Nine idlers

Chapter 84

Chapter 84 Love and Hate

The train left on time, nothing happened on the way, but when we were eating in the dining car at night, we met those four students again, the female student who was the leader obviously cried for a long time, her eyes were a little red and swollen, and her face was a little haggard , the other people also looked hesitant.When they saw Xu Changqing, they all stared angrily, as if they wished to swallow Xu Changqing alive. After all, denying and refuting a person's previous beliefs is far more hurtful than slapping someone.

At the dining table, Xu Changqing had already entered the stage of refining Qi and transforming into gods, and gradually entered the state of bigu which is the unique feature of this stage, so he just casually ordered some vegetarian dishes and ordered a bottle of French red wine.He doesn't have much appreciation for French red wine, he just likes the mild taste of red wine without being spicy, so he can only be regarded as a drinker.

"This is the wine that foreigners drink!" Guan Zheng obviously drank rice wine and white wine before. He was obviously a little surprised when he saw this kind of red wine for the first time. He looked carefully, frowned, and said, "Everybody said The foreigners are barbarians, that’s right! You can tell from their wine making, the wine they bottled is not clean, and there is still foam on the top of the wine lees!”

Xu Changqing smiled, and ordered the waiter to open the red wine, filled a glass for Guan Zheng, and said, "Try it! The taste is completely different from our Chinese wine."

Guan Zheng picked up the wine glass suspiciously and took a sip. Obviously he swallowed it too quickly and didn't taste much. Zhonghua’s wine is much worse, it feels like it’s for women.” As he spoke, he felt that he had said something wrong, and quickly explained to Xu Changqing: “Master, I’m not talking about you women!”

Xu Changqing didn't mind, and after taking a sip of the wine, he said: "It's okay, character determines people's basic necessities of life, just like I like quiet, so my preference is mainly plain, brother Guan likes lively, I like Things are naturally stronger than mine."

After speaking, he ordered the waiter to replace Guan Zheng with a pot of high-quality Fen wine.

Guan Zheng couldn't wait to fill up the wine, ignoring the eyes of the people around him and gulped it down in one gulp, then heaved a long sigh of relief, wiped the wine stains from the corner of his mouth, and said, "This wine is the one to drink to your heart's content! "As he said, he looked at Xu Changqing respectfully and said: "Master, your talent and learning are really nothing to say. Anything that comes out of your place becomes a truth, even the elders in my family can't compare. Although we are old Almost, but compared with you, I am far behind."

"Everyone has their own strengths. Sometimes knowing more is not necessarily a good thing. The more you know, the more you are afraid. On the contrary, those who don't know anything live a very comfortable life. Isn't there a saying that ignorance is bliss? ?” Xu Changqing was talking, and took from the waiter the latest issue of the Beijing Evening News that he bought from the Bazhou newspaper. The above two news made him feel how fierce the forces of good and evil are fighting in the capital.One is a curfew order issued by the Ministry of War, which lasts until after the fifth day of May, and the other is an essay, which tells about some weird things that happened in the capital at night. Many people disappeared inexplicably, and There are also some strange and unnatural phenomena such as sudden lightning and thunder on a sunny day, and the sky will be covered with dark clouds in a blink of an eye, etc., appearing in the capital from time to time.

Xu Changqing handed the newspaper in his hand to Guan Zheng, Guan Zheng looked at it, his face became serious, and said: "It seems that they have already started their hands," pointing to the newspaper with a slightly blurred expression. He said: "This is the Xuanyin Seven Killing Knife of Taoist Jinguan of Fengyan Mountain. He has a very good relationship with Yan Daxia. I didn't expect Yan Daxia to invite him out." He closed the newspaper , thought for a while and said: "After I thought of Tianjin, I went directly to Beijing by train instead of staying in Tianjin."

"Is it necessary to be so anxious?" Xu Changqing guessed what Guan Zhenghui said, frowned, and said, "The true strength of both sides has not yet been revealed, and the fight between each other is just to test each other's strength. Strength, it won’t be of any use for you to rush over like this.”

Guan Zheng thought about it again, shook his head and said: "It's fine if you don't know, now that I know that the battle between good and evil has started in the capital, I can't sit still no matter what, why don't I go to the capital to be a pioneer, it's a pleasure to come! "

"Forget it! I can't dissuade you!" Xu Changqing sighed and reminded: "But Brother Guan must remember, be careful in everything, and don't try to be arrogant."

"I know that." Guan Zheng chuckled, lowered his head and began to enjoy the delicious food on the table.

At this time, the female student who was ridiculed by Xu Changqing before got up and walked to Xu Changqing's side. She wanted to speak, but she didn't know what to say, but she felt a little unwilling when she went back.Xu Changqing turned his head to look at the female student, sighed, ordered the waiter to fetch some ice, smashed a napkin and wrapped it, handed it to the female student, and said, "Use it to apply eyes, the redness and swelling will disappear soon." disappear."

The female student was taken aback for a moment, then she took it involuntarily, and said in a low voice, "Thank you!"

"Young people, it's a good thing to be passionate and patriotic, but you have to distinguish between priorities and understand the pros and cons. Otherwise, passionate young people like you will be easily taken advantage of by others." Xu Changqing said to the female students in a completely elder way: " Didn't your sister-in-law teach you this?"

"She taught..." The female student was about to answer, but was immediately stunned. She realized that Xu Changqing's tone of voice was almost exactly the same as that of her virtuous sister-in-law, so she asked in surprise: "Do you know my sister-in-law?" ?”

"It's an old acquaintance!" Xu Changqing replied indifferently, after a moment of silence, he asked again: "How is your sister-in-law doing?"

Asked by a former monk about her sister-in-law's recent situation, the female student was a little at a loss and didn't know how to answer. After a while, she simply said two words, "It's okay!"

Xu Changqing didn't say anything more, but nodded with a calm face, then picked up the wine glass, turned and looked out the window.The female student also forgot her main purpose of looking for Xu Changqing for a while, and returned to her seat with a slightly dull expression holding the bag of handmade ice packs, but when her companion reminded her, she couldn't keep her face away Go over and strike up a conversation.

Xu Changqing didn't go back to the bedroom, nor did he change his clothes, he stayed in the dining car, drinking the bottle of red wine quietly, looking out the window, without any expression on his face, his eyes were deep, as if he had fallen into some kind of deep-seated remember.Guan Zheng didn't bother him, he went back to the sleeping compartment, took out the luggage and the treasure chest, returned to the dining car, and accompanied Xu Changqing to drink the bottle of red wine that really didn't suit his taste.

The train slowly entered Tianjin Railway Station at [-]:[-] PM. Although it was already night, Tianjin Railway Station was still crowded with people.The through train between Tianjin and Peiping runs four times a day. After reading the evening paper, many people in Peiping who work in Tianjin are a little worried about the situation at home.Since most of the tickets were purchased after get off work, and the trains were all taken on the last train, Tianjin Railway Station seemed to be much more crowded than usual at this hour.

Xu Changqing and the others don't need to crowd the platform. The railway station has specially prepared a special channel for the passengers in the fourth carriage of each train, which leads directly to the railway station hall.Inside the railway station hall, Xu Changqing and Guan Zheng clasped their hands together and said goodbye: "Brother Guan, you must be careful when you go here. If you are in danger, you can go to the Anding Building in the Mutton Hutong next to Liulichang to take shelter. The owner of the Anding Building is an outsider. Man, the Xuanhand Heavenly Demon will not be willing to provoke him until he is fully sure."

"There are such high-level people, can we..." Guan Zheng asked anxiously, his eyes lit up after hearing this.

Xu Changqing shook his head and said: "He is the same as the Xuangang Heavenly Demon, but he has already seen it, and he is unwilling to provoke world affairs, and commits himself to a small restaurant. Although he will not help the Xuanhand Heavenly Demon, but He will not help us even more, in fact, as long as he remains neutral, it is the best help for us."

Guan Zheng nodded, said nothing more, cupped his fists at Xu Changqing, and said, "Farewell today, we will meet later, master, take care!"

"Take care!" Xu Changqing also cupped his fists in return, and then watched Guan Zheng squeeze into the crowd and walk into the platform.He was not worried about Guan Zheng's safety. When he was in the car, he repeatedly calculated Guan Zheng's fate and luck, and found that he was a man with great blessings. It will only be a near miss, and maybe there will be some more adventures.

Compared with Guan Zheng, he was more worried about himself. These days, he tried various methods to drive the Yinshen Stick and Huangquan Banner, but none of them worked.The Yinshen stick is not bad, and there are some signs that it can be driven. However, although Huangquan Banner has repaired [-]% of the damage caused by the impact when the relic burst, it is still stuck in the mind. Next, slowly refining and absorbing the battle spirit.Now the two top-level magical weapons that are most powerful against those ghost cultivators and demon cultivators cannot be used, and the attack power of the Lingbao Maitreya Cassock and the Transcendent Spirit Orb that can be used is too small. The only thing that can work now is perhaps the Yin God War Ghost.So Xu Changqing was thinking, while there are still a few days left, he can train the bronze armored corpse into an incarnation outside his body, which can also add a boost.

Just as Xu Changqing was thinking about his own affairs, the students on the train ran out of the aisle one after another, and rushed to the front of their respective relatives waiting here. From their mouths, they chirped and said no stop.Among all the people who came to pick up the car, a familiar figure caught Xu Changqing's eyes. He was dressed in a slim and thin cheongsam, and his jet-black hair was combed to the back of his head and then braided into small braids and hung down, looking extraordinarily fresh. The refined facial features come together to form a beautiful face.If Hu Yueniang is coquettish and Tang Wan is glamorous, then her appearance is glamorous, which makes people amazed, but she dare not approach because of fear. In the lobby of this train station, she has obviously become A beautiful landscape that attracts all eyes.

It was this woman who almost made Xu Changqing give up on the pursuit of Jindan Dao, it was this woman who would give up everything to have a fate with Xu Changqing, that is, this woman silently cut herself off after being abandoned by Xu Changqing on the wedding night hair, just simply said a word of hate.Seeing this woman who once haunted him again today, Xu Changqing's heart, which should have been passionate, seemed unusually calm, as if the woman who caught his eyes was just a pedestrian everywhere on the roadside.Xu Changqing was a little unaccustomed to this kind of indifference. He tried to think back to those days that made people remember infinitely, but although there was a little more warmth in his heart, he still couldn't have any other strange feelings for that person.This kind of phenomenon is like a person watching everything in the previous life. Although it can move you, it can't make you feel passionate.

Although Xu Changqing could be ruthless, others couldn't. When the woman heard from her sister-in-law that an old acquaintance was here, she couldn't help looking here curiously.And when she saw Xu Changqing, the expression on her face immediately froze, not only her expression, but also her body and her heart.Seeing her sister-in-law's expression, the female student was a little at a loss. She looked at her absent-minded sister-in-law, and then at the person who was stared at by her sister-in-law. read the scene.

Xu Changqing didn't speak, he didn't know what to say, when he abandoned her for Jindan Dao, he never thought of seeing her again, but now that he saw her, the feelings of each other disappeared without a trace , even if he has the best eloquence, he can't think of a word to break the deadlock.

Just when Xu Changqing was thinking about whether he should leave here, the other party broke the deadlock first, rushed to Xu Changqing in front of everyone's eyes, completely ignored the secular etiquette, and hugged Xu Changqing tightly.Everyone was in an uproar, all kinds of expressions appeared on their faces, and the female student's jaw was about to drop to the ground.However, when Xu Changqing was still immersed in the shock, she took a step back and unexpectedly slapped Xu Changqing hard. The sound of the slap was so loud that the whole train station lobby could hear it, and many people seemed to feel the same. After taking a breath, everyone stamped their feet and looked over here.

With the protective power of Xu Changqing's Hunyuan golden body, her slap didn't even have the ability to make Xu Changqing feel pain. Not only that, she also hurt her own hand.Xu Changqing looked at her holding her wrist, sighed, and said, "Pity, it's been more than ten years, why are you bothering?"

The woman looked at Xu Changqing, not knowing whether it was the pain in her heart or the pain in her hands. Her eyes were covered with tears, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Xu Changqing, why did you appear in front of me again? Why did you let me I saw you? I will never forgive you, I want to hate you forever!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and pulled his sister-in-law who was still surprised, and quickly walked out of the train station under the eyes of everyone.

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