Nine idlers

Chapter 823 Seizing the Broken Page

"It's not right! How could his body be able to withstand so much mana?" Xu Changqing also discovered its weakness after discovering that the Sovereign King Gu Luo had increased the power of Yu Tiansuo by more than ten times in such a short period of time. Where, but soon he felt strange, because this weakness that should have existed did not appear.

Xu Changqing's experiment method is very simple, that is, let go of mana and let Gu Luo's sleepy lock swallow it.Since the Golden Immortal body directly transfers the mana and aura into Duobao's body through the connection of the primordial spirit, he doesn't need to worry about the rapid consumption of mana at all.It was precisely because he let go of his mana that he quickly discovered the devouring limit of Yuntiansuo, and the devouring power of Yuntiansuo was definitely no longer under Gu Luo's control, otherwise it would not have exceeded its own tolerance limit. Still greedily devouring Xu Changqing's mana until self-destruction.

Although it was only a short period of time, the mana that Yu Tiansuo devoured from Xu Changqing had already exceeded the total mana of four or more powerful immortals.With so much mana, if you add the devoured mana and formation power of the Buddha and demon powerhouse, the total amount of mana flowing into Ju Luo's body should have far exceeded the limit of the strongest immortal, even if Gu Luo's demon No matter how strong the body is, it is absolutely impossible to be safe and sound.However, judging from the constantly replenishing sleepy locks around him, Ju Luo's situation is obviously not as bad as expected. He still seems to have a lot of leeway, even if Xu Changqing and those Buddha and demon powerhouses are sucked dry question.

Xu Changqing recalled all the movements of Gu Luo before, and then seemed to have discovered something, raised his eyebrows slightly, opened his eyes suddenly, and said with a sneer: "It's a good use of strength! Isn't he afraid of raising tigers?"

Through the recollection just now, Xu Changqing has discovered the secret of Gu Luo's ability to devour mana almost infinitely, and this secret is also extremely simple, that is, Gu Luo has connected the other end of the sleepy sky lock with the spiritual liquid pool in the arena, regardless of the devoured No matter how much mana and spiritual energy you have consumed, all of them will be transferred to the spiritual liquid pool.No harm will be done to him personally.

In Xu Changqing's view, this approach is too tricky, and it is a self-defeating move to give others a handle.It would be fine if this spiritual liquid pool was unowned, or owned by Gu Luo, but now there is a self-aware Mo Dao Tianshu spirituality standing behind this world.Although it can't completely control the general trend of the laws of the world, it should be no problem to collect the ownership of a spiritual liquid pool, as long as it has a little trick.Not only the spirit liquid pool, but even Gu Luo's most powerful supernatural power, the Heavenly Lock, would be taken away by it because of this connected state.Even backlash against its master.At that time, as long as all the people in this arena are killed, it can easily collect the remaining pages when it enters this place.

Various speculations made the chaotic situation in front of him gradually clear, and Xu Changqing also had a decision in his mind.I saw that he used the same method before to make dozens of locks around his body collapse beyond the limit of devouring, and then before the magic energy disappeared completely, he cast it into his hand, and followed it to imitate the magic energy of the swallowing magic way and the surrounding area. The devouring force field formed by countless sleepy locks formed a countermeasure.So that it can no longer absorb a little mana from itself.

After doing all this, Xu Changqing sat calmly on the spot like a normal person again, as if what happened around him had nothing to do with him, leisurely and contentedly analyzing the magical power of the Heavenly Lock with the power of devouring in his hand .Judging from the fact that these sleepy locks are only passively devouring his mana and not actively attacking him, it is obvious that Gu Luo's main target is not him, before Gu Luo and the Buddha and demon powerhouses decide the winner.He can still enjoy himself for a while.

As for how long it will take for the Sovereign King Gu Luo and those Buddha and demon powerhouses to decide the winner, Xu Changqing is not sure, but it is estimated that it will be far beyond the time expected by both parties.Gu Luo's increased power of the Heavenly Lock in a short period of time is considered an accident to the Buddha and demon powerhouses, but the Buddha and demon formation completed by those Buddha and demon powerhouses with Xu Changqing's secret help is to Gu Luo It's not an accident either.The two accidents are enough to surprise the other party, and the time of the fight will be lengthened a lot. This time is enough for Xu Changqing to solve the trick of the thorns and lock the sky.

For ordinary people, the difficulty of unraveling the various tricks of this sleepy sky lock is probably no different from creating a magical power with the same power.After all, in this magical power, it is not only based on the supernatural power of Wanxiang Senluo Biantiansuo, but also contains the unique way of Buddha and demon that is the only demon god.Not to mention the most weird and overbearing power of devouring.No matter which one of these powers requires others to spend a lifetime to master, it is impossible for most people to fully master these three powers and combine them into a magical technique.However, for Xu Changqing, such an impossible thing obviously does not exist. It is precisely that he has a deep understanding of the three forces that make up this supernatural power, far surpassing Gu Luo himself. What he lacks is a combination of the three forces. It's just an opportunity, and this opportunity lies in this group of supernatural powers and demonic energy in his hands.

Xu Changqing is not very clear about the situation of the fight on the other side, but he can tell from the violently shaking sleepy locks around him that it should be very intense, and with the intensity of the fight there, the sleepy locks around Xu Changqing are also becoming more and more intense. aggressive.The thorns and thorns on the surface of the original chain became longer and sharper, comparable to any top-grade spiritual treasure, enough to penetrate into the body of any Xeon immortal who is known for his physical training, and these sharp thorns are covered with countless blades. With the sliding of the chain, these small thorns can form layers of knife wheels, enough to strangle the person locked into pieces.

Although Xu Changqing used the Heaven Swallowing Demonic Dao to form a devouring force field similar to the Fen Tiansuo but mutually repelling, isolating these Fen Tiansuo and Duobao avatars, but as the surrounding pressure strengthened, this repulsive force field It seems that it is under the pressure of the entire arena world, and its protection area has been reduced by nearly half, only one finger's width away from the body of Duobao's clone.

At this time, the palms of Xu Changqing's hands suddenly spread out, followed by a black chain similar to the surrounding sleepy locks, which came out of his palms, plunged into the airtight chains around him, and directly contacted one of them. Roots blend together.

"It's done!" After Xu Changqing connected the Yuntiansuo supernatural power deduced by himself with Gu Luo's Yuntiansuo, before he had any other feelings, there was an extremely strong aura directly injected into the Xu Changqing's body, and the aura injected into it seemed to have no intention of stopping at all, which made Xu Changqing's Duobao avatar feel overwhelmed for the first time.

These auras that Xu Changqing directly stole from Gu Luo Yun Tian Suo are too mixed. Obviously, the devouring power in Gu Luo Yun Tian Suo's supernatural power is not the kind of refining method in the Heaven Swallowing Demon Dao. It was reduced to aura, and the various natal avenue powers contained in mana were not eliminated, but were completely preserved in these auras.If he directly absorbed these auras like this, it would be tantamount to stuffing poisons sealed with beeswax into his body, and the coating would dissolve at any time, leading to the danger of death from poisoning.

"Give it to me, it's useful to me!" At this time, a divine thought passed a sentence to Duobao's clone through the mysterious and mysterious connection of the primordial spirit, and the person who delivered this sentence was the dragon beast clone in the holy market.

The dragon beast clone itself has the ability to devour all tangible and intangible things, and this chaotic aura is just a piece of cake for him.Ever since he was refined and stationed in the Holy Ruins in place of Puhua's avatar, he has never had enough to eat. Obviously there are a lot of spiritual energy, spiritual objects and even foreign gods around him that can be swallowed and absorbed by him, but he just can't make too much food. Big move.It would be fine if he was still in the third star ring, but now he has been sent to the ancient god planet of the first star ring along with most of the blacksmiths of the third star ring to forge artifacts for those foreign gods.

Although there is no one around to monitor the dragon beast clone, but the entire ancient god planet is shrouded by strands of gods and gods whose strength is comparable to the strongest mid-tier. Only by relying on the body of the Golden Immortal to import a large amount of spiritual energy can the instinctive hunger of the flesh be restrained.However, the Golden Immortal body not only needs a lot of aura to support itself, but also needs to take care of other avatars. Naturally, it is impossible to give all the aura transformed by the way of life and death and the way of mutual generation between heaven and earth to the dragon beast avatar, and distribute it to the dragon beast. The aura of the avatar is simply a drop in the bucket compared to his own needs.

Now Duobao avatar has a large amount of aura that cannot be absorbed and refined by other avatars, which can be channeled to the dragon beast avatar. Although it cannot completely fill the gap in the lack of aura in its physical body, it can at least relieve the urgent need and let him get rid of that aura temporarily. Hunger enough to make one lose one's sanity.

Feeling that this method is good, the Duobao avatar is not hesitant, and carefully injects the spiritual energy transmitted from the shell of the Swallowing Demon Dao into the dragon beast avatar through the primordial spirit.A large amount of spiritual energy full of various avenues of power was refined into the most fundamental spiritual energy the moment it entered the body of the dragon beast, and was quickly absorbed by every drop of dry blood, muscles, bones, and even internal organs in its body. He was clean, and there was a rare smile on his face. The lifeless breath on his body was blown away by a trace of anger, and his skinny cheeks began to plump up, and there was a little more blood.

Feeling that the method was effective, Xu Changqing continued to import a large amount of stolen aura from the Duobao avatar Yuanshen into the dragon beast avatar, and his main attention has been shifted to the sleepy lock.Since the Yutian lock he refined has been connected with Gu Luo's Yutian lock, even if he can't reversely control Gu Luo's Yutian lock through this method, he can still spy on Gu Ra's body like stealing aura. All the movement within the coverage of the sleepy lock is like the scene where Gu Luo and the Buddha and Demons are fighting now. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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