Nine idlers

Chapter 923 Forging the Artifact

Seeing that the goods had already been obtained, and the trade items entrusted to him by his family had basically fallen into his pocket, Yuan Yuan seemed to be half lighter, and he walked with ease, and when he left, he did not care too much and revealed it to him. I got Xu Changqing a piece of news about the Kunlun Club, which is an extra gift.

Yuan Yuan said: "The Kunlun society you entrusted me to take care of may be sent to the Buddhist world by those guys this time as a pioneer. If you want to help them, you'd better notify me in the next few days. If they are all taken away It may be difficult for me to get in touch with them when I go to the Temple Star."

Hearing this, Xu Changqing frowned, pondered for a moment, and said, "Come over tomorrow, and I will have someone hand over a batch of goods to you, and you will hand it over to the Kunlun Society." Joyfully said: "Aren't you people in God of War City very interested in people from the Kunlun Society? At that time, you were planning to take them under your command. Why do you just stand by and watch them die?"

Yuan Yuan showed disdain for the Kunlun Society, and snorted coldly: "Those people in the Kunlun Society did not agree to join us at the beginning, but now our relationship is just a collaborator, there is no need to provoke Those guys. They use this as an excuse to deal with our God of War City." At the beginning, after getting acquainted with Yuan Yuan, Xu Changqing introduced the Kunlun Society to Yuan Yuan.In Xu Changqing's view, the Kunlun Society and the God of War City have almost the same attitude towards the Holy Ruins, and one can influence the upper level of the Holy Ruins, while the other can control the situation at the bottom of the Holy Ruins. If the two cooperate, they can obviously complement each other The role of insufficiency is beneficial to everyone.

In Xu Changqing's view, as long as both parties have a little bit of wisdom, they will not have any objections to cooperation with each other, so after introducing the Kunlun Club.He didn't bother about it any more.But now judging from Yuan Yuan's tone and attitude, it is clear that the relationship between the two is not very good, although they are still collaborators.But this collaborator should belong to the kind of dispensable existence, otherwise the purebred gods in Wangzhengyuan would pay attention to the Kunlun meeting.When preparing to make an example of others, the attitude of God of War City will not appear so indifferent.

As for why the relationship between the two has become so bad, it is not difficult for Xu Changqing to guess. It is nothing more than the God of War City, who feels that the little Kunlun should be happy to be controlled by them and become one of the many forces under their command. Hui felt that it was enough to have the Supreme God of the Holy Ruins pressing on his head.There is no need to find another force to press on your head.So the two did not agree, and there might even be a gap and antipathy, but both sides know that cooperation is of great benefit to them, and finally formed this contradictory relationship of antipathy and cooperation.Xu Changqing asked back. "You don't have to worry about the cold lips and teeth. This time it is the Kunlun meeting, and the next time it may be the city of God of War."

Yuan Yuan said confidently: "If they really dare to pay attention to Zhanshencheng, then they may only be asking for trouble."

After finishing speaking, he didn't stop there, and quickly left Xu Changqing's office room and walked out of the mountain.Along the way, he looked around nervously, for fear that someone would suddenly come out to intercept him, after all, it doesn't feel good to have a huge sum of money on him.He needs to put this huge sum of money in a safe place to be at ease.

Xu Changqing sat quietly for a while, and after sorting out his thoughts, he walked out of the room, and then turned to a road paved with black rocks on the left. on the forging table.

This forging platform is different from other forging platforms. It is like a huge eight-legged spider with its entire body supported on top of the volcanic lake. The forging platform that is the body of the spider is built just above the center of the volcanic lake.Below the casting table, the inexplicable force in the volcanic lake formed an inward suction.As a result, a lava vortex appeared on the surface of the volcanic lake, and a large amount of lava was squeezed in the center of the vortex.When the lava accumulated there reaches its limit, it turns into a lava fountain and rushes straight up.Impact on the god formation at the bottom of the forging platform.All kinds of spiritual energy and power contained in the lava were absorbed by the divine array, transformed into the purest fire, and concentrated in the forging fire pool in the middle of the platform.

On the Ancient God Planet, there are five volcanic groups like the one where Xu Changqing is now, and the largest volcanic group consists of thousands of volcanoes.The volcano group Xu Changqing is in charge of is neither the largest nor the smallest. There are more than 300 active volcanoes and more than 500 extinct volcanoes. In addition, there are dozens of lava lakes and more than a dozen lava rivers above and below the ground. Such a huge scale is in It ranks third among the six volcanic groups.Although these volcanic groups are extremely rich in fire spirit energy, there are very few volcanoes that can lock the fire spirit energy in the earth veins and finally condense them into earth fire spirit veins. Among these volcano groups, there is only this one under Xu Changqing's feet. Only a volcano has the earth fire spirit vein.

After completely controlling the volcanic group and becoming the master of dozens of forging workshops, Xu Changqing asked his craftsmen to build this platform at the exit of the earth fire spirit vein in the crater and collect the ground fire.

This kind of ground fire can be regarded as a rare kind of heaven and earth spirit fire in the world. It can play a great role in the hands of people who are proficient in forging. The effect of this fire is enough to improve the quality of a treasure.It's just that this kind of earth fire is still much worse than Xu Changqing's Golden Crow Divine Fire and Tushi Tianhuo, but Xu Changqing can't use those two kinds of heaven and earth spiritual fire in the Holy Market now. If he uses it, it will definitely alarm the Supreme God of the Holy Market.

At this moment, Xu Changqing is not the only one on the casting platform, there is also a fire unicorn lying next to the fire pool filled with earth fire purification, absorbing a ray of earth fire from the fire pool from time to time, blending into itself, every time after absorbing the earth fire, it The unicorn horn on the head will flash bright red light.This fire unicorn is different from the fire unicorn of Asgard Palace. This fire unicorn does not have scales on its body, but has a fur covered with red spots. It has four claws, one horn and blue eyes, which looks a bit weird.

This fire unicorn was transformed by the old man Qi who taught Xu Changqing the method of forging artifacts in the hammer furnace that day. After Xu Changqing became a master craftsman, he was able to take charge of this volcano group, because there were not enough people on hand, especially to forge true gods. He is the only one who owns the artifact, so he asked people to go to the hammer furnace to invite old man Qi and free artisan Mosang to join his forging workshop.However, Mo Sang had already left the hammer furnace at that time and went to the temple star, leaving only old man Qi in the hammer furnace.At the beginning, Old Man Qi didn’t intend to come to the Ancient God Star, he preferred to stay at the Third Star Ring to be at ease, but after Xu Changqing revealed to Old Man Qi that there was an earth fire spirit vein here, Old Man Qi didn’t wait for him to send another When someone invited him, he ran over by himself.

Old man Qi had already ignited the divine fire, but his divine name and divine kingdom could not be condensed because of his own blood.He has always tried to use the power of volcanoes and earth fires to temper his own blood.The volcano where the Hammer Furnace is located is the largest volcano in the third star ring. Although the earth fire aura here has not turned into spiritual veins, it is extremely abundant and gentle and long. It is not as violent and changeable as the volcano on the ancient god planet. It is suitable for him to practice.

After receiving the help of the Earth Fire Essence, the old man Qi quickly condensed his real name and became a true god, but his accumulation over the years was too thick, so thick that he couldn't control it. Under the influence of force, it turned into a unicorn with a demon body.

Originally, Xu Changqing just wanted to get a helper and lighten his own burden. After seeing the change of old man Qi, he found that his unintentional behavior made him gain more.

Xu Changqing discovered that the unicorn body that the old man was forced to transform into a demon had achieved the effect of the method specially created by Savina and other gods from other worlds fighting Moya, even better than the effect of that method.He had no doubt that if old man Qi were to go to the Immortal Palace now, the gods and divine power in his body would never be suppressed by the Kunlun Three Realms, and he would be able to exert the power of the Holy Ruins in Zhanmoya.

Although in Xu Changqing's view, this fusion of the power of the two worlds may be just an accident, and the duration will not be very long. After the old man Qi completely controls his soaring divine power, this situation will disappear, but This situation gave Xu Changqing a good reference.

The method he created before needs to solve the problem of survival and power of foreign gods in other worlds by suppressing and transforming the divine power of the gods.This method has indeed exerted some effects now. For example, Savina and other alien gods have been able to leave the Forbidden Forest and walk in the Battle Demon Cliff, and their strength will only be slightly suppressed by the Kunlun Heavenly Dao, and will not be completely rejected.

But this is not enough, because once these foreign gods exert their own divine power desperately, the cover formed by the method will be broken, and the power of the heavens in the three realms will respond immediately, at least temporarily letting their divine power disappear, and seriously Then it will directly bring down the catastrophe and let its soul fly away.

However, now that old man Qi is used as a reference object, Xu Changqing can re-deduce the spiritual method he created by observing the changes in old man Qi's own divine power, and finally make it more perfect.At that time, let alone those purebred gods, but the mixed-race human gods and turbid orc gods of the Holy Ruins may be able to enter the Kunlun Three Realms through this method without being rejected.Similarly, the War Demons and Zhuo Orcs of War Demon Cliff can also enter the Holy Ruins through this method, without the danger of their strength being damaged or being assimilated by the Holy Ruins because of the divine fire in their bodies.

"Why did you come here so early today? It's much earlier than the agreed time. Did something happen?" Seeing Xu Changqing's arrival, the old man Qi didn't get up, and continued to lie on the ground to digest the earth fire essence he had just absorbed. There was a little surprise and doubt in his eyes.

Xu Changqing didn't intend to hide anything, he also needed some advice from Old Man Qi, so he told Old Man Qi carefully what he had just heard from Yuan Yuan, and then stood beside him silently, waiting Answer.

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