Nine idlers

Chapter 964 The God Hunter

Xu Changqing took the divine blood from the ground that had not completely lost its divine power from a pile of gravel, and then separated the various divine blood, sucked them into his mouth one by one, and soon passed the devouring talent of the dragon beast avatar itself. , Infused the divine blood into his body, allowing himself to instantly grasp the details of these divine blood. 7,

Although this kind of innate supernatural power can master the mysteries of the divine power of the gods by devouring and assimilating the gods' body, blood, soul, and even the natal artifacts, the higher the level of the gods, the less power they can assimilate and absorb. Fortunately, these gods are all They are just ordinary gods with stable fire, not true gods, and it is not difficult to analyze these gods.

As Xu Changqing grasped the mysteries of these divine blood representing the gods, Xu Changqing's eyes also gradually changed their color, becoming as clear and bright as glass. At the same time, the scene in front of Xu Changqing also changed with the change of eyes.In Xu Changqing's eyes, all the surrounding stones turned black, and the spiritual energy represented by various colors filled the entire stone room, and the five residual breaths of divine power representing the corresponding gods were displayed in a very eye-catching blood-red light band. The band of light extends all the way to the crack in front, fully revealing the paths of the gods.

Xu Changqing didn't think about it and directly entered the crack leading to the Guardian God Formation. Although he hadn't analyzed the mystery of Hermes' blood and couldn't imitate Hermes' divine power, according to Hermes According to the information provided by Moss, as long as it stays in the outermost three layers of the Guardian Array, there will be no problem.

After passing through a steep and narrow crack, the scene in front of me suddenly opened up. This kind of opening is not the opening of entering from a small space to another slightly larger space.but truly open.Because there was a scene that shouldn't appear here in front of Xu Changqing's eyes.A vast prairie beyond sight.

According to the information that Xu Changqing knows, this Guardian God Array has 81 layers, and each layer has a divine kingdom of a god as the eye of the entire array, and the prairie that appears in front of Xu Changqing should be the first. It was formed by the illusion of the kingdom of gods.

Although it is impossible for the Kingdom of God to change from fiction to reality, and it is impossible to make a fake come true, but with the blessing of the huge array of guardian gods, it can make everyone who breaks into this large array think that everything in front of them is real. Sometimes the illusion is enough to cover up all falsehoods.

Just like Xu Changqing is standing on the grassland now.When he bent down to grab a handful of grass, he thought in his mind that the grass in his hand was real, and he could feel the reality of the grass in his hand, and he could smell the unique smell of the grass.

Later, Xu Changqing thought that the grass in his hand would wither, and the grass in his hand was as withered and dry as he thought, and finally turned into dust under his blowing.Seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn't help admiring in a deep voice: "I didn't expect that a damaged divine formation could be so powerful. If it hadn't been damaged and kept intact, I'm afraid the gods in the entire holy ruins would be able to pass through this formation safely." Very few."

Although there is still some power left in the formation.But it doesn't have any lethality, and the flaw is so obvious that Xu Changqing can see it almost without any knowledge of formations. After all, there is a huge rock on a prairie, and it's hard not to pay attention.What's more, now that Xu Changqing still has five blood belts in his eyes to guide him, it is even more impossible for the surrounding plains to have any influence on him.

I saw that Xu Changqing stepped towards the big rock, and soon came to the rock, and his footsteps did not intend to stop. Under the movement of his feet, he bumped towards the rock, and then saw The huge stone was like a phantom, allowing Xu Changqing to rush in, and the scene in Xu Changqing's eyes changed, and he came to a very ordinary stone room.

After Xu Changqing stood firm, he turned to look at the wall behind him without any gaps, and said with regret: "It's a pity that the formation is destroyed, otherwise we can see how powerful your trap is."

When passing the boulder just now, Xu Changqing understood that this eye-catching boulder could not be regarded as a flaw or loophole, more precisely, it should be a trap, and this trap is to ask the heart.As long as you step into the boulder, the mind that broke into it will be brought into the god formation. At that time, as long as there is a slight hesitation in your mind, or you think the surrounding scenes may be true, then the attacking power in the god formation will It will automatically work and give the intruder a fatal blow.

It's a pity that with the damage of the formation, even though the questioning heart trap hidden in the boulder is still intact, the ultimate move attached to this trap that is enough to deal with any intruder has disappeared, otherwise most of the intruders will have the effect of this trap. Those who died here would die young, and only the true gods and spirits could escape from the predicament or escape the fatal blow.

After entering this stone room, the first thing that catches the eye is the corpses of the three gods, and just as eye-catching as the corpses are the divine scripts and arrays in the stone room that are in operation because of the blood of the gods.

Without much thought, Xu Changqing was able to confirm that the three gods whose blood had been completely dried up, leaving only dead bodies, were one of the five pure-blooded gods who entered the Guardian God Formation before him, and one of them was the same one. The owner of the fire-avoiding artifact.Judging from the wounds of the three corpses, they died very suddenly and thoroughly, without any power to fight back. This is obviously different from what was seen in the stone room before, and the several artifacts on the corpses were not intact. was taken away.It can be seen that the mysterious existence that killed them was in a hurry, so anxious that there was no time to clean up the battlefield, so they could only discard these artifacts, and let the blood of these gods flow out and be absorbed by the divine script in the stone room, causing additional damage. trouble.

"It seems that there should be No. 6 gods coming here." Xu Changqing looked carefully at the various traces left around the corpse, and said to himself.

The reason why he only speculated that there was another god was because he found that the fatal injuries on the three gods were all entangled with the same kind of divine power, obviously the same god cast the same kind of magic.And judging from the aura of the sun god fire contained in the breath of divine power, it should be a god of the sun god line of the Nine Pillars God Clan, whose strength is at least close to or has stepped into the level of a true god. As for which inheritor of the sun god's god fire, I don't know.

Xu Changqing didn't move around. He knew very well that when he entered this stone room, the god formations and divine scripts activated around him had already targeted him. The powerful power contained in it, and behind this powerful power also involves the superposition of the outermost nine guardian god formations.

Facing the formation that was already in operation, Xu Changqing was not in a hurry to break the formation, but sat down cross-legged, his spiritual thoughts spread to the surroundings, and carefully touched the surrounding divine script and divine formation, looking for the mystery of power contained in them.

At this moment, Xu Changqing is not in a hurry to enter the third layer of the god formation, the place that Hermes pointed out can cause the power of the guardian god formation to transmit, because Hermes' blood is not ready yet, even if he goes to There, it is still necessary to wait for the Golden Immortal body to finish accumulating the divine blood, so it is better to take this opportunity to investigate the guardian spirit array first.After all, now Xu Changqing only has a general understanding of the guardian array, and the specific operation of the array is not very clear. Only by experiencing it personally can it be possible to find out the flaws of the array.

From Xu Changqing's point of view, now is the best opportunity to understand the entire Guardian Array.Right now, this stone room is located between the first and second layers of the divine formations, and is the eye of the formation formed by the method of stacking formations. Judging from the fact that its formation can affect the outermost nine divine formations, The entire outer formation can be explored through the divine formation in the stone room as a springboard.

The god array in this stone room is a surprise for Xu Changqing. If the first and second layers of the array are still intact, maybe Xu Changqing's actions will bring him very serious danger.But now the outermost three layers of the guardian array have been damaged, which also directly affects the method of connecting them, just like the divine array in this stone room does not respond to Xu Changqing's divine sense detection. And as long as Xu Changqing's body doesn't understand, the powers in these Divine Art Formation won't attack him.

Also because of the damage to the upper and lower layers of the guardian array, some arrangements that were originally used to cover up the trajectory of the array lost their effect. In thought.Although being able to see the power of the formation and mastering the secrets of the formation are completely two different things, at least deducing the mystery of the entire formation through the operation law of the trajectory of the formation can definitely save Xu Changqing a lot of time and energy, and also reduce a lot of errors .

Just as Xu Changqing was investigating the mystery of the formation of the Guardian God Formation, the corpses of the three gods who had lost any vitality not far away suddenly overflowed from their bodies with waves of black mist similar to demonic energy.This black mist did not move away from the corpse of the god, but covered the body surface with a layer, and then permeated into the corpse again, gushing and absorbing like breathing, and the golden yellow of the corpse of the god was gradually replaced by black gray , It seems to make people feel a kind of evil.

Xu Changqing was naturally alarmed by the changes in the corpses of the gods. For this reason, he took a part of his mind to check, and was a little surprised: "God? It turned into a god."

The abomination is a change of the gods' infatuation. The devil world is an extremely dangerous place for the holy market. The demonic energy there can have an extraordinary influence on the gods of the holy market, making the gods become irrational and crazily killing. Monsters, and abominations are one of them.It's just that, usually, the gods are transformed by the living gods after being corroded by the devil's energy. According to the information that Xu Changqing can see, the corpses of the dead gods, after the gods are extinguished and the blood of the gods are exhausted, can still recover. This is definitely the first case of turning into a godsend. (To be continued..)


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