Nine idlers

Chapter 86 The first confrontation

Chapter 86 First encounter

Seeing the onmyoji who was practicing the method suddenly fell down, the high-ranking monks around were shocked at first, and then the well-trained monks tied the seal of the Dongying Esoteric Buddhism with their hands, and recited the mantra of the Dongying Esoteric Buddhism in their mouths.The low-pitched chanting of mantra resounded throughout the cellar, a burst of white light gradually emanated from their bodies, and then streams of pure esoteric Buddhist power rushed out from their foreheads, and penetrated into the body of the Onmyoji, trying to kill him. His second consciousness was rescued.

At this time, four middle-aged men in black robes stood outside the magic circle laid by the monk Gao Ye and the onmyoji. The mocking and sneering expressions on their faces and the evil aura on their bodies seemed incompatible with the atmosphere of Buddha's light in the basement. .These four middle-aged men all looked exactly the same, and were equally tall. The only difference was that the colors of their beards were black, gold, blue, and red.

These four people are none other than the Four Devil Lords of Tianyun Ridge. They are well-known big devils in Shaanxi and Gansu. The mysterious combined attack method is rumored to be extremely powerful, no matter who the enemy is, it can remain invincible.

In the Shaanxi-Gansu area, their experience of becoming demons is also widely spread locally. Because the four brothers were born extremely weird, born with curly beards and jawbones, the family and villagers thought they were monsters and threw them into the river. drowned.But their lives should not be lost, they were rescued by the four-armed demon king of Tianyunling, and brought back to Tianyunling to be accepted as disciples.In fact, the four-armed demon king didn't have good intentions to save the four brothers. He just used the strange fate of the four brothers to practice an ancient magic skill, and wanted to use the four brothers as a furnace.Although after accepting the four brothers as disciples, the Four-Armed Demon Lord also taught them some magic skills and spells, but that was only for raising the tripod.It's a pity that people's calculations are not as good as heaven's calculations. After the four-armed demon king found all the important items for practicing magic skills, his true intentions were inadvertently noticed by the four brothers.So the four brothers deliberately instigated him to fight with the authentic people of the Immortal Buddha, and when they were beaten to the point of losing both, they struck first and beat him to death, and the four magic weapons that were finally collected were also taken over by the four brothers .

After that, the four brothers called their ancestors in Tianyunling area and practiced magic skills together.On the day when the magic skills were completed, they went down the mountain and massacred the village where they were born, even their parents, grandfathers and others were not spared.The eldest of the four brothers even cut off the heads of 36 relatives who were closely related to them, and made a magical weapon with magic and secret methods, and carried it with him.

The evil deeds of the four demon lords were known by the local orthodox immortals and Buddhas, and they united to besiege and kill them. Unfortunately, every time they succeeded, they were escaped by the four of them using a very unique magic art. Finally, this time The act of exterminating demons is in vain.And because of the confrontation with Zhengdao this time, the Four Demon Lords deeply felt that there is a truth beyond the heavens and humans, so they stayed in Tianyun Ridge honestly and did not come out to cause harm to the world.This time they were invited by the Xuangang Heavenly Demon because they got the news that the authentic masters of the Immortals and Buddhas had closed the mountain for retreat, so they had the courage to come out to help the Xuanhandang Heavenly Demon to complete the deed against the sky.

"Boss, this is the top onmyoji in Dongpu, doesn't it look good?" Mo Hongchao, with a red beard, stood at the back and leaned against the wall, always hiding in the darkness and said.

Mo Hei in front of him crossed his arms and didn't say a word, but Mo Jin, the second child beside him, sneered and said, "Maybe when their Onmyoji perform their skills and cast spells, it's not necessarily that they look like dead people?"

The youngest Mo Qing, who was sitting on the wine barrel in the cellar, said with a blank face at this time: "A bunch of trash, they just let him follow a person and made it like this, and what can they say to help? I think they are pure I want to use the heaven-defying scheme of joining the Xuangang Heavenly Demon to secretly learn my Chinese fortune-telling family's unique skills!"

"Third brother, don't explain something clearly, just know it in your heart!" The eldest brother of the four brothers, Mo Hei, walked out of the shadows slowly, turning his head and looking coldly at a man in a kimono who stood next to them with his dark eyes. A Japanese with some status said: "And Mr. Fujioka shouldn't do such obscene things, right? Mr. Fujioka."

Facing the cynicism of the Four Demon Lords, Sasuke Fujioka, who looked gentle with his eyes, kept his face calm all the time, and looked indifferently at the Onmyouji and Takano Monk who were casting spells with all their strength in the cellar.Fujioka Zuosuke is nominally a major in the Intelligence Division of the Japanese Army Ministry, but in fact he is the onmyoto head of the Japanese emperor and the leader of all Japanese onmyoji.He was born in the ninja village of Koga-ryu, and when he grew up, he mixed with Takano, a Japanese esoteric religion, to learn esoteric magic, and then disguised himself and sneaked into shrines all over Japan to learn the skills of onmyojis. It can be said that he is a master of Japanese practice , although he is nearly ninety years old, but his appearance is still 30 years old, which can be said to be good at keeping the face.

Because he successfully predicted many changes in the Japanese political situation and personnel promotions in his early years, he received the attention of high-level Japanese officials, and later played an important role in Japan's reform and squeezed into the top political circles of Japan. , and was awarded the title of Yin Yang head by the Emperor of Japan, nominally leading the Japanese spiritual world, reaching the pinnacle of power.This time, the cooperation between the Japanese practice community and Xuangang Tianmo was also facilitated by him alone. Just as Mohei said, he was indeed going for the Nine Dragons aspirations.Familiar with Chinese history, he naturally also knows the magic of the Nine Dragons Aspirations, so when he got the information from the Army Department that the Xuangang Heavenly Demon was going to use this change of luck to attack against the sky, he immediately rushed to Peiping to discuss cooperation with the Xuangang Heavenly Demon matter.

Although the two parties finally reached a cooperation, it is clear that Xuangang Tianmo is not a fool. He naturally knows the purpose of Fujioka Zuosuke, so the ninjas, onmyojis and high wild monks sent by Japan to participate in the heaven-defying plan are all arranged. The periphery acts as eyes and ears, but the Nine Dragons Aspirations in the center did not allow them to touch the edge at all.Of course, Fujioka Zuosuke was unwilling to give up just like this, so he had to resort to buying some demon cultivators who participated in this matter, and several demon cultivators failed to resist the temptation to say something detail.Although it was a bit vague, it was regarded as a treasure to him, and when he contacted those demon cultivators again, all he saw were a few corpses full of warnings.Afterwards, Xuangang Tianma drove all the people in the Japanese practice world out of Beiping City on the grounds of preventing Xia Jiuliu from entering Beijing. Fujioka Zuosuke was also driven to Tianjin, and was monitored by the four demon kings sent by Xuangang Tianma , Don't give him any chance to play tricks.

Just when Fujioka Zuosuke was thinking about whether he should use the Japanese Army Department to put pressure on Xuangang Tianma, the onmyoji in the middle of the cellar suddenly reacted, his body shook, his waist sat up straight, and his eyes were Already without any look, like a zombie.At this time, the high-level monks who cast spells to help the Onmyoji uttered a scream in unison, spurting a mouthful of blood one after another. Before the people around them could react, dozens of people sprang out of the body of the Onmyoji in the middle very strangely. A vine emitting blue light directly 'inserted' into the bodies of those eminent monks like a sharp sword.

"Baga!" Seeing the sudden change, Fujioka Zuosuke's face was startled, and without hesitation he pulled out a magic knife with blood on his waist, and fell into the middle of the cellar, facing The few vines in front of him were chopped hard, and the magic knife was extremely sharp, and it easily cut through those few vines.However, things were a little different from what Fujioka Zuosuke had expected. After the vine was cut open, it did not lose its effect, but split into two, turning into several blue lights, and rushed towards Fujioka Zuosuke.Fujioka Zuosuke did the trick, reacted immediately, stepped back, and at the same time held the magic knife in his mouth, formed the seal of the esoteric religion with his hands, and hummed loudly: "Come on!"

I saw a burst of golden light immediately erupting from Fujioka Zuosuke's hand, which turned into a shield, which was able to block the counterattack of the green light of the vine, but at the same time he was shocked by the power contained in the blue light and retreated back to his original position. place.When he fell, his face became extremely ugly. Although his hands blocked the attack of the blue light, they were eroded by another kind of green wood spirit contained in the blue light, and his hands shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.He used various methods, but he still couldn't 'force out' this weird green wood spirit, and the four demon lords standing beside him seemed to know what this power was, but they just didn't want to help.As a last resort, he had no choice but to grab the two lovers beside him by surprise, and use the method of grafting to transfer this evil power to them.When he withdrew his hand, he saw the eyes of the two disciples were full of surprise and resentment, staring at him fiercely, shrinking rapidly, and finally turned into a mummified corpse.

"Overestimating one's abilities!" At this moment, Mohong gloated and said, "How can my Chinese spells be cracked by a patchwork of tricks like yours? You are insulting yourself!"

"You..." Fujioka Zuosuke stared at Mo Hong with a livid face, but then took a few deep breaths to calm down the anger in his heart.He is very clear that now is definitely not the time to turn against the four demon lords. It is just a matter of effort to kill all the people in this room with the power of the four demon lords, and the threat of the secular world has no effect on these demon cultivators. Offending them is far more difficult to deal with than offending those righteous people.

For Fujioka Zuosuke's self-control, Mo Hei, the head of the Four Demon Lords, couldn't help admiring. He watched those high-ranking monks suck up their energy one by one and turned into mummies. He turned his head and asked Mo Qing. Said: "Third brother, are you sure about dealing with it again?"

"Being able to coordinate the pure wood spirit energy and earth evil energy so seamlessly, it seems that the other party is a master!" Mo Qing always had a wooden face, and then took two steps forward, with a little excitement in his eyes, and said: "It's been a long time since I met a master! Today is just a good time to exercise."

After finishing speaking, he knotted the Dharma seal with his hands, operated the magic element, and said "get up".I saw a blue banner umbrella rushing out from the top of his Baihui, flying to the top of Onmyoji's head, and then he shot a few shots of magic energy towards the umbrella body, the umbrella body opened immediately, and from the umbrella The three-headed monster rushed out, and sprayed a puff of black air at the Onmyoji under the umbrella, pouring it into his body from the seven orifices on the top of his head.

This umbrella is one of the magical weapons of the four-armed demon king back then. It is called the three corpse umbrella. The main body is composed of the three corpses of 81 pure Yin women and a thousand-year-old apricot tree. A bit of human skin from the woman's abdomen was stitched together, and then the three corpses were formed through the secret method of the magic family, and they were allowed to live in the umbrella.When it needs to be used, directly raise the umbrella, release the three-corpse demon body, and use the three-corpse aura to directly attack the heart, mind and soul. Never be born again.Although the Three Corpse Umbrella is not a top-level magic weapon, it is more difficult to deal with than ordinary top-level magic weapons because of its effect similar to the Yin God Stick.

When the energy of the three corpses rushed into the body of the Onmyoji, Xu Changqing in the small courtyard immediately felt it, and the black jade statue also kept trembling, as if wanting to escape the control of the talisman array.At this moment, this famous magic weapon made him know who his current opponent was. With a sneer on his face, he threw the dead bamboo out, and stuck it straight on the chest of the black jade statue, followed by making a seal with his hands, Circling the true essence, a stream of pure Dao power was struck on the statue, and at the same time, he flew up and stood upside down to run the Wood Spirit Jue of the Five Elements Battle Jue, and hit the dead bamboo with his palm.

While Xu Changqing was using the countermeasures, Mo Qing's expressionless face on the other side suddenly showed a hint of surprise, and saw the vines that absorbed the spirit of Gao Ye monks instantly retracted, and then came back from the onmyoji's body. A powerful green wood aura emanated from the body, 'forced' the aura of the three corpses out of the body.Then the onmyoji suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes bursting with blue light, he stood up abruptly, and hit the three corpse umbrella above his head with his palm that gathered the aura of green wood.Since the Three Corpse Umbrella was connected with Mo Qing's mind and spirit, the Three Corpse Umbrella was not wary of being attacked, so Mo Qing also snorted in pain, took a step back, and then quickly took the Three Corpse Umbrella back into her body with the power of this palm.However, seeing that Mo Qing was injured and retreated, the Onmyoji controlled by Xu Changqing took advantage of the victory to pursue him, rushed forward with both palms, and attacked Mo Qing.

"Old man, be careful!" Mo Jin, who was on alert at this time, immediately rushed forward and blocked Mo Qing, his hands turned invisible, and instantly turned into two guillotine axes with ghost images of monsters. Both tails are connected to Magic Gold's wrists with two magical chains.These two guillotine axes were originally Taoist magic tools for shaking evil, but somehow they fell into the hands of the four-armed demon king, and they were refined into a pair of magic weapons. After getting the pair of guillotine axes, Demon Jin turned them into two The wrist is nourished with the demonic energy of life, so that its power will not be inferior to the general top-level demonic energy.

The sharpness of the guillotine ax is obviously not worse than the magic knife just now, and it easily split the Onmyoji into two sections from the forehead. However, even though the Onmyoji was divided into two, Xu Changqing has not lost his control over it. It didn't decrease, but changed from attacking one person to attacking two people.Mojin's face changed slightly, and he crossed his hands and danced. The two axes immediately circled around the corpse of the onmyoji and locked it, and then the magic elements gathered in the axes immediately crushed the corpse , turned into a cloud of blood mist.

Just when everyone thought it was over, the blood mist changed abruptly, gathering together in an instant, forming a huge blood palm, and slapping towards everyone.Mo Hei, who had been standing behind and watched his brother fighting with others, suddenly changed his face. Before he could warn him, he ran his magic power and sacrificed his natal magic weapon, the "swing" soul bell, which instantly turned into a huge bell body, My brother and Fujioka Zuosuke were covered in it, as for the other people in the cellar, I didn't care too much.

When the blood palm and the bell body collided, an incomparably overbearing force burst from between them, and the people outside the bell body were crushed by this force without any resistance, and the whole place was one of a kind. There was an earthquake, and then a whole luxurious western-style building collapsed, covering everything in the cellar.

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