Nine idlers

Chapter 818 Chapter 2 Demon Realm

Xu Changqing never thought that following the suction force from the karmic sea eye, after entering the sea eye, the scene he would see when he opened his eyes would be the secular world.Xu Changqing, who once returned to the secular world from the underworld through the pool of two worlds in the underworld, has seen the whole picture of the secular world from the outer sky, and coupled with the finely drawn map of the secular world itself, he knows the general features of the secular world well.

Right now, Xu Changqing is in the sky, among the clouds and mist, surrounded by the strong wind above Qingming. Although there are clouds blocking, Xu Changqing's magic eye can still penetrate the clouds and see the land below.The land that he is falling from the sky at this moment is quite familiar with. It was the Nile River basin that he passed through when he went to South America. He could even clearly see the ancient pyramids in the layered yellow sand.

"No! This is not the world!" After Xu Changqing calmed down, he quickly discovered many flaws.Although the shape of the land below is almost exactly the same as the African land in the world, it can still be seen that there seems to be an extra piece in some places, and there are many places in the Sahara Desert that should be deserts, but there are oases and forests in many places.In addition, although the pyramids below are similar in shape, their positions are completely different from those that Xu Changqing knew.

These are only differences in geography and architecture. The biggest reason why Xu Changqing quickly noticed something was wrong was that in the world he was in, there was no such thing as poisonous to immortals, Buddhas and demons. The exhaust gas is turbid, but there is also no trace of aura, let alone a trace of life, as if it is a piece of dead land, which is extremely inconsistent with the vast forests and grasslands below.

"Huh!" Xu Changqing suddenly couldn't help but let out a sound of surprise, because when he was about to stabilize his falling body, he found that the spell he cast had no effect. This situation was somewhat similar to him being affected by Zhenhai Pan.It's just that there is still a big difference between the two in essence. Zhenhai Pan completely confines the spells of everyone within its influence range and cannot cast them at all, but now he can cast any spells.It's just that once the spell leaves the body, it will disappear by itself, as if the world is absorbing his mana at an extremely fast speed.

Fortunately, Xu Changqing still has other ways to solve the current predicament even if he loses the techniques of flying soaring and light escape.I saw him cast the Fire Spirit Battle Jue in the Five Elements Battle Jue, and use the magical power of thousands of incarnations to transform mana into ordinary flames, and cooperate with the Fire Spirit Battle Jue to scatter on the body surface, turning the whole person into a fire man.Just like.As he guessed, if it was the spirit of fire, maybe the surrounding world would absorb the spirit of fire instantly like absorbing mana.But now there are only pure flames around his body, it doesn't need to be absorbed by heaven and earth, it will disperse by itself after leaving his body.However, the impetus formed by the flames stabilized Xu Changqing's rapidly falling body in mid-air, and while controlling the direction of the firepower, he was able to fly in the air as if he were casting a ray of light.

After flying for a certain distance, Xu Changqing found that if someone used similar martial arts tactics to fight the enemy or move away like him, his own mana might not be enough to support them to survive in this world for a long time.Because there is no aura in this world, it is completely empty.It is even more empty than the void outside the sky. It consumes a lot of mana here, and it is impossible to absorb spiritual energy from the outside world to replenish mana. It can only recover mana through the internal circulation of true essence. The recovery speed is faster than the speed of absorbing spiritual energy to restore mana. It's just speed.In this world, it is difficult for the strong who mainly focus on cultivation and imperial weapons to adapt to survive. Only those strong who focus on physical training can adapt to such a harsh environment.Mana cannot be replenished, and spells cannot be cast.This may be the reason why people who enter this place will be trapped here.

For the environment here, Xu Changqing did not feel any discomfort. He could easily survive here with the Five Elements Battle Jue and a large number of other martial arts. It can be transformed from the main body, and it will not be affected by the adverse external environment at all.

Even so.But Xu Changqing did not stay in the air for too long, after all, such a figure is too eye-catching.So he found a pyramid temple built by the Nile River on the land below. His figure drew a perfect flame arc in the air and landed firmly in front of the temple.

The reason why Xu Changqing chose this pyramid temple was not only because the pyramid in the center of the temple was the largest one he had seen, but also because there were a lot of traces of fighting in this temple. The obelisk columns all present the shape of concentric circles.Collapsed and shattered on the ground, not visible from the sky.

Since the temple is located by the river, it is surrounded by dense forests, but no matter how vigorously the trees and bushes in the forest grow, they can never get close to the temple within [-] feet, as if there is an invisible force keeping them out. generally.

Xu Changqing, who landed in front of the temple gate, did not immediately walk into the temple, but retreated more than ten feet, and looked at the huge stone statues of gods on the huge wall of the temple ten feet high.Although both the temple and the pyramid are completely in the architectural style of ancient Egypt in the secular world, none of the gods enshrined on them are Egyptian gods, and all of them have magical appearances of the heavens.

In addition, Xu Changqing also discovered that these magical figures of the heavens were not carved at all, but the real magical figures of the heavens were petrified and integrated into the stone wall, without any trace of artificial chiseling.Even though there is only a petrified body left in these magical forms of the heavens, without any power in it, the magical rhyme contained in this body is still intact.When Xu Changqing saw these petrified gods and gods, the demonic charms of the heavens and the gods were also absorbed by Xu Changqing's demon emperor avatar into the seal of the devil emperor of ten thousand calamities, and a corresponding image appeared on the surface of the seal of the devil emperor. The corresponding magic phase of the heavens.

There are not many magical images of the heavens and heavens on the wall of the temple, only a dozen or so. Soon Xu Changqing completely imprinted his dao rhyme in the seal of the Demon Emperor of Myriad Tribulations. It only takes some time to comprehend. He believes that these Tian Tian's magical appearance must be able to integrate into his Jiuliu Dao.

Just when Xu Changqing was about to leave and walk into the temple, he suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from behind him, as if something was moving on the sand.Since this world will also absorb the spiritual thoughts of the fairy, demon, Buddha and demon as aura, Xu Changqing can't confirm what is behind him through the spiritual thoughts, so he can only turn around and look back.

I saw the forest behind me was pitch black, large and small trees were arranged in a patchwork pattern, and the roots of the trees were covered by patches of dense bushes. Looking inside, it was pitch black, and there was no trace of any living things. The real trees and bushes, in Xu Changqing's perception, are all dead things, lifeless, almost the same essence as the gravel under his feet.

However, these lifeless trees and bushes seemed to be attracted by the vitality of Xu Changqing, all the branches, leaves, vines, and grass stems stretched towards him, as if they wanted to entangle and bind him tightly generally.It is only because of the mysterious power that exists in the temple that even Xu Changqing can't feel it, so that these branches, leaves and vines can only be piled up within a range of [-] feet, forming a sparse tree wall and vine wall. They are only a few feet away from Xu Changqing and can't get closer.

Seeing this situation, Xu Changqing took a few steps forward and put his hand into the branches and vines.When his hand just reached in, the surrounding vines and branches immediately bound his hand like a spider that had caught its prey, and formed a huge force trying to pull Xu Changqing into the forest.

However, at this moment, Xu Changqing displayed the earth spirit battle tactic in the Five Elements Battle Judgment. The whole body is connected to the earth, as stable as a mountain, how could these vines be able to shake it.

These branches, leaves and vines seem to be a little wise, when they saw that Xu Changqing could not be pulled out of the protection range of the temple, they changed their attack method. Countless tiny spikes suddenly grew on the surface of the branches, leaves and vines, piercing into the In Xu Changqing's hand, and the spikes are hollow, when they are inserted into the hands, the tops of the spikes form a suction force, trying to suck blood and marrow from Xu Changqing.

Although Xu Changqing's multi-treasure avatar was transformed by aura and had no flesh and bone marrow at all, the aura that made up his body was also absorbed and devoured by these branches, leaves and vines.Without Xu Changqing casting spells to resist, the arm stretched into the woods shriveled at an extremely fast speed, and soon turned reality into nothingness and dissipated.

"What a domineering power!" Xu Changqing was not annoyed at all because one arm of Duobao's clone was destroyed, but looked at the culprits with surprise, and even showed interest in his eyes.At the same time, the arm that had disappeared extended out from the cut again, returning to normal, as if the scene just now had never happened.

After the experiment just now, Xu Changqing already understood why there was a large forest in front of him, but he didn't feel any anger from it, because these forests were all fantasies that were so real that even Xu Changqing's eyes could not see through.It is not entirely correct to say that it is an illusion, because the power contained in these trees and vines is real, and these powers are only clearly presented in front of everyone in a shape that ordinary people cannot recognize.As for the power that constitutes these phantoms is extremely pure demonic energy, and these demonic energy contains the power of all the heavenly demons in the demon world, just like the suction force that the branches and vines swallowed Xu Changqing's arm just now, Xu Changqing got it from it I felt the unique power of devouring the demon in the demon world.

By analogy, it is not difficult for Xu Changqing to deduce that the world in front of him, which is similar to the secular world, is completely constructed by the magical scriptures to form the second demon world. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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