Nine idlers

Chapter 881

The City Lord's Mansion of Wufeng City is not in the center of Wufeng City, but next to Qianbo Lake on the north side of Wufeng City. From the architectural appearance, it does not look like a city lord's mansion in an important town of Immortal Palace. It is a summer resort.

Although the role of Wufeng City is very important, Wufeng City rarely appoints the post of city lord. Even if someone takes up the position of city lord, most of them are temporary, and few people can sit in the position of Wufeng City for more than ten years. .

In the absence of a city lord, most of the affairs of Wufeng City are handed over to the administrator alliance formed by the Yaozu family, Yaozu Chamber of Commerce and other forces who settled here. They are responsible for compiling the city regulations of Wufeng City and handing them over to Wen After Yueyan passes, it can become an official rule.Although it seems that Wen Yueyan has given up control of Wufeng City, in fact, the city guards of Wufeng City are firmly in Wen Yueyan's hands. And the chamber of commerce is just some free labor.

Because of this, the city lord becomes dispensable. As long as there is nothing wrong with those administrator alliances, Wen Yueyan will not assign the city lord to monitor Wufeng City, but if there is a city lord in Wufeng City, then he will It indicates that there will be major events in Wufeng City.

Ever since, the City Lord's Mansion has become the target of all the demon forces in Wufeng City. If someone moves into the Wufeng City City Lord's Mansion, which has been vacant, then they will know that they should restrain themselves, and at the same time examine themselves to see if they have done so before. He has done wrong things that are enough to be investigated by the Great Temple, so that he can consider countermeasures and avoid disaster.

That day, Zhao Yi suddenly led some people to move into Wufeng City City Lord's Mansion, which really shocked many Wufeng City residents.They all mistakenly thought that Wen Yueyan had discovered that many things had happened in Wufeng City.Appoint a city lord to investigate.All of a sudden, all the big and small monster clan forces in Wufeng City became jittery.Some people with a guilty conscience began to consider whether to leave Wufeng City first to escape the limelight before returning.But soon they learned from other channels that the person staying here was Zhao Yi, and the purpose of coming here was only to welcome Bai Yu. Only then did they realize that they had made a false alarm, and the commotion that had just occurred soon subsided.

However, even though the matter calmed down quickly, many people still focused their attention on the City Lord's Mansion. After all, no one could be sure whether Zhao Yi was playing the trick of repairing plank roads in the open and crossing Chen Cang secretly.

When Xu Changqing was taken to the City Lord's Mansion by the city gate commander.The eyes and ears of the demon forces guarding the area around the city lord's mansion spread the news to their respective leaders.After all, this is the first time Zhao Yi let an unknown person enter the City Lord's Mansion after he arrived in Wufeng City for a few days.Afterwards, the various monster clan forces in Wufeng City quickly figured out that Xu Changqing was the mysterious person who had been sitting in front of the Beijing Temple for three hours.For a while, various forces speculated again and again. They didn't think that Zhao Yi would invite this person to the City Lord's Mansion just because he could resist the attack of Jingguan's mind. They were used to making things simple and complicated, and they all agreed that there was a deep meaning in it, but they still couldn't guess. Just arrived.

In the garden on the east side of the City Lord's Mansion in Wufeng City, Xu Changqing met Zhao Yi.Although he had met him at the city gate before, Xu Changqing couldn't help being amazed by his appearance and temperament when he met him at a close distance. It seemed that everything about him was combined by an invisible force.A shadowless and invisible force has been formed, which makes anyone close to him inexplicably feel close to him.This may be what ordinary people call affinity.It's just that compared to the affinity of ordinary people, the affinity of Zhao Yi is obviously a hundred times stronger, and even a person with a cultivation level like Xu Changqing will be affected a little bit.

"Sure enough, we have condensed the truth suppressor!" Xu Changqing shifted his attention from Zhao Yi's own unparalleled appearance and temperament to his cultivation, thinking also with a little surprise in his heart.

Before that, Xu Changqing knew from outside rumors that Zhao Yi had cultivated Confucianism to a very high level, and even condensed it into a rational weapon that only a Confucian master could have.It's just that he didn't fully believe these rumors. After all, compared with the condensed atmosphere of Confucianism, it is a hundred times more difficult to condense the truth.It not only requires the Confucian spirit of the Confucian immortal to reach the bottom enough to condense the spirit of the manuscript, but also requires that the Confucian immortal must realize his own and unique Dao Zhili.Therefore, any Confucian immortal who condenses into a truth suppressor is enough to establish a sect and form a lineage of his own, and also has the foundation to become a Confucian saint.

Seeing that Zhao Yi in front of him has really condensed into a truth suppressor, Xu Changqing still feels a little appreciation for his achievements. It seems that Zhao Yi will set up a dojo sooner or later, and create a branch of Confucianism of the fairy palace monster clan. Only then can he go one step further to become a Confucian and Taoist saint.

While Xu Changqing was sizing Zhao Yi up and down, Zhao Yi was also observing Xu Changqing. He seemed to know Xu Changqing's identity, with a clear look in his eyes, and followed some inexplicable words: "My lord, try to see What am I doing?"

This question made Xu Changqing stunned, and soon he came back to his senses, but his face still showed a dazed look, obviously he didn't understand why Zhao Yi would ask such a sentence so thoughtlessly .

"Didn't you ask Mr. Zhao to invite me here? Why do you have such doubts?" Xu Changqing looked at the handsome scholar in front of him with some doubts, and smiled.

Zhao Yi frowned slightly, looked at Xu Changqing up and down, and said, "Why do you need to pretend again! You have spent so much effort, you did not hesitate to use the Longxin Pill of the Tianchi Dragon Clan to calm your mind, and sat withered in front of the Jingguan three Shi Chen, who caught my attention, came to see me. Since I have already met you, I don't care who is behind you, and I don't like to do things that beat around the bush. It's better for you to directly explain why you came No more chance."

Hearing these words, Xu Changqing couldn't help laughing in his heart, he already understood what was going on, it seemed that Zhao Yi obviously mistook the lion-headed man he transformed into an envoy sent by another force, so he just Such a question would be asked inexplicably.

Soon Xu Changqing's thoughts changed, and he began to guess what kind of power Zhao Yi regarded himself as.In the Immortal Palace, although the lion demon is not the most branched demon clan, it is definitely the largest demon clan. Almost all demon clan forces have a lineage of lion demons, and the lion demon is also the best fairy army. Soldiers, except for the Immortal Army directly under the command of the Immortal Army, all the Immortal Army under the command of the Hall of Real Power have the figure of the lion demon.

There are hundreds of offshoots of lion demons. The first one that Xu Changqing thought of was the Golden Lion Clan, one of the eight major demon clans in Xuanyuantian.The Golden Lion Clan possesses the bloodline of ancient ferocious beasts, and is born with the supernatural power of devouring souls. They hardly need to practice. As long as they devour all kinds of souls, especially those evil spirits that are entangled in karma, their cultivation base and mana will naturally increase.If it weren't for the fact that their bloodlines were not many descendants, and many of the lower-level clansmen were other offshoot lions, the overall power was not outstanding. Otherwise, with their poor bloodlines, they would definitely be able to occupy a place among the four great holy clans.

In the battle for the position of palace lord in the Immortal Palace, the Golden Lion clan has always stood in a neutral position. It is not because they do not want to participate and seek benefits, but mainly because their direct clan members are too few. There is always the danger of severing bloodlines in disasters.

The reason why Xu Changqing thought of the Golden Lion Clan was because he thought that maybe the Golden Lion Clan was planning to secretly join Wen Yueyan.After all, the mountain gate of the Golden Lion Clan is not far from the Great Sacred Hall. Given its status and location, it is very difficult to be completely neutral. This time the defeat of Kunpeng Hall Yun Tuntian appeared, and the Great Sacred Hall heard that Yueyan's chances of winning have risen sharply, a little rational Everyone knows how to choose.Even if the Golden Lion Clan can't publicly support Wen Yueyan, it's okay to secretly express their intention to favor the Great Temple.Even if Yuntuntian recovers in the future, as long as there is no public and formal alliance, they will still be able to maintain neutrality and achieve both sides.

However, Xu Changqing quickly ruled out the Golden Lion Clan.Because the lion-headed man he transformed is just an ordinary lion-monster, such a big event that cannot be known to outsiders and is related to the future of the Golden Lion Clan should never be presided over by a side-branch lion-monster like him.

After excluding the Golden Lion Clan, some Lion Clans that also had a certain status and strength in Xuanyuantian quickly appeared in Xu Changqing's mind, and finally positioned on the Baiji Lion Clan.

The Baiji Lion Clan is the most fringe branch of the Lion Clan, and even many Lion Clans don't think they are a Lion Clan, because their bloodlines are too chaotic. There are not only the bloodlines of the Lion Clan, but also the Tiger Clan and Leopard Clan. Wait for the blood of the beast clan.The reason why the blood of the Baijiao Lion Clan is so chaotic is entirely because of the bloodline of the ancient divine beast Wangtianjiao inherited in their bodies.Yu is a branch of the Dragon Clan, and naturally inherited the lustful habits, while the Baiji Lion Clan did not inherit the slightest magical power of this ancient beast from Wangtianjiu's blood, but completely inherited its lustful habits In the end, their populations were mixed, their bloodlines were chaotic, and they were not recognized by the Lion Clan.

The reason why Xu Changqing felt that Zhao Yi thought he was from the Baiji Lion Clan was mainly because Zhao Yi mentioned Long Xindan of the Tianchi Dragon Clan in his words.This Dragon Heart Pill is a high-grade elixir refined by the Tianchi Dragon Clan with the painstaking efforts of the Dragon Clan. It is mainly used to resist demons, and its effect is also the best among similar elixirs. The Dragon Clan does not use enough quantity, so it is not for sale. .

Although the Baijiao Lion Clan was not recognized by the Lion Clan, the Tianchi Dragon Clan recognized his Wangtianjiao's bloodline for special reasons and brought him under the Tianchi Dragon Clan.Although the status of the Baiji Lion Clan in the Tianchi Dragon Clan is not very high, they are also qualified to buy Longxin Pill from the Tianchi Dragon Clan.

Thinking of this, Xu Changqing resorted to tricks, disguised his identity according to Zhao Yi's thinking, and said: "Since the young master already knows that I am deliberately attracting the young master's attention, the young master must also be very clear about the purpose of my visit, I wonder what the young master's decision is?" (unfinished To be continued, please search, the novel is better and updated faster!

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