Nine idlers

Chapter 730

Slaying evil thoughts is something that must be done after the ancient great powers have cultivated to a certain level. Some people even cut them more than once.It's just that most of the people who need to use this method of killing evil thoughts are the ancient prehistoric innate gods with almost eternal longevity, and only people like them who have survived for countless years can accumulate enough evil thoughts to affect their natal and Dao heart.

Everyone's method of cutting off evil thoughts is different, and the final result is also different, but most of the evil thoughts that have been cut off will be scattered by the caster and returned to the world.However, sometimes there are some exceptions. For example, the Emperor Zhenwu used the Great Destroyer Sword to cut off his own evil thoughts, but he did not use the power of nothingness to disperse them. Became the current Great Destroyer Demon Lord.It's just that there are very few people who do this like Emperor Zhenwu, because doing so will cause the danger of being backlashed by their own evil thoughts, so the vast majority of people choose to turn their evil thoughts into nothingness.

As one of the few surviving innate gods in the last Three Realms, the evil thoughts produced by Zhen Yuanzi are naturally not comparable to ordinary people, and the number of times he has cut off evil thoughts is far more than most, so he is very concerned about the method of killing evil thoughts. It can be said that he knows everything well and is extremely skilled.

It's just that in many cases, the more proficient things are, the more accidents are likely to occur, and the same is true for Zhen Yuanzi.After a sure-fire method of cutting off evil thoughts, he failed to do his best, so that even a trace of evil thoughts did not turn into nothingness, and fled into the wild world.In order to eliminate this scourge.He spent thousands of years searching the wild land.In the end, I found this evil thought at the edge of the wild where even the Great Neng Hong was unwilling to stay longer, and at this moment, this evil thought has fully grown and turned into a eight-treasure glazed ginseng fruit tree that is exactly the same as Zhen Yuanzi's soul .

This ginseng fruit tree absorbs the most evil and evil intentions of the world as its natal energy, turns it into a ginseng blood fruit, and lures the evil spirits of the world to pick and eat it, and then uses the power of this ginseng blood fruit to turn it into a puppet After thousands of years, it has already formed a huge force.In order to deal with this evil thought, Zhen Yuanzi even invited his friends from all over the prehistoric region.Together, in the shortest possible time, uprooted the entire force related to it, and completely wiped out the ginseng fruit tree that was transformed by that trace of evil thoughts.

But now.Xu Changqing was a little surprised that the ginseng fruit tree transformed by evil thoughts that should have been extinct for countless years appeared on the battlefield of Buddha and demons in the devil world, and seemed to be living very freely.But it was just an accident, Zhen Yuanzi's memory related to the evil ginseng fruit tree was extremely deep, and it was almost intact, so Xu Changqing knew the evil ginseng fruit tree very well, so he didn't need to look too much. It can be judged that the ginseng blood fruit tree in front of him is as different as heaven and earth from the evil ginseng fruit tree of the year. At best, it is just an afterimage of a tree spirit without any spiritual knowledge and driven only by instinct.

The ginseng blood fruit tree in front of Xu Changqing's eyes is not an entity, but a temporary entity formed by the condensation of various forces, ideas, and remnant souls on the entire battlefield of Buddha and demons.When the ginseng blood fruit matures and falls, its shape will also lose its power and disappear, until the next time the accumulation of power reaches the level of condensing and forming, it will reappear.In fact, the real ginseng blood fruit tree is not the seemingly real emerald green tree in front of you, but the entire Buddha and demon battlefield. This is why Xu Changqing can feel the breath of ginseng fruit contained in the blood mist as soon as he enters here , thus evoking the memory of Zhen Yuanzi.

Although it may sound absurd that the entire battlefield of Buddhas and demons is a ginseng blood fruit tree, but if you really know the power of the ginseng blood fruit tree.It won't feel like it's impossible.Although the ginseng blood fruit tree transformed by evil thoughts back then cannot be compared with Zhen Yuanzi in terms of individual power, but if he unites all his blood fruit puppets and forms a large formation, it can withstand the siege of dozens of prehistoric powers who are almost the same as Zhen Yuanzi.Even if there is only a little bit of fundamental spirituality left in such a powerful being, let it grow.It is also enough to become an earth-shattering powerful force, and it is not impossible to form a world of blood mist similar to the cave like now.

Xu Changqing didn't know how the battlefield of Buddha and demons turned into a world of blood mist transformed by the ghosts of ginseng blood fruit trees.Perhaps it was because the fragments of the Great Desolation with the remnant spirits fell here.It merged with the various forces here.Or maybe it is the world transformed by the remnant spirit itself, but because of countless battles between the Buddha and demons, countless resentment, murder, hatred, and the remnant soul of the strong, etc., have inspired a certain ginseng blood fruit tree in the remnant spirit. Some instinctive supernatural powers formed this blood mist world.All in all, Xu Changqing is very clear that the blood mist world transformed by the remnant spirit of the ginseng blood fruit tree will not pose any threat to him, but may become his helper, providing a more perfect layout foundation for his actions in the devil world.

"Master Demon Lord, I..." Just as Xu Changqing was focusing on the ginseng blood fruit tree, a strong man from the demon world who had just entered the realm of Demon Lord stepped forward, as if he wanted to talk to Xu Changqing. This unpredictable strong man got in touch so that the two of them could share the ginseng blood fruit here.

However, Xu Changqing didn't intend to give the other party this chance at all. Before he finished speaking, he gave him a cold look and said, "I don't care who you are, and I'm not interested in these blood fruits. Now you can gone."

A strong man in the demon world who can step into the realm of the demon king can be regarded as the overlord among other demon realms in the demon world. He has been so despised before, but he did not fight back when faced with Xu Changqing's sneering words. Instead, he turned and left very obediently, returning to the Where he stood, there was no change from just now except for his face becoming cold.It's not that the newly promoted Demon Venerable didn't want to fight back, and showed Xu Changqing a little color, the main reason was that he didn't dare to do so, besides that he didn't want to set up a strong enemy for nothing at this time, and let others reap the benefits of the fisherman, there was more What's more, Xu Changqing's look at him made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and his whole body and soul were frozen.This casual glance alone has already made him so passive. From this, he can also judge that Xu Changqing's strength is definitely not something he can resist, so he can only retreat honestly, and secretly plan, if Xu Changqing makes a move later , he immediately withdrew to avoid getting into trouble.

Xu Changqing didn't move around the ginseng blood fruit tree, but sat down on a round stone at the edge of the land fragment, as if he was not interested in the blood fruit tree.When other people around saw that the strongest person among them behaved like this, they all felt a little bad in their hearts. The things they had waited so hard for might eventually fall into the hands of others, but seeing this strong person seemed to be indifferent to it. When you are not interested, you can't help but have a glimmer of hope.

Although Luo Gan really wanted to come forward and share a piece of the pie, not only was everyone here much stronger than him in cultivation, but the bloody killing aura shrouded in everyone was solid enough to turn into blood It can be seen that each of them has countless lives in their hands.Facing such a powerful existence, it was no different for him to approach him to death. In the end, he held back the greed in his heart, walked to Xu Changqing's side, and waited quietly.

"Aren't you interested in this blood fruit?" Xu Changqing turned his head to look at Luo Gan at this time, and said, "With the help of this blood fruit, plus the method taught to you by this seat, what is hidden in your blood god magic way The flaw will be completely repaired in a short time, and if you use this blood fruit as the original power of your blood god incarnation, then your blood god incarnation can also practice like yourself, and when the time comes to practice at the same time as the clone body, The cultivation you get will increase exponentially, and these advantages are enough to make you the overlord of the demon world in a short time."

Hearing Xu Changqing's words, the greed that had been suppressed by Luo Gan spread again, and the evil thoughts of killing, plundering, etc. hidden in the fundamental demon nature also affected his state of mind along with this greed, making his breathing fluctuate. It has become a lot more hasty.However, he was still able to suppress this impulse, judged the situation calmly, shook his head, and said: "My lord, you are joking, although things are good, you have to use them with your life. I'm afraid... "As he said, he looked at Xu Changqing expectantly again, and said: "If my lord can help..."

"This seat will not help." Xu Changqing immediately interrupted the other party's expectation, and said: "With your ability, it is indeed impossible to gain anything, but if you add the fragments of the Hunting Mirror in your body, it will be different, but the premise It is you who can use part of the power. In addition, among the methods I passed on to you just now, there is a method of using the incarnation of the blood god. If you can master it before the fruit matures, maybe you have a [-]% chance. One or two blood fruits can be snatched."

After hearing this, Luo Gan's eyes lit up, and he immediately sat cross-legged, his mind sank into the sea of ​​consciousness, and tried his best to recall the method Xu Changqing taught just now, and soon found the method of using the blood god incarnation that Xu Changqing said.Although the method of using this method is not very difficult, as long as you practice it a little bit, you can quickly master it, but it is not easy to master it completely enough to make the blood god incarnate out of the body, and use it as usual. simple thing.

After Luo Gan ran it twice, he immediately realized the beauty of the method used by the blood god incarnation, although in terms of power alone, the method used by the blood god incarnation is only slightly stronger than any one he knows now. A method, but if you want to snatch a blood fruit from the hands of many strong people later, then this method is perfect.After using this method, his blood god incarnation will turn into a blood light, although it has no lethality, but its speed is extremely fast, and it can silently collect anything swept by the blood light, including those that do not surpass the blood god. A treasure of incarnation strength.This method is not the method of Hell Blood Sea Transformation God itself, but a method derived from the divine light and supernatural powers of the Phoenix family. It is most suitable for storing magic weapons when facing the enemy. The only flaw is that after using this method, , the cultivator's body will not have any power to protect, and it is easy to be taken advantage of by others. (To be continued..)


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