Nine idlers

Chapter 855 Huge worth

"Sanqing Supreme?" Kong Daomiao was completely confused by Xu Changqing's answer. He didn't know what kind of response he should give. If he refuted the question, he would worry that it would damage the relationship between them. , this answer is too ridiculous, it is difficult for her to accept it, so she can only stand there completely dumbstruck.

Xu Changqing mentioned before that the Tu clan after Nuwa, although her identity is even more illusory, but because of her continuous reincarnation in the three realms of heaven and earth, some of her deeds have survived. Such legends do not exist in the three realms of Kunlun. rare.In the Sutra Pavilion of the Immortal Palace, there is a row of bookshelves dedicated to the records related to the reincarnation of the Tu family after Nuwa. Although most of the records are just speculation, there are still many records that can prove their existence. kind.So Kong Daomiao was not too surprised by the appearance of the Empress Nuwa Tushi. What she was really surprised by was the role played by the Empress Nuwa Tushi in her encounter.

But the Sanqing Supreme is completely different. Almost all the records related to the Sanqing Supreme come from some Taoist scriptures, and the descriptions in those Taoist scriptures are even more cloudy and misty, with more fiction than reality, and even Sanqing Supreme later. It is not clear whether the Supreme is three people or one person, three points from the same source, or three Huiyuan, it is simply a muddle.The strangest thing is that among the ancient prehistoric relics left over from the Kunlun Three Realms, there is no record of any content about the Sanqing Supreme, as if there was no Sanqing Supreme in the ancient prehistoric period.

If Xu Changqing himself didn't have the incomplete memory of Zhen Yuanzi and knew everything about the prehistoric world, even if he actually saw the Sanqing Supreme, it would be hard to believe that they were real, and he would only think that they were some ancient Survival, similar to the transformation of Zhen Yuanzi's great power.

In the absence of other evidence, the existence of the Sanqing Supreme is really hard to tell.Even Yuxu Palace, Qingyang Palace and other immortal sects named Shangqing, Yuqing, and Taiqing are just borrowing fame and looking for an orthodox name. As for how many people in the sect think that Sanqing is the supreme Real existence is unknown.

If these Sanqing sects are like this, let alone others.Immortal Palace even directly denied the existence of the Sanqing Supreme, and believed that the ancient prehistoric period was the world of the monster race, so the Kunlun Three Realms should be orthodox with the monster race, and they, the monster race with the blood of ancient beasts, are the orthodox of the orthodox.

Now Xu Changqing said that he had actually seen the Sanqing Supreme, and also handed over a treasure to these three mysterious beings that only appeared in legends. Even those who trusted him couldn't accept it for a while.

Although the cognition in Kong Daomiao's mind made her not believe Xu Changqing's words, nor did she believe that Sanqing Supreme really existed.But deep in his heart, an instinctive consciousness felt that Xu Changqing's words might be true.This feeling does not come from the complicated relationship with Xu Changqing, but from the various past experiences she has collected about Xu Changqing.I feel in my heart that he is not the kind of person who is aimless. If there is no real evidence, it is impossible for him to say so with certainty.

"I know you don't believe me, but I have evidence to prove that the Supreme Sanqing is real." Xu Changqing naturally saw what Kong Daomiao was thinking, but he didn't feel angry. In his opinion, if Kong Daomiao expressed his belief , that seems wrong.

"Is there any evidence?" Kong Daomiao immediately became interested. After all, if he could solve the biggest mystery of Taoism, it would be of great benefit to the existence of Asgard itself.

Xu Changqing nodded.Then he directly took the Zhenhai plate from Puhua's avatar, handed it to Kong Daomiao, and said, "This is the evidence."

Kong Daomiao just looked at the Zhenhai dish for a while, and immediately recognized it, and said: "Isn't this the Zhenhai dish of the Dragon Clan? I once saw the elders of the Dragon Clan take out this treasure during the Dragon Clan Festival in Tianchi. This treasure can Suppressing the waters of the world is a rare treasure. Just leaving the waters, this treasure has no power, and can only be regarded as a token of the Dragon Clan inheritance. You said that this treasure is the proof of the existence of the Sanqing Supreme, isn’t it? Is this treasure refined by the Sanqing Supreme?"

"This treasure is not refined by the Supreme Sanqing, but it has a very close relationship with the Supreme Sanqing." Xu Changqing deliberately sold off, saying: "This treasure was refined by the joint efforts of the innate gods in the ancient times. , divided into four, and was obtained by the Daoist Shangqing among the Sanqing. Afterwards, the Daoist Shangqing repaired it, reunited it, and refined it into a natal spirit treasure, but it was not restored completely. At that time, this treasure was divided into four parts again, and fell into the three realms of Kunlun, becoming the inheritance treasure of the Dragon Clan. This treasure is not called Zhenhai Pan. In ancient times, this treasure had another name, it was called..."

"Zhu Xian's Four Swords Array!" Before Xu Changqing finished speaking, Kong Daomiao gave the answer first. After all, the only natal spirit treasure related to Shangqing Taoist and divided into four parts is the Jade Immortal Four Swords Array. Lingbao, you can guess it without thinking too much.It's just that even if she gave the answer, she couldn't believe it. She took the Zhenhai plate from Xu Changqing's hand, looked at it repeatedly, and even used the dragon technique she knew to inject mana into the magic circle of Zhenhai plate, After trying it for a while, he doubted: "I really can't see what is the relationship between this thing and the killing treasure? The dragons have obtained this thing for so many years, and they have already thoroughly understood it. It is impossible not to discover other secrets contained in it, otherwise they It will not let a treasure of unknown function become its heirloom treasure."

"It is true that they have mastered this treasure for many years, but they also lack the important means to understand the mystery of this treasure." Xu Changqing took the Zhenhai plate, and played a formula on the ground, forming a sealing circle, and then drew out a piercing sword Attention was poured into this Immortal Immortal Sword Formation.

I saw nothing on the surface of the array, but there was an invisible killing sword energy that enveloped the surroundings. If Xu Changqing hadn't set up the sealing array in advance and consciously controlled the strength, this invisible The sword qi might spread to the entire Yunding City in an instant, but the commotion it caused might even far exceed the turmoil caused by Zhu Yan's aura before.

Kong Daomiao, who was in the sword aura, felt the most vividly. She felt that she was enveloped by a sword aura full of destructive aura, and felt that no matter how she cast spells to avoid it, no matter what spirit treasure she used, she could not avoid this sword aura.As long as there is a slight movement, this sword energy will not only easily smash Bai Jingxu who is possessed by her into dust, even if she is in retreat, she will be smashed by the sword energy that is chasing her because of the connection between her soul and soul. Ji, even the five-color divine light that her natal supernatural power claims to be able to wipe out the world may not be able to resist it.

This is the first time that Kong Daomiao has felt so close to death since she was successful in cultivation, even so close that it made her feel hopeless. If it hadn't been for her strong Dao heart and high realm, she might have been overwhelmed by this desperate state of mind. It was crushed, and it was even more impossible to raise any awareness of resistance.

Xu Changqing did not continue to maintain the operation of the Immortal Poking Sword Formation, and slowly withdrew the sword intent of the Immortal Poking Sword, and said: "This is the Immortal Poking Sword Formation in the Four Swords Formation of Jade Immortals, as long as you fall into this formation, even if you Even if he is a free and unfettered angel, he can only disappear with his body and soul. Moreover, even if it is a magic weapon that contains the target's spiritual thoughts or mana breath, the sword energy of the Immortal Poking Sword transformed by the formation map can pass through this mysterious connection. Go across the two worlds, directly kill the magic weapon user at the other end, and be able to ignore the defense of any magic weapon or supernatural power."

"Is this the legendary Zhu Xian Four Swords array?" Kong Daomiao calmed down his disordered state of mind, then seemed to think of something, and said with joy on his face: "Then you are invincible in the Three Realms? If so, then the Ancient Demon Temple ..."

"How is that possible?" Xu Changqing shook his head, sent the formation map back to the Puhua avatar, and said, "If it was true that such power could be exerted in the ancient prehistoric period, but now it is in the three realms of Kunlun, if I forcibly display it This treasure will only attract the suppression of the heavens, and finally bring down endless catastrophes. If I hadn't cast a spell to seal the breath just now, I would have already attracted the heavens and the earth's catastrophe. Now this map can only be used as a reference, and only the magic circle contained in it It can be used in the Three Realms only after the secrets of operation are deduced and re-absorbed and transformed."

"I see." Kong Daomiao nodded, and felt that this treasure was too heaven-defying. If it could be used at any time, the balance of the Kunlun Three Realms would definitely be broken, which would not be a good thing.Recalling the feeling just now, she seemed to have thought of something again, and asked in a deep voice: "Just now you said that an important method is needed to promote the Zhenhai Pan and turn it into a sword array map, could it be that the method is the ancient Zhuxian that has been lost? The Four Swords Sword Art."

"Yes, it is the method of the Four Swords of Jade Immortals." Xu Changqing nodded affirmatively, and then changed his voice, saying: "It's not the sword formula, but the sword intent. What I have mastered is the sword intent of the Four Swords of Jade Immortals."

As he said that, Xu Changqing talked about how he exchanged the Dao Tu for the Supreme Qing Formation, the Four Swords of Jade Immortals, and the Overturning Seal. When Xu Changqing actually had a Three Realms of Heaven and Earth that was comparable to the Three Realms of Kunlun, and even the laws of heaven and earth were more perfect, the expression on his face was even more indescribable. It felt like seeing the disappearing powers of the ancient prehistoric times appearing in front of her one by one. Like before.

Perhaps it was because the information he got at that moment was so shocking that Kong Daomiao felt an unprecedented sense of dizziness. He had to lie on the chair with his head blank for a long time before he gradually recovered.During this period of time, Xu Changqing did not continue to say anything. He knew very well that his experience and possessions were too shocking. If it hadn't really happened to him, he might not be able to believe what he heard.

After being silent for a while, Kong Daomiao suddenly thought of a key point in Xu Changqing's words, and asked, "You just said that the ancient formation diagram of the Taiqing Dynasty, the Four Swords of Zhuxian and the Heaven-changing Seal method are all exchanged by you with the Dao diagram. Come, and the little world you mastered was also cultivated by the Dao map?” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. .)

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