Nine idlers

Chapter 856

It wasn't that Xu Changqing intended to treat Bai Jingxu so viciously, it was mainly because after Bai Jingxu regained consciousness just now, he found that there seemed to be an increasingly thick invisible aura on her body, which strongly attracted Zhu Yan's avatar, It gave him the urge to immediately hold her in his arms and blend with her.

The last time Xu Changqing had this kind of impulsiveness was when he saw Bai Jingxu for the first time. At that time Xu Changqing was a little out of control, or Zhu Yan's avatar was a little out of control and made some transgressive actions.And this time was almost the same as last time, and the strange power that caused Zhu Yan's avatar to return to animal nature seemed to be stronger, but Xu Changqing, who had already experienced it once, made the right move before Zhu Yan's avatar completely lost control.When throwing Bai Jingxu out, he even instinctively didn't want to make physical contact with him, but used indirect contact instead.

Originally, Xu Changqing thought that Zhu Yan's avatar had this rent-returning beastliness due to the influence of the fox spirit in Bai Jingxu's body, but now it seems that things are not as he speculated.If it was only affected by the qi and blood of the physical body, then when Kong Daomiao possessed Bai Jingxu before, he should have been affected as well, but Xu Changqing's Zhuyan avatar did not have any abnormal reactions at that time.It wasn't until Kong Daomiao's soul power was driven out by Bai Jingxu's real soul source, and Bai Jingxu regained control of her body, that Zhu Yan's avatar had an abnormal reaction, and it was so strong that Xu Changqing had to do it. Make a faux pas.So this problem does not appear in Bai Jingxu's fox body, it is likely to appear in Bai Jingxu's soul, that is to say, Bai Jingxu's previous life is the reason for the abnormality of Zhu Yan's avatar.

Looking at Bai Jingxu who was gradually going away, Xu Changqing frowned, and his expression became extremely solemn. After thinking for a while, he sent a voice transmission to Chao Yin who was waiting downstairs, and told him to collect as much fairy as possible while doing business. After the materials of the strong and hidden cultivators in the palace of all dynasties are finished, they will use the method of teleportation.Walked directly outside Yunding City, and continued to drive in the direction of Xuanyuantian.

When Xu Changqing sent Bai Jingxu away and left Yunding City himself, Kong Daomiao, who was lying on his side on a soft couch in a small cave in Hunyuantian, seemed to wake up from a deep sleep, opened his eyes, and stretched out his eyes. Stopped.while it is in action.She didn't suppress the power in her body either, and the five-color divine light shot out from her body.It was as if a big hand grabbed Xiaodongtian and shook it, shaking the ground inside Xiaodongtian, as if it was about to collapse at any moment.And those spiritual beasts and divine beasts raised in Xiaodongtian were all suppressed by this power, and they all lay down in their lairs one by one, not daring to move, not even daring to make a sound.

Compared with Bai Jingxu's stunning appearance, Kong Daomiao's appearance is not bad at all, except that he has been the master of the Immortal Palace for many years and has been in charge of thousands of powerful monsters.Killing Juju has gradually formed a high-ranking power on her body, so that everyone who sees her will be photographed by this power, and thus forget her appearance.

Although the power displayed by Kong Daomiao at this moment is not as domineering and fierce as Xu Changqing, but in terms of changes, it is superior to Xu Changqing.Moreover, the power contained in its five-color divine light is not weaker than Xu Changqing and Zhu Yan's blood power. If the two compete, the outcome may still be close.It can be seen from this that even though Kong Daomiao's mana cultivation base and realm cultivation base have not yet broken through to the realm of a small heavenly celestial being, her natal five-color divine light and supernatural powers are infinitely close to the power of a mysterious heavenly celestial being.

If you have too much power beyond your own realm, it will inevitably cause power backlash.Kong Daomiao's current situation is similar to this.It's just that she is a little different. Her power beyond the realm is the power of her natal supernatural power, which is completely integrated with her soul and body. It belongs to innate power. Although she exceeds her own limit, there will be no backlash phenomenon, at most she just loses control That's all.Just like the five-color divine light unintentionally impacting Xiaodongtian now.

Realizing that the power of the five-color divine light that he had inadvertently emitted had already caused damage to this small cave, Kong Daomiao immediately collected his mind and took back the emitted five-color divine light as much as possible.It's just that after the five-color divine light receded to a distance of one foot from her body, it could no longer shrink, and could only shake slightly like a peacock spreading its tail, maintaining this state of balance.

"Hey! It seems that if the realm does not improve, it will be difficult for me to leave here." Kong Daomiao looked at the light around him, frowned slightly, and muttered: "Should I also refine a clone in the Three Realms like Changqing?" What about walking?"

Just when his voice fell, a burst of light suddenly appeared in the blue wave pool outside his residence, and then a ball of clean water rose from the pool, suspended in the air, changing shapes, and finally was swept away by an invisible force. Kneaded into a transparent body of a woman.

I saw that the appearance of this woman was very similar to that of Kong Daomiao, and even the noble and majestic temperament on her body was almost the same. The only obvious difference was that there were only two divine lights emerging from behind this woman, one was like a vast sun, upright and bright , and the other is like a bright moon, pure and flawless, turning into the sun and moon dharma respectively, floating in the back of his mind.

Seeing the person coming, Kong Daomiao didn't have the slightest expression of surprise. With a casual move, the soft couch under him seemed to melt and turned into a ball of metallic liquid. Following the rapid change of shape, it became a Kowloon swallowing the sun platform .She sat on the altar, looked at the water man opposite, and said, "Yaochi, what are you doing here? You are not sitting in the ancient demon temple at this time, be careful that what you want is taken away by those guys like Yuntuntian ?”

This mysterious woman who entered Kong Daomiao's retreat with spiritual thoughts and transformed into water is none other than Kong Daomiao's younger sister, Yaochi Shengjun.In Immortal Palace, although the reputation of Yaochi Shengjun is not as good as that of Kong Daomiao who is the master of the palace, compared with Yun Tuntian, the master of Kunpeng Hall, Wen Yueyan, the master of Dasheng Hall, etc. And nothing less.This kind of fame is not because of her special status, nor is it because of her stunning appearance. She can have such a reputation and get the support of several big families of the fairy palace monster clan. built in the minds of the nation.

Yaochi Shengjun has countless achievements in the past, but the most commendable achievement of the fairy palace monster clan is that she once went to the Sanqing Dharma Conference of Yuxu Palace. The head teacher of Xu Gong and other big Luotian nine sects also said that no one in the Kunlun Three Realms can compare with them when it comes to the two ways of yin and yang.If Yaochi Shengjun hadn't suddenly fallen in love with Gong Liangjue of Yuxu III's family and ruined his reputation, maybe she has succeeded Kong Daomiao as the new fairy palace master by now.However, even though she does not hold any position in Asgard, nor does she have any real power in name, the power she wields cannot be underestimated. At least a lot of monster families and palace masters have clearly stated that they belong to her. At her disposal, compared to Wen Yueyan and Yun Tuntian, her overall strength is only stronger than weaker, and perhaps only a top existence like the Supreme Presbyterian Hall can firmly suppress her.

Yaochi Shengjun looked at this elder sister who had been suppressing her head since birth, in addition to being full of unwilling resentment, there was also an inexplicable awe in her heart, even though she had made up her mind to fight against her in a separate court, but in the face of She still couldn't refuse to answer Kong Daomiao's question, so she could only pretend to be tough, and said: "What else can I do, of course, to see how my sister is doing, after all, you have been in retreat for so long, and rumors are everywhere, I don't know. Let's take a look. You can confirm your situation. It's not easy to explain to the old monsters above. As for the ancient demon temple, I'm not worried at all. If they can unlock the gate without a key and enter the ancient demon temple Temple, I don’t mind helping them, but it’s a pity they don’t have that ability yet.” She paused again and asked, “Have you already met my cheap nephew?”

"Yes." Kong Daomiao replied coldly.

Yaochi Shengjun snorted coldly, and said: "My cheap nephew is very powerful. He created the Demon God Temple in the first place, so he asked his subordinates to lead the fairy army, and killed all the low-level tribes in the Wanyao Mountain Range. There is no one among the ten clans, if you hadn't suppressed this matter, I am afraid that those monster clan families in Xuanyuantian would not be able to sit still and send people to deal with him."

The Nine Flames Demon Lord's sweep of the Wanyao Mountain Range this time also indirectly caused the loss of the Yaochi Sage Monarch. The several monster tribes she secretly placed in the lower bound of the Wanyao Mountain Range were all kidnapped into the Demon God's Temple.Although this amount is not large, there are some secrets that she does not want to be known among those few tribes. If these secrets are discovered, it will cause incalculable subsequent losses to her.

"You should thank him for doing this." Kong Daomiao gave his sister a cold look, and said, "Don't think that your little tricks are very secretive, and you have concealed them from everyone. Those old monsters all know it in their hearts. Very well, it’s fine if you don’t succeed, if you succeed, I’m afraid you won’t be the one who picks the fruit in the end.”

"Anyway, if my nephew is cheaper now, it's almost equivalent to being cheaper to you. You can say whatever you want!" Yaochi Shengjun naturally knew that her small tricks could not be hidden from everyone, but she did not intend to monopolize the results from the very beginning. In the end, no matter what the result is, she will be able to get the share she wants, which is better than the current situation.With her ability, it is not difficult to do it again. With the previous experience, she can make the progress reach the current level in a shorter time, but the problem is that she no longer has the most important things on hand, and If they were to collect again, the nine major sects of the inner sect Lingshan would definitely be alarmed, and things would get worse by then, so she would feel a little annoyed, wishing she could go to Xiaoyuntian immediately and take those tribes back. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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