Nine idlers

Chapter 773

Chapter 770 Three Realm Powerhouses

Facing the dominance of the Dou Zhan Master, Di Luo, the Lord of the Fierce Sea of ​​Fire, couldn't help being a little confused.Before entering the middle layer of blood mist, Di Luo had secretly seen the side of the fighting master who was incarnated as the dark demon lord. However, although the fighting master at that time felt extremely powerful to him, it was not so strong that he felt so stressful.This gap made him feel that Master Dou Zhan seemed to have broken through several realms in the past few days, reaching the point where he could stand still.

Di Luo didn't feel like this difference in realm also puzzled Master Dou Zhan. She was also shocked by the changes in her body, even shocked to the point of fear.

After sensing a change in the blood mist world in the middle layer, Master Dou Zhan immediately put down what he was doing and entered the blood mist world in the middle layer.Although the battle between the Buddha and the devil is very important, for her, what is hidden in the blood mist world in the middle layer is more important. As long as she gets the treasure that can improve her cultivation, even if the battle between the Buddha and the devil goes wrong, Douzhan City will be destroyed. Breaking through, Long Jinbao and others were defeated, she also has the ability to make them comeback.

Although the blood mist world in the middle layer is dangerous, for a long time, Master Dou Zhan has been in and out of here many times, and he knows the situation here very well.But after entering the middle blood mist world this time, she became a little weird here.First of all, the blood mist trap, which was originally invisible, became even more invisible, and even the methods she used to avoid the blood mist trap had no effect. Several times, she was caught in the trap because she couldn't dodge in time.Secondly, there seems to be a strange power in this blood mist world. This power does not have much effect on her mana cultivation, but it has a very strong stimulating effect on her blood. The most intuitive manifestation of the effect is that her physical body has become extremely strong, even if she falls directly into the blood mist trap, she will not be hurt at all.

Master Dou Zhanfa was startled by the sudden increase in the power of her body and blood. She would be very happy if the increase was under control, but this passive increase made her completely lose control of her own power.She is very clear that this sudden increase in bloodline power must be due to the power of a treasure that can refine her bloodline contained in the blood mist in this area. The current increase in strength is just an illusion. In this area, these forces will quickly dissipate.However, if she is simply obsessed with this rapidly rising power and does not control it, then when these powers dissipate, she is likely to cause this dissipated power to eat back her body and soul because of her lack of control. , let it hit hard.It was also for this reason that she had to stop her original purpose and concentrate on finding a way to control this powerful force gushing out of her blood.

During the period when she was getting acquainted with her improved power, Master Dou Zhan did not control the direction of travel, but let the power of the blood mist in this area lead her to move in this area, and finally moved to this rather large land debris outside.When she arrived here, a large number of powerhouses from the three realms of Kunlun had already gathered here. Since she had never left the Demon Realm, she only heard about most of them by their names, and she could tell from their mana breath and clothes in front of them. Judging their identities by their appearance, there are also some strong men who she has never even heard of, but these strong men are not much worse than those who have been famous for many years in the Three Realms in terms of mana breath alone.

Master Dou Zhan has always believed that the top powerhouses in this world must be from the Demon Realm, from Dou Zhan City, but now I see these other two world powerhouses whose cultivation has been suppressed by a level because of the power of the Demon Realm. After that, I used to sit on the sidelines.At least among the powerhouses she has seen now, there are quite a few of them whose cultivation level is no worse than the other two Masters of Dou Zhan City, or even surpassed.

Although the strength of these other two worlds, especially the immortals, Buddhas and demons in Kunlun Fairyland and Lingshan Mountain outside the Kunlun Fairy, is far beyond the expectations of the Master of Fighting, but she is not afraid of these strongmen.Before the power of her own bloodline was enhanced by the power of the blood mist here, her strength was much higher than these people. Now her physical strength has been improved by several levels, let alone them who are still trapped in the strongest state Even if she really stepped into the realm of celestial beings and attained the magic power of a small celestial celestial being, it would be difficult for her to compete with her now.

Seeing the strong men from the three realms gathered here, Master Dou Zhan was not so anxious to find the treasure in the blood mist.In her opinion, so many strong men from the three realms who entered the middle layer of the blood mist world gathered here at the same time, there must be someone secretly manipulating all this, and this person who secretly manipulated it is very likely that the blood mist world in this area She is very familiar with it, and can even control the blood mist here, so as long as this person who is secretly manipulating it is found out and let him lead the way, then her chances of finding the blood mist treasure will be much greater.In addition, she is no longer worried that the blood mist treasure will be taken away, because judging from the current situation, if the treasure is taken away, her natal essence and blood will definitely respond. On the contrary, it is more conducive to her obtaining treasures, at least she will not be running around like a headless chicken like she is now.

It's a pity that Master Dou Zhan's idea is very good, and his guess is reasonable, but the answer is yes.Although when Xu Changqing set up the blood mist maze at the beginning, he also thought about forcing those strong men from the three realms who broke in to fight together, and then through their fighting process, they deduced their respective natal methods and their various ways. Flaws.But the deliberate maze of guidance made the people trapped here become extra cautious, so that even if they met each other or met the deadly enemy, it was only a tentative fight, and they did not show their complete cultivation strength at all. .What Xu Changqing wanted to achieve on his own initiative, when he let go of the blood mist maze, let it go, and entered the realm of Taoism to find a way to get rid of his identity as a pawn, but because of the residual will of the blood mist maze, he invisibly guided the blood mist here Power.On the contrary, it formed a kind of invisible and invisible natural power, gathering all the people who entered the middle blood mist world on this piece of land fragments, even the lion eagle, the giant god Li Xing and the six-eyed giant giant spirit were no exception. .

Originally planning to find a safe piece of land, remove the abnormalities on their bodies, and recover from their injuries, the two Qiankun powerhouses, guided by the blood mist traps in the blood mist, came to this world where all the powers of the three realms gathered in the middle blood mist world. The edge of land fragments of the former.

Seeing so many powerhouses from the three realms of Kunlun gather here, many of them are much stronger than they are now, which makes the two originally ambitious Qiankun powerhouses become honest and cautious. As soon as he arrived here, he used the invisibility method, completely hiding in the blood mist.If most of the powerhouses of the Three Realms here only make them feel a little threatened, but they don't have that kind of deadly pressure, then the existence of the fighting master makes them have to rethink the level of the powerhouses here.

Through the unintentionally leaked power of the mountain and rock, Master Dou Zhan inspired a part of his own blood power of the Heavenly Spirit Monkey, and his physical strength directly entered the realm of the Xuantian Heavenly Immortal. Although such strength is not as good as that of Qiankun The God of the Earth and other Lords of the Three Realms in the world, but compared to the innate gods and innate creatures in other universes, they are even worse.Severe punishment and the giant spirit can faintly feel that even if they are in the body state now, they may lose more than win when they encounter the fighting master at this moment.

Facing so many strong men, although the target designated by Xu Changqing was confronting them not far away, Li Xing and the giant spirit did not dare to move a little bit, and even risked falling into the trap of blood mist and retreated from this place. can't do it.Because they are surrounded by an invisible pressure, as long as there is a slight movement, they may face ruthless attacks from all directions, and the person who imprisoned them here is their biggest scruple right now. host.

Although the invisibility of these two Qiankun powerhouses is so clever that even a powerful existence like the Emperor Haotian would not be able to notice it if he passed by, but for the fighting master who is currently at the realm of cultivation, the surrounding land fragments Everything is under her control.What's more, with the power of the blood being stimulated, she also developed a supernatural power that can directly look at the soul. With this supernatural power, she can easily find those powerful people from the three realms hiding in the blood mist.

This is not because of the powerful aura of mana leaked by the two Qiankun powerhouses, but because of their caution, the strength of their aura of mana can only be compared with those of Miejia who borrowed external power to become the most powerful demon king.What really attracted Master Dou Zhan's attention was that the mana aura on them was completely different from the mana aura of the surrounding Kunlun Three Realms fairy monsters, Buddhas and demons, and it did not come from this world at all.

Originally, Master Dou Zhan and Di Luo believed that the punishment and giant spirits were people from the Holy Ruins. After all, only those gods from other lands could possess such extraordinary power. Master Mi Tian was such an existence, so she didn't care about it. Not strange, not surprised.However, the difference between her guess and Di Luo's guess is that she has a deep understanding of the Holy Ruins, and she knows very well that the Holy Ruins can only protect themselves at most, and it is absolutely impossible to invade the Kunlun Three Realms with great fanfare. As for the two saints who she mistook The gods of the ruins are regarded as secret guards arranged to escort Huijue Bodhisattva back to the Buddhist world.

However, when Master Dou Zhan was about to turn his attention away from the torture and giant spirits, suddenly their physical bodies were not real, but formed by a special aura, and this aura was exactly the surrounding blood mist.

To be able to condense the blood mist into a body equivalent to the strongest immortal, only those who control this blood mist world can do this.Fighting Master Absolutely Not Those foreign gods in the Holy Ruins can do this, and it is impossible for anyone in the Kunlun Three Realms to be able to do this, but now the evidence is in front of you, plus the three realms who have entered the middle blood mist world They all gathered here inexplicably, which made her have to suspect that the person behind all of this had already mastered this blood mist world.In this way, the treasure that was most important to her naturally fell into the hands of this mysterious controller.So, without any clues, her best way is to imprison the two suspicious people, Li Xing and the giant spirit, and then look for clues from them.Welcome to () to subscribe, reward, your support is my biggest motivation.

Chapter 770 Three Realm Powerhouses

Chapter 770 Three Realm Powerhouses are hand-beaten by members,

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