Nine idlers

Chapter 922 Holy Ruins Resources

"Are there any new products recently?" Sitting in front of Xu Changqing was a little fat man covered with all kinds of gold, silver and jade articles. He looked very friendly and cheerful with a smile on his face. Putting his feet on Xu Changqing's copywriting, he pulled his collar, fanned the wind vigorously, and said with a very hot look: "Don't you want to change the place? Building the palace on the crater, don't you think Is it hot?"

Xu Changqing glanced at the little fat man coldly, ignored his teasing, took out a few sheets of paper from the drawer under the document, handed them to the little fat man, and said: "This is the bill of lading, the old rules, five hundred pieces per item, Payment on delivery.”

The little fat man took the list, looked at it, and the smile on his face became wider, but then he frowned again, and said with a bitter face: "You only accept all kinds of rare treasures every time you trade, this..."

"I don't want god coins." Xu Changqing interrupted coldly without waiting for the other party to finish speaking.

The little fat man who was negotiating with Xu Changqing right now was the little fat man who had met the Third Star Ring not long after Pu Hua's avatar arrived at the Holy Market.The identity of this little fat man is not simple, he is a direct descendant of the Yuan family in the Star Wars God City of the Temple of God, named Yuan Yuan.

The Yuan family is one of the most powerful orc gods in the Holy Ruins, and its status is similar to those of the ancient god families in the Wangzhengyuan.The blood of the Yuan family comes from a prehistoric monster called Zhantian Ape. During the Great Tribulation, this kind of monster was almost extinct, and finally left behind this thin-blooded collateral monster clan, the Primordial Ape. World Survival.Because of his extremely strong physical strength and his willingness to fight and win, his clan members are often captured by Buddhist sects.Domesticated to become the protector of Zongcheng.

later.The Holy Ruins appeared.The gods here need a large number of monster races to do experiments. Because the Primordial Monster Apes refused to accept the domestication of the Buddhist sect, they often caused troubles and were regarded as trouble by the Buddhist world, and they were designed to be traded to Shengxu.

Later, after many tests by the supreme god of the holy market, the blood of the ancient demon ape's demon clan successfully merged with the blood of the gods of other worlds, and successfully ignited the divine fire, becoming a true god.Only then did the Yuan family appear.The fusion of the blood of the primordial monster ape and the blood of the ancient god of another world, Titan, once the children of the Yuan family ignited the divine fire and the blood merged, their physical strength would become extremely powerful. At the strongest, even some ancient artifacts that survived before the prehistoric None of them can cause harm to its physical body.Also because of its astonishing power, no matter how much those foreign gods discriminate against them, alien species with impure blood, they have to let their family relocate to the temple star with better conditions, becoming the first turbid orc to enter the temple star God family.

As for why the purebred alien gods of the Wangzhengyuan and the Senate didn't move the Yuan family to the ancient god planet that was specially used to house the beastman gods and mixed race gods, it was entirely because of the Yuan family's attitude towards the Holy Ruins.So that they had to be wary of it, and arranged it in the temple star, the base camp of purebred human gods.It is convenient to restrict it.

Within the Holy Ruins, the Yuan family's hostile attitude towards the entire Holy Ruins is well known.Buying and selling their clan as goods and experimenting with them as wild beasts, they will face the danger of their entire clan being wiped out at any time before they can successfully integrate into the blood of other world gods. Many ancient god families have blood feuds with the Yuan family. .Such a powerful and hostile family is placed in Ancient God Star, a place where the strong are always respected. I am afraid that it will not take long to subdue the entire Ancient God Star. If there is a conflict with pure alien gods, The Holy Ruins might also be destroyed in their hands.

There are many spirit races like the Yuan family who are very dissatisfied with or even hostile to the Holy Ruins, and they are almost all mixed races and orc spirit races.The purebred gods felt that these people would become their troubles very early on, so the ancient god families of the Wangzhengyuan were prepared to nip all the dangers in the cradle at first, and prevent the god families like the Yuan family from becoming stronger.

It's just that after their decision was approved by the Senate and the altar of the gods, it was vetoed by the four supreme gods.The Supreme God of the Holy Ruins believes that sooner or later, the Holy Ruins will integrate into the Three Realms of Kunlun. Even if they find a way to avoid the rejection of heaven, it is still difficult to gain a foothold in the Three Realms of Kunlun by relying solely on purebred gods. Only then can the Holy Ruins have enough power to compete with the fairies, demons, Buddhas and demons of the Kunlun Three Realms, and finally gain the approval of the practitioners of the Three Realms.

In addition, not all the orc gods and hybrid gods are as hostile to the Holy Ruins as the Yuan family. After they become true gods and even grow stronger, they enjoy the same status and resources as the purebred gods. Li was also subtly assimilated into a foreign god.If those ancient god families attack the Yuan family and other beastman and mixed race gods, then other gods who have been assimilated will probably be prepared for danger in times of peace, fearing that they will be treated in the same way, and thus alienate them.

Since these gods who are hostile to the Holy Ruins cannot be harmed, they can only be kept in captivity, imprisoned and controlled, so the Temple Star built a War God City in the middle of the three oldest and most powerful god families.

At the beginning, the city of God of War was not very big, only slightly larger than the city of the third star ring, but as the number of gods and races that were sent into the city of God of War and hostile to the Holy Ruins increased, the city of God of War continued to expand, even Because of the expansion, there was a big fight with the three surrounding god families.The final result is that the God of War City has become one of the two largest cities in the Temple Star. At the same time, because it has never lost in every expansion conflict, it has fought against almost all purebred god families, and finally got the City of God of War. A title with a hint of recognition.

Originally, according to the meaning of the purebred gods, the people of God of War City should not be allowed to have too much contact with the orcs and mixed race gods of the ancient god star, so as to avoid the hostility of God of War City from affecting other gods, but not long ago, they did not know Why, the Wang Zhengyuan suddenly agreed that several major races and aristocratic families in the God of War City could establish a base on the Ancient God Planet, and the Yuan family was one of them.

When Xu Changqing and other star ring craftsmen who could forge artifacts were brought to the ancient god planet, they happened to meet the resident supervisor sent by the Yuan family. This person was the little fat man Yuan Yuan who was now doing underground business with Xu Changqing.Because the primordial monster ape has a little blood of Zhu Yan in his body, Yuan Yuan has a natural sense of closeness to Xu Changqing who has Zhu Yan's avatar, and Xu Changqing also needs to know about the situation in other places in the holy market at that time, and his behavior will be different. With a little bit of courting, the two of them have become friends who are not bad.

Afterwards, replacing Puhua's avatar in the Holy Ruins, displaying his own forging ability, obtaining the title of divine craftsman, and becoming a deity with real power in charge of a group of forging craftsmen. He controlled a large amount of materials and benefits in his hands. The Yuan family had business contacts.

Although the holy ruins gave the god race and family of the God of War City a high status and a lot of resources, it formed some restrictions in many other places, such as the use of gods and divine power, the forging of artifacts, and so on.

For a long time in the past, the gods of War God City could only rely on their own comprehension to find out a set of divine arts that were different from the inheritance of the Holy Ruins, and they could only rely on their own abilities to forge some artifacts suitable for their own use.In terms of divine arts, that's fine, but in terms of forging artifacts, because the purebred gods of the Holy Ruins restrict craftsmen and forging methods from flowing into the God of War City, the artifacts forged by the gods of God of War City are very crude and simple.For example, Fatty Yuan Yuan's elder sister is the woman whose tail has not completely melted when she was chasing Yuan Yuan back to the Temple Star. The long stick made from the fusion of spirit-like minerals and some chaotic scriptures engraved on the surface makes people feel a little weird after looking at it.

Xu Changqing is in charge of a large number of skilled craftsmen, who can forge all kinds of artifacts used by gods.It’s just that every forging task assigned by Wangzhengyuan has a certain amount limit. This amount is very tight, just on the edge of the amount of forging loss. In the hands of Xu Changqing, it can easily become the quantity of finished products.

These artifacts of all kinds that belong to Xu Changqing himself have accumulated a huge amount in a short period of time. At that time, he was still considering how to deal with these accumulated artifacts, whether to send them to Zhanmoya, Test whether the War Demons and Orcs in War Demon Cliff can use these artifacts.

However, after Yuan Yuan knew that Xu Changqing had such a huge number of finished artifacts, he found a better solution for Xu Changqing, which was to sell them to the god family and race of God of War City.

Yuan Yuan, who is not good at cultivation, seems to be very sensitive to unknown business opportunities. He quickly learned from the actual situation in the God of War City how valuable the artifact in Xu Changqing's hands is, so he became a middleman and got a piece from Xu Changqing. Batches of artifacts were secretly sent to Zhanshen City, where they were resold, and he earned a middle price difference.

It has to be said that Yuan Yuan is very suitable to be a businessman, and the first artifact he got from Xu Changqing is also very important to the Yuan family, but he insisted on resisting the pressure in the family, and used the standard of the highest price to get the first tranche. The artifact was sold to another mixed-race god family in War God City.However, his actions were so angry that the Yuan family almost removed him from the descendants of the direct line and drove him out of the family. If Xu Changqing hadn't taken out a few artifacts that can only be used by true gods, he had secretly sold them to the Yuan family at a low price to repair the relationship, saying Maybe now Yuan Yuan has really been removed.

Using Yuan Yuan as a springboard, Xu Changqing got a lot of help in a short period of time by connecting with the Yuan family, especially in some secrets of the Holy Ruins, he also learned a lot.Not only the Yuan family, but also other families who traded with Yuan Yuan also helped Xu Changqing a lot.

However, this time when Yuan Yuan came to pick up the goods as usual, he gave Xu Changqing some not-so-good news during the conversation. I am afraid that the resources of God of War City will be exhausted by him. (to be continued...)

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