Nine idlers

Chapter 771 Chaos Sword Power

Chapter 770 Chaos Sword Power

This grass-creation sword formula passed down by Xu Changqing is extremely complicated, completely different from the simple and pure methods and battle formulas created by Xu Changqing before.Although there is only one form of this sword formula, it has derived thousands of changes because it contains thousands of true meanings of the magic way. To master this sword formula, one must fully integrate these thousands of changes in sword power.Although the lion eagle man's giant god Li Xing is considered amazing in the world of Qiankun, but facing such a complicated and cumbersome sword art, it is inevitable that there will be some confusion about where to start.His soul was pulled into the realm of Dao Xin by Xu Changqing, it took two years to barely learn all these thousands of sword changes that were useless to him, and then it took another three years Time has matured and integrated it, and it is only now that I formally learn the sword formula that contains the way of chaos.

Although Xu Changqing was always on the sidelines to teach him how to practice this sword art, most of the time he just taught him the basic sword moves. Find out some loopholes, loopholes, and defects in the sword posture that I haven't found before, and modify and perfect this sword formula.In the end, the sword formula that Xu Changqing taught Li Xing was quite different from the sword formula at the beginning, and the current sword formula is more suitable for Li Xing's practice.

Li Xing spent five years preparing for cultivation in Xu Changqing's Dao Heart Realm, and then spent another three years to completely practice this type of sword formula successfully. When it was brought out, the time in reality was only about a stick of incense past.

When Li Xing recovered from the cultivation state of the Dao Heart realm, he did not immediately recover from the change of time, and was stunned for a long time. The experience of this part of the soul in the Dao Heart realm for eight years also poured in like a tide. When he arrived in the soul of the Qiankun world, he felt unprecedented pain in his mind.

"Ah!" Li Xing, who had never felt such pain before, couldn't help but groaned in pain, feeling confused for a while, as if many memories in his mind were about to be disturbed by this sharp pain.Suddenly, there was an icy breath from his forehead. This icy breath did not have that biting chill. On the contrary, it made people shiver uncontrollably. Suppressed by the breath, he also returned to his normal state.

"This is the first time I have brought someone into the Dao Heart Realm. I didn't expect that there would be such a big disadvantage. Fortunately, your own soul is strong enough, otherwise your soul may be extra at the moment you just came out." The eight-year memory and misplaced time perception caused backlash and injury." Xu Changqing took his hand away from the top of Li Xing's head, then sighed slightly, and then asked: "Although I rescued you in time, but your soul It seems that a little damage has been taken, and this damage should have affected your memory of the eight years in the Dao Xin realm, how much do you remember of that sword formula?"

Li Xing, who returned to normal, let out a long breath, and recalled the pain just now with lingering fear, and then after hearing Xu Changqing's question, he couldn't help being surprised, and quickly recalled the extra eight years of memories, and soon he After sorting out the chaotic memory, the expression on his face became a little gloomy, and he said: "Only about [-]%, there are [-] sword moves that I can't remember at all, and there are [-] sword moves that have changed. It's very confusing, my lord, why don't you take me in there again..."

"No! This is due to your luck. Since you only remember [-]% of the time, then this is the number of days. If you forcefully complete it, you will lose peace." Xu Changqing shook his head, and then said as if joking. : "Although it's only [-]%, at least the sword formula is complete. Maybe what you use now will be more in line with your own divine power."

Hearing what Xu Changqing said, Li Xing couldn't help but feel his heart move, and sank his mind into his soul, and evolved the sword formula Xu Changqing passed down in his sea of ​​knowledge according to the content in his memory.And as the sword art gradually merged into his soul and became one of his many supernatural powers and spells, the expression on his face also became a little weird, showing doubts, then surprise, and finally turned into surprise, it seems that this was due to other reasons The sword art that had become somewhat incomplete brought him an unexpected surprise.

Seeing Xing Xing's appearance like this, Xu Changqing couldn't help being stunned for a moment. What he said just now was indeed a joke, just to comfort Xing Xing, but now it seems that this joke has become true.After Li Xing recovered his mind, he asked curiously: "Is there something wrong with the sword formula?"

"There is nothing wrong with the sword formula, it's just..." Li Xing hesitated for a moment, and said with a dazed expression: "It's just that the power of this sword formula seems to be stronger than that in the realm of the Dao Heart of the Holy One. , and the flaws you mentioned, my lord, seem to have been reduced a lot."

"En! This is a good thing." Xu Changqing nodded with a smile, as if he was happy for the good luck of Li Xing, but he didn't care about what Li Xing said, but then saw him and said: "You are here Show it once and let me have a look to see if there are any omissions."

"Here?" Li Xing didn't think too much, just looked around and said: "I'm afraid it will affect this piece of land if you perform it here."

"No problem!" Xu Changqing reached out and patted the rock under his body, and said, "If your sword art can really split or destroy this piece of land, then I can tell you that you will be invincible in the entire universe. "

Hearing what Xu Changqing said, Li Xing couldn't help being taken aback, and looked at the seemingly ordinary piece of land under his feet. Because of the cover of Xu Changqing's mana, he didn't feel any abnormal power at all. Because of the blocking of the small hills on the land, he He also couldn't see the four stone pillars and the Wuzhuang Temple in the middle of the stone pillars. Even if he used his spiritual sense to probe, the results he got were similar to ordinary land and rocks.However, no matter how stupid he is, he can still feel the extraordinaryness of the land under his feet from Xu Changqing's words and the location of this land fragment, and he also knows very well that the more this kind of land that does not see any abnormalities, the more Has the power of extraordinary repercussions.

Thinking that if one's own strength can destroy this piece of land as Xu Changqing said, it means that one has the strength to be invincible in the universe, and severe punishment can't help giving birth to an inexplicable desire, and the whole person becomes eager to try.

"In this case, Li Xing is showing shame!" Li Xing confessed to Xu Changqing, then turned his head and looked around, and finally chose a piece not far from the right side, which protrudes outward near the edge of the land, and its surface is covered by invisible forces. Huge rocks that have been eroded and pitted so that they appear to be crumbling.

At first, Li Xing didn't intend to use the sword formula he had just learned. Although in terms of the strength that his body can display now, using this sword formula may allow him to exert his full strength, but after all, this sword formula The tactic is only cultivated in the realm of the Dao Mind, and the current body is not yet proficient in using this type of sword tactic, so he chooses to use his best and strongest supernatural spells first, to test the firmness of the rock.

I saw that the sixth arm of Li Xing was condensed into a gray spear at the same time. It was different from the divine spear that opened a passage in the blood mist before. There was a layer of golden light, and the golden light quickly revolved around the tip of the spear, and soon gathered a powerful force on it.

Xu Changqing could feel that the supernatural spell cast by Li Xing this time was several times stronger than before. If the surrounding blood mist heaven and earth array was hit by it, it would be difficult to guide its power away like before. May be directly pierced.

Just when the strength of the tops of the six spears was condensed to the limit, Severe Xing stabbed the tips of the six spears together at the same time, and then the six spears and the power contained in them merged into one and turned into a light thorn, directly towards the piece The target rock rushed over and hit the rock in an instant, emitting a dazzling light, and accompanied by a burst of vibration, causing the land fragments to shake endlessly.

"It's done!" Li Xing was excited. He incorporated a trace of the sword's power into the supernatural spell he cast just now, and the effect it achieved was far beyond his expectations. He believed that this blow Not to mention the power of any object in the Kunlun Three Realms where he is now, he may not be able to mature such an attack even in Qiankun Tiandi.But when the light quickly faded and the rock that was hit was exposed, his originally confident expression turned into astonishment, and he muttered to himself: "How could this be?"

It turned out that the rock was what it was just now and it is still what it is now, not to mention that it was crushed, and even a half-broken rock that had not fallen off somewhere on the surface was not destroyed by the shocking blow just now. knock down.

"Well, not bad! Not bad! This blow is much better than I expected." Xu Changqing has completely grasped the details of the supernatural powers and spells cast by Li Xing. As long as he integrates them over time, he can also pass through thousands of incarnations. The supernatural power changed to imitate this extraordinary supernatural spell, so he was quite happy in his heart and couldn't help but praise the severe punishment.

It's just that these two words of praise felt extremely harsh to Li Xing's ears, making him feel a little like being ridiculed.It's just Xu Changqing's identity and his previous reminder that Li Xing didn't dare to get angry with him.

A feeling of suffocation was stuck in his heart, so that Li Xing didn't think much about it, and directly used the sword formula taught by Xu Changqing, only to see that his whole body disappeared instantly, and the surrounding light disappeared at the same time. I fell into a kind of absolute darkness, and in the darkness was filled with countless sword qi that could split the world.These sword qi circulated quickly according to a certain law, as if they had turned into a sword mountain of purgatory, vowing to cut everything shrouded in darkness into pieces.When the sword energy reached its peak, a little more light appeared out of thin air in the darkness, and it expanded instantly like the previous darkness, dispelling all the darkness, and the surroundings returned to their previous state, and the land fragments were still the same as before. There was no change, except that Xu Changqing, who was sitting beside him, had a sword wound that was emitting black air on his shoulder.


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