Nine idlers

Chapter 883 Spreading the Bait

"Did you call us here for something?" On the top floor of the Nightless Palace in Wufeng City, dozens of leaders of the Monster League, which are rarely seen by the Monster Race, gathered here, and one of them was a white-haired old man with a pair of antlers. The demon glared angrily at the person who summoned them this time.

Among the group of monsters, there were also people who were very calm, and connected this call with the arrest operation not long ago, and asked: "I heard that you have already captured the person of the Baiji lion tribe, could it be from his I asked something useful out of my mouth."

I saw that the person surrounded by the leaders of the demon alliance was one of the four powerful monsters who rounded up Xu Changqing before, and he was also the person Xu Changqing changed in the end.

When he was intercepted, Xu Changqing had already figured out how to make good use of this matter.Originally, Xu Changqing planned to use the identity of the Baiji Lion Clan to put pressure on Zhao Yi, so that he could completely fall out with the Tianchi Dragon Clan according to his own ideas, and then forced the Tianchi Dragon Clan to attack Wanhuayuan in advance for his own reputation and dignity.It's just that it's straightforward to do so, but it's easy to be exposed by others, and it's hard to say whether Zhao Yi's steady personality will make a decision according to the route drawn by Xu Changqing.

However, after Xu Changqing met the people from the Demon League of Wufeng City, he had a new idea.The prosperity of the world is for profit; the chaos of the world is for profit. This sentence is not only suitable for the human race, but also for the monster race.Xu Changqing didn't need to do it himself at all, he just needed to throw out enough bait to make the demon forces of the Great Saint Hall think that it would be of great benefit to them to bring Wanhuayuan under the command of the Great Saint Hall. The decision-making of the Great Temple affected Wen Yueyan's actions.As for Zhao Yi, it was no longer a problem.

same.This kind of pressure is not only found inside the Great Temple.Tianchi Dragon Clan will also have the same pressure.As long as the news of the huge benefits contained in Wanhuayuan is spread to the Tianchi Dragon Clan through special channels, even if the head of the Tianchi Dragon Clan does not want to take action against the Great Saint Hall at this time when the enemy is strong and we are weak, I am afraid that in the face of the clan formation Due to the pressure from the Great Saint Hall and the formal acceptance of Wanhuayuan by the Great Saint Hall, they may have to make an early move.

Therefore, Xu Changqing cast a spell to capture those four people, and then transformed into the most powerful demon clan powerhouse among them, using the method of searching for souls.Peeking at the memories of the four people, and modifying their memories by the way, the other person was sealed and transformed into the original disguise of the Baiyue lion tribe, and mixed into the demon alliance in Wufeng City.

Being able to become one of the leaders of the Demon League, the strength of those four people is naturally not a problem, and each of them has cultivated for many years. Although the realm of Taoism is not worth mentioning, the cultivation of mental state is extraordinary.If it wasn't for them borrowing external force to forcibly raise their cultivation level to the strongest level, the Dao heart and mana would not be perfectly integrated, but would instead influence each other.It is also impossible for Xu Changqing to spy on and change the memories of these old monsters so easily through the soul search technique.

After returning to the Demon League of Wufeng City.Xu Changqing immediately relied on his identity to summon all the members of the Demon League to discuss important matters, and prepared to throw the bait.

Looking at the leaders of the monster alliance around, Xu Changqing counted the number of people, and corresponding to the list of members he got from the four strong monster clans in his heart, he found that there was still a key person who hadn't come, so he said: "Everyone, please be safe. Cao, when everyone is here, I will naturally tell you the reason for summoning you."

After Xu Changqing's voice fell, someone guessed who he wanted to wait for, and reminded him: "Are you waiting for Huo Lao? I don't think there is any need to wait any longer. I won’t leave the alchemy room for a month.”

Xu Changqing smiled confidently: "It's okay! Wait a minute, I've already sent someone to invite Mr. Huo, he should come."

In Xu Changqing's bait plan, Huo Lao from the Wufeng City Demon League is a key figure.Before searching the memories of the four members of the Demon League, Xu Changqing didn't even see Huo Lao from the information collected by his own eyes and ears. It has to be said that his eyeliner layout in Xuan Yuantian needs to be strengthened.

In the Three Realms of Kunlun, elixir for cultivation is very important to the immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons of the three realms, so most sects and forces will train their own alchemists, and whether there is a qualified alchemist becomes a sect One of the conditions for being qualified to stand in the Three Realms.Not all forces can master a large number of alchemists like Xu Changqing's Demon God Palace. They have enough pills to supply the entire force every month, and they can even supply a lot more to the outside world. This is why the Demon God Palace The main reason why it was accepted and recognized by Asgard in such a short period of time.

Although the Wufeng City Demon League is just a loose organization established by various monster families and clans in Wufeng City to better manage Wufeng City, it cannot be called a complete monster clan force at all, but it also needs Have your own alchemist, otherwise the formality of the demon alliance will not be recognized by the external demon clan forces, which will cause some unnecessary disputes.It's just that no monster clan force would want their own private alchemist to become the public alchemist of the Monster League, so in order to avoid disputes within the Monster League, the Monster League invited an elder-level alchemist from the Yaowang Palace. The teacher sits in the town, this person is Huo Lao.

Huo Lao is said to be a form of spiritual flame, no one knows his specific strength, and his reputation in the Hall of Medicine King is not very good, but being able to hold the position of an elder shows that his alchemy cultivation is very extraordinary.After Huo Lao was stationed in the Demon League of Wufeng City, it can be said that he went deep into the world. Except for the members of the Demon League at the leader level, most of the lower levels of the Demon League did not know that there was such a existence in the Demon League.Every month, the Demon League will provide a batch of elixir for Huo Lao to refine alchemy. After delivering several different types of alchemy, the remaining elixir will be at the disposal of Huo Lao himself.

Most of the time, Huo Lao will stay in the alchemy room to refine alchemy, and rarely intervene in the internal affairs of the Demon League. Many members of the Demon League have only heard of his name until now, so when the people of the Demon League heard Xu Changqing's sect When people went to invite Mr. Huo, they thought that Xu Changqing was doing nothing.

However, although Xu Changqing's disguised demon clan powerhouse is not the strongest in the demon alliance, his status is not low. In addition, the influence of the other three partners makes them more influential in the demon alliance. So even if someone was dissatisfied with Xu Changqing's arrangement, they didn't say much, but waited there honestly, waiting to see Xu Changqing make a fool of himself when Mr. Huo didn't come.

However, after about a quarter of an hour, a flame suddenly appeared in the distance, and flew to the top floor of the attic of the Evernight Palace at a fast speed.The bean-sized flame stopped in front of Xu Changqing, and then instantly burst into a huge fireball with the height of two people. Immediately afterwards, a tall strange man with red hair, red beard, red skin and red robe came out of the fireball, And with a wave of his robe sleeve, the violently burning fireball also received into his sleeve.

"I've seen Mr. Huo." Seeing that strange man appear, all the monsters around couldn't help being stunned, and then saluted the strange man one after another.

Although Huo Lao was very eager to know the answer from Xu Changqing's disguised monster clan powerhouse, he couldn't be too rude when facing the members of the monster clan who represented their respective monster clan aristocratic families and big clans around him, so he could only do it first. He returned the salute to all the demons, exchanged some pleasantries, and then asked Xu Changqing impatiently: "Is that prescription true?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Huo. I called all my colleagues this time to make the matter public." Xu Changqing raised his hand to signal Mr. Huo to be calm, and then walked to the center of the entire attic hall, looking at the group of monsters around , said: "Presumably, you should already know that the monster clan in Wanhuayuan is going to belong to my Great Saint Hall?"

"Didn't we already have a solution to this matter?" Just after Xu Changqing's voice fell, a leader of the demon clan who had a bad relationship with the demon in disguise couldn't wait to stand up and shouted: "If we still talk about this matter I'm not interested in listening."

"If you are not interested, you can leave, then everything that follows has nothing to do with you and your family." Xu Changqing raised his eyebrows pretending to be contemptuous, and said.

"You..." The monster clan powerhouse was at a loss for words for a while, he knew very well that the other party would not summon so many leaders for no reason, and there must be a big issue involved in it, he just spoke just to sarcasm, and didn't think about leaving, now Being run over by Xu Changqing, on the contrary, he couldn't step down, neither to leave nor to stay.

Fortunately, someone helped him out. The old man with antlers who had questioned Xu Changqing at the beginning stood up and said, "Okay! Let's talk business! You are not here to watch your two quarrel."

Seeing that the old man with antlers opened his mouth to make a rescue, the strong man of the monster tribe just retreated, but he still snorted at Xu Changqing when he retreated, repeating that he chose to retreat to the old man with antlers, not because he lost to Xu Changqing like a run on.

Xu Changqing could only smile and shake his head for this kind of childish face-saving, and then continued the topic just now, saying: "Although it happened suddenly that Wanhuayuan belonged to my Great Holy Hall, it may not be without reason. As early as Many years ago, when I heard what Mr. Zhao Yi did in Wanhuayuan when he was studying abroad, I felt a little strange. As Mr. Zhao Yi, Wanhuayuan has no qualifications to win over at all, and Wanhuayuan is very important to my Great Saint Hall. It is also a lonely enclave, and it will only be a trouble to bring it into the Great Saint Hall, and it will not bring any benefits to the Great Saint Hall."

"With the wisdom of your honor, how can you understand the profound meaning of the Lord Palace Master's actions?" Among these monster clan powerhouses, there are many people who are loyal to Wen Yueyan. After hearing Xu Changqing's words, they immediately retorted.

"Another guy who overestimates his capabilities!" There were also some who were purely disdainful of Xu Changqing's words.

"Of course I don't have the wisdom of Lord Hall Master, but this does not prevent me from finding out the real reason why Lord Hall Master and the Tianchi Dragon Clan are so interested in Wanhuayuan." Xu Changqing ignored the provocation and ridicule of those people at all, After saying something modestly, he threw out the bait and said, "However, I do know that Wanhuayuan is definitely not as barren as you think. I will be tempted by it." (To be continued...)

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