Nine idlers

Chapter 85

Chapter 85 Yin Yang Ghost Cultivation

Watching the woman leave, Xu Changqing's eyes flashed a trace of helplessness, but then he regained his composure. It wasn't until this moment that he felt that he hadn't let go of the previous relationship. He shook his head and smiled self-deprecatingly. , out of the train station.

After leaving the train station, Xu Changqing did not call a carriage or a rickshaw. He crossed the Haihe River alone along the roads outside the Russian-Italian concessions, arrived at the outer city of Tianjin City, and then walked along the embankment of the Haihe River in the direction of the British Concession. Wansheng Commercial Bank is near Victoria Garden in the British Concession.

Although it is already late at night, Tianjin is still full of traffic, theaters and restaurants are still brightly lit along the way, rich people shuttle back and forth in various clubs, and from time to time, one or two people pop up in the book apartments in the deep streets and alleys. The literati and rich merchants with vain footsteps, the whole city is filled with the smell of corruption under the cover of night.

"Tianjin is so corrupt. I don't know what about Shanghai, which is called the magic capital?" Xu Changqing looked at the world's various scenes on both sides of the street with cold eyes, and quietly interspersed in the mundane world. The heart realizes the vicissitudes of the world.

On both sides of the street, there are still many private prostitutes hiding in the dark alleys. When they see someone passing by, they will go forward to solicit business. If they are lucky, they can get four or five businesses in one night. There are still many left.Most of these people are women from the countryside near Tianjin Wei, and they are usually the extra population, who go to the city to earn these skinny money to subsidize their families.

Today is the fourth time for Luo Yun to go to the streets to solicit customers. She was a little tired and rested for a while on the stone pier at the entrance of the alley. Like most of the other sisters in the alley, she is the daughter of a family near Tianjin Wei. Life is forced to earn this kind of skinny money.Because Luo Yun was born pretty, and she learned Tianjin Dagu with a very good voice from her father, and she is gentle, because she takes care of her younger brother who is sick in bed all the year round, so she knows how to serve others, many of them have two Rickshaw drivers with spare money and nearby coolies would automatically come to her, which made her a small corner of the prostitutes in several dark alleys nearby.

"Master, do you want to relax?" Luo Yun, who was sitting on the stone pier, was a little bit confused due to his tired body, and his eyes were a little blurry. When he saw a figure passing by, he quickly stretched out his hand pulled him.

However, when she woke up and took a closer look at the person in front of her, she couldn't help but immediately let go of her hand, and looked at him worriedly.The person in front of me is not scary, but tall and thin, with an elegant face, like a person who has read a lot of poetry and books, and he is wearing a neat suit, which is better than all the people in suits that Luo Yun has seen. It was as if the suit was custom-made for him.Although the person in front of her doesn't look scary, she looks very nervous, and looks around from time to time, and when she sees a few blue-skinned men in black silk looking towards her, her complexion suddenly changes. got pale.

There are 360 ​​lines, each line has its own rules, and the rules of the lowly prostitutes are as numerous as stars.All the guests are divided into three, six, or nine classes by the prostitutes. The people in front of them should belong to the top-class guests regardless of their clothing and temperament, and can only be picked up by high-end book houses, while prostitutes like Luo Yun can only pick up those coolies. coachman.If you leapfrog the ranks to attract customers, it is the skill of a "prostitute" if you can win them, but if you don't win them, you will break the rules, and the punishment for breaking the rules is not something a woman like Luo Yun can bear. The only thing she can do The only thing is to pray that the person in front of her can follow her into the alley.

Xu Changqing also has some understanding of the rules of prostitutes. Looking at the prostitute who is so bold as to solicit customers, he couldn't help smiling and said: "Girl, don't you understand the rules? You seem to have crossed the line by doing this." !"

"Yes... I'm sorry! I didn't mean it." Luo Yun was so nervous that he was about to cry, and kept apologizing.

At this time, the two or three green skins on the side came up waddlingly, bent down and raised their hands towards Xu Changqing, and then glared at Luo Yun with a fierce look, and asked, "Is this uncle this Xiaoni?" Did you offend me?"

"! Brothers, I really didn't provoke him!" Qing Pi's gaze made Luo Yun tremble with fear, and he quickly explained.

"Didn't the uncle of your Green Gang teach your guests not to interrupt when they are discussing business?" Xu Changqing looked at this scene indifferently, snorted coldly, and scolded the three Qingpis: "Go away, don't worry about it." Get oil and water here."

Hearing Xu Changqing's scolding, the faces of the two young men changed, and they rolled up their sleeves and wanted to do something, but the older one had very sharp eyes. From Xu Changqing's attire, it was obvious that he was not a man to be trifled with. , hurriedly pulled the two green skins, apologized to Xu Changqing, and then went to patrol other streets and alleys as if nothing had happened.

"Thank you! Thank you, sir, for saving the siege!" Luo Yun wiped the sweat from his forehead, and saluted gratefully.

Xu Changqing nodded slightly, didn't pay attention to her thanks, and when he was about to leave, he stopped suddenly, turned to Luo Yun and said, "Where is your yard? Lead the way!"

"Ah!" Luo Yun didn't react for a while, until Xu Changqing stepped into the alley, she realized it, and hurriedly chased after him, leading the way, with a bewildered expression on her face.Although she is still somewhat confident in her appearance, those are only compared to the rough peasant women in the dark alleys, and compared to the girls in the clubs and book apartments, they look much paler.The appearance and behavior of this person in front of her is definitely not the kind of person who likes to come to the dark alley. Although she feels that if she can have such a guest, she will be willing to pay for it, but she is still very clear-headed. The kind of woman who loves people.

Although they are both prostitutes, Luo Yun's business is very good, and she can be regarded as the top spot in this dark alley, so the old bustard specially arranged a small independent courtyard for her.In the depths of the alley, a small double-decker enclosure was surrounded by a wall. In the small yard outside the building, some bamboos were planted, and a bamboo table was placed in the middle of the yard, which seemed so elegant.According to the rules, the old bustard in this street collected money for the night, then placed three kinds of fruit, three kinds of candied fruit, and a jug of wine, then closed the courtyard door, leaving only Xu Changqing and Luo Yun in the courtyard.

The courtyard seemed extraordinarily quiet. Luo Yun didn't know why his heart was beating so fast, like an unmarried girl with yellow flowers, his body was extraordinarily nervous, and he felt a little out of breath.At this time, Xu Changqing walked towards her and bent down. Luo Yun lowered his head slightly, nervous and looking forward to it, but Xu Changqing just leaned into her ear and whispered: "Girl, no matter what you see later do not panic!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately turned around, took out his dry bamboo stick from the Qiankun in his sleeve under Luo Yun's surprised gaze, then plunged it into the ground forcefully, and at the same time circulated his true energy to quickly draw amulets in the void, chanting the incantation: : "The five elements of heaven and earth, the wood spirit seals the world, hurry like a law! Edict!"

As Xu Changqing's spell was cast, 55 bamboo shoots grew rapidly around the walls of the yard at a speed visible to the naked eye, and each bamboo shoot emitted a blue light, intersecting together, In an instant, an inverted hood was formed, enveloping the entire courtyard.

Luo Yun stared at all this dumbfounded, and didn't know how to react for a while, but Xu Changqing obviously didn't care about the mood of the woman behind him, but turned to the void in front of him, and said: "You have been here since Bazhou Xingwuhou. Followed me for a few hours. Although I don't know what spell you used, but being able to last for such a long time shows that you do have some cultivation, and I really admire you. Now that you have been If you see it, please show up!"

After Xu Changqing's voice fell, there was no reaction from the surroundings, the air seemed to freeze, and even Luo Yun's breathing became extraordinarily loud.Just when Luo Yun was about to ask, a cold wind suddenly blew up in the yard for no apparent reason, and then he saw ripples like water waves appearing on the surrounding blue light cover, as if something was pushing hard It's like hitting the shield.

Facing this cloudy wind, Xu Changqing didn't do anything. He just stood there and watched quietly. Soon the cloudy wind calmed down, and the surroundings returned to the strange silence before.Luo Yun was so frightened by the strange scene at this moment that even his trousers were wet. Seeing that things seemed to have calmed down, he immediately asked with a trembling voice, "Master, what... what is that?" something?"

As soon as Luo Yun's words fell, Xu Changqing suddenly stretched out his left hand to grab the void in front of Luo Yun, and then took two quick steps forward.His hand full of true energy seems to be grabbing something, and that thing is also struggling. When he walked forward, a strong wind swept in front of Luo Yun, and at the same time, the ground also scratched. There were six marks, which looked as if they had been scratched by claws.

"Heaven and earth are righteous, all evils are warded off, and they show their appearance!" Xu Changqing ignored Luo Yun's surprise, and quickly formed a seal with his right hand. As the mantra was recited, the seal in the palm of his hand emitted a burst of white light, and then he punched the seal with all his strength. On the void held by the left hand.After a flash of dazzling white light, a monster with blue face and fangs and red hair gradually appeared in front of the two of them. This monster had four horns on the top of its head, its hands were long, its nails were like blades, and its feet It looks like a lamb leg, short and powerful, and has three sickle-like toes, which looks very weird.

Because Xu Changqing grabbed his throat, the monster seemed extremely painful, and beat Xu Changqing with all his hands and feet, hoping to loosen his restraint.But before its hands and feet touched Xu Changqing's body, it was shattered by a burst of golden light emanating from his body, but the hands and feet that were scattered soon gathered together and returned to their original shape.

"It's really a strange ghost body that gathers together and never disperses!" Xu Changqing grabbed the monster's arm with great interest, pulled it hard, and the arm broke immediately, and then his hand immediately turned into a cloud of ghost mist , gathered on the monster's body again, and condensed into an arm.Seeing this scene, he was a little surprised and said: "It's very similar, it's very similar to the Yin God War Ghost!"

"This seat is not a ghost! This seat is Zanghai, the yin and yang dharma master of Da Nippon Keimei Shrine. You'd better let me go, otherwise I will let you go around without food!" The monster Suddenly he spoke in half-baked Chinese, threatening Xu Changqing.

"Interesting, I didn't expect that there are still people who use this method of possessing ghosts to practice ghosts! Jingming Shrine..." Xu Changqing thought for a while, and suddenly showed a dazed face, and said with a sneer: "So Dongying Onmyoji's Yinyangtou family shrine is really disrespectful and disrespectful! Judging by your appearance, you should be one of Ampere's bright shikigami, the empress ghost!"

"Since you already know the identity of this seat, don't let go, otherwise..." the monster said sharply.

"Do you still have the ability to do otherwise?" Xu Changqing said with a sneer: "Since the Jiuliu idlers back then didn't clean up all the twelve shikigami of your Jingming Shrine, leaving you as a dead seed, let me now Let him be wiped out by the nine-time idler!"

Xu Changqing had no plans to let him go, not to mention his Japanese identity, but also because he was a spy sent by the Xuangang Heavenly Demon to monitor Cao Kun, and now he knew too many things, so he couldn't be allowed to live no matter what.As he spoke, Xu Changqing used his spiritual consciousness to control the Yin God and War Ghost to rush out from the top of Baihui, turning into a golden vajra protector, holding a vajra crouching pestle in his hand and floating in the air. Luo Yun quickly knelt on the ground and said He recited the Buddha's name, and the monster was startled when he saw the Yin God War Ghost. Before he could recover, the Yin God War Ghost's vajra crouching rod pierced the ghost's body from the top of its head.

Then Fumochu rushed out a burst of sharp golden energy, turned into a reamer, and smashed the monster's ghost body instantly, while Yinshen Warghost made a gesture to suck the scattered ghost mist into him. In the ghost body of the five elements, the qi of the five elements in the body has been repeatedly refined and integrated into itself.When the last trace of ghost mist was absorbed by the Yin God War Ghost, the monster's real body, a black jade statue, was held in Xu Changqing's hands, and the second consciousness of mind and spirit of the Lord of Yin and Yang, Dharma City Zanghai, spread out in the ghost body. Time, hidden in this statue.

Xu Changqing didn't use Samadhi real fire to refine his mind and mind, but called his hand, causing the surrounding green wood seals to disperse, and the dry bamboo stick came out from the ground and returned to his hand.Then he held the bamboo stick in his hand, aroused the energy of the wood spirit of the five elements, quickly drew a talisman on the ground, and then placed the statue in the middle of the talisman array.

"The soul of life comes quickly, the soul of death goes quickly, the three souls perish, the seven souls perish, the haste is like a law, and the power of magic spells!" Xu Changqing stepped on the gangster step, using the dead bamboo as a sword, arousing the power of true energy and pouring it into the talisman In the array.I saw countless green qi tentacles rushing out of the talisman array and rushing into the statue. Before the Dongying Onmyoji's second consciousness in the statue had time to react, he was pierced into the spiritual consciousness by countless tiny green qi , lost control.

Just when the green energy pierced into the spiritual consciousness in the statue, in the basement of a foreign-style house in the Japanese Concession of Tianjin, an old man with long beard wearing onmyoji robes surrounded by many Japanese esoteric monks suddenly screamed, and Lost any sound.

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