Nine idlers

Chapter 89

Chapter 89 Immortal Buddha Master

Perhaps in order to alleviate the slightly gloomy atmosphere in the room, Master Zhengxiao led Xu Changqing in front of the young-looking monk, and said, "This is Zen Master Tianyin of the Tiantai Sect!"

If Taoist Zhengxiao was able to invite the two most experienced seniors in the practice world, Master Kunyang and Master Jingyuan, it was a surprise, then this monk in front of him was a big surprise that shocked Xu Changqing.Although Zen Master Tianyin looks only in his 20s, he is still very young, but he is the reincarnation of Zen Master Zhengjue, a virtuous monk of Tiantai Sect. He was born with all the memories of Zen Master Zhengjue, and he is more than 150 years old. up.

Tiantai Sect is one of the few ancient Buddhist temples in China that still maintains a thousand-year heritage. Its fundamental teaching is about three thousand thoughts per thought. It is similar to Mahayana Buddhism. Three thousand worlds can be born in one thought, which is really an ancient Buddhist school* *.However, like other orthodox immortals and Buddhas, the real body has been lost due to reasons such as war and the exhaustion of heaven and earth spiritual energy, and the rest are some derived terminal methods.Zen Master Zhengjue is an eminent monk with great cultivation. Before he was alive, he created the Dharma of one view and one world. Later, he gave up his practice of being close to the Arhat Daoguo and found a soul boy with heavenly knowledge. He passed on his lifelong memories and Buddhist experience Give it to the soul boy, let him become his own beggar reincarnation, and continue to explore the way out of Buddhist practitioners.

At the age of five, the newly born Chan Master Tianyin used Zen Master Zhengjue's experience in Buddhism as the foundation, combined with the three secrets of Tantric Buddhism, specialized in oral secrets, and used the method of dry Zen to recite the Buddhist Root Diamond Sutra non-stop for 18 years. Out of the tongue fell lotus, the flower of the buddhist kingdom.At the time of his great attainment of Buddhism, he was born with visions, and the white clouds covering the sky once showed people the images of thousands of lotus flowers.Later, some eminent Buddhist monks who had friendship with Xu Changqing also visited Zen Master Tianyin to testify the Dharma to each other. In the end, they all agreed that Zen Master Tianyin would be the first one in hundreds of years to prove the way of Arhat with his own cultivation. Fruit monk.

For such an eminent monk with profound Buddhist teachings, Xu Changqing did not dare to be negligent, and bowed with palms together: "It is really a blessing for me, Xu Changqing, to meet Zen Master Tianyin!" I heard that the Zen master practiced closed-mouth meditation in seclusion before, but today I saw the Zen master here, which really surprised me, why did the Zen master have to go into the secular world and get contaminated with the world of mortals?"

Zen Master Tianyin stood up, smiled slightly, did not speak, just wrote a word "Fate" in the air with his fingers, then stopped talking, sat back on the chair, closed his eyes and meditated.

Xu Changqing didn't care about Zen Master Tianyin's actions. He knew that Zen Master Tianyin couldn't speak when practicing closed-mouth meditation, and because of his personality, he didn't want to talk too much.After saluting and thanking Zen Master Tianyin again, Xu Changqing walked aside with the five Taoists and talked about what happened in Pingxiang Town, as well as the fight with the Four Demon Lords before, and told them the general situation of the good and the evil.Although they had already received a little bit of news about the events in Pingxiang Township through their own channels, they were not as detailed as Xu Changqing's personal experience. Hearing these old Taoist priests who were still passionate and vigorous, they were frustrated that they had no chance to participate in it.

"Bai Zhan and Yin Kui, the two remnants of Qianyuan, are dead, which is a good thing." Kunyang Master Tonghou couldn't help saying: "The evil law of Huangquan Dao is really not suitable for spreading in the world. If Emperor Qianyuan hadn't Because after cultivating to the realm of the six realms, humanity will eventually be wiped out, and we will use the souls of innocent people in China to refine the Yellow Spring Blood Sea and establish the Blood Sea Ghost Kingdom, and we will not easily join forces to deal with a single monk."

"In fact, in ancient times, ghosts, demons, immortals, and Buddhas were the same way of practice, and they all went towards the endless Hunyuan Dao. There was no distinction between upper and lower levels. Most of them are unable to stick to their Taoism, so they indulge their passions and act recklessly, and then they will be included in the evil law," Jingyuan said pertinently: "If Emperor Qianyuan hadn't been instigated by the ten-changing demon king back then, he had induced the demons in his heart and tried to do it in vain. To build a kingdom of ghosts against the sky, with his cultivation level, it is not difficult to cultivate for more than a hundred years to become a Yin god, a ghost fairy, or even a king of Xuanming Dharma, but it is a pity that one thousand years of Taoism will be lost."

"Isn't the Xuangang Heavenly Demon doing something against the sky today?" Perhaps Kunyang and Jingyuan have reached the end of the Dao, and their hearts are a little depressed. What they said is also uninspiring. Frowning, he quickly changed the subject and said: "If the Xuangang Heavenly Demon is really successful against the sky, then eventually my luck in China will be exhausted. In the end, all of us secular practitioners and common people who are connected with China's luck will be destroyed. There will be catastrophe, and perhaps the species will not necessarily be extinct."

"That's right! We must not let the Xuangang Heavenly Demon succeed against the sky." Taoist Zhengxiao also encouraged himself, then discussed with his two juniors, and said, "Since even the Great Xia Yan of the Donghua School has already We have entered the capital, and my junior brother and I will also enter the capital tomorrow, let’s make a fuss for these monsters first, how about you, Mr. Xu?"

Xu Changqing shook his head and said: "The powerful magic weapons on my body were damaged because of the incident in Pingxiang Town, so I can't use them. I want to take advantage of these days to refine something so that I don't lose my hand on the fifth day of May. .”

"Well! That's the best!" Taoist Zhengxiao nodded, expressing his understanding, then turned to Kunyang and Jingyuan and said, "Will you two be with us, or wait until the fifth day of May to meet with Mr. Xu?" How about entering Beijing together?"

Master Kunyang and Master Jingyuan looked at each other, and said in unison: "Let's be with you!"

Taoist Zhengxiao was about to ask Zen Master Tianyin, but he saw that he had already written the words "Let's go together tomorrow" on the table with water.

At this time, Taoist Zhengqing suddenly said: "Mr. Xu, since we want to refine the magic weapon, we naturally need someone to protect the law, but if we all leave, who will protect the law with him?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment after hearing this, but Xu Changqing smiled and said, "Don't worry, Daoist Master Zhengqing, Changqing is not talented, and he has his own clever plan to deal with it. It will be difficult to use it if you are here."

At this time, everyone remembered that Xu Changqing was also a member of the lower sect, and he had learned a lot of spells. Among them, many spells were not tolerated by the righteous way.Afterwards, everyone got together again and discussed how to enter the capital so as not to attract attention, but they still felt that the Xuangang Heavenly Demon had already wrapped up the whole of Beiping and Tianjin, and it was difficult to enter the capital without being discovered. .In the end, Xu Changqing remembered that in the evening paper he had read before, it was written that tomorrow morning the British and French Concession Office in Tianjin had a batch of "medicine" to be sent to the Qing Army Department. Finally, several people decided to use this train to enter Beijing.

After the discussion, several people each found a place to sit down and adjust their breaths to pass the rest of the time. Xu Changqing also found a room at random to live in, sat cross-legged, and silently operated Jiuliu Avenue to restore the gold in Xiao Zhoutian. 'Liquid' true essence.The helpers invited by Taoist Louguan Taoist Zhengxiao really surprised him. Although Kunyang and Jingyuan did not bring their own spiritual treasures, with their strength, even empty-handed, they will definitely not be better than the Four Demon Lords. Those demons are bad.He couldn't grasp the strength of Zen Master Tianyin. If Zen Master Tianyin really practiced the Buddhist Dharma of falling golden lotus from the tongue and flowering in the Buddha Kingdom as the legend says, then Zen Master Tianyin would become the strongest against the Xuangang Heavenly Demon strength.

Although there are many powerful assistants to help, Xu Changqing is still not fully sure that he can take down the Profound Handle Demon, so it is imperative to refine the bronze armored corpse into an incarnation outside the body.Xu Changqing's corpse refining method can be regarded as an ancient corpse refining method, which is completely different from the Zhong family's corpse refining method. The Zhong family's corpse refining method is to abandon oneself, turn to the corpse, and use the corpse to achieve the road, while Xu Changqing's corpse refining method is It is the refining of the corpse, the fusion of the human and the corpse, and the incarnation outside the body. At best, it is to combine them into a clone or an inseparable magic weapon.There is no conclusive conclusion on which of these two methods is better, but what is certain is that both methods are one of the ways to improve strength in a short time.

Since the refining of corpses can only be done every day when it is dark and cold, Xu Changqing still has one day to prepare the magic tools and supplies for refining the corpses.After a night of breathing adjustment, stimulated by the evil spirit of the land of the six evil spirits, the golden 'liquid' cycle is twice as fast as before, and it has been forced to run for three more cycles, making the golden 'liquid' really Yuan has already responded about [-]% to [-]%.In the early morning, after Xu Changqing sent Taoist Zhengxiao and the others to leave, he wrote a list of needed items and handed it to Uncle Chen to send someone to purchase it immediately.

The so-called stealing a floating life for half a day, after Xu Changqing gave the list to Uncle Chen, he stayed alone in the garden between the two villas, quietly watching him ask Uncle Chen to find information about this villa in the land of six evil spirits. material.Although the land of the six evil spirits is extremely rare, not everyone knows that most of the geologists who build houses can use a compass to determine what kind of earth atmosphere this place belongs to. Therefore, if the person who built this villa is a Chinese, then he There must be a deep hatred with the owner of the villa.

From the information, Xu Changqing did not find any Chinese involved in the construction of the villa. It seems that the construction of the villa in the land of the six evil spirits should be a coincidence.But then a series of news about this villa caught his attention again, because he found that all the people who lived in this villa belonged to an English family with an ancient surname, and all of them were after the death of the previous family who lived in the villa. A family has inherited again.Judging from the edited news, the transfer of succession to this villa that has repeatedly killed its occupants appears in the newspaper as a headline every time, which means that the occupants definitely insist on moving in after knowing that it is a haunted house. .Until the last member of this family in China pierced his heart with a steel knife inexplicably, 43 members of this family had died in the villa, and all of them were direct heirs.

When Chen Zhangping came to Tianjin to choose the office of a commercial firm, he learned of the existence of this haunted house, so he bought the villa, as well as the surrounding houses and land from the heir of the family at a very low price, and remodeled it. It became a trading company office.Afterwards, he took a few bronze mirrors from Shanghai that Xu Changqing had given to the Chen family to use in the town house, and hung them on the doors and windows of this haunted house, suppressing the six evil spirits in the house.While everyone was waiting to see the Chen family being embarrassed by this villa, the business of the Chen family was getting better and better. In just half a year, they established a foothold in Tianjin and became the largest Chinese business house in Tianjin. Coupled with the strength of the Chen family in the south and the relationship between the Chen family and the British and French high-level officials, the Chen family has become the leader of Tianjin foreign business firms.

Afterwards, Chen Zhangping made use of the unique charm of this haunted house to hold a chamber of commerce salon once a week, which not only attracted the bosses and managers of various Chinese and foreign business firms, but even the children of high-ranking officials from the Nine Kingdoms Concession who liked to hunt for novelties were also interested in it. This salon is full of flocks.In the end, this salon became the favorite place for people living in the concession every week, which also brought Chen Zhangping and the Chen family a great reputation.Chen Zhangping's "manipulation" of "turning one's hand into something, turning the cloud into rain, and turning waste into treasure" is also the most important reason why Xu Changqing suggested that Chen Deshang make Chen Zhangping the heir of the Chinese family.

"Sir, do you want to read today's newspaper?" Xu Changqing was sitting in the yard. The servants who came to clean up in the morning didn't know this young man with bald head and dressed in western clothes. They whispered about his identity, and finally launched a The little girl who just came here came to inquire.

Looking at this cautious little girl, Xu Changqing smiled, covered the information about the villa, put it on the table, and said, "Alright, go and get today's newspaper, and make me a cup of tea , By the way, what's for breakfast?"

The little maid quickly replied: "If you want to go back to Mr., eat soy milk and fried dough sticks!"

Xu Changqing ordered: "Just bring me a bowl of soy milk."

"Yes, sir!" The little maid who heard the order obviously forgot the purpose of her coming, she turned around and walked back. After walking two steps, she obviously remembered what she was going to do, turned back, and asked cautiously: "By the way, sir, what is your relationship with the young master?"

"He is my teacher, young master, and his status here is higher than my young master." At this time, Chen Zhangping came out of the room sleepily, stood behind him, and then touched the little maid very out of the ordinary. He patted his buttocks again, and said: "Hurry up, this gentleman will be starved and angry, and even the young master will not be able to keep you."

Obviously, it is not the first time that Chen Zhangping used such extraordinary Lushan claws. The maids laughed when they saw it, while the little maid was so ashamed that her face could bleed, she lowered her head and quickly ran into the room. house to go.

Xu Changqing picked up the folder on the table again, looked at the information inside, and said to Chen Zhangping who was already sitting in the chair next to him: "You have learned this thing after studying in France for four years, this is the land of China , are you going too far?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhang Ping has a sense of proportion. I treat them very well and never force them. As long as they say they don't want to, I won't touch them with a single finger." Xu Changqing's, in the face of Xu Changqing's reprimand, he still had the courage to retort: ​​"In addition, how can an outsider like Mr. understand the love between men and women in the world?"

Until Chen Zhangping's character, Xu Changqing did not refute his words, nor was he going to teach him a lesson, but handed him the folder in his hand, and said, "Why did you think of choosing this fierce place to be the office of a commercial firm back then?" ? Don't tell me, you are trying to make it cheap."

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