Nine idlers

Chapter 882

In a valley close to the center of the golden-backed pangolin tribe, dense forests cover the entire valley. In the center of the valley, several towering trees cover an open space. This open space is formed by a huge bluestone. On the foundation, there are more than a dozen copper pillars of different heights arranged in a patchwork pattern on the bluestone.The surface of the copper pillar is covered with a layer of patterns composed of spells and formations. The patterns continue downwards and merge with the patterns of formations chiseled on the surface of the bluestone to form a whole.

On the top of these dozens of copper pillars, there is a seat with different shapes, and a body the size of a dwarf is curled up on each seat.Many of these huddled bodies seemed to have not moved for many years, and their bodies were covered with a thick layer of dust. The dust even formed a stone-like shell, which looked like stone sculptures from a distance.

Below these stone carvings, a body that is also not very tall stands solemnly, with its head slightly lowered to show respect for the curled up figures on the stone pillars.

"You mean that you want to prevent the three guards of Mr. Zhao Yi from intruding into our clan's jurisdiction, so you just put a mark on the lion demon of unknown origin. After the three guards leave, you Go look for that lion demon again, the other party has disappeared, even the mark you left on that person is gone?" There were bursts of very old and hoarse voices from the body on the tallest copper pillar in front of the dwarf , and recounted what was reported just now.

"Reporting to the elder, the matter is like this." The short figure replied with great certainty.

This short figure was the golden-backed pangolin who had followed Xu Changqing before. After returning to the clan garrison, he immediately came to the altar.Report what happened to the elders here.

The golden-backed pangolin tribe is slightly different from other monster tribes.He is more like the Yaozu after the implementation of Bai Yu's separation of powers theory.There is no patriarch in the clan, and the elders in the clan are in charge of the power of the clan.Although there is no patriarchal position, there is a big leader who is similar to the patriarchal status. It is mainly the most powerful person in the clan, and its role is to rule over all the strong people in the clan in case of war, forming a fairy army. When there is no war, his identity is the same as that of other chiefs and mountain masters in the clan.There is no distinction between superior and inferior, and no direct jurisdiction.

Right now, this golden-backed pangolin is the leader of this generation, named Pu Luo. Although his status is extraordinary, his jurisdiction is only to collect information from the outside world. The spies, sometimes even had to do it themselves, like at this time.

"What do you think of this matter?" Just as Pu Luo's answering voice fell, the body on the second tallest copper pillar on the left moved slightly, and some dust fell.A pair of sharp eyes opened and landed on Pu Luo's body.asked.

Pu Luo thought for a while, then said in a deep voice: "Nephew thinks that the lion demon may not be from the Baijiu lion clan."

"How to say?"

"Since the Baijiao Lion Clan has found our Clan and asked our Clan to match him up to meet Mr. Zhao Yi, they will definitely not do such a thing in person, otherwise, they will not only hate our Clan, It will make things worse." Pu Luo analyzed: "In addition, the Baijiao Lion Clan represents the Tianchi Dragon Clan. As they are, they should meet Mr. Zhao Yi in the right way. If they act secretly like this, On the contrary, it will weaken the reputation of the Tianchi Dragon Clan, and make the Great Saint Hall look down on you even more." He hesitated again, and said: "The other person's whereabouts are suspicious. After coming out of Wufeng City, he knew that someone was following him, but directly He walked towards the mountain gate of our family, and he did not go through the main mountain gate, but entered from the edge of the border. If the three guards were not very familiar with the location of our family's border, they might have broken the rules and broke in, and things would be very serious by then. maybe……"

"En! That's right." Before Pu Luo finished speaking, the elders above nodded in agreement, and then said slowly: "It seems that the lion demon deliberately lured Mr. Zhao Yi's three guards into my house. If things really happen as the lion demon expected, no matter how perfect the solution is in the end, I am afraid there will be some gaps between our clan and the Great Saint Hall. Promising the Tianchi Dragon Clan to be a lobbyist, participating in the matter of Wanhuayuan, and even receiving the envoy of the Tianchi Dragon Clan on his own initiative, I am afraid that he will completely offend Mr. Zhao Yi. People will also stand up for Mr. Zhao Yi, and I am afraid that it will be difficult for our family to continue to gain a foothold in the Great Saint Hall, and in the end we will have to leave our hometown here and join others."

"Who would be so vicious and want to kill my family?" After hearing this, Pu Luo waved his sharp claws angrily and shouted loudly, as if he wanted to tear the person who set the trap behind him to pieces. .

On the copper pillar, the two elders glanced at each other, as if they were exchanging speculations with each other, and the expressions on their faces became much more gloomy.Then, I heard the elder with the highest status say: "Whoever benefits the most from this matter should be the one who designed it?"

"Mr. Zhao Yi? No, Mr. Zhao Yi does not need to do this at all. If it was really a trap set by him, the three guards should have barged in. Besides, even if the matter is resolved, I'm afraid his The reputation will also be lost, which is really not worthwhile for him. Besides Mr. Zhao Yi, who else is there?" Pu Luo, who was deep in thought, muttered to himself, and suddenly he seemed to think of something, his face paled. The sudden change, not only looked gloomy, but also surprised, said: "Could it be the work of the Tianchi Dragon Clan?"

The two elders said in unison: "Well! It's rare for you to be able to think of it so quickly."

"Why?" Pu Luo asked anxiously with an unbelievable expression on his face: "Why did the Tianchi Dragon Clan do this? Haven't we always had a good relationship with the Tianchi Dragon Clan? And..."

Pu Luo didn't continue, but one of the elders took his words and said, "So what if we have a good relationship? In the face of huge power and interests, even brothers would kill each other, not to mention that we are only so little." It's just a trivial incense and kindness."

Another elder added: "According to the relationship between Wanhuayuan and Mr. Zhao Yi, and the character of the master of the hall, Wanhuayuan's return to the Great Saint Hall is already a matter of certainty. We will welcome the Baijiu lion clan and Dai Tianchi." The Dragon Clan's lobbying is just some superficial articles, and the ending will not change at all. Now that we can see this clearly, how can the adults of the Tianchi Dragon Clan not see clearly. Since Wan Huayuan is no longer able to win, they He must regain some face in other places. If he can cause discord between our clan and the Great Saint Hall, and force our clan to leave the Great Saint Hall and return to the Tianchi Dragon Clan, then even if the Great Saint Hall gets Wanhuayuan, I'm afraid I will lose a lot of face."

Pu Luo's face was full of emotions such as anger, shock, depression, etc. He gritted his teeth and said, "How could they do this? Our relationship with them..."

"Confused!" The elder above sternly reprimanded Pu Luo, saying: "To those superior people, we are just pawns, they don't care about our feelings, they only see what we can help them get Such benefits. If you don’t even understand this point, even if you step down from the position of chief executive in the future, I’m afraid you won’t be able to sit on this high platform of copper pillars.”

Being reprimanded in this way, Pu Luo, who is the strongest in the clan, also had an ugly face and a gloomy expression. Maybe he felt Pu Luo's anger, or maybe he realized that his words were a bit too much. The elder didn't know what to say, so he could only remain silent, and the surrounding atmosphere became a little tense.

After a while, Pu Luo let out a long breath of foul air, his face returned to normal, as if what happened just now had never happened, and he said, "Dare to ask the elder, what should we do now? Should we drive away the Baiji lion clan? Indicate to the Great Temple that we are no longer involved in this matter?"

Seeing that Pu Luo was able to calm down so quickly, the two elders were also a little surprised, and at the same time showed a little bit of relief.The elder with the highest status then replied: "No. You can't do this. Doing so will only make Mr. Zhao Yi feel that we are guilty and offend the Tianchi Dragon Clan. Our clan can only be regarded as a small role between the Great Saint Hall and the Tianchi Dragon Clan. Any disturbance in the grass will make our family annihilated sooner than later."

Pu Luo said angrily: "They framed us like this, do we have to confess them?"

"It is indeed necessary to confess them." The elder gave an answer that surprised Pu Luo, saying: "We not only want to confess them, but also pretend that we don't know anything. What we should do before is still the same now." How to do it, the only thing that needs to be changed is to stop contacting those demon tribes who are pro-Tianchi dragons in the Great Saint Hall." Then, he said to Pu Luo: "Pu Luo, don't go back to the clan for a while, go to a Go to the mine in Yushan, be in charge of the mining there, and come back when things here calm down."

Pu Luo frowned, and said with some displeasure: "Elder, are you afraid that I can't help but do something to those guys and deliberately push me away?"

"Do you dare to say that you can't?" The two elders seemed to know Pu Luo's character very well, said in unison.

Pu Luo opened his mouth, but did not refute. In the end, he just let out a cold snort, vented his displeasure, then clenched his fists in a somewhat impolite way, and said, "If that's the case, I'm leaving."

After finishing speaking, he didn't hesitate at all. He jumped up, turned a somersault in the air, and turned over the bluestone platform. When he fell towards the edge of the land, his body shrunk and turned into a demon body. The moment he touched the ground, the whole land It sank down as if it had turned into muddy water, contained it, and soon returned to normal.

After Pu Luo left, the supreme elder said in a deep voice: "Pu Luo is not as good as the strongest, and his cultivation and heart have become different."

Another elder smiled and said, "It's my family's luck that we have successors."

Seeing that his companion seemed to have misunderstood what he meant, the Supreme Elder seemed to want to say something more, but in the end he didn't say it. He just frowned and returned to normal. (to be continued..)

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