspicuous matter, but decided to report it very carefully, and then told the others: "Continue to guard this place, and if there is any If the wind blows and the grass stirs, you must be vigilant, the affairs here are very important, and you cannot be tempted." After giving the order, he said to the demon: "Follow me to see the suzerain."

After finishing speaking, he led the demon into a ray of light, flew out of the valley, and flew towards the sect of a demon force located far away in the valley.Seeing the leader leave, the other demons didn't seem to take what he said seriously, but they still retreated to the original guarded places according to his instructions. Some have the same effect.

"It seems that this Qiu Wu has taken in some good disciples." Xu Changqing, who was always standing aside, watched the reactions of these demons, nodded slightly, and thought to himself.

The other demons are fine, but the two demons who spoke just now are a bit special. Their cultivation seems to be half-step demon kings, but in fact they have reached the realm of demon kings.In addition, although they are agitated by the demonic energy all over their bodies, it is obvious that they are no different from those in the demonic way, but like the pretended demonic people seen at the entrances of other demonic corridors before, the real way of life in their bodies is not the demonic way, but the authentic way of the underworld. The Blood God Creation Sutra derived from the Prison Blood Sea Transformation God **.

The Judgment of the Blood God Creation Sutra is an additional product of Xu Changqing's deduction of the complete **** of the **** sea of ​​​​blood, not only the blood sea **** has such an additional product, even Mizhang's Ruyi Jinzhong God , Ning Yu's Qing Lian, Ning Yu's Qinglian, Reincarnation Wugou Body, etc. Xu Changqing found these five powerful guards for Li Yongfeng, and all the natal bodies they cultivated have such additional methods.At that time, Xu Changqing taught these additional methods along with the original version to Qiu Wu and others. Although this kind of method is far from being comparable to the original version, it is considered a superior method, and it is not allowed to be taught unless it is a true confidant.It can be seen from this that these two people should be Qiu Wu's real power to control the bitter medicine demon sect.

Among the two disguised demons who should be Qiu Wu's disciples, the one who is the leader is quite experienced in dealing with affairs, cautious and cautious, not swayed by selfishness, he is a rare commander in chief.As for the other demon's mind, although he is also cautious, his confidence is easily shaken. Obviously, his state of mind is far from comparable to that of the demon's leader, but when it comes to the cultivation potential, the positions of the two will be reversed .

This person has supernatural powers and strange methods, and he was able to detect the moment when Xu Changqing conveyed his mana, and he was also able to distinguish the strength and weakness of various mana breaths. This alone is already extraordinary.In addition, there is a prehistoric sorcerer's aura in this person's body, obviously he has the blood of an ancient sorcerer, and as he practiced the blood god's creation scriptures, he was continuously purified, and his supernatural powers were also obtained from this.In the future, if he could replace all the blood in his body with the blood of the ancient witch, even if he could not reproduce the power of the ancient witch, having one-tenth of its power would be great.

Seeing the two pretending demons leave, Xu Changqing didn't stay any longer, turned around, walked out of the valley under the eyes of the bitter medicine demon sect, and returned to the place where Luo Gan was hiding.At this time, Luo Gan's attention seemed to be on a metal fragment in his hand, and he didn't react to Xu Changqing's appearance for a while, but when he reacted, he quickly put the metal fragment in his hand into his waist pocket, and his face On the other hand, he deliberately pretended to be nonchalant, as if he was afraid that Xu Changqing would notice the piece of metal just now.

It's a pity that the more Luo Gan didn't want Xu Changqing to pay attention to the things, the more Xu Changqing was interested. In other words, Xu Changqing had already noticed the specialness of this metal fragment before Luo Gan concealed the importance of this metal fragment to him.With a random move, he directly cast a spell to break the prohibition circle on Cai Luogan's waist pocket, and took out the metal fragment from it.

Seeing this situation, Luo Gan immediately felt anxious, suppressed the fear of Xu Changqing in his heart, and prepared to take the metal fragment back.But at this moment, he found that his body was completely imprisoned by a force, unable to move at all, and could only watch helplessly as the treasure he had just accidentally obtained fell into Xu Changqing's hands.

After the metal fragment fell into Xu Changqing's hands, he immediately probed towards the metal fragment with his divine sense, and soon he fully explored the palm-sized metal fragment inside and out.

"How did you get this thing?" After confirming the origin of this thing, Xu Changqing couldn't help taking a breath, and turned to look at Luo Gan who was imprisoned by his spell. He was sure that Luo Gan didn't have this thing before. So he let go of the restraint on Luo Gan and asked.

"I just picked it up under that rock." Although the restriction was lifted, Luo Gan also knew that it was useless to resist. Even though he felt aggrieved and angry, he didn't dare to express it, so he could only answer in a cold tone. With a sound, he looked at the stone next to him indicatively with his eyes.

Xu Changqing looked at the stone with a strange expression, then at Luo Gan, threw the piece of metal to Luo Gan, then sighed, and said, "You're so lucky that you can even pick up something casually. You can find treasures."

Seeing the treasure returned to his hand, Luo Gan immediately felt the joy of finding it again, and quickly held it tightly in his hand, but soon realized that what Xu Changqing said just now obviously already knew about it. Know exactly what the object is.So he hesitated for a while, and tried to ask: "Dare to ask my lord, what is this thing?"

Although Luo Gan asked, he didn't expect Xu Changqing to answer, and he also thought Xu Changqing didn't bother to answer.But to his surprise, Xu Changqing gave him a response, and the response was extremely detailed.

I saw Xu Changqing replying: "In the ancient prehistoric period, there was a great power of Sanxian. This person's cultivation base was average, but he was very good at refining treasures. He had refined more than 100 pieces of Houtian Lingbao in his life, so people in the prehistoric period also honored him. He is a different person with hundreds of treasures. At that time, people thought that this fairy could only refine the acquired spiritual treasure, but few people knew that this person had borrowed the innate spiritual object to refine an innate spiritual treasure called the Huntian Mirror. And the piece in your hand is the broken piece of this treasure."

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