Nine idlers

Chapter 729 Ginseng Blood Fruit

"This is the battlefield of the bloody battle between the Buddha and the devil. It's so strange[]" Xu Changqing looked at the scene in front of him, with a little surprise on his face, and his divine sense was completely released by him at this moment, spreading around

Two days have passed since the day I met Qiu Wu. During these two days, Qiu Wu stayed by Xu Changqing's side, waiting for his orders. After a period of time to strengthen the state, when he fully absorbs the content of Xu Changqing's instructions, then his state will inevitably rise to another level

Qiu Wu's actions made the Xia family siblings and Luo Gan curious about Xu Changqing's identity, but they also knew what to ask and what not to ask, so they suppressed their curiosity and did not make any overstepping actions

I don't know whether Chapter 720 of Ginseng Blood Fruit is sorting out my own income, or because of Qiu Wu's obstruction, Xia Zhijie has not appeared in front of Xu Changqing for the past two days, but the ancient Confucian spirit in him is getting stronger and stronger Even if you don't need to perceive it deliberately, you can easily feel from this special ancient Confucianism. If you let him continue to develop like this, sooner or later, his ancient Confucianism will develop to the point where it cannot be controlled. From time to time, the entire demon world will know that there is such a magic nemesis, which is not a good thing for him, Xia family, or even Qiu Wu. All of them were engraved on a jade certificate, and asked Qiu Wu to give it to his brother-in-law. Although these modern Confucianisms are of no use to his ancient Confucianism, they can help him control the ancient Confucian spirit in his body so that he will not be caught too much in the devil world. Too conspicuous, causing trouble

Before leaving Qianjun City, Xu Changqing also reminded Qiu Wu that if there is a chance, sending Xia Zhijie away from the Demon Realm, preferably to the Neimen Lingshan, will be of great benefit to Xia Zhijie's future achievements

Xu Changqing walked very smoothly. Long Jinbao did not follow the planned arrangement to cut off the corridor of the Demon Realm. This was not because he knew that Xu Changqing was in the Demon Realm, but because Jiang San Chapter 720 Nine Ginseng Blood Fruit Bao suddenly changed his itinerary and did not go directly to the Demon Realm. Jiang Sanbao's move was obviously aimed at Long Jinbao's plan, but Long Jinbao didn't take any countermeasures against it, but remained the same In response to Wan Bian, he just passed a sentence to Qiu Wu, as soon as Jiang Sanbao arrived in the Northern Demon Realm, he would immediately cut off the Demon Realm corridor

There is also a reason why Long Jinbao believes that Qiu Wu can easily control Qianjun City, because now in the four Qianjun cities, nearly half of the middle and high-level people in the demon forces hide Qiu Wu's bitter medicine demon sect fanatics, and among the rest of the forces There are also a large number of dead soldiers. As long as you do it, you can completely control all the forces in Qianjun City in a short period of time. However, it is one thing to control the forces in Qianjun City, and another thing to control the entire Qianjun City. With this little force in his hands, it may be difficult to completely control the four cities of thousands of kings in a short time. At least these unruly people in the demon world will not be so obedient and wait for calls.

Xu Changqing is naturally aware of how difficult it is for Qiu Wu to control the four Thousand King Cities, and he has a way to reduce the difficulty, but he has no intention of telling Qiu Wu, in his opinion, these four Thousand King Cities are a test for Qiu Wu, Regardless of the final success or failure, Qiu Wu has the qualifications to be alone

As for Qiu Wu, he also knows that if he can get Xu Changqing's guidance, he will definitely be able to make the plan to occupy Qianjun City smoother, but in the end he didn't ask Xu Changqing about anything related to it until he saw Xu Changqing walking into the corridor of the Demon Realm He knew that what he said, no matter whether he could get Xu Changqing's advice in the end, his status in Xu Changqing's mind would inevitably decrease. Compared with a little trouble, he was unwilling to lose Xu Changqing's trust. This is not only related to his status in Kuyao Xianzong, but also related to his wealth and life

Qiu Wu didn't open his mouth to ask, he did get a little praise from Xu Changqing, but it was only a little praise. Whether Qiu Wu can get Xu Changqing's trust and guidance depends on his participation in Long Jinbao's plan to annex the Sifang Demon Realm. The role played [] Although Xu Changqing did not want to interfere with Long Jinbao's plan this time, and did not value the final success or failure of the plan, but in any case, success is better than failure after all, so Xu Changqing also hinted at Qiu Wu when he left. We must fully cooperate with Long Jinbao's plan

After the Demon Realm Corridor leading from Qianjun City to the Northern Demon Realm has accumulated enough spiritual energy to be fully opened, the people in the Demon Realm who have been waiting for a long time to get a share of the pie will enter the Demon Realm Corridor like a tidal wave. All the forces have also organized their manpower. Going to the Northern Demon Realm, it is bound to gain some benefits from the Buddha and Demon Battlefield in the Northern Demon Realm Come to think of it, Qiu Wu is happy to see the success of this, and he also secretly contributed to the flames, in order to send as many disturbing factors as possible to the Northern Demon Realm, so that it will be much easier for him to control Qianjun City

When Xu Changqing entered the Demon Realm Corridor, he entered with the hands of a demon force in Qianjun City. Obviously, this Demon Realm Corridor leading to the Buddha Demon Battlefield is much stronger than other Demon Realm Corridors, transporting dozens of people at a time It will not cause any abnormalities, but the space transfer of this demonic corridor takes much more time than other demonic corridors. Other demonic corridors can reach the other end in an instant, but this demonic corridor takes nearly over a minute

This is a very bad thing for others, because the longer the time in the corridor of the Demon Realm, the more severe the pressure of space and the erosion of various forces will be. Usually, a trip down is no less than a battle of life and death. Such a long time is of great benefit to Xu Changqing. He has enough time to deliberately explore all the secrets in the corridor of the demon realm. After this trip, he has almost figured out the situation in the corridor of the demon realm. Next time he will go to For other demon realms, even if there is no entrance to the demon realm corridor, they can easily attach to the edge of a demon realm corridor, and travel freely across the demon realm like Long Jinbao's shuttle-shaped flying boat.

Although Xu Changqing entered the entrance of the Demon Realm Corridor with dozens of people from the Demon Realm, but when he came out, he was not in the same place. This Demon Realm Corridor is very interesting. Afterwards, this Demonic Corridor was dispersed into tens of thousands of temporary Demonic Corridors, which transported the entrants to different places on the battlefield, and then disappeared. The strength is deliberately made like this, and not only this one, but also all the other demonic corridors that enter the Buddha Demon Battlefield

Xu Changqing didn't know who did all of this, at least in the memory of the Demon Emperor Wanjie, he was already like this before he appeared, but according to Xu Changqing's estimation, the person who did this has at least reached the level of cultivation. Luo Jinxian Realm Because Xu Changqing is sure that even if he has already half-stepped Da Luo's golden fairy body to exert all its power, and even use the power of turning into nothingness, it may be able to destroy the entire Northern Demon Territory, but it is difficult to achieve such a fine level

The moment Xu Changqing entered the battlefield of Buddha and demons, Xu Changqing had already felt countless chaotic forces permeating the surroundings. In addition to the devilish energy of the demon world and the spiritual energy of the Buddha world, there were also a large amount of spiritual energy of the five elements, ghostly yin energy, clear spirit and immortal energy, and foreign lands. Reiki and other auras that existed or disappeared in the three realms of Kunlun, even in these chaotic auras, Xu Changqing felt a very faint trace of prehistoric aura

It is no wonder that this is the case here. The entire battlefield of Buddhas and demons is completely a fragmented cemetery of the prehistoric land and the alien gods. Countless fragments float in a void without weight, and there is no distinction between up, down, left, and right. This is somewhat similar to the Nine Man Forbidden Land in Zhanmoya, it feels like a small cave full of fragments of the wild

Maybe it's because of the killing aura, resentment, blood aura, etc. that have been accumulated here for thousands of years after countless people from the demon world and countless people from the Buddhist world have been killed, the whole world is covered by patches of blood mist. There is no direct harm to people, but because the blood mist contains various powers, it is of great benefit to everyone practicing Taoism and supernatural powers. After any cultivator absorbs this blood mist, he can make his body The running speed of one's own mana is increased several times, and mana is continuously replenished at an extremely fast speed while mana is consumed, which is equivalent to more than doubling the mana of the person who enters this place out of thin air. Even through this blood mist, the practitioner's Dao heart will also Enter a state of quasi-enlightenment. In this state, whether it is practicing Taoism or comprehending supernatural powers, it can play a big role

It's just that there is no free lunch in this world. Since you get something, you must pay, and often the pay will be far greater than the gain. People who absorb this blood mist to improve their mana and cultivation base will not cause any physical damage due to the blood mist. However, this kind of blood mist can cause a very deep addiction to the heart of Dao, especially for those who practice the way of demons, it is like secular opium, smoked once or twice There will be no problem, but if you absorb more, it will make your natal mana and Dao heart more dependent on this blood mist, and eventually you will be unable to leave here and become a living prisoner here

Although the blood mist here is full of dangers, there are still many people in the demon world rushing towards it. Most of them have reached a bottleneck in their practice, trying to break through the realm through the external force of the blood mist. When entering here, They all made up their minds in their hearts to get out before they become addicted to the blood mist, but those who can finally get out successfully can be said to be rare, and most of the rest are trapped here, and eventually die, until they are killed by the blood mist. Fog corrosion assimilation

Xu Changqing had already heard about the blood mist here. While letting go of his divine sense to explore the surrounding situation, he also took a deep breath and slowly integrated it into his mana.

"Eh, ginseng fruit?" After Xu Changqing completely absorbed the breath of blood into his body, he sensed every detail of the blood gas, and then he couldn't help showing surprise, and secretly said to himself (to be continued)


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