Nine idlers

Chapter 905

After Jiuku Tutuo made the arrangement and everyone stood at the reserved position, Guangzhi Bodhisattva and others had already walked out of a cave opposite the entrance of Jiekong Cave.Although Guangzhi Bodhisattva and others have decided to leave here in cooperation with Jiuku Tutuo and others, some accidents may occur. They are still villains first and then gentlemen. The deputy looked on guard.

The actions of Guangzhi Bodhisattva and others naturally made their cultivation strength fully displayed in front of Jiu Ku Tutuo and others. Jiu Ku Tutuo's originally relaxed expression became a little dignified, while the others were even more serious. It has become extremely gloomy, and some even have a trace of fear in their eyes.

It's no wonder that Jiu Kuutuo has such an expression. According to his observation, the overall strength of the people in front of him is indeed superior to them, and there are two great achievers on the other side whose cultivation base is only a line behind Jiu Kuutuo.Jiukututuo could even imagine that once the two sides fight, and the two great achievers hold him back, it may be difficult for the people on his side to resist the attacks of the other people on the other side.At that time, unless he can kill the two great achievers whose cultivation base is only one line behind his in one fell swoop, it will be difficult to restore the situation, and he can only abandon these people and flee alone.

At the moment when Guangzhi Bodhisattva and others appeared, Jiukututuo was weighing the strength gap between each other, and there were only two great achievements, Guangzhi Bodhisattva and Venerable Longgu, who could pose a threat to Jiukututuo By.

The Vajrayana is also based on the Buddhist world with the method of fighting and fighting. Although Venerable Longgu is a well-known master of the Vajrayana, it does not mean that he does not understand the fighting and fighting Buddhism of the Vajrayana.Even if their strength cannot be compared with those who switch to this kind of Buddhism.But it shouldn't be much worse.As for.Guangzhi Bodhisattva is also a very well-known master of scriptures in the Buddhist world. He has held forums and discussed Dharma in various sects many times, and has also had a very good record. The degree of danger is even more dangerous than that of Venerable Longgu.

"Jiuku has met all fellow practitioners." Jiuku Tutuo quickly calmed down, and signaled the Zongcheng sect guards at various vital points not to move, and then walked alone along the safe zone they opened up to the entrance of Jiekong Cave , confronting Guangzhi Bodhisattva and others.Heshi saluted.

Although the disciples of the other three sects showed no signs of moving, which was obviously a bit rude, but Jiuku Tutuo, the leader, took the initiative to meet him after all, and came into contact with Guangzhi Bodhisattva and others, and there was no sign of making a move. An act of kindness.Naturally, Guangzhi Bodhisattva and others would not be rude in front of others, they put away their dharma images and treasures one after another, and the Buddha's essence was restrained, and they returned their salutes to Jiukututuo one after another.

Venerable Long Gu took a step forward, and went straight to the topic on behalf of everyone: "Thutuo must have been trapped underground for many days? I don't know if Thutuo has found a way and path to leave here?"

Jiu Ku Tu Tuo did not expect that the person who came out was not the Bodhisattva of Guangzhi with a higher reputation and strength.The prepared words and coping methods also lost their effect, and he couldn't help being stunned because of this.But he quickly returned to normal.He said to Venerable Longgu with a calm face: "If the poor monk has a way to leave, he won't stay here." Then, he said as if asking a teacher for a crime: "Everyone comes to the poor monk with a murderous look. , I think it’s not just to ask the way. If the poor monk’s prediction is correct, the fellow practitioners on that road have already encountered an accident, and I don’t know how you plan to deal with us?”

"We only had to attack those fellow practitioners because of the situation, so as to avoid any troubles that shouldn't arise." Venerable Long Gu said calmly: "Actually, we have no malicious intentions, and we have no intention of fighting with you. As an enemy, we are all in trouble right now, and the disputes outside should not be brought here, and we should cooperate sincerely and leave from here."

While Jiuku Tutuo was talking with Venerable Longgu, the silent Guangzhi Bodhisattva quietly blessed his eyes with his unique wide-eyed supernatural powers, and he could see clearly the situation in Jiekong Cave.

Although the members of the three major sects in the cave cast spells to cover up the aura of the Buddha bone relic in the cave, Bodhisattva Guangzhi was still able to perceive that the treasure was not simple through his own supernatural powers, but how difficult is it? The degree is somewhat vague.

After being unable to ascertain more detailed information about the eye-catching treasure, Bodhisattva Guangzhi shifted his gaze to the sect disciples in the cave.On the surface, there was nothing unusual about those Zongcheng disciples. They were all alert and ready to attack at any time. This kind of reaction was a completely normal reaction to encountering an enemy.What makes Bodhisattva Guangzhi feel strange is the positions of these people, because these positions are impossible to form an formation, and it is difficult to cooperate with each other. It is not like fighting the enemy together, but more like fighting independently.

It is also the unreasonable position of these sect disciples that made Guangzhi Bodhisattva discover the mandala circle at the feet of these people.After a first glance, Bodhisattva Guangzhi thought that these magic circles were arranged by Jiuku Tutuo and others in advance to prepare the offensive and defensive magic circles that the two parties would operate once they made a move.But when he saw most of the lines carefully, he couldn't help but gasped, feeling even more horrified. Even though he tried his best to hide his expression, his eyes still revealed a trace of abnormal emotion in his heart.

In the Buddhist vehicle, Guangzhi Bodhisattva is a master of scriptures known for explaining the Tripitaka of the Buddhist scriptures, but few people know that he is also a rare formation master in the Buddhist vehicle, and the formation method he is good at is very partial. It is the mandala array of the Buddhist world in the prehistoric period.

Although there are many Buddhist circles left over from the prehistoric period in the Buddhist world, you can see the mandala circles at that time, but most of them are damaged and cannot be repaired. Most of them use it as a reference for the origin of the magic circle, and learn about the ancient Buddhist magic circle by the way when studying other types of magic circles.

However, Bodhisattva Guangzhi is different from others. He does not only regard the ancient Buddhist Dharma array as a symbol, nor does he only regard it as a reference for restoring ancient Buddhism. The Buddhist Dharma Circle is studied as an independent school.Although he dare not say that he understands the ancient Buddhist circle better than anyone else, he is very sure that among the Buddhist vehicles, there are only a handful of people who can surpass him in the ancient mandala circle in the prehistoric period.

For a long time, Bodhisattva Guangzhi hoped to find a complete ancient mandala formation, because only a complete formation can understand the difference between the ancient Buddhist formation and the current formation, and it is possible to disentangle those fragments. The knowledge of the ancient Buddhist Dharma circles was gathered together to form a real school of formations.However, he has been searching for so many years but has never found the complete magic circle he wanted. The result of his long-term search was that he lost confidence. He also gradually gave up the special research on the ancient Buddhist magic circle and switched to other schools of formation.

However, Bodhisattva Guangzhi now finds that he has given up searching for the complete ancient mandala array, the ancient Buddhist array he has studied for many years, and his great wish to make the ancient Buddhist array form a school. However, this complete ancient mandala circle that he had been looking for for nearly his whole life appeared in front of him, and there was more than one such complete ancient mandala circle. , difficult to self-control.

At this moment, Bodhisattva Guangzhi completely forgot about the current situation, and also forgot that the two sides are inseparable from friend and foe. His attention was all on the details of those magic circles. But he was already drifting away, and his mind was not on other things at all.

The abnormality of Bodhisattva Guangzhi was also noticed by Venerable Longgu beside him and Jiuku Tutuo on the opposite side. Venerable Longgu had a hard time dealing with Jiuku Tutuo alone. The advantage will disappear immediately, the situation will be reversed in an instant, and they will fall into a passive position.Therefore, Venerable Longgu stopped the confrontation with Jiuku Tutuo, snorted coldly at Guangzhi Bodhisattva, and said with a stick, "Master Guangzhi, what's wrong with you? Now is not the time to be distracted!"

Although Venerable Longgu's Dharma sound reached the ears of Bodhisattva Guangzhi, Bodhisattva Guangzhi seemed not to be affected by it at all, and his eyes were still fixed on those formations.Just when Venerable Longgu was about to speak again, Bodhisattva Guangzhi raised his head suddenly, staring at Jiuku Tutuo with eyes full of anger, the hatred in his eyes seemed that Jiuku Tutuo was his life-and-death enemy General, at the same time he gritted his teeth and said: "How dare you do this? How dare you do this? Do you idiots know what you have done? You are destroying a complete inheritance of the ancient Buddhist world. In the endless hell, you will be tortured forever, and you will not be reborn!"

The sound of Bodhisattva Guangzhi's cursing reverberated endlessly in Jiekong, and it reached everyone's ears in an instant. The disciples of the six major vehicles all forgot the confrontation at present, and their eyes fell on Bodhisattva Guangzhi's eyes involuntarily. His body and face were also full of bewilderment, not knowing why Bodhisattva Guangzhi suddenly turned his face and became so angry.More importantly, they felt that the fire of Guangzhi Bodhisattva was not directed at Jiuku Tutuo alone, but at all the disciples of the three major sects in the opposite Jiekong Cave, as if in such a short period of time just now These people have all become the sworn enemies of Bodhisattva Guangzhi.

Although Jiukututuo has been scolded by countless people over the years, it is the first time that he has been scolded so recklessly as he is now.He could see that Bodhisattva Guangzhi didn't deliberately make trouble, but was really full of resentment towards them, and this hatred was not light. They do it.

Although Jiuku Tutuo said that he was not afraid of fighting with Guangzhi Bodhisattva and others, it was obviously not what he wanted to see inexplicably becoming an enemy of life and death like now.Jiuku Tutuo, who wanted to find out the reason, did not directly ask why Bodhisattva Guangzhi was so angry, but recalled the actions of Bodhisattva Guangzhi before, and quickly thought of the answer. (To be continued..)

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