Nine idlers

Chapter 772 Blood Mist Rebellion

Chapter 770 The Blood Mist Rebellion

After the giant snake Bajiu left quickly, the lion eagle giant god Li Xing was about to walk out from the invisibility technique performed by his companions, but was held back by the six-eyed giant giant spirit, and when he was about to ask the reason , the giant spirit also shook, signaling him not to speak, and then pointed to the blood mist that the giant snake Bajiu came out of.

After a few breaths, a mana-high hole was opened in the blood mist again by a burst of mana, and then a strong Kunlun man wearing an imperial crown and robe came out of the hole.This person is not King Yinglong of Beihai, but his deadly enemy, Emperor Haotian.

At this moment, Emperor Haotian's face is a little ugly, and it can even be described as gloomy and angry.It's no wonder that he is like this. After he discovered the whereabouts of King Yinglong of Beihai before, he also planned to keep him on the battlefield of Buddha and demon like himself, the mortal enemy of Xingchenhanhai, and let him get hurt at all.Similarly, he also thinks that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. In the sea of ​​stars, King Yinglong of Beihai and the giant snake Bajiu are inseparable. They are together all the time. One King Yinglong of Beihai is already difficult to deal with. What's more, there is also a giant snake Bajiu who may be stronger than the North Sea Dragon King, so he has never had any chance to solve the problem that the North Sea Dragon King had to stay when he was suppressed by the other Dragon Kings of Hanhai. .However, not long ago, he discovered that King Yinglong of Beihai was alone, which also made him feel that his chance had come, so he used secret techniques to find out the location in the blood mist.

King Yinglong of Beihai is not a vegetarian either. In terms of strength alone, he is confident that he will never be weaker than Emperor Haotian. It is still unclear who will win the battle head-on.It's just that he is also very clear that if he fights alone with the Emperor Haotian, the final result is at best a loss for both sides. Such a result will only benefit those enemies who are also hated by him in the end.Therefore, he didn't want to fight against Emperor Haotian until he got together with the giant snake Bajiu. For this reason, he used many methods to avoid Emperor Haotian's pursuit.In this way, one chased and the other avoided, the two fought countless times in another way in this blood mist, and neither could do anything to the other.

It's just that Emperor Haotian has many magic weapons, all of which are extremely precious spiritual treasures, and even several congenital spiritual treasures handed down from the ancient prehistoric times are on his body. No matter how powerful the spell is, it is hard to escape tracking.In the end, Emperor Haotian used various methods to block the North Sea Yinglong King on a piece of land rock.

Just when Emperor Haotian was about to collect the spoils, Xu Changqing happened to undo the power of the maze, which separated the two of them instantly, and they were thrown to unclear places by two blood mist traps in the fog of blood.It is only now that Emperor Haotian understands why the demon world and the Buddha world have not been able to control this blood fog world and indirectly control this Buddha and demon battlefield for so many years.If the middle blood mist world covered by the blood mist maze before was a calm pond without waves, then the middle blood mist world is now a sea shrouded in hurricanes, and the degree of danger is completely different.After suffering from the blood mist trap several times in a short period of time, he also put away his contempt and became vigilant. As for the North Sea Yinglong King who no longer knew where he was sent by the blood mist trap, he had already been sent by the blood mist trap. He put it behind him, and now he just wants to find Turing as soon as possible and get out of this ghost place.

However, when Emperor Haotian completely gave up chasing and intercepting King Yinglong of the North Sea, he unexpectedly ran into Bajiu, a giant snake who had just escaped from the trap of the blood mist.Because the magic weapon on Emperor Haotian concealed his mana aura, and the giant snake Ba Jiu suffered a great loss of spiritual sense due to his physical injury and the use of secret techniques, Ba Jiu did not realize that he, the greatest enemy of the North Sea Yinglong King, was by his side.After finding the direction of King Yinglong of Beihai, the giant snake Bajiu couldn't wait to use the secret method to swallow the blood mist around him. While recovering his mana, he opened a relatively safe passage and rushed towards King Yinglong of Beihai, preparing to meet him .

Seeing the appearance of the giant snake Bajiu, Emperor Haotian's originally dispelled thoughts began to grow again.In his eyes, it is not difficult to see that the giant snake Bajiu devouring the blood mist with a secret method is undoubtedly drinking doves to quench his thirst. Although it can keep its strength at its peak in a short period of time, it cannot last long. Once it fails, it will It is likely to fall into a hibernation without resistance.It would be fine if he was in the vast sea of ​​stars, the giant snake Bajiu has many secret methods to return to the Dragon Palace in the northern sea before he falls into hibernation, but this is the battlefield of Buddha and demons in the devil world, if he falls into hibernation, he can only rely on the North Sea King Yinglong took it back.Think about it, if the giant snake Bajiu was added to Beihai Yinglong King's side, his strength would be weakened by at least two parts. If it was done properly, it would not only seriously injure Beihai Yinglong King, but might even break his arm. The giant snake Bajiu, who made Emperor Haotian scruples, killed him here.

Thinking of all kinds of benefits, and thinking that he only needs a little patience, and there is no great danger in it, Emperor Haotian was moved and decided to follow behind the giant snake Bajiu to find the North Sea Yinglong King. When the time is right, he will Take them down.

Although the giant snake Bajiu has become somewhat dull in spiritual sense due to various reasons, there are still many unknown secrets in it, and if you are not careful, you may be discovered by it.Therefore, Emperor Haotian tried to stay as far away from the giant snake Bajiu as possible, and didn't even intend to use the safe passage opened by him, but just used an ancient relic with blood as a medium to find his traveling route far behind him. .

Different from the giant snake Bajiu, Emperor Haotian was not in a hurry, and he was extremely vigilant against the seemingly harmless blood mist around him.After all, the blood mist world in the middle layer has shown its ferocity for the first time, and a blood mist trap may silently appear beside him at any time.Therefore, when he was tracking the giant snake Bajiu, he also put all his energy into sensing the changes in the power of the blood mist around him, so that he could react in time when there was a problem.When he flew past the invisibility area cast by the six-eyed giant giant spirit, he felt that this place was a little different from the surrounding blood mist, so he couldn't help but stop for a while, and looked this way.

When Emperor Haotian noticed something and his eyes fell on the area where he was, the six-eyed giant giant spirit and the lion eagle giant god Li Xing both gathered divine power and mana in their hands, ready to attack at any time.Although Emperor Haotian's mana aura is not much higher than that of the two, but when the two of them are in the eyes of each other, they both feel a strong pressure.This pressure comes from the instinctive feeling of danger, and the greater the pressure, the more dangerous it proves, and Emperor Haotian seems to contain something that can restrain them, so the pressure on the two of them now is a kind of unprecedented pressure. There was an extreme sense of suffocation.They all felt that if they confronted the person in front of them head-on, the best result would be to lose both sides.

However, this unexpected conflict did not unfold as expected.Although Emperor Haotian sensed this abnormality, he didn't go into it. He just thought that there might be a blood mist trap here, so he might get into trouble again. After stopping for a while, he quickly followed the giant snake Bajiu and rushed into Into the blood mist.As for the two Qiankun powerhouses, because the current state is not good, coupled with the inexplicable dangerous pressure and the Emperor Haotian is not their goal, they are more happy than less, watching each other leave.

If Xu Changqing still pays attention to the things in the blood mist world, he will definitely find a way to break the invisibility technique cast by the giant spirit, so that the two can fight.It's a pity that Xu Changqing's mind is now completely focused on how to return himself to the identity of a chess player, and his attention has been completely withdrawn. He missed a best opportunity to test the gap between the strong in the Qiankun World and the Kunlun Three Realms.

Although the figure and aura of Emperor Haotian had completely disappeared in the blood mist, Li Xing and the giant spirit who had become vigilant did not unlock the invisibility method, nor did they show themselves. Accidents can happen.It is precisely because of their cautious behavior that they avoided a possible accidental fight again.I saw that less than a hundred breaths after Emperor Haotian left, not far from the invisibility area, a congenital demon with a pair of thick horns on his head and several feet tall appeared out of thin air, and the black demon emerged from his body. Flame curled out between his brows, like a compass pointing to the direction where Emperor Haotian left.

This demon is the Emperor Luo who made a deal with Xu Changqing. Xu Changqing promised him that as long as he can keep Emperor Haotian and the Huijue Bodhisattva here until the end of the Buddha and Demon War, he will help him get rid of the identity of Xuanqingsu's evil thoughts clone. Let him become a real **** existence.In order for him to act smoothly, Xu Changqing even told him the method of walking freely in the maze of blood mist, so that he can find his goal smoothly.

However, after Di Luo found Huijue Bodhisattva and Emperor Haotian, he found that their strength far exceeded expectations. If he acted rashly, he would only lose more and win less.Fortunately, Xu Changqing's request was only to trap them here, not to kill them. This request also gave Di Luo a lot of room to turn around.

After observing for a period of time, Di Luo felt that Emperor Haotian was obviously easier to deal with than Huijue Bodhisattva who had the powerful family destroyer and the Bodhisattva of Great Virtue and Fear of Evil around him.Especially when he discovered that Emperor Haotian's mortal enemy, King Yinglong of Beihai, was also here, he had the idea of ​​praying mantis catching cicadas, and the oriole behind.When Emperor Haotian blocked Beihai Yinglong King, he was also planning to take advantage of the time when the two were fighting to intervene and use the power of Beihai Yinglong King to take down Haotian Emperor and even severely injure him.Unexpectedly, before the battle started, Xu Changqing solved the maze of blood mist, and he, along with King Yinglong of Beihai and Emperor Haotian, fell into several traps of blood mist that suddenly appeared, and was sent to To an unknown place.Fortunately, he was not too far away from Emperor Haotian, and he also left a mark on Emperor Haotian before, so he quickly found Emperor Haotian, and followed him from a distance, looking for opportunities.


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