Nine idlers

Chapter 727

"Brother Qiu, what's going on? Will something happen to my younger brother?" Seeing that her husband hadn't made a sound for a long time, Xia Zhijie's elder sister couldn't help but feel a little worried. She stretched out her hand to grab her husband's arm and asked. (Baidu search: , the fastest update to read novels)

"It's going to be all right, I don't know what kind of person your younger brother is!" The man smiled lightly, patted his wife's hand lightly, motioned her to relax, and said, "It's fine if it's other magic powers. , Now here is clearly Confucianism's awe-inspiring righteousness, which will definitely do more good than harm to him, and maybe it can solve this idiot's long-standing problem."

"Really!" Hearing her husband's words, Xia Zhijie's sister immediately showed surprise on her face.

The family of demons is no better than the family of acquired demons. Acquired demons themselves are not prosperous, and their offspring are rare, so each offspring is extremely precious. He is bound to be greatly valued.But the demon family is different. Perhaps it is because of the blood of the human race, plus the long lifespan and strong energy after training, so there are very many offspring, some as few as a dozen, many or even hundreds of thousands. .It is also because of this that in the demon family, no matter the descendants of the direct line or collateral line, they will be treated equally, and only those with outstanding abilities can occupy high positions, and the status of the rest is only slightly better than that of ordinary demons.

Xia Zhijie's siblings didn't have a high status in the Xia family. Although Xia Zhijie's older sister Xia Mo later worshiped under Long Xiangzi's sect in the Northern Demon Realm and became his direct disciple, her status was slightly improved, but because Xia Zhijie Since he was born, he couldn't practice any method, so it was a drag.It is also difficult to improve the status in the Xia family.Unlike other members of the Xia family, Xia Zhijie's siblings had a very good relationship. Xia Mo begged many people for Xia Zhijie's affairs, but in the end they all ended in vain.No one knew what the power in Xia Zhijie's body was.I just know that it is very weird, sometimes it can integrate any power, sometimes it can repel any power, and even in the end, it is impossible to confirm whether this power is an illusion or a real existence.

Because of Xia Zhijie's own reasons, and his personality is really inconsistent with people in the devil world, and later he taught Confucianism in the Xia family, so the Xia family simply sent his siblings to places like Qianjun City.Take ordinary management and let it fend for itself.This situation did not loosen until Xia Qian met her husband and the two became Taoist couples.Xia Qian was able to return to the Xia family to take part of the power. As for Xia Zhijie, she still could not return to the Xia family and could only stay in Qianjun City, but the living conditions were much better than before.

In the past two years, Xia Mo, who had gained some power, always wanted to take her younger brother by her side, but was always opposed by her opponents in the Xia family.And the reasons for these people's opposition are also very good, that is, Xia Zhijie cannot cultivate, and the treatment given to him now is already an exception, if he is allowed to return to Xia's family.It will only break the rules of the Xia family.The basic rule of all the demon family has always been to respect the strong, even the acquired demon family that attaches great importance to blood.At most, it is just to take care of the tribe members who are not talented enough under this rule.If the rule that the strong are respected in the demon world family is broken, then this family will inevitably collapse and destroy itself soon.Therefore, even though Xia Mo had a strong affection for her younger brother.He didn't dare to take care of him at the expense of the whole family.

Knowing from her husband that Xia Zhijie's situation seemed to have turned around, Xia Mo was naturally excited and wanted to ask more questions, but her husband told her not to say too much.At this time, she noticed that her husband's attention didn't seem to be on her younger brother's affairs, but on the unrelated people at the side, and she couldn't help complaining, but soon she also discovered the abnormal situation on Luo Gan, and couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"Brother Qiu, this person seems to be practicing the blood god method you taught in the Bitter Medicine Demon Sect, but there seems to be something wrong with it, and he seems to have cultivated the magic of the heavens and heavens like Lord Dragon." Xia Xia Xie herself is a teacher of a great sect in the demon world. Although she is only one of many direct disciples, she is learning the orthodox way of demons after all, and her vision is not much worse than that of her husband. The words of the secret method to her husband can tell the situation of Luo Gan .

If Xu Changqing was here, after hearing these words, he would definitely be able to recognize that Xia Qian's husband was Qiu Wu, one of the five yellow scarf warriors he trained for Li Yongfeng.Compared with the last time when Xu Changqing saw him in Lingshan, the outer gate, he has changed a lot at this moment, whether it is the mana breath or the appearance of the whole person, he has completely become another person.

Although Hell Blood Sea Transforming God ** is the supreme and evil method that directly points to the Dao, its training process is extremely strict. The whole process needs to go through nine times of rebirth, and each time it is incomparable to the will of the practitioner. test.Even in the ancient times, those who were able to experience nine bloodbaths and be completely reborn were all determined to the extreme, even if the world was broken, they would not waver.

After obtaining this method and completing it, Xu Changqing took a shortcut by relying on his innate advantages such as the cultivation base of the golden immortal, the three-pointed soul, and the underworld in the world of heaven and earth, avoiding the pain of nine times of rebirth, and made this method a quick success.But in the final analysis, what he practiced was not the pure Hell Blood Sea Transformation Spiritual Art, but a similar method with the same magical powers and spells.Now Qiu Wu is different. Given his current situation, he has obviously experienced at least one blood test and has been reborn.Not to mention that he was able to find such an existence as the Sea of ​​Blood from the Kunlun Three Realms, just that he was able to successfully undergo this rebirth is already very remarkable.Now the mana of his soul has changed, he has more blood sea breath, and more fundamental demonic nature, all kinds of defects in his body have been repaired and made up, even his appearance has been changed.If Xu Changqing saw him in other places, it might be difficult to recognize his identity for a while.

At this moment, after undergoing the first rebirth, Qiu Wu's cultivation base has reached the strongest state. Although there is still some distance from the middle-grade to the strongest state, but with the magic of the blood sea of ​​​​the gods in the hell prison, even at the peak. He also has the ability to fight against the strongest in the demon world in the most powerful realm, and retreat with his body.When he was in the Outer Sect Lingshan, the Kuyao Xianzong was compatible with various methods of Buddhism, Taoism, evil spirits, and the enemies he refined into blood god sons were also strong from various sects, so in terms of vision, he has been trapped in one realm The people in the demon world are far from being able to compare with it.

In fact, a few years ago, when Qiu Wu returned to the Xia family with his wife Xia Qian, when he represented the Kuyao Demon Sect, Zhan Motang, and Wanxiang Sect to discuss the alliance with the head of the Xia family, he had seen the Xiazhi Festival by the way. brother in law.When he hadn't seen anyone at that time, when he just heard the name his brother-in-law gave him, he could almost feel that his brother-in-law might be related to Confucianism, but when he thought that there would be a Confucian fairy in the devil world, he felt Extremely weird.After seeing him in person, he found that the facts were in line with what he thought was absurd guesses. Even without probing with force, he could still feel the Confucian aura emanating from his brother-in-law, which just made him feel The strange thing is that this Confucian mana is completely different from any Confucian mana he has seen, which is the main reason why he cannot solve the problem of his brother-in-law.

But now, Qiu Wu felt the special mana in his brother-in-law's body from the awe-inspiring righteousness emanating from the courtyard of Fangshi, so he couldn't help thinking that someone had solved the problem in his brother-in-law's body.It's just that the people who can do this are far beyond his level of cultivation. In his opinion, there are very few people who can do this in the three realms of Kunlun, which makes him have a feeling for this mysterious strong man. A hint of interest and vigilance.

It's no wonder that Qiu Wu is in such a mood, because at this moment, such a mysterious and unknown strongman suddenly came to Qianjun City, which is crucial to his great event, and he even came into contact with his brother-in-law. Why does it feel a little weird, it seems that this mysterious person is really coming for him.

"Tell me what happened before you brought that person here, and tell me clearly." Although Qiu Wu wants to know the situation now, he also understands that if he enters this square city now I'm afraid he won't be able to take it anymore, so he focused his attention on Luo Gan, using his power to overwhelm him, and asked sternly.

Although the fragments of the Hunting Mirror on Luo Gan's body can help the Blood God Demon Dao he practiced to resist the Hell Blood Sea Transformation God Acupoint on Qiu Wu's body, but this resistance also has a limit, and Luo Gan is restrained from the heart of Dao Yu Chou Wu naturally had the urge to submit to him, so when all the pressure of the blood god on Chou Wu's body fell on him, he couldn't help but tell the story.It's just that all the words stopped at the Bitter Medicine Demon Sect, and then moved to the Xia's Inn by leaps and bounds. As for Xu Changqing's exploration process of the Demon Realm Corridor, he didn't say anything.

Even such a small amount of content is beneficial to Qiu Wu, at least he can judge Xu Changqing's general power based on this, but when Luo Gan mentioned that Xu Changqing can help him solve the hidden dangers of the Blood God Demon Dao on his body, his expression turned slightly It's a lot more dignified.

Qiu Wu knew very well that the blood god law that he deliberately spread in the demon world was specially prepared by Xu Changqing for Li Yongfeng to be used as a dead man, and he was also very clear about the fatal flaws in it.He believed that in the entire Kunlun Three Realms, apart from Li Yongfeng, who was personally taught by Xu Changqing, only he, a person who had practiced the **** of blood in the hell prison, could use these defects to master the person who practiced this method.The rest of the people, whether they are those who have practiced the Supreme Blood Demon Sutra of the Demon Realm, or those who have practiced the Blood Sea Asura Sutra of the Buddhist Realm, cannot take advantage of these flaws.As for repairing these defects, it is even more impossible, even for him himself, because it seems that there are other unknown methods mixed in this blood god method.So in his view, no one in the entire Kunlun Three Realms, except Xu Changqing, should be able to repair this method.

Now Qiu Wu actually heard from another population that someone can repair the flaws of the Blood God Method. His first thought was that the person was talking nonsense, but soon he had a feeling that this might be true, and suddenly Be extra cautious.

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