Nine idlers

Chapter 921

In the Buddhist world, the vast land between the sea of ​​injustice and the entrance of the Buddha and demon realms usually serves as a buffer zone and the main battlefield for the invasion of the demon world. Countless Buddha and demon powerhouses are buried here, all kinds of mixed Buddha and demon powers The chaotic atmosphere of the land filled the world of this land, and even penetrated into the ground, making this place a barren land.

There used to be ascetic monks who came to this land, trying to use Buddhism to purify the chaotic atmosphere in order to accumulate merits, but in the end they all returned without success, and as time passed, this place became a desert that no one cares about.

After the rift between the two worlds appeared, no one noticed it, and then the rift expanded and gradually stabilized into a passage between the two worlds.At this time, some figures came across from the opposite side of the passage and landed on the sandy ground below. The air current rolled up by their heavy bodies caused the blood-red floating sand to fly up on the sandy ground, blocking all sight.After the dust gradually fell, the images of those people were fully revealed.

I saw that these people were wearing layers of armor whose shapes were different from those of the Kunlun Three Realms. The armor was covered with seemingly mysterious patterns, and strands of power flowed back and forth in the patterns, forming an effect similar to streamers, which made people see When you see it, you will feel gorgeous and mighty.Because these people are covered by armor from top to bottom, and even their faces are completely covered by helmets, they can't see their appearance at all, but judging from the exposed parts of their limbs, they are not human beings at all.

These people repeatedly checked the surrounding situation and found no danger, so they took off the backpacks on their bodies, took out boxes full of crystal beads one by one from the backpacks, and then sprinkled the crystal beads in the boxes in random order. On the desert with a radius of hundreds of miles.

After these crystal beads hit the ground, they seemed to weigh as much as a thousand catties.Soon it got into the ground.Only small caves are left densely on the surface of the desert.Not long after.Then I felt the ground start to vibrate slightly, and then young saplings emerged from the places where the crystals sank, and they grew up in the wind, and grew up quickly, but in the blink of an eye, they grew into trees. A towering crystal tree that is tens of feet high and requires dozens of people to embrace it.

Like the armor on those people, the surface and even the leaves of these crystal trees are covered with patterns, and these patterns seem to breathe, absorbing a lot of chaotic energy from the surroundings.It transformed into a special spiritual energy in the tree trunk, and then spit it out through the leaves, covering the entire forest of crystal trees, causing some changes in the environment in the forest.This change is not obvious on the surface, but if a Buddhist practitioner enters it, he will be able to feel that the spiritual energy here has become completely different. If he rashly absorbs and refines it, it may be harmful and useless.

If anyone who has been to War Demon Cliff is here, they will definitely be able to recognize at a glance that this artificially created crystal forest is almost the same as the Forbidden War Demon Cliff.The power to isolate the Heavenly Dao of the Three Realms is greater, but there is almost no isolation from the Heavenly Dao of the Three Realms here.

Growth in Crystal Forest has stabilized.After all the branches were fully stretched, and the emerald green crystal leaves covered the sky, those mysterious people came to the entrance of the two worlds passage again, looked at each other, then nodded slightly, took off the helmet, and revealed Their appearance, and these people, without exception, are all the unique orcs in the Holy Ruins.

After these orcs took off their helmets, they waited for a while, as if they were waiting for something to happen, with nervous expressions on their faces.It's just that nothing unusual happened after a while, and the tense expressions on their faces also relaxed, and they showed relieved smiles at the same time.Later, I saw them remove all the armor on their bodies, and one by one sacrificed their own divine fires and hung them above their heads, as if they were testing whether the heavenly way of the Buddha world would punish them, or whether they would punish them with divine fires. form restrictions.

The final result is that all is well. As long as these turbid orcs are in this crystal forest, they will not be suppressed or rejected by the Buddha world when they exert various powers, but once they leave this forest, their power will be suppressed Very low, almost as low as an ordinary person.

Judging from the gods and gods of these turbid orcs, their strength is at least equivalent to that of the immortal realm of Hedao. The gods of each turbid orc have condensed into the name of the gods and the kingdom of the gods. They are definitely elite in the holy market The presence.However, such a group of elites were sent to the Buddhist world by the foreign gods of the Holy Ruins to act as pioneers for experiments. It can be seen that the Holy Ruins has a very big plan this time, and it is not just for the simple purpose of opening a settlement here.

Just when these turbid orcs sacrificed their natal gods and felt the influence of the heavenly way of the Buddha world on them, they did not notice that there was a spirit of spirituality mixed in it in the Buddha world, and they felt the power of these turbid orcs. situation, and the other end of this divine sense is connected to the mountain god Shui Sheng of Wanfo Mountain.

Shui Sheng is the first official deity in the Buddhist world who is truly recognized by heaven and earth and can open the domain of the gods. Although the domain of the gods she can control now is only the boundary covered by the Ten Thousand Buddha Mountains, this does not mean that she cannot perceive the world outside her domain of gods. area.As the first official deity in the Buddhist world, as long as she is capable enough, she can infinitely expand her divine domain, enhance her divine fire and godhead, and eventually become the supreme god of the Buddhist world.It's just that if there is no external help, with her cultivation progress, if she wants to turn the entire Buddhist world into her own god domain, I'm afraid it won't be possible to succeed without tens of thousands of years.

These turbid orcs who ignited the divine fire are foreign gods from other lands. When they sacrificed the divine fire, it was like a drop of water dripping from the hot oil, and it exploded the Buddha realm like stagnant water. It is very difficult for Shui Sheng not to perceive their existence.However, even if she sensed the existence of these alien gods, she could vaguely guess that these alien gods should want to fully integrate into the Buddhist world, and forcibly occupy a piece of land that might belong to her in the future, which has already violated her interests.But just as the mountain god of Wanfo Mountain, she can only exercise divine power in Wanfo Mountain at this moment, and now she has the power to integrate the inner world of Wanfo Mountain into the domain, so she can't distract him at all, let alone stop these alien gods of doing.

In desperation, Shui Sheng could only report this matter to Duobao's clone through the secret method left by Duobao's clone.Duobao avatar also has its own considerations, and felt that this matter would not affect him, so he ignored it, but directly fed it back to Xu Changqing's golden fairy body, and Xu Changqing's body decided what to do.

At this moment, Xu Changqing's attention is completely focused on all Karma Buddha Mother, or Huang Juan's big handwriting. Near Luotian Xiaoling Mountain.But he never expected that Huang Juan would act so quickly and violently. She even packed up the nine city fortresses guarding the entrance of the Buddha and Demon Realms, together with the people in the city, and sent them to Da Luotian.

When Huang Juan started to uproot the nine city fortresses at the same time, although there was no movement in the Buddhist world, Xu Changqing, who was far away in the chaotic void, could clearly feel an extremely strong prehistoric aura rising into the sky, breaking Opened the limit of heaven and earth in the three realms of Kunlun.That's why Xu Changqing was able to discover what Huang Juan had done. He saw how she used the Duerjin Bridge to open a rift between the two worlds, how to shrink the nine city fortresses to the extent that they could pass through the rift between the two worlds, and how to send them into the Great Wall. Luo Tian's.Xu Changqing had to admit that even if he did this with his own Golden Immortal body, it would be difficult for him to be as perfect as Huang Juan. For an hour, the movement was so loud that it didn't disturb the six major vehicles of the Buddhist world at all. It really makes people feel a little admirable.

However, after sending the nine cities and fortresses of the Dou Zhan Department of the Buddhist World to Da Luo Tian, ​​Huang Juan seemed to have forgotten the Dou Zhan City that was originally planned to be removed, and devoted herself to controlling the nine cities. On the matter of cities and fortresses.She didn't use the Erjin Bridge to lead her to Da Luotian as planned, which made people feel a little surprised, and Xu Changqing also wondered if something went wrong in the negotiation between Huang Juan and Master Dou Zhan.

Xu Changqing originally planned to move Douzhan City to Lingshan, the Inner Gate. Now that someone has made a move, he is also happy to relax, so when he realized that Huang Juan's plan was wrong, he took the risk of suppressing the golden fairy spirit to Kunlun Three Realms Heaven and Earth kěnéng to bear The limit, go to explore where wènti is.With Xu Changqing's ability, he didn't spend too much energy and time. Before the Heavenly Dao of the Three Realms took the initiative to expel his spiritual thoughts, he investigated and cleared up the incident.However, the final result made him a little dumbfounded, and he couldn't help but lament that Huang Juan was blessed with good luck, all evils were warded off, and when the time came, no matter how impossible it was, it was just a piece of cake for her.

Xu Changqing didn't directly contact Huang Juan or all the mothers of Karma, but inferred what happened in the dark from her conversations with some confidants and the situation of the nine city fortresses.

In fact, Huang Juan never thought of bringing the nine cities and fortresses at the entrance of the Buddha and Demon Realms to Da Luotian, nor did she think of taking away all the people from the Fighting Department of the Buddha Realm together. .She still has a lot of things to do in the Buddhist world, and the part left by the Buddhist War Department will be of great help to her in the future, and the nine cities and fortresses are the barriers to prevent the invasion of the demon world. , Wait until the Buddha Demon channel is restored, then the invasion of the Demon Realm will be unstoppable, this is definitely not what she wants to see.All of this now is forced, accidental accident, if you want her to do it again, I'm afraid it's impossible to do it.If we want to talk about why this is the case, we have to start with the treasures of ancient Buddhas and Buddhas taken out from the terma of dragons and elephants by all karmic Buddha mothers. (to be continued...)

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