Nine idlers

Chapter 903 True and False Terma

In the underground cave passage of Wanfo Mountain, all the ancient Buddhist circles arranged in an orderly manner by the Mother of Karma, as she became familiar with the ancient Buddhist law, the speed of setting up the magic circle was also much faster. It originally took four or five days to set up a place. place, shortened to only one day to rearrange the remains of a dragon and elephant terma in an earth vein node into a forbidden place composed of an ancient Buddhist circle.

Xu Changqing didn't wait until all the karmic Buddha mothers had finished modifying all the nodes of the earth veins and placed all the fake ancient Buddha treasures he had made, before leading those trapped underground sectarians to the bait he set up.After all the karma Buddha mother arranged the second bait place, he began to guide some Zongcheng disciples to the ground vein nodes where the Buddha bone relics were first buried.

The reason why Xu Changqing didn't release the people after setting up all the baits according to the predetermined plan was because the people on the ground had already started to rescue those trapped underground.The people in charge of the rescue are strong, careful, and are very familiar with the underground passages and leylines of Wanfo Mountain. It is difficult to guide them in the wrong direction in an ordinary way. One day, a passage connecting the underground and the ground can be opened.

In order to avoid accidents, Xu Changqing led the trapped Zongcheng disciples to the bait in advance, and borrowed the power of the earth veins to open a passage directly leading to Jiekong in front of the passage dug by those rescuers.

The disciple of Zongcheng who was first introduced to Jiekong came from the Zen Zen school, and his name was Jiuku Tutuo.Xu Changqing, a strong man of the true Zen Buddhism, has also heard about it. His original name was to save Kututuo, but because he wore a string of nine golden arhat skulls around his neck, it was impressive. In addition, saving suffering and Jiuku are homophonic, and his Buddha name changed over time.

The Nine Skull Tutuo was originally a member of the Arhat Cheng Golden Body Hall, and the Golden Body Hall is the Arhat Cheng Fighting Department. The golden body Arhat here is equivalent to the fighting Buddha of the Buddha Vehicle, and the angry-eyed King Kong of the Vajrayana are all only fighting against the Dharma. Killing Monk.In terms of strength, Jiukututuo is not the most prominent one in Jinshentang.But in terms of record, he was the best in the entire Golden Body Hall. After he joined the Golden Body Hall, a total of 41 other disciples died in his hands, and four of them were great achievers who had almost the same level of cultivation as him. .

Although Jiuku Tutuo's reputation is not small, his cultivation level is only equivalent to a half-step Xeon's great achiever after all.It's not worth Xu Changqing's attention at all.The reason why Xu Changqing noticed this person before he was trapped underground in Wanfo Mountain was entirely because this person joined the True Zen Buddhism founded by Master Compassionate, and then worshiped under the disciple of Master Compassionate, and became one of the nine masters. One of the disciples, he rebuilt the Golden Body Hall in the Zen Buddhism, with a high position and authority.

Demon King Nine Flames is transformed by Zen Master Tianyin's demonic nature, and Master Compassionate is transformed by Zen Master Tianyin's Buddha nature. The two can be said to be twins. Although their temperaments and so on are different, their methods of doing things should be similar.It is not difficult for Xu Changqing to deduce from the way the Nine Flame Demon Lord handles things how the compassionate master handles others.With his way of handling things, he would never let a new person take over such a heavy power, even if this person has already worshiped under him after joining Zongcheng.However, the fact is that Jiuku Tutuo has indeed become the head of a battle division of the True Zen School, and he still wields such a heavy authority with such a low level of cultivation as a great achiever. If Shi Shi didn't have a deep relationship with Master Compassionate, I'm afraid no one would believe it.Many people even believe that Jiuku Tutuo had already worshiped under the disciple of Master Compassionate when he was in Luohancheng.Xu Changqing is also one of them.

In order to get acquainted with Master Compassionate's current state of cultivation and the details of the Dharma he practiced, Xu Changqing paid little attention to the Nine Skull Tutuo, and even did not hesitate to cause accidents to force him to take action, so as to use his strength and Dharma detection Be clear.However, it is a pity that the Nine Skull Tutuo does not seem to have received the inheritance of the Buddha Dharma of the Compassionate Master. What he practiced was the very authentic Golden Body Arhat Dharma Gate of the Arhat Vehicle, and Xu Changqing lost most of his interest in it because of this. .

Jiukututuo was the strongest among those trapped underground, so Xu Changqing specially led a group of Zongcheng disciples who had been singled out to his side.After suppressing those dissatisfied with it through some means and force.Jiukututuo also became the temporary first seat for nearly a hundred trapped people.

In the conversations between Jiukututuo and others these days, Xu Changqing knew that it might be an accident that Jiukututuo would be trapped underground in Wanfo Mountain.Jiukututuo was not the Master of Lingshan who was sent by the True Zen Sect to guard Ten Thousand Buddhas Mountain. The reason why he appeared in Ten Thousand Buddhas Mountain was entirely because of his impromptu intention to become the guard of a team of supporting troops.After sending the person, he was about to leave.But just happened to encounter a change in the ground veins, and the turbulent flow of the spirit energy of the ground veins imprisoned his mana and body, and the cracks that left swallowed him underground, and he has been trapped until today.

Although Jiu Kuutuo said it was an accident, it sounded very much like an accident.But Xu Changqing doesn't think so.First of all, when the conflict between the True Zen Buddhism and other Buddhism was approaching, Jiuku Tutuo did not wait at the gate of the mountain, but ran to the Ten Thousand Buddha Mountain alone. Obviously, this cannot be explained by a temporary intention.

In addition, the Nine Skull Tutuo's cultivation has reached half a step to the strongest. Although he is still only a great achiever, he will become a titled great achiever in a short time.Although the spiritual turbulence caused by the abnormal movement of the ground veins outside is powerful, it is not strong enough to imprison Jiuku Tutuo's body and mana, making it impossible for him to think of any way to escape before being swallowed by the cracks in the ground.It can be seen from this that it is more likely that he heard something happened in Wanfo Mountain, ran over anxiously without making any preparations, and deliberately entered the ground by taking advantage of the abnormal movement of the ground veins.

As for why Jiu Kuutuo did this, Xu Changqing has seen some clues from Jiuku Tutuo's inadvertent actions in the past few days. He should be targeting the dragon and elephant terma.

In the past few days, although Jiu Kuutuo tried his best to pretend that it was the first time he fell underground like everyone else, it can be seen from some small actions that he is actually very familiar with the underground situation, and even the trend of the Wanfo Mountains. Try to figure out seven or eight points.Whenever Xu Changqing blocked some passages with the help of the earth's veins, he could always find some correct passages leading to the treasure towers, and when he encountered those native aquatic monsters, he could also easily find out the origin of these monsters. Defects, kill them.

It can be seen from this that it is not the first time that Jiuku Tutuo has entered the Ten Thousand Buddha Mountains. It is even possible that he was the one who transported the books in the terma tower back then, so he can know one or two places with dragon and elephant terma treasures. The location of the leyline nodes is a matter of course.As for why Jiuku Tutuo didn't take away the hidden treasures at that time, it may be the same as all karmic Buddha mothers, those hidden treasures have not been cultivated and repaired. If they were taken away at that time, they would only get a broken and unusable treasure.

When guiding Zongcheng disciples to the bait place, the people who were closest to Jiekong were a team of Buddha Cheng and Arhat Cheng. If they follow the correct passage guided by Xu Changqing, they can reach Jiekong at most in half an hour. It's a pity that these people have become like soldiers, taking every step carefully, and they only walked less than ten miles in two hours.On the other hand, Jiuku Tutuo didn't need too much guidance at all. He easily found the correct passage to Jiekong, and walked boldly. The original three-hour journey was shortened to more than one hour. One arrived empty.

"This is the Dragon Elephant Tera?" After entering Jiekong Cave, first of all, I felt the vast and boundless invisible coercion coming from the Buddha bone relics, followed by the Buddha bone relics and the ancient Buddha treasure array. Imprinted into the eyes of everyone.Perhaps it was Jiukututuo's lightning method that had left a deep impact on everyone, so that even though they were attracted by the rare treasure in front of them, they wanted to rush to snatch it immediately, but because of their concerns about Jiukututuo, And dare not take a step beyond the threshold.

"Should it be a dragon-elephant terma?" Jiuku Tutuo looked at everything in front of him, and replied with some uncertainty.He said this not to pretend, but he was really not sure that everything in front of him was a dragon elephant terma.

In the past, he did find several hidden treasures left by the Pure Land Sect on the other side of the ground, but the way those hidden treasures were placed was completely different from the treasures in front of him.Although there are forbidden magic circles around those hidden treasures, most of them are superior magic circles unique to each clan. The magic circles are mainly used, and the offensive and defensive magic circles are only arranged on the periphery.

However, the arrangement of magic circles in this treasure place he saw now are all mysterious, profound and wonderful ancient Buddhist magic circles.Although there are some Zongcheng formations that he can understand in these ancient Buddhist formations, they are obviously not worth mentioning compared to the number of other ancient Buddhist formations.He believes that even in the Buddhist world with the most ancient inheritance and the most complete preservation of ancient Dharma, it is absolutely impossible to arrange such a complete ancient Dharma circle.

"Could it be that this is the real dragon-elephant terma?" A bold guess appeared in Jiuku Tutuo's mind.

In the past, when Jiuku Tutuo saw those hidden treasures and ancient books in the underground of Wanfo Mountain, he always thought that those were the dragon-elephant termas left by the Pure Land Sect of the other side thousands of years ago, and the compassionate master and others also thought so .But now it seems that something is wrong. If you compare the layout of those treasure places with everything in front of you, it is not difficult to find the gap between the two.Whether it is the completeness of the ancient Buddhist magic circle, or the power of the hidden treasure protected by the magic circle, it is far more than any treasure he has seen before, and only such a treasure is worthy of such a protective magic circle. It deserves the name of the dragon-elephant terma that has been coveted by various sects in the Buddhist world for thousands of years.

Jiu Kuutuo seemed to have guessed something, with a look of surprise on his face, he said in surprise: "Illusions? Those are all illusions arranged by the Pure Land Sect on the other side!"

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