Nine idlers

Chapter 726

"This seat needs an independent attic courtyard, and it's best to keep some distance away from other people." Xu Changqing directly ordered after entering Xia's Inn.

Hearing Xu Changqing's order, the inn clerk who came up was stunned, and then said that he could not decide this matter, so he immediately went to the inn to manage the matter.

The person who came here was dressed in the style of a Tang Dynasty robe with a head, and a green shirt. Comparing it with the green clothes of the guy next to him, it is not difficult to guess that the identity of the Xia family is completely in accordance with the purple, green and green of the people of the Tang Dynasty. coloring to distinguish.

"Your Excellency, do you want an independent building?" The steward confirmed it cautiously after arriving.

Xu Changqing frowned, deliberately arrogantly said: "I never say what I say a second time."

Xu Changqing knew why the people in the Xia Family Inn were so surprised. Most of the things like that are not of interest.In a place like Xia's Inn, even if there is a separate courtyard or square market, unless they are truly wealthy and strong in the demon world, few people will choose to live here.The unknown magic circles set up inside and outside these courtyards will also make people in the demon world who are inherently insecure fearful. Instead of spending a lot of money to come here to seek guilt, it is better to find a random place and set up magic circles by yourself for a temporary stay place.

After confirming Xu Changqing's thoughts, the steward didn't ask any more questions. After asking Xu Changqing to pay a certain amount of collateral, he led Xu Changqing to the back of Xia's Inn.

Under the leadership of the steward.Xu Changqing and Luo Gan came to the Dudianfang that he requested.There is also a small garden in this square city, but the plants in the garden look a little weird.

After stepping into the independent attic in the middle of Fangshi, the first thing Xu Changqing saw was the Four Treasures of the Study on the case on the right side of the attic and various books neatly placed on the shelf. These simple decorations make the whole attic room look more beautiful Chapter 720 of the sub-volume Qi is the Confucianism of Confucianism, and seeing this volume of Qi in a place like the Demon Realm really makes people feel a bit nondescript.

Perhaps it was this kind of aura that was at odds with the atmosphere of the whole world that attracted Xu Changqing, because the aura of the scrolls emanating from these books was actually comparable to the Buddhist scriptures pavilion in the Acropolis of Mercy on Mount Xumi.If it weren't for the fact that this place is a demon world, perhaps the aura of this document alone would have been enough to condense into a Confucian rationale.

So, after entering the room, Xu Changqing, who was full of curiosity, immediately walked towards those shelves, and Luo Gan, who was following behind, also felt a little puzzled.But the manager of the Xia's inn showed more surprise and astonishment.He wanted to go up to stop him, but he endured it.

I saw that there were ordinary magic circles such as dust avoidance and fire avoidance on the shelves, and these magic circles had no defensive power.It is only used to protect the membership from being damaged due to some improper storage.Some of the books here are thread-bound, but more are bound volumes, notebooks and silk books, and some are even bamboo slips. Judging from the degree of obsolete above, these books should have been around for a long time, if not With the protection of the magic circle, these books without any power may have turned into dust long ago.

Looking at these books, Xu Changqing had the illusion that he didn't know where to start. In the end, he picked up a roll of silk books closest to him, put it on the case beside him, and slowly unfolded it.When the silk book is unfolded.When the first line of words was revealed, Xu Changqing couldn't help taking a deep breath. Although he had experienced countless things, looked all over the world, and had already reached the state of eight winds, but seeing the things in front of him still made him I felt inexplicable surprise and joy, and accelerated the speed in my hand to unfold the entire silk book one by one, and carefully looked at every word written on it.

Xu Changqing breathed a sigh of relief until he had finished reading the entire silk book, with a rare transcendence expression on his face.And re-rolled the silk book with extremely careful movements, and put it back in its original place.

Xu Changqing's actions made Luo Gan extremely curious. It was hard for him to imagine anything that could bring such a shock to this mysterious and extraordinary man, yes, it was shock.He couldn't help but began to wonder what shocking mystery was recorded in this silk book that seemed to shatter with the slightest touch.Or the Dao method, which is associated with the ancient Xia family.This guess is not impossible.But after thinking about it again, although the Xia family has a long and ancient background, it is not so old that it can casually put any great method and shocking mystery in front of people. If it is really these contents, the Xia family will only keep them properly. right.

Just when Luo Gan was guessing again and again about this silk book, Xu Changqing put down the scroll that he just picked up just now, and then directly revealed the answer with a sigh, saying: "I didn't expect to be able to find it in the lonely city of the devil world." It was a pleasant surprise to see the cold food nostalgia posts co-written by the six fathers and sons of the Wang family, as well as the pictures of spring outings and leisure love poems written by the famous painter Gu Kaizhi!"

"You, you actually recognize this thing?" The manager of Xia's Inn, who was already surprised, became even more surprised, and looked at Xu Changqing dumbfounded as if he had seen something frightening, as if he recognized it in his eyes. Finding out what is on this silk book is no less than realizing a Dao Dharma door.

"Although it is just a master's game production, it is not a high-quality product, but it is also a genuine product." Xu Changqing picked up a thread bound book on the shelf and opened it. It was copied, using lower case, the characters can only be regarded as medium, the font is beautiful but solemn, with some European style and Shangguan style, it should be written by a woman.After Xu Changqing turned to the last page and saw the name of the writer written at the end, he couldn't help but let out an exclamation, and saw that there were seven words written on it, the Holy God Emperor Zhao of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

After closing it, Xu Changqing looked at the other books on the shelf. Judging from the aura of the scrolls above, those books were no less precious than this Wu Zetian's handwritten copy of Emperor Fan in his hands. It is comparable to the characters of Wang Xizhi's father and son.Xu Changqing would not have lost his composure if it was just some Daoist books, but these are all rare books that are hard to find in the world. He who once passed the examination for a scholar in the secular world still has a kind of sentimentality in his bones. Seeing so many rare books put here Meng Chen felt really sorry, so he made a decision, turned his head, and said to the manager of the Xia Family Inn who still hadn't recovered from his surprise, "I want all these things, you can make a price!"

"Ah?" The manager of the Xia's Inn didn't react for a while, he was stunned for a moment, then pointed to the books on the shelf in great surprise, and said: "These things are just different volumes, and the words on them are not some kind of secret method. , why did your lord buy these things?"

"Don't I need to give you reasons for everything I do?" Xu Changqing returned to his previous haughty demeanor, his face immediately turned cold, and said.

"Of course not." The manager of the Xia Family Inn shook his head repeatedly, and after thinking about it, it seemed that it was difficult to make a decision. Finally, he kicked the ball to Xu Changqing and said, "I don't know how much your lord thinks these things are worth?"

"In the eyes of those who don't understand it, these things are worthless, just like you, but in the eyes of those who understand these things, they are worth more than enough to exchange for the entire Qianjun City." Xu Changqing didn't hide it He directly stated the value of these calligraphy and paintings, then took out three jade bottles from Qiankun World, put them on the table, and said: "This is the price that I offered."

The manager of the Xia Family Inn was stunned when he saw the three jade bottles, then he picked up one of them, unplugged the jade bottle, sniffed it, his expression changed drastically, and he said in surprise, "Is this the Magic Dao Pill? "

Among the various elixirs in the Kunlun Three Realms, the elixir is naturally the most precious. It can not only improve the cultivation of others, but also improve the understanding of the law of heaven and earth from the heart of the Daoist.However, there is a kind of elixir among the immortal elixir, which can only be used to consolidate the Daoist heart's understanding of the laws of heaven and earth, but it does not improve the cultivation level. Prepared by people in the strongest realm.Anyone who has just stepped into the realm of the strongest can take this kind of Dao Dan, and the world of consolidating the realm can be shortened, and the law of heaven and earth corresponding to his own heart can be mastered in a short period of time, so that he can step into the middle world one step ahead of others. The realm of the strongest products.Don't underestimate this step difference, the time difference may even be hundreds of years, and if this step difference is formed, the gap will become bigger and bigger in the future.So for those who have just stepped into the realm of the strongest, the preciousness of one Dao Pill can be compared with ten fairy treasures.

Now that Xu Changqing took out three such important pills in exchange for these useless calligraphy and painting scrolls in the eyes of others, this really made the manager of the Xia Family Inn feel unbelievable, and even suspected that there was something hidden in it like Luo Gan at the beginning Shocking secret.But soon he realized that this thing had been left in the Xiajiazang Pavilion for countless years. Countless people had seen it, but no one could see any secrets in it. They just knew that it was something that the ancestors carried with them when they came to the Demon Realm. However, the ancestors of the Xia family back then were not any outstanding figures, and they lived a mediocre life. It was not until some of their descendants married into a demon family that the Xia family could be passed down in the dangerous environment of the demon world.Even if the ancestors of the Xia family are so useless, their belongings will naturally not have any good things. Almost all the Xia family members think so, otherwise they would not throw this thing here in Qianjun City and randomly put it in the inn. in the guest room.

From Xu Changqing's performance, the manager of Xia's inn saw that this thing was of great value to some people, so an uncontrollable greed suddenly arose in his heart.Although he can't use this pill with his current level of cultivation as a demon king, he can use this pill, like other forces that are still useful to him.As long as he exchanged for two celestial spirit pills, it would be enough for him to achieve the realm of Demon Lord, and then take another Dao pill to consolidate his realm, and he would be able to get rid of the current predicament and occupy a high position in the family.After calculating the gains and losses in his mind, he felt that the advantages to him would definitely outweigh the disadvantages, so he wanted to agree to the deal, but at this moment, the voice from outside the house quenched his fiery enthusiasm like a basin of cold water. In his heart, let his original thoughts be scattered immediately.

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