Nine idlers

Chapter 893

As soon as Modoye's guess came out, the faces of all the people around who memorized the scriptures and those who didn't memorize the scriptures couldn't help but change, and their eyes when looking at the people around them also became vigilant.

It's no wonder that these Buddhist powerhouses will change like this again, just because this Taoist scripture is so precious. It can be said that the preciousness of the Taoist scriptures is no less than that of a Mahayana Buddha treasure.

In the Buddhist world, there are tens of thousands of scriptures of all kinds. Not to mention the three most important scriptures and laws in the Buddhist scriptures, there are tens of millions of volumes of miscellaneous scriptures, commentaries, etc. of other sects alone.Although there are countless scriptures in the Buddhist world, there are not many scriptures that directly point to the Dao. Even if some scriptures involve the principles of the Dao, they will be briefly mentioned, and very few useful content can be left.

According to legend, there are only eight true Dao scriptures in the Buddhist world, all of which were handed down from ancient times.These eight scriptures were divided up by the earliest four Buddhist scriptures, namely, the Buddhist vehicle, the Bodhisattva vehicle, the Arhat vehicle, and the Vajrayana. Guardians, only those who occupy the top positions in each sect are eligible to read this scripture.Therefore, almost [-]% of people in the entire Buddhist world have never seen a single word of the scriptures in their lives, which shows how rare it is.

Although those who memorized the scriptures only memorized one or two sentences, they can all be sure that as long as they understand these one or two sentences thoroughly, it will be enough to raise their cultivation base to a great level.

"Whether this is the scripture of the Great Dao is not certain. I need to go back and study for a while before I can say it." Immediately someone made an excuse and prepared to leave, for fear that someone would covet the scripture he memorized and keep him.

Saw someone leave.The rest of the people couldn't sit still.They all found an excuse to leave.As for those who did not memorize the scriptures, they did not stay for long. They knew that their cultivation was not as good as those who memorized the scriptures, and it was impossible to get anything from those people. The news of Duobaozong's appearance was sent back to Zongcheng.

Soon the Buddhist experts from the rest of the sect left one after another, and the ascetic monks such as Mo Duoye did not stop them, and ordered their disciples to send away those mortal believers who were still ignorant and didn't know what happened. Soon there were only Down the ascetic monks such as Modoye.

"Is that really the scripture of the Dao? Could it be false?" An ascetic monk who hadn't memorized the scriptures said in a deep voice.

"It's absolutely not false, it's indeed the truth." Modoye replied with great certainty.

Someone else suggested: "What scriptures do you memorize? Say it out and listen. Let me have a look at it later, maybe I will gain something."

"That's fine." Modoye didn't refuse, and was about to read out the Dao scriptures he memorized, but he froze for a while, opened his mouth, and his face looked like he had seen a ghost.

Seeing Modoye's abnormal behavior, the people next to him couldn't help asking worriedly: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

"No, nothing!" Mo Duoye came back to his senses, motioned to the people next to him to be calm, and then opened his mouth again, looking like he wanted to say something.But no sound came out of his mouth, and a shocked expression gradually appeared on his face.He muttered to himself: "I didn't expect the legend to be true, I didn't expect the legend to be true."

"What legend is true?" Someone asked in confusion.

Modoye ignored the question, but said to the other people who had memorized the scriptures, "See if you can tell the scriptures you memorized?"

Seeing that Modoye was so weird, everyone was also a little impatient. Some people even thought that Modoye was playing tricks to cover up his purpose of not wanting to say the Dao scriptures he had memorized.However, those who were skeptical and dissatisfied soon felt that something was wrong, because they found that the other people who memorized the scriptures all behaved like Modoye, with their faces full of shock, their mouths open, But couldn't say a word.

"The law is not passed on to the six ears. Could it be that the law is not passed on to the six ears." Immediately, an ascetic monk familiar with the scriptures said in surprise.

It has always been a legend in the Three Realms of Kunlun that the law is not passed on to the six ears.The legend records that when the great sages of the ancient times sat on the altar to preach, the words in their words were consistent with the heaven and the earth, and contained the principles of the great way. Although the words from his mouth had only one content, they were different when heard by others. What they hear is known only to themselves, and it is impossible to say it again and let a third person hear it.This legend is widely spread in the Kunlun Three Realms. Almost all cultivators know it. Many people will borrow this sentence when they teach the Dharma to their proud disciples alone, but there is no one who has really seen the Dharma. .

"Impossible?" Some people were a little skeptical.

Someone gave a blank look and said, "Aside from this legend, can you find other explanations?"

Some people also argued with him: "Do you think that there are still ancient great sages in the three realms of Kunlun?"

"Regardless of whether or not the law is not passed on to the six ears, there is no need for us to continue discussing it." Mo Duoye interrupted the debate at this time, and said with a very solemn look: "We should pay more attention to that old man You Fang Where the hell is a monk?"

"Then the old monk shouldn't have any malice towards us?" Someone said in a deep voice: "If there is malice, how could he tell us such a precious Dao scripture? With this Dao scripture, the cultivation base of several people like me It is not impossible to make breakthroughs in a short period of time, and it is not impossible to enter the realm of the strongest. As long as we become titled great achievers, then Duobaozong will be able to gain a firm foothold in Wanfo Mountain, and even go to..."

"It's too early to say that there is no malice." Before the man finished speaking, someone retorted: "Don't forget that we are not the only ones who heard the Dao scriptures, there are other people who have also heard and remembered it. Sutra, think about it, if they spread the word that we have the Dao scriptures here, how will Wanfo Mountain and other spiritual mountains react?" He said with a gloomy expression on his face, and gave the answer directly: "We will become the target of public criticism. land."

"But we don't have the Taoist scriptures?" A disciple of an ascetic monk couldn't help interjecting: "Just tell them..."

The ascetic monk didn't wait for the disciple to finish speaking before he opened his mouth and taught: "Stupid! Do you think they will believe such words?"

"Okay! Now is not the time to teach disciples." Mo Duoye stopped the words of the same way, then waved to the disciple, signaling him to leave, and at the same time signaled to other disciples to leave, leaving only the founder in the square After a few ascetic monks of Duobaozong, they said solemnly: "Whether that old monk has malicious intentions or not, we will have some troubles this time. If the matter is really unsolvable, we may have to give up here and find someone else." Practice in the local area for a period of time, and then go out of the mountain again after thoroughly understanding the memorized scriptures."

Someone seemed to feel a little bit reluctant to just create this foundation, and said with a fluke: "It can't be so bad?"

"You have to plan for the worst." The oldest ascetic monk among them lowered his eyes slightly and said extremely calmly.

Although some people feel reluctant, they have to agree with Modoye's decision. Although they are a little unwilling, this is the best and safest way for them.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Mo Duoye also understood everyone's choice, so he made a final decision, saying: "That's it! Everyone go back and prepare, ready to leave at any time."

Everyone heard the words, looked at each other, and couldn't help but sighed.

Just when these ascetic monks were in trouble for the great benefits that suddenly fell on them, they didn't know that their every move was being seen by the people who gave them problems.

After the lecture was over, Xu Changqing did not leave immediately, but moved to the forest outside the manor, observing every move here with his divine sense.

Xu Changqing was not malicious as these ascetic monks guessed, he recited that passage of scriptures entirely on a whim.The Many Treasures Sutra he taught to Jayala and the others can be said to be mortal scriptures, specially compiled for ordinary mortals who have no cultivation qualifications.The Duobao Sutra adapted by ascetic monks such as Mo Duoye has increased the part that Buddhist practitioners can use. Although it was not written by Xu Changqing, the content is very consistent with the Duobao Sutra. better.However, due to the cultivation, state, vision, knowledge, etc. of Mo Duoye and others, the many treasures they compiled are only applicable to people in the Buddhist world below the realm of Hedao Earth Immortal, as for Hedao Earth Immortal It is even somewhat difficult for the Hedao Earth Immortal, and it is even impossible to be useful.

When Xu Changqing heard Mo Duoye's explanation of the Nirvana Reincarnation Chapter of the Duobao Sutra, his mind also rearranged the Duobao Sutra in the realm of Dao Xin, making it a true scripture of the Dao that can lead practitioners to enter the Dao.After sorting it out, Xu Changqing tried to explain it in front of these people, and the final effect was unexpectedly good. Although it was just a scripture, it was enough to make those who had touched the most powerful realm Unimpeded into the Xeon realm.However, because he also included some reincarnation principles that can only be understood in the realm of celestial beings in this scripture, those people were also affected when they memorized the scriptures, and there was no way to remember the complete scriptures.

As for these ascetic monks' so-called law not taught to the six ears, it has nothing to do with the legend of the ancient great sage in the Kunlun Three Realms. The reason why those ascetic monks are unable to speak out the scriptures they memorized is their true heart A form of self-defense.Because the scriptures they memorized are all scriptures that are in line with their original heart, if they say it casually, people may find out the original life of these ascetic monks from it, and they may even be used to counter them.

These ascetic monks have practiced the way of asceticism for many years, and the Buddha's heart has already reached the point of knowing good and evil, and knowing the bad and good. Flesh, make the best decision for them. (to be continued..)

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