Nine idlers

Chapter 765 Classification

"Indeed." Under the reminder of Huijue Bodhisattva, Mie Dao'an also seemed to recall something wrong with the stalker, nodded in agreement, and then she suggested: "In this case, why don't I set up a Trap, catch it?"

"That's exactly what I mean." Bodhisattva Huijue nodded, and said, "It's just that this beast is extremely vigilant, and he has been following him for so long, but there is no sign of making a move. I'm afraid it will not be easy to lure him into a trap. There is a way?"

"If the stalker is really the giant snake under the King Yinglong of Beihai, I do have a way to make him fall into a trap." Mie Dao'an seemed to know the people and things around King Yinglong of Beihai very well, said When he said these words, he looked extremely confident.Just when she was about to continue talking and discuss a more secure solution with Huijue Bodhisattva, she suddenly felt that something was wrong around her, and then she looked around vigilantly, but she didn't find anything abnormal, it was the same as before. The blood mist was still so thick, and the land fragments still emitted bursts of power to block the invasion of the blood mist. The surroundings were quiet, only her and Huijue Bodhisattva.

"Wait! What's going on here?" Mie Daoan quickly realized why he felt something was wrong, and said in surprise, "Where are the others? Where did the others go?"

Hearing Mie Daoan's shocking words, Huijue Bodhisattva couldn't help being surprised. He found that he and Mie Daoan were the only ones on the entire land fragment since some time ago. As for the others, they seemed to have disappeared. Not a single breath of mana was left.He still remembered that just a moment ago, his disciple, the Bodhisattva of Great Virtue and Fear of Evil, and Mie Dao'an's subordinates were trying to avoid Mie Dao'an's sudden burst of magic power.Had to soar up and leave the land debris that is the center of power.Originally, he thought that after Mie Daoan withdrew his mana, these people would fall again, but now they not only did not fall.Even the shadows are gone.With the cultivation strength of these missing persons, not to mention him himself, even a strong man who has reached the realm of heaven, it is impossible to make them disappear so silently.

"They..." Faced with Mie Dao'an's surprised question, Bodhisattva Huijue didn't know how to answer, and he was also at a loss for the situation.

Seeing Huijue Bodhisattva's expression of bewilderment and astonishment, Mie Dao'an's heart sank, thinking that someone was able to kidnap six top Kunlun three-world powerhouses silently beside them.There was a trace of fear out of thin air.Then, as if she was not very reconciled, she cast various detection spells such as hearing from the sky and seeing from the earth, and spread them around.It's a pity that in the end, apart from a trace of their previous mana breath remaining on this piece of land, there is no other trace.

"My Lord, we..." Mie Dao'an withdrew his mana, turned his head and looked sideways, and was about to ask Huijue Bodhisattva.But she was stunned, because Bodhisattva Huijue, who was still beside her just now, has disappeared at this moment, just like the few people before.She had never heard of such a weird thing.I have never seen it, and I don't know what to do for a while.

The one who was as surprised as Mie Daoan was Huijue Bodhisattva.He also found that Mie Daoan disappeared without a trace from his side in the blink of an eye.The only difference from Mie Daoan's ignorance is that he seems to have noticed a little trace.

I saw that Huijue Bodhisattva looked around, frowned, and then walked to the stone pattern that he had been paying attention to before, looked down, with a smile on his face, and said: "That's true, this ancient shift The method of shape-changing is really exquisite, and it can be done so silently. If I hadn't felt the blood mist around me a little thicker just now, I might not have noticed any problems. Since you have such great supernatural powers, ** Li, why do you have to play tricks on us?" He turned around and saluted in all directions, saying: "This old man is a Bodhisattva in the Buddha Realm who rides on the Lord Huijue, I wonder if your lord can come out and see him?"

After Huijue Bodhisattva's voice fell for a long time, there was no reaction around him, which made his face gloomy a little, but he soon recovered, and he had no intention of leaving this fragment of land, so he just sat there. In front of the stone slab covered with array patterns, as if he had forgotten about other things, he concentrated on studying the ancient array contained in the patterns.

In the middle of the blood mist, Xu Changqing, who saw all this, couldn't help admiring that Huijue Bodhisattva's state of mind is really extraordinary. Although the coping method he chooses now is not the best, it is the safest. Some of the tricks arranged by it are impossible to use.

One thing Huijue Bodhisattva said was right, Xu Changqing did use the method of changing form and shadow, but he guessed the wrong object.He thought that Xu Changqing's method of shifting shape and changing shadows was derived from the array patterns on a stone slab he had observed before, but in fact Xu Changqing's method was actually a combination of Mie Ci's unique method of engulfing and displacing magical powers and blood mist A new method produced by the power of power.

Although Xu Changqing has the realm of Taoism, it is not enough for him to deduce the unique secret method of Mieci in such a short period of time. At best, he can only be regarded as some superficial imitation.He instantly took away the power of the blood mist within the straight line between the hearts of the two blood mist formations, creating an absolute emptiness similar to the power of the Great Devouring Demon God's form, and instantly pulled people to another place, and then Fill the gap again with the power of the blood mist.Although the process is very complicated, the time is only an instant. Because of the help of the blood mist, the effect is very similar to that of Mie Ci's method, and this method can only be used in the middle blood mist world.As for why the piece of land after Huijue Bodhisattva moved is almost exactly the same as the original piece of land, it can only be said to be a coincidence, a coincidence that even Xu Changqing himself did not think of, and only Huijue Bodhisattva encountered this. Coincidentally, the Bodhisattva of Great Mighty Virtue and Fear of Evil who was one step ahead of him were sent directly into the blood mist.

It is precisely because of this, and the incomplete magic circle on the piece of land is indeed extraordinary, that Bodhisattva Huijue made a wrong judgment, but the wrong judgment brought the right choice.Now Mie Dao'an, Huijue Bodhisattva, and Dawei Virtue Fearful Bodhisattva are all in a single state, and the other six subordinates of Mie Dao'an are divided into two parts according to their respective origins.Seeing that Huijue Bodhisattva and others had gone to different places in different categories and intervals as he had thought in advance, Xu Changqing began to shift his attention to the giant snake as the protagonist.

Compared with Mie Daoan and others who were at a loss for the sudden and strange situation, the giant snake who was tracking the prey was also at a loss.It was born with an innate ability. Its snake letter can easily distinguish anyone's mana and physical aura, and directly track it to the body through the aura, and even deduce the current situation of the aura body through mana.Even if the breath itself has been away from that place for many days, and that place is disturbed by other breaths, etc., it can still easily distinguish all the subtle changes.With this innate ability, it can easily track any prey in any environment, even in this blood fog.

However, at that moment just now, the giant snake suddenly discovered that its ability that had never had any problems had failed. Before, it could easily sense the location of the nine targets, but in an instant, there were only two left. One has become one, and now even the last one has disappeared, as if the blood mist has become an invisible barrier to block it from the target.

"Could it be him?" The giant snake couldn't help but think of the mysterious existence that set up this blood mist maze. From its point of view, only this powerful existence can do this. Following the cold snake eyes, it revealed a trace of humanity. With a look of rejoicing, he said in his heart: "It's so dangerous! An accident almost happened! Fortunately, I woke up."

Although the giant snake cannot transform into a human because its body is too strong, it can only maintain a monster body, but it does not mean that its wisdom is as stupid as those lowly monsters.On the contrary, its wisdom is not inferior to that of Beihai Yinglongwang, or even surpassed.

In many cases, the giant snake will use its demon body shell as a disguise to make everyone who sees it misjudge.After entering the middle layer of the blood mist world, it easily discovered something was wrong by virtue of its sensitivity to the surrounding mana, even earlier than the North Sea Yinglong King, but it is known that it did not say anything clearly, but only secretly observed the operation of the power of the blood mist track.Although it failed to see how big and strong the maze formed by the power of the blood mist is, it is very likely that unless the existence of the secret layout took the initiative to let them go, the only way they wanted to leave was to break through.

Faced with such a powerful existence, the giant snake was unwilling to be an enemy from the bottom of its heart, so after entering the blood mist, it tried to hide under the power of the North Sea Yinglong King as much as possible.If it hadn't been separated from Beihai Yinglongwang suddenly and forced it to think independently, perhaps it wouldn't have revealed too profound wisdom.However, it may be because it has been restrained by the North Sea Yinglong King for too long, and it has been disguised for too long, so long that even it itself began to believe that it is more like a beast than a human.As a result, it was unable to control its emotions for a while, and transferred all kinds of negative emotions to Huijue Bodhisattva and others, and wanted to vent on them, which was a bit like going crazy.

If Xu Changqing hadn't made a move, perhaps the giant snake would have clashed with Huijue Bodhisattva and others in the near future, and then fled in embarrassment under the attack, and might even be seriously injured.In the dangerous place of the Buddha and Demon Battlefield, this giant snake with the strongest peak strength was seriously injured. It is a dead end.

The snake's first thought after regaining consciousness was not to continue searching for the missing prey, but to leave here as soon as possible and meet up with the North Sea Yinglong King who had lost contact but was still able to find his location through secret methods.

However, although the giant snake came to its senses, Xu Changqing, who had already laid out the chess pieces, was unwilling to let it go. When it cast a spell and was about to leave, Xu Changqing used the power of the blood mist maze to cover all the routes around the giant snake that could leave. Guided to Huijue Bodhisattva. . . )


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