Nine idlers

Chapter 90

Chapter 90 Putting it to good use

"I knew you would ask this, sir." Chen Zhangping took the folder from Xu Changqing, took out the family tree, pointed to the family tree on it, and said, "I suspect that there must be some treasure in this house, and Only the immediate family members of this family know what the treasure is, otherwise these people would not all move to live in this haunted house regardless of their lives."

"Did you find the so-called treasure?" Xu Changqing looked at Chen Zhangping with interest and asked.

"No!" Chen Zhangping shook his head and said, "It's a pity that after searching for so long, there is no clue at all." Then, he took out another stack of papers from the gap behind the folder, handed it to Xu Changqing and said, "This It is the information of the person who originally built this villa. He is a well-known British adventurer. Before building this house, he participated in the exploration of the story of the Nordic epic hero Beowulf. It is said that he found the mark There is an ancient map in the story where the golden horn that summons the dragon is located. Then he left Europe and ran here to build this house. One month after the house was built, he was found dead in the study without any injuries. , and was not poisoned, and the cause of his death has remained a mystery until now."

"Of course we can't find the cause of death with Western medical skills. His life is still hard, and he died only a month after moving in." Xu Changqing sneered, took the plate from the little maid who came over, and put it on the table. Picking up the newspaper and reading it, he said: "The land of the six evil spirits can destroy the five elements in the body of ordinary people, and can destroy the soul of people. If the Taoist heart is not stable, those with advanced cultivation bases cannot resist it. An ordinary secular person only needs half a day. After a month, you will be killed by the evil spirits. There will be no scars on your body, but there will be a purple-black air between the eyebrows. As long as people die on the land of the six evil spirits, then this land of the six evil spirits will become a fierce land of the six evil spirits. Residents will experience hallucinations within two days, and will undoubtedly die within a week."

"Mr. is very good, and he solved all the 'mysteries' as soon as he said it!" Chen Zhangping complimented a few words, then took out a Western-style architectural plan from the folder, and said: "I don't know Mr. Can you..."

"Get rid of your thoughts! I'm too busy with my own affairs now, so don't bother me with these random things." Xu Changqing opened a page of the newspaper, didn't pick up the floor plan, turned his head and glared at Chen Zhangping, He sneered and said, "Before thinking about those unwarranted treasures, think about your own life first! Although there is my bronze mirror in the room to suppress the evil spirit, it can't stop the evil spirit from overflowing. Being so close to this haunted house, you are more or less infected with evil spirits, and you are fine now, but in a while, you will probably die like those who died in the house."

"No way! Sir, don't scare me." Chen Zhangping naturally knew Xu Changqing's ability, seeing his sneering expression, his face immediately turned pale.

Xu Changqing turned his gaze back to the newspaper, and said, "Find a basin of water, put some glutinous rice in it, and have a look! In case you don't know when you're about to die."

After hearing this, Chen Zhangping ordered someone to fetch a basin of water, put some glutinous rice in it, and took a careful photo of the water surface.In the reflection on the water surface, he saw several strands of purple-black air on his face converging towards the center of his eyebrows, and an air mass that had been removed by nails had formed between his eyebrows.His heart suddenly turned cold, and he stood in front of Xu Changqing in fear, bowed his waist, forced a little smile, and said: "Sir, since you can see it so clearly, you should know the way to crack it. You will never see death." Do not save it!"

"You think it's easy for me to save you." Xu Changqing beckoned to the little maid before him, beckoning her to come over, then let her listen to her, and told the little maid the way to save you, and then said: "Be sure to remember, all Everyone has to do this for a month, and as for the expenses, all will be borne by your young master, if he doesn't agree, then don't tell him the recipe. Do you know?"

"Yeah!" The little maid nodded vigorously, then quickly walked away from Chen Zhangping holding back a smile.

"Sir, Zhang Ping wants to teach Zhang Ping a lesson. How dare Zhang Ping refuse to accept it? Why do you do this?" Chen Zhangping looked at the back of the little maid leaving with an ugly face, complained to Xu Changqing, and then returned to normal, asking seriously Said: "Since this haunted house is so powerful, in my opinion, should we move?"

Seeing that Chen Zhangping was able to quickly recover after knowing that he was suffering from evil spirits, and that he put his business first, Xu Changqing nodded approvingly and said, "No need! It's the so-called seeking wealth and wealth, although this is a six evil spirits. However, evil spirits can also ward off evil spirits, and can also attract windfalls. In Tianjin, you can make your commercial business flourish in a short period of time, which is also related to Fengshui here. You only need to dig a hole around the house. The ditch, the water in the ditch can’t be dried, and then planting a circle of camphor trees around it can naturally dissolve the evil spirit, but because there is not such a strong evil spirit to help you make a fortune, the business may drop. "

Chen Zhangping smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. It just so happens that various chambers of commerce in Tianjin think that our Chen family is too independent in doing business! Letting go of some of the business will calm their grievances."

"Come with me! I have two things to ask you to handle!" Xu Changqing folded the newspaper and put it aside, then led Chen Zhangping into the haunted house. All the furniture in the living room was removed, and then all the gold in the pocket of money was piled up in the living room by casting a spell.

At this moment, Chen Zhangping stared dumbfounded at the gold bricks that had piled up to the roof. He didn't know whether it was because of Xu Changqing's spell or because of so much dazzling gold. Stopped.Seeing Chen Zhangping's appearance, Xu Changqing sighed, shook his head, circulated his true energy, patted the back of Chen Zhangping's head, and said, "Wake up!"

Chen Zhangping couldn't help shuddering, took a deep breath, stroked his chest with his hands, gradually calmed down the excitement in his heart, reached out to take a gold brick, looked at it repeatedly, and turned his head to look at Xu Changqing in doubt , Said: "Sir, you can't conjure this up with magic, right? You shouldn't just wait a while and disappear with a bang, right?"

Xu Changqing was angry and funny, reached out and slapped him on the forehead, staring and said: "Am I the one who does this kind of thing?"

"Yes! Of course you are not that kind of person." Chen Zhangping smiled, looked at the gold brick in his hand again, and found that there were words on it, and looked at it in the light. The gold brick fell to the ground and said with disbelief, "Sir, you have found the East King's hidden gold!"

Dongwang's hidden gold is not a secret in the entire land of China. Many folk treasure diggers have tried to find this batch of gold. Even the Manchu Qing court sent people to search for it many times, but it was still fruitless.Some good people even listed Dongwang Zangjin as the greatest treasure of the Qing Dynasty, which attracted many Chinese and foreign explorers to flock to it. Although this matter has subsided, it is still a hot topic among some foreign explorers.

Xu Changqing sat on the sofa brushed against the wall, nodded slightly, and said: "This is not all, only less than half, and the other half has already been taken away for other purposes."

"Isn't that all?" Chen Zhangping looked at the gold that had almost filled the living room, and exclaimed in surprise, "Then how much gold is there in the entire Eastern King's possession?"

Xu Changqing did not answer, but said to himself: "You send someone to divide this batch of gold into five cents today, and deposit them in Citigroup, Standard Chartered, HSBC, Amoy and Qing Bank of Communications. You must deposit and withdraw with gold tickets, not Currency exchange. In addition, all the gold deposited in the Bank of Communications will be set up to set up a charity guild to help the victims of disasters in various places. The gold from Agricole Bank will set up a medical office and ten free academies, all of which will be used for those suffering People's children study, as for these guilds, public offices and private schools are all opened in the name of Master Shenmu, the deposits in the other three banks will be used as their reserve funds until they are used up."

Chen Zhangping was stunned for a moment, and said: "Sir, if you want to do good deeds, why spend your own money? As long as you discuss it with your father, how can the Chen family not fully participate?"

"Did I say that I want to do good deeds? Didn't you hear me say that these are all set up by Master Shenmu?" Xu Changqing didn't want to tell Chen Zhangping the truth, and used his false name as Master Shenmu as a shield, Said.

"To use so much gold to do good deeds, if this Master Shenmu is not very rich, he is truly compassionate." Chen Zhangping looked at the hill-like gold again, couldn't help sighing, and then asked: "What else do you want me to do?"

Xu Changqing said seriously: "A few days ago, Mr. Sheng should have come to look for you, right?"

Chen Zhangping nodded, and said: "Indeed, I have come to look for me, but I blocked it with excuses." Then he paused and said, "Sir, do you want to be a lobbyist for Mr. Sheng?"

Xu Changqing shook his head and said: "I, Yizhuang, never ask about the affairs of your Chen family's shopping mall, but only point out a general direction. As for the specific operation, it is up to your Chen family to decide whether to listen!" , with a gesture of his hand, he moved a chair leaning against the wall behind Chen Zhangping, motioned him to sit down, and asked, "What do you think about the Bank of Communications?"

"To be honest, I'm not interested in the two banks opened by the Qing Dynasty or the government-run bank accounts in the local provinces. If I didn't need to use these official bank accounts to buy those officials, I would advise my father not to deposit a penny in the bank. Go inside the ticket number." Chen Zhangping sat down, and said with disdain: "The three major banks of the Qing Dynasty, the Commercial Bank is not bad, but the Bank of the Qing Dynasty is rotten to the bone. Not only does it not have any principal, but it also has The forced issuance of banknotes has caused prices to rise, and many places can only use barter. As for the Bank of Communications, which has been tossed by Yuan Shikai in the past few years, it is not much better. Not only is it rotten inside, but it also owes a lot of bad debts outside. Saving money there is like throwing gold into the sea, and even if Mr. Sheng comes forward in this situation, I don't think it's safe to deposit money there."

"Well! When it comes to business, you are better than me. Since you have analyzed it like this, then I have nothing to say." Xu Changqing nodded slightly, and did not force Chen Zhangping to do things. He stood up with a face of indifference, and was about to leave room.

Xu Changqing's flat attitude made Chen Zhangping feel uncomfortable. He had already prepared some arguments to reject Xu Changqing's suggestions, but now all of them were useless, and he felt depressed for a while.So he quickly pulled Xu Changqing back to the sofa and said, "Sir, don't go! You haven't told me yet, what do you think of Mr. Sheng accepting Bank of Communications?"

Xu Changqing smiled, pointed to Gold, and said, "Didn't I already tell you my opinion with my actions? And I have one more thing to tell you, Mr. Sheng, who is born to be a financial assistant, is by his side As long as the people are not particularly unlucky, they can generally make a fortune. I think you refused Mr. Sheng, and you must have never asked Chen Weng about buying a share in the Bank of Communications, otherwise he would never let you do it. "

Chen Zhangping's face changed, and he saluted Xu Changqing respectfully: "Thank you, sir, for your guidance, Zhang Ping did not make a big mistake! Zhang Ping immediately contacted his father in Shanghai and asked him to buy the shares of the Bank of Communications."

"Knowing mistakes can be corrected, there is nothing good about it!" Xu Changqing smiled slightly, then patted Chen Zhangping on the shoulder, pointed to the pile of gold, and said: "You should help me deal with this pile of gold first! Remember before saving, First scrape off the engraving on the gold brick."

Chen Zhangping patted his chest and said, "Sir, don't worry! Zhang Ping will definitely manage it well."

At this time, when she heard someone knocking at the door of the western-style building, Xu Changqing stepped forward to open the door and saw that it was the little maid from before. She looked around the house a little timidly, then handed the three invitation cards in her hand to Xu Changqing, and mentioned The hem of the skirt, with big strides, fled the house as fast as flying.

"What a cute little girl, isn't she? Sir." At this time, Chen Zhangping stretched his head from Xu Changqing's side, looked at the figure of the little maid running away, and said with a smile.

Xu Changqing frowned, looked at Chen Zhangping coldly, and said, "I don't care how corrupt your life is, but if you dare to play with these good girls, then don't blame me for not warning you in advance!"

Facing Xu Changqing's cold stare, Chen Zhangping couldn't help shivering, and quickly said no, no, and then ran away on the pretext of finding someone to carry the gold.

Xu Changqing looked down at the three invitations in his hand, one was Tianjin Yuhuaxuan's book apartment, and invited him to meet him, it was obvious that it was an invitation from a lowly sect, so he burned it with fire spirit power Ashes didn't even have the interest to think about it.The other one is the Dong mansion on Baotutu Avenue in the French Concession that invited him to a banquet. It must have something to do with Lianxin. He hesitated for a while, and finally burned it. There are too many things that bother him right now, and he doesn’t want to Because secular things disturb the Taoist heart.

The last invitation card really made Xu Changqing feel a little confused. It was an evangelistic meeting in the Anglican Church in the afternoon, and I hope Xu Changqing could attend.Although the matter was a bit absurd, Xu Changqing was aroused and finally decided to go to Anglican Church in the afternoon to see who made such a joke on him.

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