Nine idlers

Chapter 824

Disappeared, all the powerful Buddhas and demons who were seen by the two heads with the appearance of the Sovereign Demon God disappeared out of thin air, along with their natal magic weapons and the destructive aura contained in the eyes of the two heads .

There is no splendor, no light, everything seems so ordinary, just looking at these Buddha and demon powerhouses, at least in the eyes of those who are still alive.And Gu Luo, who caused all this situation, stands tall in the air, looking down at the Buddha and demon powerhouses below, an invisible power is pressing down like a mountain, making these Buddha and demon powerhouses feel A feeling of suffocation never felt before.

Although the Buddha and demon powerhouses also admit that their strength is not as good as that of Gu Luo, they never expected that there would be such a big gap. The other party just took a look, and made more than 30 Buddhas whose mana cultivation base reached the strongest level. The demon strong man disappeared out of thin air as if he had never appeared before.They are not the kind of people who can easily shake their minds at this point, but what they have seen now has shaken the confidence in the resistance that nearly half of them had suddenly disbanded just now.The wavering of confidence was directly reflected in the formation of Buddhas and demons, and the formation that had already stabilized its position began to waver again. The weakening of the strength of the formation also weakened their resistance to this world, and the original suppression fell on them again. body, so that their formation is exhausted again and again, it may not take long for it to completely disintegrate.

Ju Luo, the sole king, can be said to have the upper hand at the moment, with all kinds of majesty. Judging from his power alone, he is not bad even compared with the overlords of the demon world such as Di Luo. It feels that the victory has been established, but as a bystander, Xu Changqing However, through the connection with the core of the supernatural power of Yuntiansuo, he felt that he was just a fake, and the situation in his body could be said to be extremely bad.

Obviously, Gu Luo has never used this trump card after he has practiced it. He has no idea what the consequences of using this method with all his strength are, and he doesn't know how to control this power.So after he cast it, the mana in his body disappeared like a thief going to the sky, and more than [-]% of it had disappeared, and the remaining mana could only maintain the remaining destructive aura from backlash.As for the fact that he has no power to resist, if someone sneaks up at this time, he will definitely be able to win with one blow, but at this moment, except for Xu Changqing who has not yet arrived, no one can see this.

As the person involved, Gu Luo is naturally very aware of the current crisis.On the surface, he still looks calm and condescending, but in fact he is a little panicked in his heart. Compared with Xu Changqing's vague feeling, as himself, he is more aware that the situation is far worse than Xu Changqing's guess .The destructive power that was released to hurt others and hurt himself has already caused great damage to his Sovereign Demon God Dharma Form. The two heads of the Dharma Form are only empty shells, and the natal magic way in them has disappeared.If you want to recover, it may be difficult without a ten-year or eight-year retreat.In addition, if he does not replenish the mana in his body in time and suppress the remaining destructive aura, then he will inevitably suffer backlash, let alone the recovery time of ten or eight years, I am afraid that he will still exist in the next moment! There are two things in this world.

"Do you really want to do that?" Gu Luo quickly thought of the best way to solve the predicament in front of him, that is to absorb the spiritual liquid in the spiritual liquid pool.Spiritual liquid can be directly converted into mana, and its effect is more effective than high-grade elixir. If you want to replenish the consumed mana, you only need to take a few mouthfuls.But in the same way, he also knew that there was a strange power in this psychic liquid. After taking it, it would not only penetrate into the physical body, but also affect the soul, and eventually become those puppets who had no sense of mind and whose life and death depended on others.

"Maybe it will be fine once or twice?" If you don't restore your mana, you will die, and you can only live if you restore your mana.Facing the choice between life and death, Gu Ra didn't spend too much time making a decision by chance.As his decision was made, Xu Changqing felt that Gu Luo's divine sense had merged into the core of Yuntiansuo's supernatural powers, and began to re-master Yuntiansuo, directly drawing the spiritual fluid from the spiritual fluid pool.

Xu Changqing didn't discover his existence at all because of the cover-up of the original part of the magical core, and because Gu Luo's current thoughts were all on restoring mana.On the contrary, it was when he communicated with the core of Tiansuo's supernatural power in Gu Luo.Finding a flaw in his soul, he immediately infiltrated his divine sense into it, wanting to see if there was a chance to take Gu Luo directly from the soul without bloodshed.

"Huh?" Just when Xu Changqing started to investigate Gu Luo's soul, he found that he could clearly feel the remnant pages of the magical book in Gu Luo's soul.But the demon emperor's devilish energy in Duobao clone's body didn't resonate with it, like a stranger.

Just when Xu Changqing wanted to explore the reason, under Gu Luo's active absorption, Xu Changqing was also surprised by the psychic liquid that suddenly poured into his body.Although he knew in advance that the effect of this spiritual liquid was extraordinary, but he didn't know how extraordinary it was, but now through Gu Luo's soul, he personally felt that the effect of this spiritual liquid was far more powerful than he estimated.Just a sip of the psychic liquid actually refilled Ju Luo's nearly dried-up mana, and even the skyrocketing mana had no time to fully absorb and refine it, causing his body and meridians to feel a sense of swelling pain.

Gu Luo also felt a sense of happiness and fullness when mana filled his body, but before he savored this never-before-seen feeling carefully, he controlled the Sovereign Demon God's magic form and gave it to the Buddha and demon powerhouses below for the last time. With one blow, he completely solved a big trouble, but the other trouble he expected had silently merged into his body with the mana transformed by the spiritual liquid, and penetrated into his soul.

Although Gu Luo had anticipated this situation and made arrangements in his own sea of ​​consciousness, but his arrangements had already shown flaws when he sucked the psychic liquid, and they could not play any protective role at all. Xu Changqing's The divine sense was the first to infiltrate, but the current will of the demonic way is the second.

The moment this demonic will appeared, it immediately resonated with the Demon Emperor's demon energy in Xu Changqing's body. The power of this resonance not only exposed it, but also exposed Xu Changqing's spiritual thoughts.It was only then that Gu Luo realized that two strands of will had silently entered into his sea of ​​consciousness and soul, his heart turned pale with shock, and he disregarded dealing with those Buddha and demon powerhouses, releasing the control of Yu Tiansuo, Let him attack those powerful Buddhas and demons on his own, while he quickly retreated into the group of sleepy locks, found a safe place, sat down cross-legged, and merged his mind into the magic phase of the Sovereign Demon God and sank into the sea of ​​consciousness, ready to attack the intruders. Drive out the two wills together, or break them up directly.

Gu Luo's sea of ​​consciousness moved with his thoughts, and turned into the most memorable place in his life, the Dragon Pond in the Eastern Demon Realm. This was also the place where he and Di Luo fought back then.I saw that countless towering and ferocious peaks surrounded a swamp like a pond. The thick black clouds were pressed down very low and connected to the top of the mountain. It looked like a big cover, and the swamp at the bottom was covered with A monster unique to the devil world, with horns but no legs, like a dragon or a snake.Perhaps it is because the impression left on Ju Luo here is too deep, which makes this illusionary world extremely real, and even the unique poisonous gas, demonic gas, etc. here are completely the same as the real ones.Anyone who breaks into this place sees all this, if they think it is true, then everything here is true, all the devilish gas, poisonous gas and even the monsters below can be lethal, but if they think everything here is If it is false, then these illusions will lose their effect.

It's a pity that the phantoms that are so real and enough to confuse the most powerful immortals are useless now. Whether the people who enter here are Gu Luo who created this illusion of the sea of ​​consciousness, or the invisible phantoms transformed by the spiritual power of the magical book, or Xu Changqing The great wish golden body transformed by the spiritual thoughts of Duobao clone will not be confused by the illusion here.

In this illusion, Gu Luo's divine soul and natal demon's magic merged into one, standing high in the thick black clouds, overlooking everything below, because the power of resonance exposed the multi-treasure avatar divine sense of travel storage The power of spirituality and Mo Dao Tianshu stand on two hills in the swamp at the bottom.

At this moment, Xu Changqing appeared in the image of the golden body of the great wish, and the thick Buddha's light on his body spread to the surroundings, and accompanied by bursts of Sanskrit sounds and Buddha singing, his whole body was covered by the Buddha's light and Buddha's sound for a hundred miles around. Purified by the Buddha's light, each of them became auspicious and aura-filled fairy grass with kind faces, forming a strong contrast with the surroundings, like a piece of pure land in hell.For this reason, Gu Luo had to mobilize all his energy to surround the Buddha's light, forming layers of pitch-black poisonous mist to prevent it from expanding. If he didn't stop it, maybe Xu Changqing would directly perform such a thing. The Great Compassion Sutra, like the Buddha turned the demon king Bo Xun into a Buddha.

Compared with the great wish golden body, which is huge and full of Buddha's light, the invisible phantom card incarnated by the spiritual power of the magical book is not conspicuous, and the characteristics of the demonic good shadow have been perfectly exerted on it.At this moment, the invisible phantom has merged with the surrounding phantoms. Although it looks like he is standing on the hill, in fact it is probably just his phantom.Even though this Zifu Sea of ​​Consciousness belonged to Gu Luo, and the surrounding phantoms were also created by Gu Luo, but Gu Luo couldn't lock the correct position of the invisible phantom, and could only vaguely feel that it was still trapped here.

The golden body of the great wish of the Buddhist school and the mutual restraint of the demonic way are definitely a big threat to Gu Luo, and the invisible phantom, which is also the demonic way, is even more of a threat.If the golden body of the great wish wins, the big deal is to cross the demons and become a Buddha. No matter what, at least it can save Gu Luo's life, not to mention that Gu Luo has the broken pages of the magic book to protect the true spirit of the demon nature of his own life. No matter how powerful the power is, it is impossible to transform the demon realm of the Demon Dao Tianshu into a Buddha, so the threat of the Great Wish Golden Body is much smaller. (To be continued. If you like this work, welcome to the starting point (reading.)


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