Nine idlers

Chapter 965 New Chess Pieces

From the memory of this Brahman protoss, Xu Changqing knew that the Brahman protoss had never been willing to give up everything on the temple star. The then patriarch of the protoss, Vishnu, had been trying to improve the power of the tribe. om It's just that, as the inheritance of the Brahman Protoss Protoss itself weakens day by day, their status in the Temple Star is getting lower and lower, and they have to consider leaving the Temple Star in the end, because it is difficult for them to rise again.

Before leaving the temple star, Vishnu thought of a way, which is to use the sacrificial blade to hunt and kill the gods and devour the power of the gods, so that some potential tribesmen can ignite the fire in a short time and become gods. God.

Through this method, the Brahman protoss formed a Yaksha with a number of about [-], and the same number of Shura.These yakshas and asuras are the purest bloodlines of the Brahman gods, and their potential is also very huge. Through this partial method of offering sacrifices to the world, when they are at their strongest, almost every member's strength has reached the level of the gods who are stable. Realm, this kind of strength can be ranked among the top ten even among the temple stars.

It's just that this sideways method has both advantages and disadvantages, because the gods they hunted before were all second star ring hybrid gods and turbid beast gods, and the divine power obtained through the sacrificial blade made their own divine power confused , from the higher-level divine power of the pure-blooded gods to the hybrid divine power that is slightly higher than the mixed-race gods and turbid beast gods.It is almost impossible to use this kind of divine power to condense the pure-blooded God Race's Divine Kingdom, and it is even more impossible to achieve the name of a god, and the mixed divine power is also affecting the blood of the gods, to some extent.These yakshas and asuras can no longer be regarded as the pure-blooded gods of the brahmin gods.

If you lose [-] gods who are stable in Shenhuo at one time.For any protoss, it is enough to shake the fundamental disaster.The Brahmans, who were already weakening year by year, were even worse.In order to solve this problem, Vishnu once again thought of a way, which is to turn the hunted gods into pure-blooded gods, and use the divine power of the pure-blooded gods to restore the pure-blooded gods in these yakshas and Shuras to a pure state.

It's just that hunting down pure-blood gods is no small matter. Once it gets out, it will make the Brahman gods the public enemies of the pure-blood gods of the holy market.At that time, the only way to go is to perish.Therefore, it is very important to find a suitable and hidden hunting place, and the Vedic temple, the sacred place of the Brahmans who has been rumored to have a large number of treasures, naturally becomes the best hunting place.

In the past, Xu Changqing believed that Vishnu knew nothing about the underground guardian formation of the Vedic temple. The construction of the Guardian Array.It's just that he didn't have much content left, only touched a little surface, and the content revealed by Brahma, made him only have a little understanding of the nine-layer superimposed formation on the top of the Guardian God Formation, and knew how to walk safely in the formation. How to enter and exit the formation, as for how the entire formation is arranged.Still at a loss.

The story of the treasures of the Vedas temple has been circulating in the holy market for a long time, although the person who created this rumor was not Vishnu.But later it will spread throughout the entire Temple Star, but it is Vishnu who has been forced to leave the Temple Star behind the scenes.In order to allow the pure-blood gods of the temple star to take the bait smoothly, he also deliberately created a few shortcuts on the periphery of the guardian array that could bypass the main entrance to block the formation, and spread the news about it.

Since then, a large number of pure-blood gods who could not withstand the temptation of treasures secretly sneaked into the Vedic temples, looking for those unnecessary treasures, and were trapped in the formation.And Vishnu also sent all the Yakshas and Shuras into the Guardian God Formation to assassinate those gods.

Originally, everything went very smoothly, and the divine power of many Yashas and Shuras began to recover to the state of pure blood divine power, and they also began to condense their real names.But when Vishnu felt that he could stop, and recalled these yakshas and Shuras, he happened to meet directly with the gods of the nine-pillar gods who were chasing and killing the Brahmin guardian beasts, and they were considered to be with the guardian beasts. Yes, there was a very fierce fight between the two sides, and there were injuries to each other.

In the beginning, maybe the fighting was just because of a misunderstanding, but then the Nine Pillars God Race should have realized something, and sent several main god-level true gods to fight directly, completely killing these Yakshas and Shuras in this area that originally belonged to the Brahmins. In the desert of the Protoss.

The Brahman gods were severely injured by this battle, and have not recovered until today. Vishnu at that time also fell into nirvana because of this incident.Although this incident cannot be made public, it is recorded in the internal history books of the Brahman God Clan. Almost every Brahman God Clan who has become a Yaksha or Shura will read this record and keep it in mind.This is also the reason why Xu Changqing was able to easily find this memory from the soul of this Yaksha.

After getting this memory, Xu Changqing also understood why the nine-pillar gods didn't drive out the guardian beasts abandoned by the Brahman gods, but let them survive in the Vedic temple. I'm afraid their purpose of doing this was entirely for the Brahmans Protoss went.

Although the Brahmins were seriously injured, it didn't mean they were willing to give in. From the fact that they kept the sideways method of the sacrificial blade, and still kept the two priesthoods of Yaksha and Shura, it can be seen that they still want to reunite one day. rise.

The Brahman gods have been carrying out a ritual for a long time. Every clansman who becomes Yasha and Shura must return to the holy land of the temple star, enter the underground of the temple, and assassinate more than ten pure-blooded gods, so as to purify their mixed blood. Divine power.In order to make the ceremony go smoothly, the Brahmans would always secretly throw out some bait to lure those pure-blooded gods who were not of high status into the Vedic temple and trap them in the guardian circle.

The Brahmin Gods have been doing this for thousands of years, and the number of times has been dozens of times. Because of the painful lessons before, they have become extra careful, so careful that they have concealed it from all the gods in the holy market. Until today, no god has discovered this matter. thing.Both Shura and Yaksha who participated in the ceremony will bury some restrictions in their bodies. If something happens, they will choose to die with the enemy to prevent this secret from being exposed.

Xu Changqing was able to capture this Yasha entirely because of the difference in strength between the two, coupled with Xu Changqing's understanding of this Guardian God Formation, and the choice of timing, he was able to capture this Yasha completely and extract the memory from his soul .Otherwise, as long as you give the other party a little chance, the other party will trigger the restraint in his body, even if Xu Changqing cannot be hurt, he will lose the opportunity to understand the situation.

At least, before Xu Changqing got this memory, he would think that the Brahman protoss were pure blood protoss that had fallen, and they could only stay on the pure blood star of the second star ring, and it was completely impossible to return to the temple star things.But now Xu Changqing doesn't think so. Although there is no clear number in the memory of this yaksha, the Brahman gods have performed dozens of such rituals of hunting gods, and the strength of this yaksha who has not completed the ceremony To judge, there are at least ten true gods and spirits within the Brahman God Clan. This kind of true god is not a false god, but a true god who actually condenses the name of the gods, and this does not include the Brahman God Clan. Several main gods.

Roughly counting, the Brahman Protoss has at least [-] real gods and gods. This number is not much weaker than the three pure-blooded Protoss, and can even be compared with the Brahman Protoss when it was the most powerful.

However, such a powerful Brahman Protoss is not without flaws. It is not difficult to find out from Yasha's memory that the caste system within the Brahman Protoss has brought the Protoss close to the brink of splitting. In recent years, there have been hundreds of conflicts between upper and lower castes. as much.In addition, due to intermarriage, death, etc., the number of pure-blooded gods in the upper caste of the Brahmin gods has been greatly reduced. There are only a few hundred real Brahmins, and less than a thousand Dishalis. The Brahman gods are now in a strange state with big heads and weak bodies.

Even with some flaws, the Brahman Protoss still has enough power to inflict heavy damage on any Protoss who underestimates them.Such a huge force waited for an opportunity beside the temple star, staring at all the movements of the temple star, Xu Changqing felt that he should have been imprinted in the eyes of the Brahman gods, and even the Brahman gods would use him or God of War City and other available power to attack Create chaos on the temple planet, and use this to find an opportunity for the Brahmans to return to the temple planet.

From this point of view, Brahma, who incarnated the heavens and always held Tathagata, chose to return to the Vedic temple on the temple star to recuperate his injuries at this time. The Six-eyed Naga clan will show signs of large-scale mutation and strength over the years, and even Vedic A few years ago, the underground guardian formation of Tuo Temple suffered major damage that affected the entire formation, and everything seemed to be inextricably linked with the Brahman gods.

Thinking of this, Xu Changqing looked at the Brahman protoss Yaksha in his hand, sighed slightly, and said: "It's a pity that this chess piece is useless, otherwise sending him back to the Brahman protoss might play an unexpected role."

Although it is no longer possible to put the soul and fire of this Brahman protoss back into his body, Xu Changqing doesn't want to waste them like this.After thinking about it for a while, Xu Changqing took out a piece of leather paper most commonly used by pure-blooded gods from Qiankun World, and then put some eye formation pictures of guardian gods on it, among which there are Brahman gods shuttling between the gods Then use the way of life and death to make it old, stuff it into the body of the yaksha, cast a spell to make it look like it was killed after fighting with others, and finally send the body directly to the trapped god One of the hermits in the formation lives in the Divine Kingdom God Formation where the gods are. (to be continued..)


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