Nine idlers

Chapter 764 The Holy Ruins Dragon Beast

King Yinglong of Beihai didn't know what fear was since he was born. Even if he was tricked by various dragon kings of the Hanhai Dragon Clan and lost the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, he was also full of confidence. He was extremely confident that he would be able to regain everything he lost one day.Relying on this absolute self-confidence and fearlessness, he was able to re-emerge in the northern Hanhai. During this process, he also experienced almost all the difficulties, obstacles and dangers that he could experience. As for making him helpless and fearful.

After the initial flurry, King Yinglong of Beihai quickly calmed down and began to look for solutions.He has been to the Buddha Demon Battlefield twice, but at that time he was only on the edge of the blood mist and did not go deep into the center. In addition, the stump in his hand could protect him from the erosion of the blood mist, so he took it lightly. Only then did the reckless move just now.

In addition to the power of the broken branches of the ginseng blood fruit tree that caused Beihai Yinglong Wang to act recklessly, there was another treasure in his body that also blinded his confidence.He didn't know the origin of the name of this remnant body, but he knew that it was not from the Three Realms of Kunlun. Although the power inside was powerful, it couldn't be used.He had obtained this remnant for a long time, so long that he had almost forgotten it. At that time, he was just an ordinary dragon in the vast sea of ​​stars. For any power, for a long time afterwards, he just collected it as a trophy with commemorative value.

Until that year when he was assassinated.Seriously injured.Driven out of the Eastern Vast Sea, with countless enemies chasing after him, he originally thought that he would eventually die in battle, but he didn't expect this treasure that he had forgotten to show him the powerful power it contained for the first time.That time he turned into a foreign god holding a shield and spear, and slaughtered all the enemies who chased him up. It was also that time, with the power of the dragon blood contained in this treasure, his cultivation base broke through for many years. This is the biggest reason why he was able to re-emerge quickly.

King Yinglong of Beihai knew very well that the power displayed by this treasure this time had not yet reached the extreme of the treasure's true power, because of the suppression of heaven and his own limitations.The power and time of this treasure are also greatly limited.But even so, when this treasure is used within its limited time, it can still make him, who was almost useless back then, unleash his mid-level Xeon strength.If the time limit is not exceeded, Heavenly Dao will sense the tribulation thunder, preventing him from using it to his fullest.Perhaps his recovery time will be even shorter.

In addition to the incomparable power of this treasure itself, what is more important is that this treasure has the ability to absorb and devour any negative power and spiritual things, whether it is the deadly poison that can kill the strongest immortal, or the demon that can destroy the soul Spells can be devoured by it.Even the inner demons or demons produced by his own breakthrough realm can be easily suppressed, dispersed, and finally swallowed, which also makes it smooth for him to recover his mana afterwards, and even practiced until now at the peak of the most powerful state. No obstacles were encountered either.He believes that as long as this treasure exists, he will be the first to become a strong man in the realm of immortality after the Kunlun Three Realms Heavenly Dao's restrictions on practitioners' cultivation level are lifted.Because he doesn't have to worry about the three calamities of stepping into the realm of immortality.

Although this treasure has a great effect on the North Sea Yinglong King, after his cultivation level breaks through the mid-level to the strongest, this treasure that can only exert the strength of the mid-level to the strongest can bring him more and more help. Smaller, even because this treasure was suppressed by the Dao of Heaven, the suppression of the Dao of Heaven that he himself received after reaching the peak Xeon also doubled.If it wasn't for the change in the demon world this time, the restriction of Heaven's Dao on the most powerful immortals would have been weakened a lot. Otherwise, even if he knew that Emperor Haotian would come to the demon world, he would not be able to leave his Northern Dragon Palace.For nearly a hundred years, he has been trying to find out the origin and real name of this treasure, but he has never had any clues.I just know that this treasure is the remnant of a divine beast from another world, and it is likely to be related to the Holy Ruins.It's just that he himself doesn't have much contact with Shengxu, and it's not far from letting people know that this treasure exists, so he didn't ask anyone for help, but just searched secretly.The harvest is naturally not very good.It is precisely because of his ignorance of this treasure that how to improve the power of this treasure has become a headache for him.

However.Just now, in order to avoid his own special mana aura from being noticed by Emperor Haotian, King Yinglong of Beihai sacrificed this treasure that had not been used for a long time, and transformed it into a foreign god as skillfully as before. He felt that the treasure was emitting a sense of longing towards him, and the object of this longing happened to be the blood mist in front of him.He felt that if he really let this treasure swallow the blood mist, this treasure might be able to bring him stronger power and become an extremely useful treasure for him again.That's why he tried to absorb the blood mist into his body, and because the broken branch of the ginseng blood fruit tree could purify the power of the blood mist, he couldn't help but think that it would be better for that treasure to absorb the more pure power of the blood mist. It is much better to simply absorb the blood mist, maybe in the end it will make the treasure able to cover the suppression of Kunlun's three realms of heaven like he is now.

It's a pity that King Yinglong of Beihai never thought that the power of the purified blood mist would produce such a change. Now, although the incarnation of the alien god that he transformed with that treasure has not separated from him, it cannot be controlled. He is actively catering to the opening of the acupoints and pores of his body by the power of the blood mist, and cooperating with wantonly absorbing the power of the blood mist.If this continues, there are only two possibilities. One is that before his physical body and soul are completely eroded by the blood mist, the treasure will complete its transformation, so that he can get a piece that can be used now or for a long time in the future. Treasure, another possibility is that the treasure has not completed the transformation, and his physical body has been corroded by the blood mist. In that case, the result will be unimaginable.

For King Yinglong of Beihai, he was able to weigh the pros and cons and make a choice without much thought.Although this treasure once saved his life and helped him rise quickly, it has an unparalleled commemorative value, but it is only an external object after all, and it is obviously not at the same level compared with his life.Perhaps, this treasure has an astonishing potential for improvement, and it may even be useful for him to step into the realm of immortality, but he already has several innate spirit treasures passed down from ancient times on him, and these spirit treasures are no better than This treasure is much worse, and there are not so many restrictions, and there is no hidden danger, and there will be no phenomena like backlash and loss of control like now.

Ever since, I saw that the North Sea Yinglong King who had made a decision no longer used spells to disperse and control the power of the blood mist that invaded his body. Instead, his body kept twitching and vibrating as if he was sick. The phantom slowly emerged from the body, and soon formed a complete figure in front of him, and condensed into a shape, turning into the appearance of the North Sea Yinglong King himself.

Now King Yinglong of Beihai has separated his body from the remnant body of the hell dragon beast king that he refined, but the connection between the two has not been cut off. The mana mixed with the power of the soul seems to be disconnected The acupoints of his body are connected with the acupoints of the incarnation.A layer of royal robes and feathers formed by a layer of colorful spiritual light emerged around its body, blocking the power of the blood mist that was trying to spread from the mana of the soul, without affecting the body.

Without the support of the North Sea Yinglong King's mana, the Death Prison Dragon Beast King could no longer maintain his human form, and his entire body immediately dissipated into spots of light, turning into a huge golden heart with thousands of holes and hundreds of holes. The two otherworldly artifacts and A suit of armor also turned into three rays of light and penetrated into the heart.Only the dharma form of the giant dragon head that was originally suspended above the head of the Dragon King of Beihai is still suspended above the huge heart, mixed with the surrounding blood mist, and continuously enlarged, gradually revealing its complete form.The complete dharma form of the death prison dragon and beast king is also the complete image of its real body. It is a monster with dozens of dragon heads in different shapes, 36 pairs of huge dragon wings, and more than a dozen pairs of beast claws. After the dharma form was fully formed, a thick dead air of despair and destruction immediately emanated from the surroundings, and a black flame formed, burning the surrounding blood mist sizzling.

King Yinglong of Beihai seemed to have known about such a change for a long time. Although he couldn't bear the death energy, this abnormal force would not hurt him, so he was still able to remain calm.And Xu Changqing, who was in the center of the blood mist, felt the power contained in the heart of the death prison dragon beast king, and couldn't help feeling a little surprised.He was not surprised by how powerful the heart was, but that the power contained in the heart was much weaker than he expected.

Judging from the aura of power emanating from the heart and the power of the natal deity, the power possessed by this heart can definitely reach above the small heaven, but this is only on the surface.Xu Changqing's divine sense has already extended to the heart through the blood mist, and as the heart swallows and merges the blood mist, it spreads to every part of the heart.If North Sea Dragon King Yinglong hadn't made a sudden decision just now to temporarily separate this heart, separate it from the body, and then retract it back into the body after returning to calm, perhaps now Xu Changqing's divine sense has also penetrated into North Sea Ying with the absorption of this heart. Inside the body of the Dragon King.Although this heart is still in the state of being refined by King Yinglong of Beihai, Xu Changqing knows the details of this heart better than him.

In Xu Changqing's view, this heart is already ostentatious, and the power it exudes is all a false illusion. The real power possessed by this heart is at most equivalent to that of a general top-grade spirit treasure, which can bless the holder. It is only equivalent to an ordinary middle-grade Xeon immortal, and this is not counting the suppression of him by the Heavenly Dao of the Three Realms.The reason for this is entirely because this heart has no natal fire as its foundation, and the remaining gods cannot be replenished. After being used again and again by King Yinglong of the North Sea, it has been exhausted by now. If it is not replenished and consumed, it will not take long. will disappear completely. . . )


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