Nine idlers

Chapter 906

Now there are a total of four sects who go deep into the ground for rescue. The reason there are only four is mainly because the Brahma, the Pure World, and the True Zen Buddhism have joined together, and the Vajrayana and Arhats have also joined together. As for the Buddha and the Bodhisattva If you ride, you will form an army alone.

In fact, the Brahma Pure World Vehicle did not intend to send people at first, because most of the disciples of the Brahma Pure World Vehicle who fell into the ground were low-level disciples. , I'm afraid it will chill the hearts of the disciples under the sect.At that time, the Venerable Sanfa Jingtan was also summoning his men to form a rescue force, but because the True Zen Sect still needs a certain amount of manpower to stabilize their inherent place in Wanfo Mountain, the manpower they sent was not very sufficient. , and the addition of Brahma and Jingshiyana just made up for this deficiency.

As for the comparison between Brahma, the Pure World Vehicle and the True Zen Vehicle, the Arhat Vehicle and the Vajrayana seem to have formed a real alliance. Considering the overall situation, but a real ally who advances and retreats together.The sects of the two sects were also very active in rescuing fellow disciples who were trapped in the underground of Wanfo Mountain. They were so active that people felt a little strange after reading it.Because neither the Arhat Vehicle nor the Vajrayana had any particularly important disciples trapped underground, they were so active in the rescue that they even sent two titled great achievers each to form the strongest of the four teams of rescuers. It has to make people wonder if they are ulterior motives.

Compared with the other four major vehicles, the people sent by the Buddha and Bodhisattva vehicles are much more regular. Among them, there is no one who is so strong that he can be called a great achiever.There are also no low-level disciples who are weak in cultivation and can only act as pathfinders.Coincidentally.Except for one or two people sent by their two great masters who are in charge, they are real mahasiddhas.The cultivation bases of the rest are all in the realm of half-step great achievers, and judging from their actions, they should be proficient in a method of combined attack.If you fight against others, the strength you display may not be weaker than that of a titled great achiever.

After the four rescue teams entered the ground, they quickly adapted to the underground environment, and they found the correct way to go deeper through some collapsed underground passages. This shows that the Six Great Sects have a good understanding of the underground situation of Wanfo Mountain. understanding is very deep.but.This kind of understanding is also divided into high and low. Among them, the understanding of the underground in the real Zen Buddhism is extraordinary. All the way down, they did not choose a wrong road. The land veins covered by Tibet are now located, and the direction of their travel has always been aligned with the position of Jiuku Tutuo.It seems that it is not difficult to judge that there must be something on Jiuku Tutuo that can allow them to sense its definite position. Even when Xu Changqing uses the aura of the earth veins to interfere with all mana, this induction cannot be blocked.

Due to various reasons and restrictions, Xu Changqing found out a method to confirm the position of the Nine Skull Toutuo by the True Zen Buddhism.Naturally, it is impossible to talk about blocking the shot.However, in order to prevent the true Zen Buddhism from meeting with Jiuku Tutuo in advance, Xu Changqing still used some small tricks.Some of the people of the True Zen Vehicle were dispersed, and some obstacles were set up to prevent the people of the True Zen Vehicle and the Brahma Pure World Vehicle from continuing to move forward.This obstacle did not cost Xu Changqing too much energy. He just strengthened the suppression of all the mana inside and outside the surrounding area by the spirit of the earth veins. The time has increased more than tenfold.This also slows down the advancement of the True Zen Vehicle and the Brahma Pure World Vehicle, causing other lagging vehicles to gradually catch up.

The people who were scattered by Xu Changqing can only be regarded as mediocre, and the strongest person among them has just stepped into the realm of great achievers, and even the day when he enters the realm of great achievers is not far away. In the past two days, the Buddha's mana power on his body was still slowly transforming, and it could not be restrained from radiating outward.This state turned him into a guiding light in the dark underground cave. If there is no barrier from the aura of the earth veins, his existence may be felt within hundreds of miles.

When Xu Changqing thought of breaking up the people of the True Zen Sect, the first thing he thought of was this eye-catching existence. Although blocked by the aura of the earth veins, the mana of the Buddha element that he radiated wantonly can still be sensed by the extremely sensitive aquatic monsters.If it weren't for the fact that the aquatic monsters had regional awareness and couldn't easily leave the boundary they were in, I'm afraid that the group of Zhenzen sects would have been besieged by countless aquatic monsters long ago.However, this situation can't last long. As a group of people approach the Ten Thousand Buddha Mountain area where aquatic monsters gather, countless aquatic monsters will be attracted here. There will be siege, and even great casualties.

It is not a big deal for Xu Changqing that the disciples of the Buddha World Sect have casualties, but if the aquatic monsters suffer huge casualties, and even attract a retaliatory counterattack from the Zen Sect, then it is not good news.Even though the current group of aquatic monsters is huge, there are not many aquatic monsters that can really be guided to become the gods of Wanfo Mountain, and before the guidance, even Xu Changqing didn't know which ones could successfully ignite the divine fire.If a large number of aquatic monsters with the potential to ignite the divine fire die in the revenge of the Buddhist world, it will definitely affect Xu Changqing's subsequent layout in Wanfo Mountain, so Xu Changqing will disperse those who are most likely to attract those aquatic monsters among these people.

Because it is using the power of the Ten Thousand Buddha Mountains to generate earthquakes to block the passage, and to separate the group of Zen Buddhists little by little. In addition, there are not many people scattered, not even one-tenth of them, so it is not necessary. No one was aware that it was manipulated by humans.

Among those who were scattered, those with poor cultivation were directly discarded by Xu Changqing into those underground caves, leaving them to fend for themselves. However, judging from their familiarity with the underground passages of Wanfo Mountain, as long as Xu Changqing does not Heck, they have no problem getting back to the surface.As for the others, Xu Changqing led them a little bit deeper, and Xu Changqing cleaned up the surrounding areas of their path. Those aquatic monsters were either driven to other places or blocked by the aura of the earth veins, so they also No surprises.

Under the guidance of Xu Changqing, the person with the highest cultivation level among these people joined together with another Brahma Jingshicheng sect whose cultivation level was almost equivalent to the realm of returning to the virtual world, and then at the right time, guided to the road leading to In the empty underground passages.When the people on Jiukututuo's side were in a weak state, and the situation was a bit inclined to Guangzhi Bodhisattva and others, they appeared in the sight of everyone just right, not only the momentary balance of the current situation that was empty, but also brought The news that Zhen Zen is nearby by rescuers.The situation of confrontation was reversed in an instant. While the morale of Jiuku Tutuo and others was boosted, Guangzhi Bodhisattva and others also became less confident, and began to formally consider resolving the issue of the ownership of the treasures in Jiekong Cave through negotiations.

"Fellow Nine Skulls, are you still going to continue this confrontation? This is not good for anyone, and only by working together can we solve the problem at hand." Guangzhi Bodhisattva looked at the people around him, and felt that continuing to confront him like this would be harmful to himself and others. It was very unfavorable, so he spoke first and said in a deep voice.

"Why not?" Jiukututuo is much more relaxed now. Although people will take credit for him, but there are a lot of extra worries, so his tone has become a little bit tougher, with a slight sarcasm in his words He said: "Why didn't the master just say that we should work together? Isn't it too late for the master to say so now?"

"It's not too late." Bodhisattva Guangzhi ignored Jiu Kuutuo's cynicism in the slightest. He looked very calm and said, "Fellow Daoist, you are indeed right. Now your situation has the upper hand, but such a dominant situation can be maintained." How long will it take? I don’t believe that only your True Zen Vehicle and Brahma and Pure World Vehicle sent people to rescue you underground, but my Buddha Vehicle, Vajrayana and Arhat Vehicle did not send people?” As he spoke, he saw Seeing that the faces of the two people who just joined in changed slightly, their hearts became clear, and they continued: "If our Zongcheng people also arrive here later, and the situation leads to us again, everyone How should I deal with myself?"

A person from the Brahma Pure World Vehicle jumped out and shouted: "We will take you down now, even if your people get here, it will be useless."

"Fellow Jiuku, you are sure you can take us down unscathed." Bodhisattva Guangzhi smiled contemptuously at the man, his eyes fell on Jiuku Tutuo again, and said, "Again, If you and I are really fighting, we must fight with all our strength. It’s okay to say it on the ground, but now it’s underground, and no one can predict what kind of reaction the spells and magic weapons will cause underground during the battle. Let’s not talk about it It caused the backlash of the ten thousand Buddha Mountain's veins, and the ground veins moved again," he said, pointing to the magic circles in the empty caves next to him, "simply caused these ancient mandala magic circles to work, trapping us in them, I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with it, if the magic circle backfires and destroys the treasures inside, I'm afraid you and I will not be able to bear the responsibility of destroying the treasures."

Guangzhi Bodhisattva's words hit everyone's vitals like a sharp sword, not only made Jiu Kuutuo speechless, but also made others unable to cope.

As Guangzhi Bodhisattva said, it would be fine if the ancient mandala array and Buddha bone relics had not been discovered beforehand, but now these treasures have been discovered, but they have been destroyed due to some wrong decisions. Then they must be guilty.What's more, the biggest threat to everyone now is not each other, but the terrain of Wanfo Mountain.Although the land veins of Wanfo Mountain are relatively calm now, even if there are some small changes that do not pose any threat, this does not mean that everyone is safe.In case the earth's veins changed due to their fighting, they were not fully sure that they could get away safely under the current situation where their mana was suppressed. (to be continued..)

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