Nine idlers

Chapter 904

"What a bunch of idiots. They don't even have a little Dao cultivation. They just want to break the formation forcefully with heretic methods. According to their method, it may not be possible to break the formation in a year or two."

Although he has led people to Jiekong, Xu Changqing has been paying attention to Jiuku Tutuo and others.At the beginning, he was not worried that Jiuku Tutuo and others could not break through the formation to get the treasure, but worried that those ancient Buddhist magic circles would be broken too early, so that those sect disciples who mainly focus on Buddhism in the other channel were not in place, so they would take the treasure. The treasure was taken away.But now it seems that he really overestimated the ability of these sect disciples, and his miscalculation also caused him to curse.

The Dharma formations laid by the Mother of All Karma Buddhas in Jiekong are actually not complicated, because it is the first time to have such a comprehensive contact with the ancient Dharma Dharma formations, and it is also the first time to arrange the ancient Dharma Dharma formations, so most of the methods she arranges tend to be safe. There are not many tricks.She separately arranged the ancient Buddhist magic circles that she understood one by one, and then connected these ancient Buddhist magic circles with some magic circles that were slightly popular in the Buddhist world more than ten thousand years ago.

For today's disciples of Buddhist sects, the magic circles that were popular more than ten thousand years ago are already undefended magic circles. Many Buddhist sages have studied the methods of cracking these magic circles and continuously improved the magic circles. Only then has the Buddhist mandala array system that rivals the Taoist fairy array today.There are a large number of books on deciphering this kind of magic circle in any sect. Anyone with a little practice in the formation and a little understanding of mandala magic circles can decipher this kind of magic circle.As long as all the popular magic circles connected to the ancient Buddhist magic circles are cracked, the ancient Buddhist magic circles will also be cracked, and it will become easy to obtain treasures.

It may also be because the methods to crack the magic circle are all ready-made.Xu Changqing felt that it was too easy to crack the magic circle.So to increase the difficulty.He also deliberately blurred the obvious connection between the ancient and modern Buddhist circles when he used the way of life and death to make the old magic circle, increasing the difficulty and time of cracking the magic circle. Now it seems that this arrangement is a bit superfluous.

Judging from the actions of Jiukututuo and others just now, although they know a little bit about formations, they are all just superficial, and their understanding of magic circles is limited to some mandala circles today. I don't understand all of the magic circles.It was classified as one of the prehistoric ancient Buddhist circles.

Even though they have some means of breaking the formation, they are not suitable for breaking the magic circle inside the void.The extremely barbaric method of breaking the formation of the not bad Jinren may be useful against ordinary magic circles, but it is obviously not enough to deal with this kind of ancient Buddhist magic circles.Just like just now, the Bubai Jinren was attracted by the power of the ancient Buddhist magic circle to destroy it from the inside, and finally self-destructed.If an ordinary person stepped on it, the situation would not be much better than that of the indestructible golden man. It would be good to turn into a pile of rotten meat and broken bones. The worst thing is to be aroused by the Buddha flame of one's own life, and burn to the bone.Don't even try to escape the soul.

"I hope that among the next group of people there will be someone who knows how to fight, otherwise the plan will be changed." Xu Changqing has given up hope for Jiukututuo.He turned his attention to another group of Zongcheng disciples who mainly focus on Buddhism.

This group of Zongcheng disciples who mainly focus on Buddhism should have arrived at Jiekong first, but now because of their cautious attitude of exploring the way, they are much slower than Xu Changqing expected.According to their current speed, it will take about two hours to reach Jiekong.

The number of this group of sect disciples is much smaller than those of Jiuku Tutuo, but their overall strength is a line higher than those people. Many people are one step away from the realm of great achievers.Among these people, there are two leaders who are from the Buddha's Vehicle and Vajrayana respectively. They are both great achievers. Although their cultivation is not as good as Jiuku Tutuo's, they are not much worse. The breath of mana is exuded from the two of them. From the looks of it, they are almost on the verge of realizing their natal Buddhism.

It's just that compared to the record of Jiuku Tutuo, the two people of Buddha and Vajrayana are obviously not well-known.Judging from some of their words and deeds, the two are more like members of the Confucianism School, rather than the actual combat school like Jiukuutuo.If the two fight against each other, the combination of the two may not necessarily be the opponent of Jiuku Tutuo.Fortunately, Buddhist practitioners of the Sutra School almost all know some mandala formations and ancient Buddhism, which is of great help in deciphering the magic formations in Jiekong Cave.However, the prerequisite for breaking the formation is that the two groups of people must put aside their previous suspicions and cooperate with each other. Otherwise, if they meet and fight, I am afraid that the treasures in the void will not be taken away until the rescuers on the ground arrive.

For Xu Changqing, as long as the treasures in the Jiekong Cave are taken away and the news of the birth of the Dragon Elephant Tera in Wanfo Mountain is spread, the original goal has been fulfilled. Although the final effect may be strong or weak, the result At least there will be no deviation.

After more than two hours, Xu Changqing did not pay too much attention to those two groups of people, and his main energy began to restrain the other Zongcheng sects who were trapped underground.Although in his plan, the two groups of people near Jiekong play a particularly important role, this does not mean that other roles are not important. How much light the treasure can emit is still unknown.

However, Xu Changqing did not intend to lure the rest of the people in vain.Originally, according to Xu Changqing's plan, the group of people who were going to let the Buddhists take away the treasures happened to meet Jiuku Tutuo and others who had explored, and then the two sparked a battle for the treasure, gradually adding people in, and finally Cause a big fight.The weaker side in the melee will inadvertently bring out the golden fairy breath in the Buddha bone relic, which will alarm everyone in Wanfo Mountain, and at the same time give everyone who has seen the power of this Buddha bone relic an indelible feeling. Then through the mouths of these people, the dragon and elephant termas will be publicized. Only in this way will the effect be enough to attract the attention of the entire Buddhist world.

However, looking at the situation of Jiuku Tutuo and another group of Zongcheng disciples now, it is very likely that they will choose to cooperate to break the magic circle instead of fighting to determine the ownership of the treasure.After they finished deciphering the magic circle, the rescuers sent from the ground will arrive almost soon, and the conflict caused by the competition for the treasure will probably disappear invisible, and the treasure will probably be shared by the six great sects.If that treasure hadn't had the chance to shine enough light in Ten Thousand Buddha Mountain, then by the time the treasure was delivered to the top experts of the Zongcheng, it would have been ten days and a half months before they could figure out a rough idea.

At that time, although the six great sects will also turn their attention to Ten Thousand Buddhas Mountain, they will inevitably make complete preparations for the treasure hunt on Ten Thousand Buddhas Mountain.

The conflicts caused by unexpected incidents can catch everyone by surprise. They can only concentrate their strength on the center of the conflict according to the current situation, because the chaos caused by the conflict is getting bigger and bigger like a snowball. Becoming the battle of the six great sects is also the result that Xu Changqing and all the Buddhist mothers of karma need.However, if the initial conflict did not break out, and the six major sects were all fully prepared, then it is very likely that the treasure hunt in Wanfo Mountain will resolve differences during negotiations, and the conflict will no longer occur. Not to mention there will be no more, this is definitely not what Xu Changqing and all the Buddhas of Karma would like to see.

In order to avoid the worst situation, Xu Changqing increased the number of baits so that the number of baits was enough to make people lose their minds.He used the aura of the earth veins and his own mana to create some fakes that were not even fake Buddha treasures, and installed them at some earth vein nodes.Then, he used various methods to break up the sect members who had already started to gather together, and led them to the spiritual vein nodes where there were fakes, so that they could feel the powerful Buddha breath emitted by those fakes , and then used the aquatic monster to scare these people away, leaving in their minds the illusion that there are a large number of Buddha treasures hidden underground.

Xu Changqing did not intend to let these people join the other two groups, but opened up several passages leading to the ground so that they could return to the ground without any danger.Because of deliberate arrangements, these people did not meet anyone else, but returned to the ground alone. They all mistakenly thought that they were the only ones who escaped from the ground, and that only they knew the exact location of the underground treasure in Wanfo Mountain.Hundreds of people who have no ability to get the treasure, but know the location of the treasure, are scattered among the six sects, and it is bound to produce the effect that three people become tigers.Even if those Zongcheng still have concerns, but thinking that other Zongcheng also know the whereabouts of these treasures, they will inevitably make a decision to seize the opportunity, even if they can't get the treasure themselves, they will interfere with other people's treasure hunting.At that time, when the Buddha bone relic is born, each sect will know how powerful these treasures are, and then let those fake Buddha treasures be found, it may be difficult for each sect to avoid fighting.

During this period of time, Shui Sheng was assisting Xu Changqing to drive away those aquatic monsters and besiege the disciples of Zongcheng who were dispersed by Xu Changqing.Although Shui Sheng has only become the mountain god of Wanfo Mountain, there is still some distance from controlling all things in Wanfo Mountain, but because of his birth as an aquatic monster, he has a natural coercion on the aquatic monster group underground in Wanfo Mountain.This kind of coercion is not enough for her to control every move of the aquatic monsters, but it is not difficult to use the power of coercion to drive these aquatic monsters away from their habitat and gather in one place.

At the same time, the mother of all karma and fate was not affected by what happened underground, and she still arranged the magic circle in an orderly manner. She seemed to be immersed in her understanding of the ancient Buddhist magic circle.Through continuous practice, her understanding of the ancient Buddhist mandala array has been greatly improved in a short period of time, and she has even gained a deep understanding of the prehistoric ancient Buddhism by drawing inferences from one instance.Xu Changqing has already felt some subtle changes in the Buddhist aura of the mother of all karma, and this change makes her aura closer to the aura of the great power of the ancient prehistoric Buddha world. (to be continued..)

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